Page 1: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis


Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD))

Disability Resource Centre

Page 2: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre


This session aims to promote an understanding of:

•The SpLD assessment process and model

•How an SpLD diagnosis is obtained

•The time frame for the SpLD diagnostic process

Page 3: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Aims: to address common concerns

Commonly asked questions:

•Why are students assessed for the first time at University?

•How robust is the assessment process?

Page 4: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Assessment process

Page 5: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

What is Dyslexia?

• Definition (handout)

• Problems in:

• Speed of processing (visual and phonological)

• Working memory

• Phonological awareness

• Deficit model / discrepancy model

• Subtle profiles – relative /absolute difficulties

Page 6: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Profile of dyslexia ‘spiky profile’


Page 7: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Case study – Jane e-mails DRC

Student receives e-mail from SpLD administrator with following:

• Appointment date (up to 2 weeks) & Confidentiality agreement (disclosure)

• Pre-screening questionnaire (self-completion)

• Closed questions and narrative responses

• Students own description of difficulties/concerns

• Referral for eye test

• Eliminate eye conditions as reasons for literacy problems

• Request for sample of unedited handwritten notes (lecture notes / supervision essay)

Page 8: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Jane – pre-screening questionnaire

What do her responses indicate at this stage?

• Working memory (times tables / sequencing ideas)

• Phonological awareness (poor at listening aspect of French, difficulty with new words)

• Speed of processing (slow reading, slow writing of ideas)

Refer to definition of dyslexia

Familial history of SpLD (brother, father)

Page 9: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Screening interview - purpose

• 1:1 with SpLD specialist

• Structured interview

• Questions are trigger points

• Looking for patterns consistent with SpLD (or other)

• Eliminate other reasons for the difficulties

• Norm referenced tests

• To support/contradict interview findings

Page 10: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

1.5 hour screening interview – structured questions

Medical Background

•Eliminating other causes for difficulties :• depression, epilepsy, ME, Anorexia, medications, etc.

can affect working memory & speed of processing. • Eye conditions and hearing loss can affect literacy skills

•Noting any medical conditions that are positive indicators of SpLD (allergies, recurrent ear infections as child, premature birth)

Page 11: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Screening interview – educational background

• Identify that signs of SpLD were present throughout schooling (albeit not diagnosed)

• Difficulties in specific areas relating to dyslexia (i.e. not general problems)

• Learning additional languages• Essay writing (structure/organisation)• Lack of automaticity of literacy skills• Discrepancies across subjects

• Eliminate other causes for difficulties (changes of school/ unconventional schooling, additional languages)

Page 12: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Screening interview – structured questions

• Language/listening behaviour

• Writing and spelling

• Reading

• Note-taking

• Maths

• Memory

• Spatial/temporal

• Visual motor

Page 13: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Screening interview – data

• Adequate cluster of signs of deficits in:

• working memory

• Processing speed

• Phonological awareness

• Select norm referenced tests to test findings:

• Speed of reading (TOWRE form A – SS=89)

• Spelling- (WRAT –IV blue - SS= 105)

• Rapid naming (objects and colours) (CTOPP – SS= 85)

Page 14: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Screening interview – Jane’s outcome

• Test results lower than expected

• Test results consistent with reported problems in processing speed and spelling

• Outcome warrants referral for full diagnostic assessment to EP

• Write up outcome of screening interview as short report and pass this to diagnostic assessor (see handout).

Page 15: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Full Diagnostic assessment

• Appointment with EP – around 2 weeks from referral by DRC (longer if student needs to obtain funding from ALF)

• DRC pool of EP’s are quality assured by DRC & liaise closely with DRC Disability Advisers

• Student may need to travel to London

• Session lasts around 4 hours & Costs £400

Page 16: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Full Diagnostic assessment - Jane

•Verbal comprehension (verbal IQ -WAIS-IV – 4 subtests) –SS=151

•Perceptual organisation (nonverbal IQ – WAIS-IV – 4 subtests)- SS=150

•Processing speed ( visual processing -WAIS-IV – 2 subtests) SS=89

•Working memory( auditory memory - WAIS-IV – 2 subtests) SS= 96

Page 17: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Full Diagnostic assessment - Jane

• Phonological processing

• Phonological awareness (2 x CTOPP subtests) SS=90

• Phonological memory (2 x CTOPP subtests) SS=95

• Speed of processing phonological information from long term memory (rapid naming) (2 x CTOPP subtests) SS=90

• Supplementary CTOPP subtests available if needed

Page 18: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Full Diagnostic assessment - Jane

• Single word reading (untimed) (WIAT-II – SS 110)

• Single word reading (timed) (TOWRE – SS 90)

• Non-word reading (timed) (TOWRE– SS 88)

• Reading comprehension ((ART)

• Reading Accuracy – SS= 92

• Comprehension –SS=110

• Speed of Reading (rate) – SS=84

• Writing Speed (wpm) - 19 wpm (average undergraduate = 24 – 28wpm) (5 min precise task)

Page 19: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Full Diagnostic assessment - Writing/Spelling

• Single word spelling – SS= 101

• Timed prose writing (20 minutes)

• Spelling when writing in prose

• Use of expressive vocabulary

• Organisation of ideas

• Sentence structure/ grammar & punctuation

• Legibility and speed of handwriting (17 wpm)

Page 20: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Full Diagnostic assessment - outcome

EP Compares:

1. data across all the psychometric tests & test behaviour

2. outcome of screening interview

3. students self report of difficulties

Page 21: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Full Diagnostic assessment - outcome

Diagnosis of dyslexia due to all consistently showing similar degree of deficit in:

• Working memory

• Speed of processing

• Phonological awareness

•Therefore, meets definition of dyslexia (see definition on handout)

•Recommendation is 25% extra time in exams to compensate for slow processing speed (slow reading and writing) and poor working memory (need to re-read)

Page 22: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Diagnostic assessment process - timeframe

• Student contact – screening interview appointment = 2 weeks

• Screening interview appointment – EP appointment = 2 weeks

• EP write up report = 2 weeks

• Student feedback appointment at DRC for support arrangements = 2 weeks

• Minimum of 8 weeks from initial contact to discussion of report and support arrangement

• In addition – during feedback meeting student applies for DSA to fund support– 12 weeks process before funding for support is available.

Page 23: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Diagnostic assessment process

Any questions?

Page 24: Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties: Identification and Diagnosis (Briefing) Helen Duncan (Disability Adviser (SpLD)) Disability Resource Centre

Diagnostic assessment process

Useful contacts and links:

•DRC website

•Inclusive teaching DRC Online resources (via DRC website)

•DRC workshops : Teaching students with Specific Learning Difficulties (via PPD)
