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7/22/2019 Up Ravioli Alley May 2014 1/4

M A Y 2 0 1 4V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 8

A “John the Barber Foundaon” Publicaon 

“Nothing but good news ! 

And Good people doing Great things!

From Arlington, Cherry, Ladd, Seatonville/Hollowayville,

Spring Valley,and Dalzell, Illinois”

Dr. Lyston. D. Howe:Family history of heroism ran truly deep for this

great man who was seconds away from being

the thirteenth man sacriced

on the Cherry Mine Disaster rescue cage 

Many oen forget the great accomplishments of Dr. Lyston.D. Howe

during the key crical early moments of the Cherry Mine Disaster. Howe

was actually on the rst six runs of the Heroes Rescue Cage, missing by

seconds the seventh and nal run that would see all twelve rescuers

burned alive. The story of Howe and his family, all of Streator, is a very

interesng in itself. His Father Lyston Howe Sr. was credited as the

youngest veteran of the Union Army during the Civil War. Howe’s uncle

Orion Howe is sll the youngest recipient of the United State’s Medal ofHonor! Like many experienced professionals from Streator, Howe was

hired as the ocial company physician and came to Cherry to parcipate

in what all believed would a tremendous opportunity. He lived in the

center of town in a company house on Taylor Street just across the alley

from today’s Cherry Country Store. On the day of the disaster, the spirit

of volunteerism and self sacrice that ran deep within him clearly came

through as he was one of the rst to volunteer to be on the rescue cage.

Just prior to the seventh and nal trip, as Howe helped fellow rescuer

Alex Rosenjack to the medical staon, mine manager John Bundy

stopped Howe from geng on the cage, instrucng him

to stay on top and help the injured. Twenty minutes later

as the burning cage reached the surface, Howe would re-

alize how close he had come to death. Howe returned to

Streator and lived out his life as a man widely recognized

for doing good for others. (Interesng how so many

Great people existed in those days. John the Barber him-

self lived just a block or so south of Howe on Tay-

lor…..Alex Norberg also killed on the heroes rescue cage

lived half way between them. Imagine all those great

people living and working together in one place!) Noce

Dr. Howe’s burned hand in the picture to the right. 

P A G E 2

“Therefore said Jesus, if

you bring your gis to

the alter and there recall

that your brother has

anything against you,

leave your gi there, go

rst and reconcile with

your brother and then

come back and oeryour gis.” Ravioli Alley

Translaon: “Hey pal,

God thinks forgiving and

apologizing are SO im-

portant he does not

even want you worship-

ing or doing things for

him unl you clear

things up! He denitely

loves you and wants you

to be with him, but he

knows it won’t be good

unl you get rid of that

baggage you been carry-

ing around.”

Read this one

closely….prey much

says it all…Pope Francis

recently said, “Oh how

much I would like a

church which is POOR

and FOR the poor.

The “John the Barber”


Box 88 

Cherry, IL  61317 

Cherry United Church of Christ/Holy Trinity

Celebrang Two Years With Their Mon

Pie and Coee Social Hour for RereeFor two years now the Cherry United Church of Christ and Holy Trin

been successfully working together to bring just a lile bit of fun an

noon every month. Held at the Cherry Church Hall the rst Thu

month from 1:30 – 3:30, the event sees rerees enjoying some fun,

door prizes, memories, fellowship plus some great pie and coee! A

nie Templeton, Karen Cazimero, Dawn Patenburg, are just a few of

unteers who have helped make this happen. The group is always

for entertainment….singers, speakers, musicians, etc. who might

form for just ten minutes. If you or someone you know might be

that way, please do something Great and contact Alice at 815.303.7

at 815.488.0425. 

Hey “Ravioli Alley” alumni out ther

in the business world! We need your

If you have been away from the old “Ravioli Alley” stomping grounds

may not be aware that that the twists and turns of the economy have

ularly friendly to the folks and business’ up and down old Route 89. I

local groups have been meeng formally and informally for the past f

ing ideas for driving things back in a happy direcon! Everyone know

about “Ravioli Alley” alumni: 

They have a sincerely warm spot in their heart for home/”Ravioli

Their “Ravioli Alley” upbringing made them the kind of folks who

academic, business, and military careers out in the world 

They are the kind of folks who will help old friends 

Spring Valley boy, Greg Campbell (white shirt, center in picture), le

the military and a career with world-wide grain producer ADM. Greg

area a few years ago and recently opened Illinois Valley Agri Systems/

high end grain bins and grain processing systems. IVAS has brought e

ployment opportunies to “Ravioli Alley.” Thanks Greg for all you andoing! Hey other Ravioli Alley alumni, if you have a solid idea for a b

drive employment and growth

please drop an email to JTB at


We would love to hear from yo

We have a group of interested

sources ready to engage. 

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Here’s what people around the country

are saying about “Up Ravioli Alley!” Tari Sangston, Secretary of Spring Valley United Church of Christ says, “Thanks so much for posng our

noce. We love your publicaon!” 

Lorie Scarpaci of Dalzell formerly from Ladd says, “Here is the email address of Bill Wolf originally from

Spring Valley now living in Seale. I am sure he would love to read this wonderful paper. Thank you!

Signed, Lorie Scarpaci, a loyal reader and ‘Up Ravioli Alley’ supporter.”

Chuck Byvik, now of Alexandria, VA formerly of Ladd comments, “Great publicaon! I like the ONLY THEGOOD NEWS!“ Chuck spent his rst 22 years in Ladd with his parents owning Byvik’s grocery store. He

went to St. Bede and then on to be a researcher at NASA for twenty-ve years and later on to the Secre-

tary of Defense where he remained unl rering last year. 

Bill Liesse of Dalzell comments, “I love the ‘Up Ravioli Alley’ newsleer. Grea t idea! Keep up the good


Larry Fundell formerly of RR Princeton now of La Crosse, WI says "Just a note to say how much I enjoy

'Up Ravioli Alley.' I like the connecon with home even though I am far away."

Ken and Barb Lund formerly of Ladd and now of Tucson, AZ write, "Thanks to my sister Gayle Corsolini, in

Ladd I have received your publicaon. It is simply great! Our parents Arthur and Catherine Lund lived in

Cherry for many years. We ate the best ravioli since our mother was of  Italian ancestry. Barb and I have

lived in Tucson for eighteen years, but sll love to return to the area for the fried chicken and spaghe.

Please add us to the on line publicaon. Besides the updated news it brings back memories. Thank you!" 

Judge Don Bernardi of Normal formerly of Ladd said: “My parents do not have e-mail but saw the publi-

caon and loved it! My mother is Celia Gualandri and her parents owned Gualandri’s store in Ladd and

my father Donald Bernardi lived on main street in Ladd on the south end of town where his dad operated

a service staon across from the park. They would very much like to receive the publicaon, please add

them to your US mailing list! “ 

Holy Trinity Cherry Youth Ed Comes Through for annual Rice Bowl Campaign 

Students at Holy Trinity Cherry youth educaon came through in a big way to help less privileged children in

other countries. The students “replaced” what they gave up for lent with coins and cash totaling $202.60. The

money was sent to help needy children in countries like Kenya, Guatemala, and the Philippines. The children

could not believe that children in other countries have to have jobs rather than going to school. The children

were very excited that they could help get food and school desks to them! JTB says “great job students!”

“Good kids doing Great things.” 

P A G E 4

"Always go

the extra mile…… 

It's never crowded” 

“Never doubt that a small

group of concerned

cizens can change the

world. Indeed, it is the

only thing that ever has.”

A quote from Margaret

Meed. (Borrowed from a

recent Project Success of

Eastern Bureau County

mailing). JTB says:

“Never be discouraged

when just 2-3 of you

think you have a goodidea and are working to

make a dierence….most

Great things begin

exactly like that!

Keep driving….don’t give

up….be tenacious….others

will see what you are

doing eventually

and join you!” 

Rav’s/Ravioli vs. Tortel

How did “Ravioli Alley”

come to switch them aroWow! So many Ravioli Alley folks want to touch bases with JTB o

Most life-long “Ravioli Alley” folks have heard the queson posed t

Folks from outside Ravioli Alley are obviously the ones posing ques

vious huh? So, here we go with the rst lile piece of the debate

to how this came to be. Let’s start with the facts as really there is li

stu in there. Wikipedia comes right out and says that tortellini

north-central part of Italy..the region of Emilia specically near the

gna and Modena. That is exactly where many folks from “Ravioli A

especially from Ladd which sll has a working relaonship with the

even today! That is important….it means that early local folk

“tortellini shape” to “Ravioli Alley” from “the old country. Now t

ravioli’s technically from Italy? That is a bit harder to say

as ravioli have been around a long me Wikipedia says.

There are clear early reverences to it in the Tuscan regionwhich is more central, south of Emilia. So then, why did

our ancestors who brought tortellini here to “Ravioli Al-

ley” start to call it ravioli? Future arcles will zero in on

that queson and hopefully solve the mystery! Check

out somebody’s “Rav Monster” grandson to the right! 

Ladd 125th Needs Your Help! 

Be on the look-out for a kick-o meeng in the next couple of mont

drive the “All Ladd Grad” grade school reunion that will be held

with the 2015 Ladd 125th

 anniversary celebraon. The kick-o mee

all the eorts needed to pull o a successful reunion. In the me

have contact informaon for any “Ladd Grads” please email it to Da

at [email protected]. By the way…the dates for the 125

are set! Mark your calendars now…. July 9 – 12, 2015! JTB needs good info from your home

for “Up Ravioli Alley” 

Hey “Ravioli Alley” folks, JTB needs your stories, photos, anno

and bits of news for “Up Ravioli Alley.” We are looking for st

“Good people doing Great things” both now and in the past, both

and in other parts of the country. We could really use yo

Please email us at [email protected] or

John The Barber Foundaon, Box 88, Cherry, IL 613

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Here’s a few quick Rav-notes... Dick Janko Doing Great things and helping “Up Ravioli Alley:” JTB would like to thank Dick Janko in Peru for all

his promoonal eorts for “Up Ravioli Alley.” Over the course of the past three years Dick has assembled animpressive group of Illinois Valley business people who are planning and promong economic developmentideas. Dick’s assistance has enabled URA to be seen in areas outside of Ravioli Alley and has others thinking“we need an “Up Ravioli Alley” type newsleer for our own town!” Not enough room here for everyone tosay as many “thank you’s” to Dick as he deserves…..let’s just start out with one good one…..THANKS!!“Good people doing Great things.”

St. Bede’s Partnership with High School’s In China is Big Deal for Ravioli Alley:   All in and around “Ravioli Alley”

are highly impressed with St. Bede’s excing new internaonal partnership with Kinglee High School in China.This tremendously interesng iniave will see exchanges of students, families, teachers, and ideas betweenSt. Bede Academy on the edge of “Ravioli Alley” and the Chinese on the other side of the world. Talk aboutGood News! Wow! Congrats to Abbo Philip and all of St. Bede! 

Manito Illinois geng brand new church!: Great news coming out of Manito, Illinois south of Peoria. With apopulaon of just 1,500, Manito’s cizens have raised money to build a brand new church! The new Immacu-late Concepon Manito should be ready to move in early 2015. The new church complex will include a hall,gathering places, youth educaon classrooms, well equipped kitchen and state of the art audio/video sys-tems. Great to see such growth! Good Manito cizens doing Great things! 

Holy Trinity Stewardship Commiee Brings Filipino Mass to Ravioli Alley: The Holy Trinity Stewardship Com-miee, coming through on eorts to “reach out to strangers” is sponsoring a complete Filipino Mass SundayMay 18, 2014 at 3:30 p.m. at Holy Trinity Church in Cherry.  Filipino Priest Father Anthony of Bernas of theDiocese of Peoria will be pung on the mass with authenc Filipino missals, music, and pracces.  A tradi-onal Filipino pot-luck supper will follow at the Cherry Church Hall complete with “Lechon” pork feast.  Thisevent is open to Catholic and non-Catholic Filipino people from all over “Ravioli Alley” and the Illinois Val-ley.  Contact Stewardship Chairman Bridge Poho at 815.228.3387 /[email protected] or Thess

Griengo Hewi at 413.358.3519/[email protected] Malou Perra at 916.478.1248/[email protected] for more informaon.  JTB could use your help for “Summer Spirit Camp” eort: John the Barber could use your help. We are look-

ing for someone who has some experience pung on summer bible study, church camps. JTB would like todo something like this this summer…maybe in June…and we need some good volunteers to helpus….especially anyone who had aended such a camp before. Please email or write JTB if you or someoneyou know might be ready to do something just a lile Great!

Hey Cherry Grade School History experts! Congrats to you too! In addion to the Dalzell students congratu-lated last month for advancing to the State of Illinois History Expo in Springeld May 8, 2014, the followingComets are going too! (Fih Grade) Kaitlynn Donovan and Taytum Hahn, (Seventh Grade) Payton Kerper, and(Eighth Grade) Madison Solda. Everyone from home in “Ravioli Alley” is roong for you! 

Ravioli Alley Alumni on the Mend: Ravioli Alley alumnus and “Up Ravioli Alley” fan Michele Macocco is backat her home in Lake Forest, Illinois aer a stay in the hosp ital and is doing Great! “Ravioli Alley” alumni al-ways like it when folks back home are thinking of them sooooo…… think of Michele right now!!! Hi Michele! 

St. Pat’s Arlington, Holy Trinity Cherry,

St. Thomas More DalzellFirst Communion Sunday May 18, 2014 

A beauful class of students will received their rst communion Su nday May 18, 2014 with

mass in Cherry for Cherry/Dalzell children at 8:30 a.m. and Arlington at 10:30 a.m. Let’s

hope for a beauful Spring day! Pictured here are Florence and Lorea McDonald

First Communion St. Patrick’s Arlington 1912.

P A G E 6

“Bless Our Babies” Baby Needs Collec

St. Patrick’s Arlington, Holy Trinity Che

St. Thomas More Dalzell,

Sunday May 11,2014 – Sunday May 25,

For the second year in a row, the partnered “Ravioli Alley” Catholic

Patrick’s Arlington, Holy Trinity Cherry, and St. Thomas More Dcollecng needed baby items for distribuon via the Hall Township

The wish list of items includes: Pull-ups, baby shampoo, baby body

sizes 4, 5 & 6, loons, wipes, dry formula, and dry cereal. Here's a

Great example to your kids and grandkids.....pick up a few needed it

the trip with them to drop o. Needy babies and Mom’s all over Ha

think you are Great! Drop-o mes and places includ

St. Patrick’s Arlington  8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon  Su

Holy Trinity Cherry  7:30 a.m.- 6:00 p.m.  T

St. Thomas More Dalzell  6:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.  D

A wonderful short story submied by an UR

How Can We Be Happy?

Once a group of y people was aending a seminar. Sudden

stopped and decided to do a group acvity. He started giving eac

Each person was asked to write his/her name on it using a marker.

loons were collected and put in another room. Then these delegat

that room and asked to nd the balloon which had their name wri

one was francally searching for their name, colliding with each

around others and there was uer chaos. At the end of ve minute

nd their own balloon. Then each person was asked to randomly c

and give it to the person whose name was wrien on it. Within on

one had their own balloon!! Ravioli Alley Translaon: Culture pre

all working all day everyday trying to get a lile bit ahead, get our o

accomplish a small goal, get over a lile problem. If you look at it

actually only get a ny bit ahead every day. Next thing you know y

by and each of us really only accomplish about the same. Imagine

would be like if every day we ALL only concentrated on helping each

ingly, magically, powerfully we would ALL would get tremendously a

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“Ravioli Alley Non-For-Prot Organizaons

All Showing that ‘John The Barber’ Spirit This Spring” St. Thomas More Dalzell Vendor Fair: Saturday April 26th, 2014, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at St. Thomas More

Dalzell church hall. Over 30 vendors. Will be selling tortellini, homemade sausage and cookies (Zuccarines and

pizzelles). For more info contact Kathy at 815-343-9403 or see Mary Jean Goodrick aer mass. To benet the

future of St. Thomas More. JTB needs your help with this one. We did not have this noce in the April issue

and likely the fair will be held before most folks receive the May issue. Please help St. Thomas More

Dalzell….if you miss the event please mail a donaon to St. Thomas More Dalzell, Dalzell, IL 61320. John the

Barber ourselves will kick-

o this mail-

in campaign and drop a check for $25 in the mail to St. Thomas Moreourselves. We encourage others out in Ravioli Alley and St. Thomas More Dalzell alumni to make a donaon

too! It is a Great cause! 

Heritage Health FREE Health Fair in Cherry: Thursday, May 1, 2014, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at the Cherry Church

Hall (prior to Monthly Reree Pie & Coee). Blood checks for diabetes, blood pressure by our licensed nurses.

Physical therapist Adel Mendoza will give a presentaon "Prevenng Falls." Lessons will be given on poron con-

trol eang. A light lunch will be served. More informaon Lu Ann Hewi CRC 815.488.2029.

"Convoy Against Cancer" Big Truck Show: Saturday, May 3 ,2014, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. main street in Ladd.

What a fantasc, fun, special event for all to help nd a cure for cancer! Main street in Ladd will be re-routed to

provide a great locaon and experience. Trucks of all kinds, sizes, makes, models, ages, and purposes will be

there from all over North Central Illinois. Music by DJ Gary Swanson, door prizes, 50/50 drawings, bake sale.

Food by Torri's and Soails. For more info 815.488.8245, 815.894.2092, [email protected]. Thanks

again Phil and Mary Ann Hockings and their awesome team! "Good people doing Great things! (and driving big

bad trucks!)"

Seatonville Congregaonal Church, Independent Banquet Honoring Mothers &Daughters: Saturday, May 17,

2014, dinner at 5:30 P.M. and program at 6:30 P.M. Program features the Praise & Shine Quartet! Call 815-228


6717 for a reservaon (needed for dinner only). This event is for the whole family, Mom, Dad, Grandparents,

and Children. 

Arlington Park Fund Commiee Chicken Dinner and Bake Sale:  Tuesday, May 20th, 2014, 4:00 p.m. to 8:00

p.m.  at Bruno’s in Cherry. $7 includes ¼ chicken, coleslaw, fries, soda. Walk-Ins welcome & carry out available.

Call 815.894.2200 for more info. Proceeds will be used towards the proposed constru con of  a park shelter. 

Holy Trinity Cherry Wind/Beer Tasng:  Friday, June 13, 2014, 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Tickets $15. Hors d'oeu-

vres, door prizes, raes, music again by the awesome Steve Sharpe. To benet Holy Trinity Cherry Church and

Hall Improvement Fund. More details coming next issue but mark your calendar for this great, fun event! Jim

Pozzi and his team promise to top last year’s super successful event! This is a super opportunity to do something

a lile bit Great....bring someone who has a bit down on their luck of late as your guest, use it as an opportunity

to approach a new person who has moved onto your block, use it as an opportunity to do something with an old

friend you have not spoken to in awhile! 

Seatonville Congregaonal Church “SUNDAE SUNDAY:” Sunday, June 29, 2014  5:30 - 7:30 PM. We oer FREE

sundae's and banana splits to the community. For the whole community to come and enjoy some ice cream and

fellowship with each other. Call Pastor Bill at 815-228

-6717 for more info.


St. Pat’s Arlington Cook Book Coming!”  In celebraon of the sesquicentennial of St. Patrick's Arlington in 2014,

the Altar and Rosary Society is compiling a cookbook of over 600 recipes from past and present parishioners,

families and friends. Over 100 years of eastern Bureau County goodness!  The cookbook sales will begin at St.

Patrick's annual chicken dinner in July.

Ladd 125th 50/50: Total for 2015 Ladd 125th Anniversary 50/50 currently stands at over $ 2,000.00 (winner gets

$1,000.00+). Tickets now available at North Central Bank, Special Eect Barber/Beauty Salon, Sotails Bar and

Grill, Lanu’s Restaurant, and the Ladd Village Clerks Oce. Winner will be drawn at the Ladd 124th anniversary

this summer June 7, 2014. Proceeds will help make the event in 2015 a memorable one!

“Up Ravioli Alley” appreciates all local post oces

have done to make our rst months a Great success!  

The John the Barber Foundaon would like to thank all the “Ravioli Alley” post oces and postal carrhelp in making “Up Ravioli Alley” such a Great success! In the spirit of John the Barber we are also apthem for now moving/tesng this month’s new distribuon channel through the LaSalle News Tribunfan of the post oce for sure! Sll it has become obvious that a “mini-newspaper” like “Up Ravioli Ato simply be “piggy-backed” and distributed through a “large newspaper.” We will be able to doubleto 4,000 + all for a cost that is 1/10 of anything else available! God has a way of doing things so that tcan become clear maybe in this case to make everyone fully aware of the challenges facing our post opostmasters agree that everyone in “Ravioli Alley” needs to do what they can to strengthen and retaitown post oces. Here are some Great lile things you can do to support and protect your town posthe same me do some Great Christ-like acvies to help others: 

JTB sll uses the post oce: Remember, for non-News Tribune subscribers, URA is being distribu

News Tribune “Shopper” which is distributed via post oces and mail carriers! JTB will connue ies to its out-of -area, out-of -state subscribers via US mail. We will also commit to connually prooce to all “Up Ravioli Ally” readers! 

Helping the needy:  Remember in the world of JTB, the “needy” are not just people of nanthey are people we know that are in need of aenon, respect, smulus, etc. The US mail is a gresomething a lile bit Great for them! Drop your Aunt in Rockford a card to say hi and ask how shnephew at ISU a note with a few bucks for pizza and wish him well on his nal exams. Surprise anpal with a copy of an old picture and a funny note. 

Reaching out to strangers: If you read in the paper about someone you don’t know in Spring Vaing something good for their community, drop them a card in the mail and say thanks! If someonup the street and you are nervous about introducing yourself, drop them a card in the mail and “bIf you hear of a student in Dalzell who just made the Dean’s List mail them a leer and say “congr

Forgiving and Saying You’re So rry: Now….here is a chance to do something a lile bit Great for card in the mail is a great way to tell your daughter that you accept her apology and say you are sgreat way to “make the rst move” with an old friend and clear the air about a lile disagreemen

ago. A sincere leer in the mail is a super way to tell you brother that you wished you h ad done tly in the past and that you would very much appreciate geng o to a new fresh start!

If everyone of the people in “Ravioli Alley” had a goal to send one of these out every season of the yespring, summer, fall, winter…..imagine how Great that would be! Imagine how much happier everyoImagine how many stamps your postmaster would sell! Go do it man! 


Dave Pellegrini of D&M Landscaping of Spring Valley 

Expert Lawn Care, Landscaping, and Excavang 815.664.2571 

Dave is making it possible for approximately 5,000 “Ravioli Alley” residents and alum

to enjoy “Up Ravioli Alley” this month! Wow!

Next me you see Dave, tell him “thanks!” for doing such a Great thing! 

(If you would like to do something Great and sponsor “Up Ravioli Alley” one month

please email [email protected]
