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Research ArticleUsing MR-FTIR and Texture Profile to Track the Effect ofStorage Time and Temperature on Pita Bread Staling

Majdi Al-Mahsaneh ,1 Mohannad Aljarrah,1 Taha Rababah,2 and Muhammad Alu’datt2

1Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan2Department of Nutrition and Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Science and Technology,P.O. Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan

Correspondence should be addressed to Majdi Al-Mahsaneh; [email protected]

Received 14 December 2017; Revised 12 February 2018; Accepted 22 February 2018; Published 29 March 2018

Academic Editor: Jorge Barros-Velazquez

Copyright © 2018 Majdi Al-Mahsaneh et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.

Textural deterioration of pita bread, PB, due to staling is an important quality parameter during storage. Loss of freshness due toPB staling results in significant quality and economic loss. PB staling was studied using both MR-FTIR spectroscopy and texturalprofile including time to rupture and tensile and compressive forces. The study was conducted at room temperature (23∘C) andfreezing temperature (−18∘C) over 96 h of storage time after baking. Some physical properties of PB such as loaf weight, dimensions,water activity, and density were measured. MR-FTIR measurement spectra in the wavelength 900–1150 cm−1 corresponding to the“saccharides” regions and the range 3000–3600 cm−1 corresponding toO-Hbond stretching vibrationwere able to clearly detect thePB deterioration at different storage times as shown by statistical significance test. Mechanical measurements of tearing force, timeto rupture, and 25% compression force were also found to be good indicators of PB quality deterioration. Time to rupture, however,was found to be the best PB deterioration indicator. In addition, PB stored at room temperature showed a significant deterioration(toughening) compared to that stored at freezing temperature which showed little or nonsignificant deterioration during storage.High negative correlation, 𝑟 = −0.97, was observed between the 25% compression force and the wavenumber 960 cm−1 at roomtemperature.

1. Introduction

Pita bread, PB, also known as Arabic bread or double-layerbread, is consumedwidely inMiddle East, theNileValley, andthe Arab Gulf countries. PB is an important source of caloriesin a typical Middle Eastern diet. It has been reported thatbread and other bakery products are responsible for about85% of total calories in a typical Middle Eastern diet [1, 2].The limited shelf life of PB due to mold growth and breadstaling (firmness) results in some significant economic losses.The economic losses from bread waste and spoilage were esti-mated to be over one billion dollars per year [3]. In addition,wheat prices showed large increases in the global marketsduring the last two decades which contributed to furthereconomic losses. Many Middle Eastern countries includingJordan are classified as a net-food importing countries. Forexample, statistics of agricultural production in Jordan for the

past few years showed that local wheat production was onlyadequate for few weeks. This resulted in heavy reliance onimported wheat flour which is sold to bakeries at a subsidizedprice. In 2015, for example, the Jordanian government spentabout 214M $ in flour subsidy [4].

Pita bread is different from pan bread in terms offormulation, dough characteristics, baking time, and tem-perature. Pan bread formulation includes wheat flour, salt,sugar, yeast, shortening, oxidizing agents, and surfactant. PBhas similar ingredients to pan bread, but with lower loafthickness and a shorter baking time [5, 6]. Two types of breadquality deterioration are of particular interest to consumersincluding bread staling which results in the development of aprogressively firm bread structure andmold growth resultingfrom high water activity of the bread (0.90 to 0.96) [5].Bread deterioration due to staling is considered the mostimportant factor in quality deterioration of bakery products

HindawiJournal of Food QualityVolume 2018, Article ID 8252570, 9 pages

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since it results in an increasingly firm bread structure duringstorage. Studies on pan bread staling reported a complex setof interfering processes that result from many factors. Starchretrogradation (recrystallization) is believed to be the mostimportant factor causing negative textural changes in bread. Itinvolves two processes: a process of rapid irreversible amylosegelation which takes place directly after baking and a sloweramylopectin retrogradation responsible for subsequent breadstaling during storage [7–12]. Other factors include starch-gluten interactions, existence and proportions of nonstarchpolysaccharides (pentosans), moisture migration and redis-tribution, and storage temperature [8, 13].

Studies on PB showed that quality started to deteriorate24 h after baking. Successful attempts were made to eliminatemold growth and extend shelf life in PB by adding anti-molding agents such as fumaric acid and sodium propionate(Abou-Ghoush et al., 2007). Attempts to stop or slow downbread staling, however, were less successful. Such attemptsincluded addition of gums and hydrocolloids (guar gum,locust bean gum, xanthan gum, and CMC) (Gaviloghi, 2006)[14] or addition of amylopectic and nonamylopectic enzymesto brown pan bread. Nevertheless, the results reported betterbread quality and showed longer shelf life to some extent [15].

Applicability of various methods to measure bread stal-ing has been reviewed extensively in literature. Texture-based methods and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR) are someof themost commonmethods used. Texture-based methods use physical measurements of bread stalingwhile FTIR spectralmeasurements are based on both physicaland chemical parameters [16]. Fiszman et al. [15] used thepenetration test and texture profile analysis to study the effectof enzyme addition on brown pan bread staling over 20days of storage at room temperature. Mahmoud and Abou-Arab [17] compared the effectiveness of several methods toevaluate the bread staling in Egyptian flat bread. Alu’dattet al. [18] used the compressive force test from a 13.8mmdiameter stainless steel probe to measure the texture of pitabread. They subjected two pita bread slices to compressiveforces and measured the corresponding force at 25 and 50%deformation. Abou-Ghoush et al. (2007) used both tensileand compressive force test to measure textural changes in PBduring 7 days of storage at room temperature.They concludedthat tensile force was the most accurate method to measurebread firmness.

Both near andmedium range infrared spectroscopy (NIRand MIR) were reported to provide good measurementsof bread staling. Osborne [19] used NIR spectroscopy inthe range of 400–2498 nm to study the effect of starch andwater on bread staling. Osborne [20] used NIR spectroscopybetween 1100 and 2500 nm to study starch crystallinity inbread. He reported that NIR spectroscopy can be used tofollow three phenomena related to bread staling includingstarch structure changes due to inter- and intramolecularhydrogen bonds, crumb scattering, and moisture loss. Xie etal. [16] used NIR spectroscopy in the range 400 to 1700 nmto measure staling in white pan bread over 5 days of storageat room temperature. They compared the results with thoseobtained by compression test in texture analyzer. Theyreported that NIR measurements compared well with actual

storage time. They also reported a good agreement betweenNIR and texture analyzer measurements.

Cocchi et al. [21] reported that IR spectroscopy is morerapid, sensitive, and cheaper than other methods used tomeasure bread staling. They reported that mid infraredspectroscopy (MIR) is easier to interpret than NIR and morevaluable in observing the molecular conformational changes,while NIR was better in reflecting chemical and physicalaspects of bread staling especially those related to hydrogenbonding during starch crystalline network formation. Cocchiet al. [21] used MIR spectroscopy and principle componentanalysis (PCA) as a rapid and cheap method to monitor thebread staling during a storage period of one week. Ringstedet al. [22] reported the use of a 2D MIR-NIR correlationspectroscopy successfully to evaluate wheat bread crumbstaling during aging.

The effect of storage time and temperature on the qualityof pan bread has been reported by several researchers. Breadstaling was observed to increase at refrigeration temperaturecompared to room temperature [23, 24]. Manzocco et al.[25] studied the crystallinity of bread stored at −18, 4, and25∘C over a period of 20 days using X-ray diffraction (XRD).They observed a significant correlation between firmness andrelative crystallinity during storage. They found, however,that bread firmness was highest for bread stored at 25∘Crather than at 4∘C while firmness was lowest for bread storedat −18∘C. Ronda et al. [26] studied the effect of prolongedstorage time on staling of partially baked PB and fully baked(FB) breads. They used firmness, starch retrogradation, andmoisture content in addition to glass-transition temperature(𝑇𝑔) to evaluate bread aging. They concluded that the properfreezing storage temperature had to be sufficiently lower than𝑇𝑔 to slow down bread staling. Based on the obtained results,the authors proposed that hardening of bread during storagemay not be only related to starch crystallization or waterloss and developed a regression study describing how thecombined effect of both variables could better explain thefirming evolution.

No literature was found on the combined effect of storagetime and temperature on the staling of PB. The objectives ofthis study were therefore

(1) to develop a fast and effective method for measuringPB texture quality deterioration using textural measurementsand FT-MIR spectra,

(2) to study the effect of storage time (2 to 96 h) andtemperature (−18 and 23∘C) on staling of PB.

2. Material and Methods

2.1. Materials. Six lots of PB were prepared and baked. Breadwas baked in a local automated bakery in Irbid, Northern Jor-dan, similar to the standard procedure reported by Faridi [27]andQuail [5]. Amixture contained 20 kg flour (14%moisturebasis), 1% salt, 1% yeast, and 53% water approximately. Thisconsistency is used by the bakery as it yields the most reliablebaking absorption. The dough was mixed at medium speedfor 6min (1min beyond development time) using planetarymixer. After mixing, the dough was allowed to ferment for60min at (30∘C).After fermentation, the doughwas scaled off

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into 70–80 g pieces using an automatic cutter.The pieces werecut and rounded into balls and covered with plastic cover toprevent skin formation.Thedoughwas passed through a two-stage roll sheeter. In the first stage, the gap between the rollswas 10mm, and in the second stage the gap was set to 3mm.Then, the bread was baked at 400∘C for 90 s, on a stainlesssteel conveyor. After baking, the bread was cooled for 10minand placed in bags. Two lots containing 10 loaves each werepackaged in double zip lock polyethylene bags. Lots werepacked during the first hour after baking and stored directly atroom temperature (23∘C) or at freezing temperature (−18∘C)until used.

2.2. Methods

2.2.1. Physical Properties. Due to the possible variations inphysical properties of PB, physical properties were mea-sured, including loaf weight, thickness, volume, bulk density,moisture content, and water activity. Loaf weight was mea-sured using a digital balance with 0.05 g accuracy (DenverInstruments, USA); loaf thickness (mm) and geometricmeandiameter (mm) were measured using a digital caliper to0.1mm (ZZW Precision Tool Supply, China). Loaf volumewas measured by water displacement method, where a 2 ×4 cm rectangular section of the loaf is first wrapped in athin saran wrap, and the loaf was then immersed in watercompletely. The displaced water volume (cm3) was obtainedusing a 500ml graduated cylinder. Loaf bulk density wascalculated as loaf weight divided by volume. The moisturecontent of PBwasmeasured usingAACCmethod (AACC44-15A, 1995).Water activity wasmeasured using an AQUALABCX-2 digital water activity meter (Decagon Co., Pullman,WA, USA) after proper calibration. All measurements wereobtained in triplicate.

2.3. Texture Analysis

2.3.1. Tensile Test (Tearing Force and Time to Rupture Test).Tearing force (N) and time to rupture (s) were tested usinga procedure similar to that developed by Abu-Ghoush etal. [28] with some modifications. Bread sections were cutinto a dump-bell shape with dimensions (115mm × 20mm× 6mm). All sections were obtained from the central regionof the loaf avoiding the exterior peripheries. Each end of thesection was placed in a special clamp designed for tensiletesting (Tensile Grips) with a Universal Testing Machine(UTM, XWW-2W, China). The tensile test with grip probehad the following settings: pretest speed: 1mm s−1; test speed:1.7mm s−1; posttest speed: 10mm s−1; and 40% strain force:10 g. Tearing force and time to rupture were recorded whenthe sample failed (ruptured). Measurements were first con-ducted 2 hrs after baking (fresh baked sample).The remainingbread loaves were equally divided into two batches: one wasstored at −18∘C (frozen) while the other was stored at 23∘C(room temperature) for later testing. Measurements werethen done at 24, 72, and 96 hrs after baking for the samplesstored at both storage temperatures. For the frozen samplesand prior to measurements, the samples were removed fromfreezer one hour before testing to allow reaching the room

temperature. All measurements were conducted in triplicateat room temperature.The sampleswere kept in double, tightlysealed zipper bags until the beginning of the test. Test timewas generally less than 3 minutes. After the test is complete,the samples were directly returned to the zipper bag. To checkfor possible significant moisture loss, the samples’ moisturewas checked before and after the test for the samples at roomand frozen temperatures. The results showed less than 1%difference in moisture.

2.3.2. Compression Test (Deformation Test). Compression testwas also conducted at the same storage temperatures andtimes as above, using the procedure proposed by Dahle andSambucci [29]. The procedure was originally adapted byAmerican Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC 74-10A)for evaluating freshness of sliced white bread. Compressionforce was obtained using a Universal TestingMachine (UTM,model xww-2A, China). A 13.8mm stainless steel cylindricalprobe was used to compress two slices of PB at a test speed of1mm/s. Preliminary testing showed that compression forcevalues at 25 and 50% deformation (equivalent to 25% and50% of the bread sample thickness) were better indicators ofbread toughness than maximum compression force (force atfailure) proposed in the original AACC 74-10A procedure.The compression force (N) was therefore recorded at 25%and 50% deformation in addition to maximum compressionforce. Testing was conducted at 2, 24, 72, and 96 hrs afterbaking for the bread samples stored at −18∘C and 23∘C.All measurements were conducted in triplicate at roomtemperature. The samples’ moisture was also checked beforeand after the test for the samples at room and frozen temper-atures. The results showed less than 1% difference in mois-ture.

2.4. FTIR Analysis. FT-IR spectra of bread samples stored atboth room and frozen conditions over 5 days of storage wereobtained using Bruker FTIR spectrometer, model Tensor IIoperating in the middle IR region (4000–400 cm−1) withattenuated total reflection (ATR) mode. The spectropho-tometer is equipped with Bruker Platinum ATR accessorywith pressure applicator. Each bread sample stored at roomconditions was removed from the polyethylene bags andplaced in room conditions for 2 minutes before the startof each measurement. Bread samples stored in frozen con-ditions were removed from freezer an hour before the testto allow it to reach room temperature. The measurementswere obtained directly close to the middle of the bread loafwithout any further treatments except for the pressure appliedby the ATR accessory. All spectral measurements were madeat a nominal resolution of 2 cm−1, with 32 interferogramsthat were coadded and zero-filled to double the numberof data points and then apodised with a Blackman-Harris3-term function before Fourier transformation. The single-beam spectra of the samples were divided by the single-beam spectra acquired without sample (reference spectra) inorder to yield transmission spectra [21]. Similarly, the samplesmoisture was checked before and after the test for the samplesat room and frozen temperatures. The results showed lessthan 1% difference in moisture.

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Table 1: Physical properties of PB loaves.

Parameter Mean ± SDWeight (g) 59.91 ± 2.76Thickness (mm) 5.76 ± 0.17Moisture content (% w.b.) 25.91 ± 2.11Water activity 0.95 ± 0.02Geometric mean diameter (mm)∗ 148.18 ± 2.59Bulk density (kg/m3) 336.90 ± 22∗Average of major, medium, and minor diameters.

2.5. Data Analysis. A single factor Analysis of Variance(ANOVA) was used to detect the effect of storage time andtemperature for tensile and compression tests in additionto FT-MIR spectra. For FT-MIR data, however, the spectrawere first modified by estimating unit absorbance area underthe band 900–1150 cm−1 which corresponds to the “saccha-rides” regions and the unit absorbance area under the band3000–3600 cm−1 which corresponds to O-H bond stretchingvibration. Both bands were reported to be useful in trackingbread staling during storage [21]. In addition the softwareSmartPLS (SmartPLS 3.2.7, GmbH) was used to explore thecorrelation between texture and FTIR measurements.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Physical Properties. The physical properties of PB areshown in Table 1. The weight, thickness, and diameter were59.9 g, 5.76mm, and 148mm, respectively. The results werehigher than those reported by Toufeili et al. [30] for PB whoreported the thickness and diameter of PB to be 1-2mm and26–30 cm, respectively. This can be attributed to the possiblevariations in PB production process, including differences informulation, dough characteristics, temperature-time combi-nation during baking, and addition of shortenings, oxidizingagents, and surfactants [6]. Water activity was notably high(0.95) which explained the reason behind the fast moldingof PB, normally after 5 days of baking at room temperature.Abu-Ghoush et al. [28] reported also similar water activitiesfor Arabic flat bread (0.94–0.96). Bulk density is 336 ±22 kg/m3, which is larger than corresponding values for whitepan bread (290 to 340 kg/m3) [31].This may also explain whyPB has more chew-ability compared to pan bread.

3.2. Tearing Force and Time to Rupture Test. The effect ofstorage time (2 to 96 hrs) and storage temperatures (23∘C, and−18∘C) on tearing force of the PB samples is shown in Figure 1.Tearing force decreased with increase in storage time for bothstorage temperatures. At room temperature, tearing forcedecreased from 0.85N after 2 hrs (fresh samples) to 0.45Nafter 96 hrs of storage after baking. A lesser decrease of 0.85to 0.6N, however, was observed for bread stored in freezingtemperature. Decrease in tearing force is an indicatorof loss of freshness in PB. As expected, bread samplesstored at room temperature showed a faster loss of freshnesscompared to those stored in freezing temperature.Thismightbe attributed to the limitedmobility and interactions between









e (N


24 72 962Storage time (hr)


Figure 1: Relationship between tearing force and storage time forPB at different storage temperatures.

24 72 962Storage time (hr)








me t

o ru


e (s)



Figure 2: Relationship between time to rupture and storage time forPB at different storage temperatures.

water, starch, and protein in bread matrix during freezingstorage of bread samples resulting in an overall slowdownof the bread staling and retarding negative quality changes.The relationship between time to rupture and storage time isshown also in Figure 2. Time to rupture is a measure of thetime needed for bread samples to fail under tension force.Time to rupture decreased from 9 s for fresh bread samples(2 hrs after baking) to 0.5 s after 96 hrs of storage at roomtemperature. ANOVA test showed significant differences(at 𝑝 < 0.05) among storage times for bread stored at roomtemperature, while no significant difference was observedfor samples stored at freezing temperature (at 𝑝 < 0.05). Thisshows that time to rupture is better indicator of PB freshnessthan tearing force. Toufeili et al. [30] reported similarfindings for Arabic flat bread. They reported the probingextensibility, which is equivalent to the time to rupture,to decrease significantly with bread aging (staling). Theseresults agreed also with earlier studies on Arabic flat bread

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n fo

rce a

t 25%





24 48 72 962Storage time (hr)


Figure 3: Relationship between compression forces at 25%compres-sion and storage time at 23∘C (room temperature) and−18∘C (freezertemperature) for pita bread (source: 3rd batch).

treated with texture enhancers which concluded that time torupture was the best method to track PB bread staling overstorage time [28]. The longer bite of pita bread as comparedto pan bread could be due to the absence of the shorteningin the pita bread formula and the higher bulk density.

3.3. Compression (Deformation) Test. The compression testmeasured compression force at 25% of total bread thickness.The results of compression test for PB at room and freezertemperature are shown in Figure 3.The values varied between7 and 17N and between 7 and 10N at room and freezer tem-perature, respectively. Measurements of compression force at50% deformation were also obtained (not shown) and lessvariation was observed for bread samples compressive forcewith storage time. It is observed that compression force at 25%of total bread thickness increased significantly with storagetime, while increase in 50% compression was insignificant.The values of 25% compression valueswere therefore found tobe better indicator of bread deterioration than those obtainedat 50% compression. ANOVA test showed significant differ-ences at (𝑝 < 0.05) among storage times for bread stored atroom temperature and no significant difference was observedfor samples stored at freezing temperature at the same level.Furthermore, multiple linear regression statistical analysisshowed that the relationship between compression force at25% thickness and storage time (𝑡𝑠) in hr is highly significant(𝑝 < 0.001) for quadratic and logarithmic relationships:

𝐹25% = 5.92 + 0.39 (𝑡𝑠) − 2.81 × 10−03 (𝑡𝑠)


with 𝑅2 = 0.981,

𝐹25% = −2.31 ln (𝑡𝑠) − 10.4 with 𝑅2 = 0.988,


where 𝐹25% is the compression force at 25% of total breadsample thickness in N; 𝑡𝑠 is storage time in hr at room tem-perature (23∘C).

2 24 48 72Storage time (hr)












e at f


re (N



Figure 4: Relationship between compression forces at failureand storage time at 23∘C (room temperature) and −18∘C (freezertemperature) for pita bread (source: 4th batch).

The compressive force at failure was also measured. Therelationship between compressive force at failure and storagetime for PB stored at room and freezing temperatures isshown in Figure 4.The compressive force at failure decreasedwith storage time between 44.5 and 48.5N and between 48and 48.5N for room and freezing temperatures, respectively.The relationship between failure force and storage time,however, was found not to be statistically significant at bothstorage conditions.

3.4. FTIR Spectroscopy. Mid infrared spectroscopy measure-ments of PB staling were obtained to compare with textu-ral measurements. The normalized unit absorbance versuswavelength for PB samples stored under room temperaturefor 5 days is shown in Figures 5 and 6. Unit absorbanceincreasedwith storage time in the band 900–1150 cm−1, whichcorresponds to the “saccharides” group indicating progres-sive starch crystallization with storage time which maypartially explain PB staling due to starch retrogradation. Inaddition, the second spectra band, 3000–3600 cm−1, whichcorresponds to O-H bond stretching vibration showed alsosome increase in unit absorbance with storage time whichmay also explain the effect of water mobility on water-starch-protein interaction and therefore on PB staling. ANOVA wasfurther used to investigate the statistical significance amongthe different storage times. The ANOVA analysis was carriedout by calculating the area under each of the five storage timesand for both bands (900–1150 cm−1 and 3000–3600 cm−1),separately. ANOVA was then used to separate variationwithin each storage time to variation between storage times.A significant variation was observed between storage timesas compared to variation within storage time for both bands(𝑝 < 0.001). The results obtained are in agreement withCocchi et al. [21]who observed an increase in absorbance unitwith storage time in pan bread. Ringsted et al. [22] reportedsimilar results where a 2DMIR-NIR correlation spectroscopy

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Storage time










nce (



Day 1Day 2Day 3

Day 4Day 5

900 1400 1900 2400 2900 3400 3900400Wavenumber (=G


Figure 5: Mean spectra of the normalized bread spectra over 5 daysof storage in room conditions.

Storage time

Day 5Day 1Day 2

Day 4Day 3

950 1000 1050 1100 1150900Wavenumber (=G











ce (A


Figure 6: Amplified mean spectra of the normalized bread spectraover 5 days storage at room temperature in the band 900–1150 cm−1.

was successfully used to track bread crumb aging. Theyobserved that MIR band at 1047 cm−1 which was related toamylopectin retrogradation was highly correlated with breadhardness measured by texture analyzer. They also found ahigh covariance betweenMIR band 1047 cm−1 and NIR band910 nm. They concluded that major bread staling processessuch as water loss and amylopectin retrogradation can beeasily followed by both MIR and NIR spectra. Similarly,van Soest et al. [32] reported that MIR spectroscopy hasbeen successfully used in bread to track changes from moreamorphous to more structured and crystalline starch formin fresh bread to a stale bread by increase in intensity at1047 cm−1 and decrease in intensity at 1022 cm−1. They alsoreported that changes in starch structure studied by MIRspectroscopy was related to the double helix content andalignment in starch or the so-called short-range order.

Storage time










nce u


900 1400 1900 2400 2900 3400 3900400

Day 1Day 2Day 3

Day 4Day 5

Wavenumber (=G−1


Figure 7: Mean spectra of the normalized bread spectra over 5 daysof storage in frozen condition.

Storage time










nce u


950 1000 1050 1100 1150900

Day 1Day 2Day 3

Day 4Day 5

Wavenumber (=G−1


Figure 8: Amplified mean spectra of the normalized bread spec-tra over 5 days of storage at freezing temperature in the band900–1150CM−1.

The spectra obtained for PB stored for 5 days underfreezing temperature are shown in Figures 7 and 8.Thefiguresshow much less variation in absorbance unit with storagetime for both saccharides and O-H bands. ANOVA for thearea under both bands showed nonsignificant variation (at𝛼 = 0.05) between storage days when compared to variationwithin storage days for both the O-H and saccharides bands.The effect of freezing on slowing PB deterioration wastherefore evident for both water “O-H” band and starch “sac-charides” band.Thismay be explained by the limitedmobility

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500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 45000









nit a




Wavenumber (=G−1


Figure 9: Mean spectra of the normalized bread spectra over 5 daysof storage for room and frozen conditions.

ofwater during freezingwhich hinderedwater-starch-proteininteractions and therefore prevented PB staling. In orderto compare room and frozen conditions spectra, Figure 9shows unit absorbance versus wavenumber for both roomand freezing storage temperatures over the period of storage.The result did not, however, provide much information sinceall spectra appeared to be overlapping. Ronda et al. [26]reported a slowdown of bread staling stored at temperaturesufficiently below glass-transition temperature 𝑇𝑔. Manzoccoet al. [25] reported also that bread crystallinity was lowestunder frozen temperature of −18∘C.

Generally, results showed that time to rupture test pro-vided the best results in terms of tracking the effect of storagetime and temperature on PB staling followed by the 25%deformation test which showed less sound but significantresults. MR-FTIR measurement spectra in the wavelengths900–1150 cm−1 and 3000–3600 cm−1 were also able to clearlydetect and track PB staling at different storage times as shownby statistical significance testing. While the first two testswere destructive and required longer preparation and testingtimes, the last one was nondestructive and required shortertesting time and minimum test preparation. Therefore, FTIRwould be the optimal choice for quick or online tracking ofPB staling but stillmore expensive instrumentation is needed.The first two tests, on the other hands, will be cheaper toconduct but more appropriate for offline testing.

A summary of the textural properties of PB is shown inTable 2. The data show that 25% compressive force variedbetween 6.3 and 17.2N and 6.3 and 10N for room andfreezing storage, respectively. Time to rupture decreased from9 to 0.29 s and 9 to 3.4 s for room and freezing storage,respectively. Tearing force (N) and force at failure showed

R2= 0.9699

Absorbance at −1= −0.0232 (25% force) + 0.7662960 cm

17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 3315Compression force at 25% compression (N)










t abs


nce a



Figure 10: Correlation between compression force at 25% compres-sion and absorbance at 960 cm−1 during 96 hr of storage at roomtemperature (23∘C).

less pronounced decrease with storage time for both roomand freezing storage. The results show clearly that 25%compressive force and time to rupture were better indicatorsof PB staling during storage.

The relationship between textural properties and FTIRmeasurements was further explored. The results wereobtained using the software Smart PLS which calculates thecorrelation matrix among all variables. The best correlation(𝑟 = −0.97, negative correlation) was observed between com-pression force at 25% compression and FTIR absorbance cor-responding to the wavenumber 960 cm−1 over the period ofstorage at room temperature as shown in Figure 10. Similarly,lower negative correlation (𝑟 = −0.85) was observed betweenholding until rupture time and absorbance at 982 cm−1.However, much lower correlations were observed for frozenPB (𝑟 values were less than 0.52).

3.5. Effect of Storage Time and Temperature on PB Quality.The effect of storage temperature on PB quality deteriorationwas found to be significant. Both texture measurements andFTIR spectra measurements showed that bread stored atfreezing temperature of −18∘C retained better quality duringstorage.These findings were best observed by time to rupturetest (Figure 2) followed by FTIR measurements (Figure 5)and then by 25% compression force (Figure 3) and finallyby tearing force (Figure 1). High proportion of free water(water activity) of PB explains why freezing was effective inslowing bread staling as freezing limits the mobility of waterand prevents water-starch-protein interaction and thereforeslower PB staling. Aguirre et al. [33] observed that moistureequilibration occurred between crust and crumb duringbread storage, and they reported that freezing storage at−18∘C resulted in very limitedwatermobility when comparedto breads stored at 4 and 25∘C. They also concluded that freewater measured by water activity remained almost constantin breads stored at −18∘C for 23 days. In addition theyshowed that starch molecules reassociated during storageto produce a new crystalline structure characterized by thetypical B-type XRD structure and that storage at −18∘Cslowed down but did not retard the recrystallization process.freezing storage of partially baked PB Indian chapati flat

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Table 2: Various textural properties of PB.

Storage time (h) 25% force (N) Time to rupture (s) Tearing force (N) Force at failure (N)(23∘C) (−18∘C) (23∘C) (−18∘C) (23∘C) (−18∘C) (23∘C) (−18∘C)

2 6.3 (0.12)∗ 6.3 (0.12) 9.0 (1.20) 9.0 (1.20) 0.85 (0.09) 0.85 (0.08) 48.5 (4.7) 48.7 (4.7)24 10.4 (1.38) 8.2 (0.91) 2.5 (0.21) 6.0 (0.52) 0.84 (0.07) 0.93 (0.07) 48.7 (5.2) 48.6 (4.2)48 15.2 (1.14) 7.9 (1.04) - - - - 47.8 (6.2) 48.6 (3.9)72 13.6 (3.09) 10 (0.81) 0.30 (0.02) 4.9 (0.42) 0.50 (0.04) 0.61 (0.05) 44.8 (5.3) 48.1 (6.2)96 17.2 (4.27) 9.9 (2.57) 0.29 (0.03) 3.4 (0.31) 0.57 (0.06) 0.39 (0.04) - -∗Mean (standard deviation).

bread was reported to be useful in maintaining its quality.The extensibility of PB chapatti after rebaking was foundsimilar to the fresh, conventionally baked bread [34]. Rondaet al. [26] showed that freezing storage time resulted ina significant decrease in firmness of partially baked breadcrumb. Gray and Bemiller [13] reported that mobility ofwater and other macromolecules in bread matrix couldbe responsible in part for bread staling and bread qualitydeterioration. Further investigations on the effect of addingwater binders, hydrocolloids, and surface active agents to PBare needed to explore the effect of reducing available water onstaling at room temperature given the fact that freezing waseffective in reducing PB by limiting water availability [35].

4. Conclusions

(i) Textural parameters including time to rupture andtearing force decreased significantly with increasein storage time and PB staling for bread stored atroom temperature while 25% compression force andunit absorbance of FTIR increased significantly withincrease in storage time and bread staling at roomtemperature.

(ii) PB stored at −18∘C showed nonsignificant changes inshearing force, time to rupture, or 25% compressionforce during storage.Therefore, freezing was found tobe effective method for slowing down PB staling andtherefore quality deterioration.

(iii) Time to rupture, the 25% deformation, and MR-FTIR measurement spectra in the wavelength 900–1150 cm−1 corresponding to the “saccharides” regionsand the range 3000–3600 cm−1 corresponding toO-Hbond stretching vibration were able to clearly detectthe PB deterioration at different storage times asshown by statistical significance test.

(iv) High negative correlation (𝑟 = −0.97) was observedbetween the 25% compression force and the wave-number 960 cm−1 during storage at room tempera-ture.

Additional Points

Practical Application. Pita bread, PB, is an important partof the Middle Eastern, Arabian Gulf, and Nile Valley diet.Improvements of quality of PB to slow down bread qualitydeterioration by staling and reduce the associated economic

losses are of great interest. The effect of storage time andtemperature on PB has not been addressed appropriatelyin literature. In addition, an accurate and reliable analyticalmethod for measuring PB quality deterioration has not beenexplored yet. The objectives of this study were to establishreliable instrumental methods for measuring PB qualitydeterioration and to study the effect of storage time andtemperature on bread quality.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


The authors would like to acknowledge the Deanship of Sci-entific Research at Jordan University of Science and Technol-ogy for supporting this research project.


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