Download pdf - Unit Block Plan

  • Jaime Murphy Furst

    Unit Block Plan:

    Day 1:

    Topic: Measuring

    Objective:SWBAT: construct their own ruler that hascolored segments (units) and numbers todevelop the understanding a unit on a rulerindicates the spaces between the numbers.

    Teaching Strategy: Mini-lesson followed byactive exploration (following a workshopmodel, where children learn through self-discovery.

    Procedure: see SHU Lesson in appendix

    Formative Assessment: Teacher will meetwith groups; Exit ticket

    Day 2:

    Topic: Using a benchmark when measuring

    Objective:SWBAT recognize an appropriate benchmarkfor each standard of measure.

    Teaching Strategy: (Mini-lesson). This is atwo fold lesson. Introduce the idea ofbenchmark and lay foundation for applyingcritical thinking.

    Using what we learned about units, teacher willintroduce the idea of a benchmark as anothernon-standard way to measure. The termbenchmark is critical for when the students startusing their body as a benchmark for measuring(ie: thumb- inch, pinky- centimeter, arm toelbow-foot).

    Procedure: Group exploration in the GummyWorm Stretch. Student will use their non-standard rules and measure gummy worms,(original and after they are stretched). This willbe our introduction lesson for comparing thedifference between the two in length.

    Formative assessment: Teacher will movefrom group to group making note of propertechnique for measuring, reading the ruler unitproperly.

    Exit Ticket: Teacher will collect the results ofthe activity and see how well they answered"What would happen if we measure usingsegments but did not put the segments end toend?" Challenge question "How can Iremember the length of an inch using abenchmark?"

  • Jaime Murpny Fursr

    Day 3:

    (Lesson 1 or 2)

    Topic: Measuring and Comparing differences

    Objective:SWBAT visually compare items and thenconnect measurement comparison tosubtraction and addition

    Teaching Strategy: Mini-lesson followed byactive exploration (following a workshopmodel, where children learn through self-discovery).

    Procetlure: During Mini Lesson, teacher willdemonstrate measuring (proper line up, start atzero).

    Next, students will participate in activitychallenge called "Measuring Strips." Asguided practice, teacher will order a set of stripsfrom shortest to longest, Students will recordfindings and they apply critical thinking "Whatis the difference in length of between thelongest and shortest striP."

    Students will work in groups of 4. At eachstation teacher will supply a basket of differentsized strips of paper and students will useshomemade ruler from lesson i '

    Formative Assessment: Teacher will meetwith groups; Whiteboard during guidedpractice, Exit ticket

    Day 4:

    (Lesson 2 of 2)

    Topic: Measuring and Comparing Differences

    Objective:SWBAT visually compare items and thenconnect measurement comparison tosubtraction and

    Teaching Strategy: Mini-lesson and partneractivity

    TP: Teacher will focus on Difference and"different" and demonstrate how two objectsare the same up to a certain point' Build onprior knowledge by reminding students thatfinding the difference can be used throughsubtraction problem.

    Procedure: Mini-lesson followed by activeexploration (following a workshop model,*1r.." children learn through self-discovery)'Students will explore measurement byworking with Cuisenaire blocks'

    Teacher will have various cuisenarie strips onthe board and will demonstrate how "smallerunit can be our unit of measurement'"

    Students will be divided into 4 groups and willpractice measuring and comparing using asmaller base unit.

    Formative Assessment: Teacher will meetwith group asking students to compare "Theblue rod is X cm and the pink shorter rod is Ycm. I know this because..."

    Teacher will collect the activity sheet and makeassessments or will carry the lesson over thenext day based on feedback during the group to


  • Murphy Furst

    Day 5:

    Topic: Measuring Zig-Zags and Curves

    Objective:SWBAT: compare lengths that are not instraight lines. Curves and zig-zags increaseIength. The shortest distance between 2 thingsis a straight line.

    Teaching Strategy: Mini-lesson where theteacher models problem on the board.Followed by group activity and exploration

    Procedure: Teacher will place a picture ofseveral paths on the board and ask students howthey can get their length. Student will exploremeasuring paths in groups using string, rulerand pipe cleaner. They will measure differentshaped paths. There will be 3 separate stationsset up with groups of 4 measuring andrecording results. Students will moveclockwise every 8-10 minutes to the nextmeasuring station.

    Students wili again be introduced to wordproblem and using words to explain theiranswers. They will use evidence to realize thatthe shortest distance between 2 things is astraight line-

    X'ormative Assessment: Teacher will movefrom group to group reinforcing key points.

    Retelling: As I move from group to group, Iwill ask the students to tell me what theylearned about distance between curved andstraight lines.

    Exit Ticket: Students will measure paths and

    Day 6

    (Part I of 2)

    Topic: Introduction to standard units ofMeasurement

    Objective:SWBAT apply the appropriate standard ofmeasure to items of varying length

    Teaching StrategSr,: Through mini-lesson andstudent exploration in the activity "Footsteps onthe Rug," students will be introduced tocentimeter and inches. They will learn thatthey will have different measurements whenmeasured with different units.

    Procedure: Teacher will ask the students tojoin her on the rug poses question to thestudents. "If Bianca and I were to talk acrossthe carpet, do you think we will get the samemeasurement." Think, Pair, Share yourthoughts.

    Following discussion, we would demonstrateand see the result. "It took Mrs. Furst 6 steps,took Bianca 9 steps to cross the carpet? "Teacher will ask the students to explain why?Teacher will model correct format. "I think ittook Bianca more steps because...."

    Teacher will introduce the cm as the smallerunit and the inch as a larger unit through 4minute lesson.

    Students will have 10 minutes to measure 1item a few classroom items in centimeters andin inches. Teacher will introduce appropriate

  • Jdil I ltr MUr Pr ry rur >L

    answer word problem. benchmark for estimation.

    Formative Assessment: Teacher will movefrom group to group while they are measuring


    (Part2 of 2)

    Topic: Introduction to standard units ofMeasurement

    Objective:SWBAT apply the appropriate standard ofmeasure to items of varying length

    Teaching Strategy: Building fromyesterday....Through mini-lesson and studentexploration in the activity "Footsteps on theR g," students will be introduced to foot andmeters. They will learn that they will havedifferent measurements when measured withdifferent units.

    Procedure: Teacher will ask the students tojoin her on the rug poses question to thestudents. "If Bianca and I were to talk acrossthe carpet, do you think we will get the samemeasurement." Think, Pair, Share yourthoughts.

    Following discussion, we would demonstrateand see the result. "It took Mrs. Furst 6 steps, ittook Bianca 9 steps to cross the carpet? "Teacher will ask the students to explain why?Teacher will model correct format. "I think ittook Bianca more steps because...."

    Teacher will introduce the foot as the smallerunit and the meter as a larger unit through 4minute lesson.

    Students will have 10 minutes to measureitem a few classroom items in Feet and in

    Day 8

    Topic: Estimating and choosing the right tool

    Objective:SWBAT apply the appropriate standard ofmeasure to items of varying length

    Objective: SWBAT recognize an appropriatebenchmark for each standard of measure.

    Teaching Strategy: Teacher will read aloudfrom the book 12 snails and I Lizard by SusanHightower. Mini-lesson on 4 standards (cm,inch, foot and meter). Activity- explore whichtool is best suitable for measuring variousobjects.

    Procedure: Teacher will ask the students tojoin her on the rug and will tell children thatthere are different tools used to measuredifferent items.Teacher will read 12 Snails and I Lizard to theclass.

    Students will explore in groups by measuringvarious sized lizards and snails and iguanasusing benchmarlw (see lesson 2,6,7).

    TP: How come we do not all get the sameanswer when we are using an estimate? Thereare more accurate methods but we need tochoose how to solve using our estimates. Is it asmall item? Medium item? Large item? Is thereanything we already know about the item.

  • Murphy Furst

    Meters and add them to their charl. Teacherwill introduce a proper benchmark forestimation.

    TP: What do we notice about our results whenwe look at our results in cm, inches, Feet andmeters? Why are they all different? What dowe notice about measuring in smaller units vsmeasuring in larger units.

    Formative Assessment: Teacher will movefrom group to group while they are measuring:

    Exit slip: Apply critical thinking to apply whichstandard is the biggest and what happens to ourresults when we are using larger unit. Ifsomething is 73 inches, if we measure in meterswould we get a result smaller than73 or biggerthan73?

    Students will participate in a explorativeactivity where they sort objects by the correcttool they would use to measure it with.

    Formative Assessment: Teacher will movefrom group to group while they are measuring:

    Exit slip: making estimates on the appropriatestandard to use for measuring an item.

    Day 9:

    Measurement Olympics:

    Objective: Students will review allmeasurement concepts discussed.

    Teaching Strategy: Group activity at dillbrentmeasurement stations. Brief group discussion

    Procedure: Students will move to differentgroups and perform measurement tasks atdifferent stations.

    Assessment: Teacher will move from group togroup. Teacher will collect this activity sheetand use as an exit ticket.

    Note: This will also serve as a review beforethe post assessment.

    Day 10:

    Post Assessment prior to the start of ArraysPaper and Pencil format of 10 questions thatinclude measurement and critical thinkingapplication.
