  • 1. Understanding Nationalism
    Intro to Key Issue One Should nation be the foundation of identity?

2. Vocabulary
To inquire or investigate thoroughly
To break down into parts and examine in detail
To examine critically and to indicate which elements are essential
3. Vocabulary
To assess or appraise
To decide what something is worth
To present a position that is well expressed well supported and persuasive
4. KWL chart
Nation and Identity
5. Watch this clip and fill in your chart
Watch this clip and fill in your chart
6. I am Canadian
7. 2010 Olympic Closing Ceremonies
Watch the following 3 speakers (start at 2:09 in clip) and summarize what they say it means to be a Canadian
8. Group Chart

  • In groups of 4, create a chart which states what the speakers think it means to be Canadian as a group and as an individual

9. Include at least 4 points on each side