
clean cotton, nothing elseTUSTER® JOSSI VISION SHIELD

VS T/EN dad/©

2014 by Uster Technologies A


Uster Technologies AG Frauenfelderstrasse 35 9545 Wängi Switzerland T. +41 52 369 74 10 F. +41 52 369 74 11 [email protected]

from raw cotton to finished fabrics

The high standard of our pro-ducts is achieved thanks to the most modern production tech-nologies and highly motivated personnel. Constant dialog between engi-neering, production and custo-mers all over the world have led to highly reliable products.

Technology with less power consumption helps save energy costs. Genius detection and ejec-tion systems reduce the loss of good cotton to a minimum.

Pollution of the environment, cost pressure and availability of clean cotton makes it difficult for spin-ning mills to obtain the required cotton quality. Foreign particles influence the quality of the end product and must be eliminated preferable at the beginning of the yarn pro-duction. Today’s quality require-ments are very high. They can only be achieved with efficiently cleaned cotton.

clean cotton, nothing elseTUSTER® JOSSI VISION SHIELD

VS T/EN dad/©

2014 by Uster Technologies A


Uster Technologies AG Frauenfelderstrasse 35 9545 Wängi Switzerland T. +41 52 369 74 10 F. +41 52 369 74 11 [email protected]

from raw cotton to finished fabrics

The high standard of our pro-ducts is achieved thanks to the most modern production tech-nologies and highly motivated personnel. Constant dialog between engi-neering, production and custo-mers all over the world have led to highly reliable products.

Technology with less power consumption helps save energy costs. Genius detection and ejec-tion systems reduce the loss of good cotton to a minimum.

Pollution of the environment, cost pressure and availability of clean cotton makes it difficult for spin-ning mills to obtain the required cotton quality. Foreign particles influence the quality of the end product and must be eliminated preferable at the beginning of the yarn pro-duction. Today’s quality require-ments are very high. They can only be achieved with efficiently cleaned cotton.

The new IMAGING SPECTROSCOPE with the latest microchip technology delivers a high degree of ef-ficiency. The expanded spectrum of wavelengths detects very small and low-contrast impurities. This broader optical spectrum of the IMAGING SPECTROSCOPE leads to a remarkable performance of the USTER® JOSSI VISION SHIELD. The result is an improved yarn quality, at a level never before achieved.

USTER® JOSSI VISION SHIELD technology not only leads to an improved final product and also enhances production process security. Less yarn breakage in the spinning and weaving process reduces time and effort and therefore cuts costs.

. . . extended spectrum ensures detection of slightest color contrast

Complex technology at the leading edge, easy handling clearly designed leaves you with a good feeling.

unsurpassed performance

aiming high for best results



Minimum loss of good cotton


White PP with brightener

Smalllest impurities

Online support

PP scattered

ultra wide spectrum

The new IMAGING SPECTROSCOPE with the latest microchip technology delivers a high degree of ef-ficiency. The expanded spectrum of wavelengths detects very small and low-contrast impurities. This broader optical spectrum of the IMAGING SPECTROSCOPE leads to a remarkable performance of the USTER® JOSSI VISION SHIELD. The result is an improved yarn quality, at a level never before achieved.

USTER® JOSSI VISION SHIELD technology not only leads to an improved final product and also enhances production process security. Less yarn breakage in the spinning and weaving process reduces time and effort and therefore cuts costs.

. . . extended spectrum ensures detection of slightest color contrast

Complex technology at the leading edge, easy handling clearly designed leaves you with a good feeling.

searching the limits

Neatly ordered and classified

Even smallest contamination and impurities are detected by the new generation of the USTER® JOSSI VISION SHIELD. Due to the state-of-the-art microchip technology of the customized IMAGING SPECTROSCOPE, the detection of a single hair is possible.

The algorithms of the new software can differentiate and categorize the kind of contamination. To avoid un-necessary ejections causing loss of good cotton, stems and other plant parts are recognized and deliberately not ejected. This, because plant parts, such as stems and parts of seed-shells, are preferably removed by mechanical cleaners of the blow room line which leads to less loss of good cotton.

. . . detection of a single hair

the performance continues

White Polypropylene, frequently just called white PP, is commonly used as packing material for cotton bales and for fertilizer bags used on cotton fields. No wonder scraps of white PP are often found in cotton.

For a long time stripes of white PP contaminating the cotton remained a big headache for many spinners, because eliminating impurities from cotton tufts with similar color to cotton is a big challenge.The optical systems designed to detect colored impurities, could only do the job to a limited extent. Therefore, Jossi developed a new way of detecting plastic based on the scattering effect. Light shining on cotton tufts forms a wide halo, where as a light beam shining on plastic forms a small reflection with sharp edges.

. . . white PP, detected by the scattering effect

Light shining on cotton scatters and forms a halo. Light shining on plastic shows sharp edges.

shiny guys can’t hide

Why does the new USTER® JOSSI VISION SHIELD fit so well to your needs?Because it adapts to your conditions.

You may remember in earlier years, hand sorting was done with the aid of UV light. Today, USTER applies the same method by using newest technology to detect optically brightened material.

The USTER® JOSSI VTECT works on LED technology emitting UV light, letting all material with brightener shine intensely, what makes it detectable.

. . . UV, a reliable and proven method

Additionally, USTER provides the USTER® JOSSI MAGIC EYE for all kinds of synthetic impurities. This mod-ule detects all kinds of synthetics, including white, non-brightened polypropylene.

It’s a good feeling to know you made the right choice.USTER® JOSSI VISION SHIELD for peace of mind.

important details

In order to detect impurities they need to be visible. Impurities covered by cotton can not be detected.For this reason appropriate presentation of the cotton tufts in front of the spectroscopes becomes of biggest importance. Small cotton tufts, evenly spread, ensure no contamination can hide behind cotton.

The longer the distance from the opening unit, the higher the chance the small cotton tufts have gathered and accumulated to a big, intransparent tuft – maybe hiding impurities.

Therefore the USTER® JOSSI VISION SHIELD is designed with a bottom-up flow, ensuring detection is close to the opening cylinder, where cotton tufts are still small and evenly spread.

Only this configuration will lead to highest efficiency.

. . . no hiding for impurities

visionary design

- Efficiency improved - Loss of good cotton reduced - USTER® JOSSI VISION SHIELD, your reliable partner

USTER supplies the right technology to minimize loss of good cotton. Thanks to the optimized air nozzle technology, customers can bank on best performance and good cotton quality.

This feature was especially developed to obtain an efficient and economical USTER® JOSSI VISION SHIELD.As a result of computer simulations, experimental research and proof in real spinning mill environment the ejection system, including the patented cyclone, guarantees no material backflow and a minimum loss of good cotton.

Detect all without giving anything away.

. . . USTER helps you save money

reliability – mastering the act

2000 USTER® JOSSI VISION SHIELD sold world wide.It’s a good feeling to know your bet can’t be wrong.

Reliability means efficiency over time. To ensure good quality of your yarn, high efficiency in removing contamination is crucial. What is the point of high efficiency, if you cannot count on it all the time?The USTER® JOSSI VISION SHIELD is designed for low maintenance and therefore based on the most stable operating system (Linux®).

As a result of our vast experience, the USTER® JOSSI VISION SHIELD is built up with virtually no mechani-cally moving parts to suffer wear and tear. Also cooling for the vision computer is based on a heat exchanger with natural convection.

No hard disk drive, no CD-Rom drive – all solid-state memory. Thanks to the ultra-fast solid-state memory no UPS with electrochemical batteries is needed.

. . . leaves you time for your actual business

Online SupportUster Technologies provides a wireless connection with your USTER® JOSSI VISION SHIELD for direct online support from the service team in Switzerland. This service can be activated or deactivated at any time by the customer.Support and service is now faster than ever before.

Software upgrades for USTER® JOSSI MAGIC EYE and USTER® JOSSI VISION SHIELD are quick and easy. Statistical data and settings can be monitored and controlled from your office with the newest iPad® genera-tion.

Having difficulties?If desired, USTER offers online support to achive best efficiency on the USTER® JOSSI VISION SHIELD.

never left alone

Statistical data and settings can be monitored and controlled from the office PC or with the smart tablet.

Connecting your USTER® JOSSI VISION SHIELD to service specialists by WLAN.

. . . you are linked to us when ever you wish

TrainingGet the most out of your equipment.Correct training is essential to ensure optimum performance of the machine.We train your operating staff on site at your facility, or provide special training sessions at Uster Technologies in Switzerland.

TrialsAt USTER, you can test the detection rates for a wide range of impurities. The results will give you a clear picture of your particular requirements.

Spare partsFast and reliable spare parts, components and accessories service is available around the world from USTER subsidiaries and authorized sales and service agents.

. . . committed to make a positive difference in service

unsurpassed performance

clean cotton, nothing elseTUSTER® JOSSI VISION SHIELD

VS T/EN dad/©

2014 by Uster Technologies A


Uster Technologies AG Frauenfelderstrasse 35 9545 Wängi Switzerland T. +41 52 369 74 10 F. +41 52 369 74 11 [email protected]

from raw cotton to finished fabrics

The high standard of our pro-ducts is achieved thanks to the most modern production tech-nologies and highly motivated personnel. Constant dialog between engi-neering, production and custo-mers all over the world have led to highly reliable products.

Technology with less power consumption helps save energy costs. Genius detection and ejec-tion systems reduce the loss of good cotton to a minimum.

Pollution of the environment, cost pressure and availability of clean cotton makes it difficult for spin-ning mills to obtain the required cotton quality. Foreign particles influence the quality of the end product and must be eliminated preferable at the beginning of the yarn pro-duction. Today’s quality require-ments are very high. They can only be achieved with efficiently cleaned cotton.
