
Our Ref

Jackie Baillie Acting Convenor


Public Audit & Post-Legislative Scrutiny Committee Scottish Parliament

E-mail to: [email protected]

22 December 2017

Dear Ms Baillie



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I am writing to you as Acting Convenor of the Public Audit and Post-legislative Scrutiny Committee.

I represent the Chief Constable of Police Scotland, Phil Gormley. I am instructed by him in relation

to complaints made by three members of Police Scotland staff which are currently being investigated

by the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC). As you know, my client is currently

on special leave of absence, as agreed with the Scottish Police Authority (SPA). While not the

purpose of this letter, I wish to start by saying that the complaints against my client are entirely denied.

The complaints are vexatious, opportunistic and are being strenuously defended on his behalf.

The reason for writing to you is following the reports of the evidence before the Public Audit and

Post-legislative Scrutiny Committee on 21 December 2017. In particular, the reports of evidence

provided to your Committee by Paul Johnston, Director General (Education, Communities and

Justice) required my client to instruct me to respond on his behalf, for the first time publicly, in

relation to his position in this matter. Until this point, my client has maintained a dignified public

silence, despite the misrepresentation of his position in the media and my client's very serious

concerns over the significant delays and proportionality of the investigation being undertaken by the

PIRC since these allegations first arose back in June 2017.

I am instructed to attach a letter received by my client from the SPA dated 8 November 2017. You

will note that the requirement for him to return to full duties had the "unanimous backing of the Board

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of the Scottish Police Authority". I am also instructed to attach the exchange of emails dated 9 November 2017 with the SPA Director of Communications & Relationships, setting out the agreed media release to accompany my client's planned return to full duties on 10 November 2017.

Despite the clear and unanimous decision of the SPA Board, my client's return was postponed on the afternoon of 9 November 2017. My client was travelling back to Scotland in order to resume his duties when he was contacted by the former Chair of the SPA, Andrew Flanagan, and told not to continue the journey. My client was told that this followed a meeting between Andrew Flanagan and the Cabinet Secretary for Justice earlier the same afternoon.

We have subsequently written both to the SPA (letter dated 14 November 2017) and the Cabinet Secretary for Justice (letter dated 28 November 2017) seeking clarification for the basis of the apparent intervention by the Cabinet Secretary for Justice and the failure of the SPA to implement its clear and unanimous decision taken on 7 November 2017 and communicated as a decision to my client by letter dated 8 November 2017. Neither the SPA or the Cabinet Secretary for Justice have responded to my correspondence.

The publicly reported assertion by the Director General that the Scottish Government's involvement was to require that "due process" is followed accordingly needs further examination given the circumstances described above. My client is happy to assist the Committee within the bounds of the process that he finds himself in.

I am copying this letter to the Convener of the Justice Committee as she may also wish to be aware of this matter.

Yours sincerely

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Chief Constable Philip Gormley

8 November 2017

Dear Phil

Further to your discussions with the Chair, I am writing to confirm that the Board have considered your leave arrangements in light of your confirmation that you have completed your preparations in relation to the complaints referred to PIRC and that you are fit and available for work.

The Board has decided to, therefore, rescind your leave period and this letter is to provide the 14 day notice required under our agreement. However, we believe it would be beneficial if you return to duty as soon as practicable. I understand you have indicated to the Chair a willingness to return on Friday 10 November 2017.

I would like to take this opportunity to advise you that your return to full duties has the unanimous backing of the Board of the Scottish Police Authority.

I would be grateful if you could advise by return of your intention, or otherwise, to resume your full duties as Chief Constable on Friday 10 November 2017.

Yours sincerely

JOHN FOLEY Chief Executive Officer

I can confirm that my client remains ready and willing to return to full operational duties as decided

by the Board (and agreed by him) and he is at your disposal to cooperate entirely with matters under


As you know, I agreed the terms of a press release with John McCroskie on the afternoon of Thursday

9 November 2017 regarding the review of special leave and my client's anticipated return to work. I

understand that both the Scottish Sun and the Scottish Daily Mail newspapers contacted the National

Police Chiefs Council yesterday, enquiring as to the status of my client's redeployment proposal. I

appreciate that you are continuing discussions at your end with a view to implementing the Board's

decision, as communicated by letter dated 8 November 2017.

In the meantime, 1 must reserve my client's legal rights to challenge any failure to implement the

Board's decision by way of application for judicial review should this be necessary. Any delay in

doing so must not be treated as acquiescence on my client's part.

Kind regards.

Yours sincerely

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HJGHL Y CONFIDENTIAL Michael Matheson Cabinet Secretary for Justice The Scottish Parliament EDfNBURGH EH99 ISP

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BY E-MArL ONLY: CabinetSecretaryfor J [email protected] i .gov .uk

28 November 2017

Dear Mr Matheson


I act for Chief Constable Phil Gormley and I am instructed by him in relation to matters being handled by the Scottish Pol ice Authority ("SP A") pursuant to the Pol ice Service of Scotland (Senior Officers) (Conduct) Regulations 2013 (the "Regulations").

While the decisions made under the Regulations and, indeed, the operational deployment of senior police officers is a matter for the SPA and not the Scottish Government, l appreciate that you have an interest in the governance and leadership of Police Scotland as Cabinet Secretary for Justice. This has, of course, been in sharp focus with revelations over the weekend in relation to the suspension of ACC Higgins.

On behalf of Chief Constable Gormley, we thought that it was important to ensure that you are fully sighted on the decisions taken by the SPA Board in relation to my client earlier this month. I attach a copy letter which my client received from the Chief Executive of the SPA dated 8 November 20 I 7, together with my response to the Chair of the SPA on the same date. I also attach copy exchange of e-mails between my firm and the Director of Communications & Relationships at the SPA dated 9 November 2017, agreeing the terms of a press release which was due to b~ issued by the SPA that afternoon.

As you will see, it was clearly notified to my client that the terms of his agreed "special leave" had been reviewed by the full SPA Board at their meeting on 7 November 2017 and that its unanimous

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decision was that the special leave arrangements should be rescinded and my client should resume his full operational duties as Chief Constable. My client was also advised that there was no basis on which to suspend him and it was agreed that he would return to work on Friday IO November 20 I 7.

This unanimous decision of the SPA Board is a matter of record and, despite recent press reports, it was not a uni lateral decision of the current Chair, Andrew Flanagan.

My client was therefore surprised to have been informed late on the afternoon of 9 November that, following your apparent intervention, he should not report back to work, despite the Board's unanimous decision and the clear terms of the letter dated 8 November 2017. I understand that the suggestion was that the views of the Scottish Government ought to have been sought by the SPA, along with those of the PIRC.

I have advised my client that there is no lawful basis for Scottish Government's intervention or interference with the lawful decision of the SPA, as the sole statutory body tasked with the operational deployment of the Chief Constable. I appreciate that this resonates with the media reports over the weekend of your stance in relation to the ACC Higgins matter, namely that these are indeed matters for the SPA and PIRC.

In my client's case, as independent investigator, PIRC has no decision-making remit or authority in relation to the deployment of my client as Chief Constable. I therefore also thought that it was important for you to be sighted on our latest correspondence with the PIRC in relation to their handling of the investigation into the complaints against my client. As you will see from our attached copy letter to the PIRC dated 20 November 2017, we are concerned about the lack of speed, equity and proportionality of the approach being taken to investigating these complaints. My client denies the al legations entirely and the potentia I damage to his reputation ( and, for that matter, that of pol icing in Scotland) caused by this protracted process is readily apparent.

There was a concluded agreement by the SPA with my client in relation to his return to work from special leave and its terms are clear. Three weeks have since passed and my client remains at the disposal of the SPA, ready and willing to return to full operational duties from his special leave of absence to provide leadership to Police Scotland at this time. Under the terms of his special leave, my client can in any event give 14 days' notice of return to work. However, he would prefer to do so consensually, in implementation of the decision of the SPA Board.

I have naturally advised my client in relation to the vires of any intervention in the SPA decision making and his legal rights are of course reserved. I have also written separately to the SPA to encourage them to implement their original unanimous decision without further delay. Given your legitimate interest in the SPA's decisions and my client's substantive role as Chief Constable in

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driving forward its leadership agenda, l hope that you will appreciate why I have reached out to you on his behalf at his time.

Yours sincerely

David Morgan Partner


1. Letter from SPA dated 8 November 2017 2. Letter from Burness Paull to SPA dated 9 November 2017 J. E-mai I exchanges between Burness Paul I and SPA dated 9 November 2017 4. Letter from Burness Paull to PIRC dated 20 November 20 I 7

cc. Andrew Flanagan, Chair, SPA Nicola Marchant, Deputy Chair, SPA Kenneth Hogg, SPA

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