Q2. One and Many: 1x4=4
Toy _________________
Hut _________________
Pen _________________
1. ___________ apple
2. ___________ mat
3. ___________ igloo
4. ___________ bus
1. A cat _______ a mat.
2. A dog _______ a box.
3. A boy _______ a log.
4. A bug _______ a jar.
5. A ball _____a box.
Q6. Use of ‘this’ and ‘that’ : 1x5=5
1. _________ is a tree.
2. _________ is a pot .
3. _________ is a fox.
4. __________ is a bag.
5. __________ is a gun.
1. The fat ___________ is on the _________
2. A __________ is on a ___________
3. The ____________ is wet
4. The__________ is big.
5. Lion in the _____________.
Q1. Identify the picture and write their names: 1x8=8
a) __________
b) ____________
c) _____________
d) ______________
e) _____________
f) ____________
g) __________
h) _____________
1) My name is ____________________.
3) I am a ___________ .
4) I live in _________________________.
Q3. Write the names of Festivals :1x7=7
1) H __L ___.
6) C h___i ___t___a.
Q5. Fill in the blanks (My Family): 1x5=5
a. My mother name is _____________________
b. My father name is ______________________
c. I have _______ sister.
d. I have _______ brother.
e. I _________ my family.
41- ______________________
42- ______________________
43- ______________________
44- ______________________
45- ______________________
47- ______________________
48- ______________________
49- ______________________
50- ______________________
a) 2 ___ ___ 8 14 18.
1. | 1X10= 10
2.) | 1x5=5
i) + =
ii) + =
iii) + =
v) + =
3. | 1x10=10
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |