Page 1: u.H. S.u. · 2013. 3. 12. · (4) _.Publicationez . Tho fH: has this )'Oar la..a.In::hocI R nen publicet:1on ~ tD n:opl.ace ICAIIIlJIIA - This . 1a l119ant to be a proper no.-JS papcr


• £.~I~ CF TK: ~: 10 I!O!'IIYT" ~ hllC1 '~ : .

Prt ': i dent :

VieD Pr~q i dc'nt :

Ooputy Vie r. ~sldr.nt::


UirutC!l Sncrotory: Portfo lios .............. . .......... -Publications :

Acednrrdc Frooa:.:

Frostier · a Rcx:aption;


I. Sardirlftlla

J ,J. Mi1tstpa

C .....

~ B. 'li"'..o

u.H. KBtt-ree

S.u. IA'.Jdy

" F. El..1a:;.

U.H. Ia.l.n ,

Followim "%) rcs1gnBtions ,.". tn: SIC 31ectcd

in Uerch pnssod 0 \oOtc ~ ro conr~ in

. _-.J L ,, _

to conc1.lct mY! eloctionB in ttm out: ~ " lcy:ti,.. tile .tDIe tIE _ .1 .... til


Tho fR: ruprosonts tRl Blnck st:udent:s at tile ~ 01' ..... - ............ .,

which 1S1-

1. Faculty of' die.ina 467

2. other Facultic&-, Arts. ~. LMt - 1C"1 , . 3 . D1.pl0ftlll ftn"ses ....a:r. ~: W7

Ucdical Studonts font tho IEjDr paop:e t:kJn and s1n::e tfIey ... - - __ ....

.. virtuIIlly control .:1St stu.:lent ect1.vit:ics.

The ~ has the f'0l.lmt1nu SU~ttces:-

1. The Uadical Students Council

2. Un1vcrs1ty Culturcl. Socioty

3. SASO l.Dc:al. • 2/- QenI::nd ~ ~ •••••


Page 2: u.H. S.u. · 2013. 3. 12. · (4) _.Publicationez . Tho fH: has this )'Oar la..a.In::hocI R nen publicet:1on ~ tD n:opl.ace ICAIIIlJIIA - This . 1a l119ant to be a proper no.-JS papcr

- 2--

Fontral Affl1iat~0~ . .J

( a ) South African Stude::nts Droanisation -5ASO

,..1 (b) Association of Medicnl Stude nts of South Africa --NISSA

AELATICHl WITH: . _. --_ ...


ThO mpthed of' approach to tho University Council cnn .M{. through trc Uason ..... 'f C ittea (studonts & !> t fl ff) has indica t ed hnt dirlJct s tudont roprnsontetion to the

to tho Univor~ lty r.Clurrll 1" r r" 'uir" rl -. , commls~ion for this purpose has l)ecn

appointed compri!.i ny UI .. t.,. ,fl'! University ICouncil hos rcopondad thet It shall allOilt

tho fflF ' ::; to presont Ilny s pI'C1fic Cnsr t o Council provided thrl oxis tino channels how

ff\l1od to sol vo the! prohlom. Diroc t rcprosontotlon ViR thr principal is also posslbl

Functionally the !:J(; (consisting of lTIQd1cal s tudonts) Ims very little central rolet1Giw

i o . t Principal and membors of tho administration b.Jt reprosentlltion at Feculty

10 1 is oomotimos ongagod t1It uSU611y tie' .,. CI'\T1) of by thn t.B; . The eJ1C 1.8 fn:lO to a t tho principal - such lII( 'otings could () sily 00 nrrangcd. From our ~nce or

IOU\.ih ii- oti:'1g':l it ~ .. hrlCJn r unl1sod that:-

(a) N.' ~r rappdrt 11.'5 boon establishad b(:Jtwnan the! black

- ( t)) Not IIIJCh hes be n AChieved ns fl rosult of such rrootings .

Tho gv; c:boa nct require prior r atifications by the principal or My lhlvorsity

authority tieroN oxorcising normal functions of thn Sf(; c,og.

,. Aff'lliation to Central Ikldics

2 . PUblihatio

3 . I ssuing of Pross Stotements

4 . Tours and Inter visits

b!l ooturi'l1 SUtff ' " A:J a gonnrol princi ple t hc3 sn:: doos not come into contect with l ccturiro sta,f as ~

SAC howcvor, bocauso of smal.;!. -ess of' t ho centro , i nd!'viciJals ~n thB fR: QI'O .

known by l octuring staff . Al thouOh no diroct i ncidonts of intimidationS ant NICOi" it i s known that some s t aff mnmoors t end to regard t ho a:c activit1.cs os 1nturf'anrv w'ith stucb~adandc" procross . Fal·lowing t hA reca nt s tudant Uf"e"'e(;t. SOlE _Dar. of both locturfng s taff and acb~strlliian s t off have tJlrmd to bl~ .., "fIlC 1eI_1'Sl)

for {Jiving "irresponsibl o l eadership" ta t he s tudent bo~. ~r for ro=~

it s hould

the ::I doy boycott a nd oth.--:r s request od t mt th,'y lJo nivon prior notice in tho CNOnt ..

further boycott so t het the y could a djus t ~achirl!J PTOgronm:Js. At tho bogitY11ng af ~ , '. L;. • ,

'3 day boycott' tho ffC rnc c i v;)d an ossurance t hat no Disci-pl1r'iir'y" Action would be ••

taken, by. tho faculty or univer s ity' againnt s tudents inspitl' of their iJlb'Cpt'Otation

~-.... ·-that boycotting locturns was 1\ contravention of tho University Rules.

3/ - STt.D:NT 1ICTIVITlE5. •• .

Page 3: u.H. S.u. · 2013. 3. 12. · (4) _.Publicationez . Tho fH: has this )'Oar la..a.In::hocI R nen publicet:1on ~ tD n:opl.ace ICAIIIlJIIA - This . 1a l119ant to be a proper no.-JS papcr

(t) !"" ... lc:-

IIIdIv ~y a ~ faculty fNlst of th< ' oc:ad€!lllic otudc nt functions .1r o I'Icld by

u.: -= .... its ~ su~tt~s. The 'lnjor '}vcnts of th' ~ar are :_

(0) s,-. •• Ia on -=rl1cal rn:U:::ation organi sed hy th.'" rkdica l Publication Comm1ttoa

(b) Qaltural o4Jcatt.on 1n U~ of' arb, dreme , rlI.Js i c I ar , ort1onisod by lMCLB.

(c) Studonts Cl.1n1.cnl Confr n ,nc.' - to " .. hich l reding oCl'ldomiclans aro invited and

studr:nts ~ 1"3::IlK"Stcd to p~ PRprr!:> on various :Inprct s of mcC:llcinc .

(d) Fu.s on a:spx:ts or .. :d1cirun arL scr<:'.Drcd by , .cop~ " Int:'1rnal ,. Local

~t;tJc of PaZiA. '

ratr - ttl.. r _ i5 '. in- hy nll sub-commi ttces , on their contributors in the

...tauG fields.

(2) ~:

1. DIb!nd.slts:- The fR:: 1:l oreoureginp tho prectico of intorvisits from stuclont

III'I~. rII ot.ftar ..... 1$, - l.atr. lost y.:JnT e,'r; had .:: facul " " socie ty from Fort Hsro

vSal 8111!1 ~ at tho ' OOIIIpUS IiJring their tour of t ho (}Jrban Arne. This year

a...:: ..t.n.Iy hBd a v:lslt f'r'DIII I)JWIJr Training CollO!!o , Uite nhago , e nd will be recoiv1ng

Fort Q:I.cnt:1.r1c Society i Sopt .T . , "

MtatLlon b ~ to thin f'ranI all c~s "TOUPS thnt might want to visit tho ~ban

2. Iih.-pIdllc Dlllyr- roU.ot-d.n.J 1lhl' deci:31on by tho 2nd G.8.C. to l!IlkD She.rpv111o Day

~ __ - our centro contiru:cd to obsorva this day - At a f~t1on attended ,

by 1 p!lIJplo on our ~ ground, Q cOlllllOllll'lClaUon service we, hold on 19/3/72, . ~-,'e". L .. o. ItJ:1d1 of' the Corgrogotiornl C~rch as officiating ministar.

U ....

3. AIb1.ic Lbot:lngs:- our fR:: contirucs to accept ro'!IJOs ts by s overal publiC ortJ!llno-

'sCion 1nd.t1Jw &pol!Iksrs f'r'DIII fR:: or tho s tudent body - soveral of' Our studont leadllrs

a...:: !IIdDn at such .aat1rvs. ' , ' .

As ~ or lt1C piul:Jst CNOr in: "Tiro Affair" a mooting betvJOOn parents and studiInta

tIU5 ~ at; 8DltDn Hall on 5/ 5/72

a. ' fWIPr VIIJ.£Y a..JJCIJ: - Tho ~ Conwn1ttcc contiruns to run its clinic bssod at '

Alan Taylor Rc:s1.den:o for tre S31'V1co of tro Happy Val.l By, Uorebank, .ALIsterville

... o.Jmn - 5IOUth COQpl~. Atte ndance fi!)Ul'l!::l hElvo thin ycm" risen to about, ,:2(1) ~

~: Virious :lnt:<::restod individx:lls no~~lanning n roo 110 c~inic to ~rvo the,. ~; tuDcsldps ... tf1c llJrbBn area \'/hieh is further afield. . ' ~~. ;

\ ... SMIJ~ Pr'qjects: - ttrsc nrc eont...urud in the 6ASO Local Report - br1cfly

tiiey ~ ll~ projects in rtD.D.J" LJLASI, ~A MASK!, Pl-lENIX and for workers '* AllIn Taylor Ros.idaR:c.

4/- (4) Publications ---- ... .. ~.

Page 4: u.H. S.u. · 2013. 3. 12. · (4) _.Publicationez . Tho fH: has this )'Oar la..a.In::hocI R nen publicet:1on ~ tD n:opl.ace ICAIIIlJIIA - This . 1a l119ant to be a proper no.-JS papcr

(4) Publicationez _. . -Tho fH: has this )'Oar la..a.In::hocI R nen publicet:1on ~ tD n:opl.ace ICAIIIlJIIA -

This . 1a l119ant to be a proper no.-JS papcr type publlcat10n and is fqJod tt.d; th:

f'roqupncy of' publications ~lill be i~ I

FoUowing thc'Tiro Affair' a t TUrfloco at 0 st:udont body ~ atte .. 4sd by t.J ttdrda

of tho .Jstudont body it fJ8S doclcbd through e rnTI"Ot7 -ajIrlty to sbIg:1 a tI1I'ao day

IxI)ocott of locturos and at...". tcectd..'1J pitkJl.-::s. The ~ SI4JPlI ted by CMJr I

~ of tho student llody. 9JtJGortuont to ttris t:h:!re ., cell rn. tI10

Hat1olnl. Fot'IIIIltion School tD boycott locturoo 08 f'nIII .b1c " Thl.s ..u "~~.Id; I

at B BVen b1ggor student body _tinu t:hl!In bufDrc on gruunds t:tm a:an.ty sho\'''' our • sol1c1ari ty' • A pross s tatc.lnt rclt.!e.ood by ttr fA: prus1dnnt stat:irv tt.t votino on IMtt0f'8 IIIfrlnly on roc1a1 lines ai:t:h -Uy I.rdlIIn stud:Ints ~

against. end Afric n s tudcnt.'5 \IOt1~ for rcsultrd in a poti.t:1an by sactIJr 'ar tht

student body inst:nJctinu the president to rcs1(Jn and ~ pebUc1y. pat:lttan

"1M dared by 1 55 then ~ In the ~ the pros:1dant e stel It .. '-'

nt1f1od by tho fA: by a b'IC wte. The pms:I.cbIt rcftecd to rasian on

, I

(0) thnt ho " rot c::omt1tut:1onnlly bourwJ to rostcn. (b) thl!lt the petition had boon u.aupurly COt'UICi;cU .&.u c'ii"'ii" - .!o- ;:.ot fit_A _d, 1n

potition and 1ntropret;at1on; wcrr. lncl.t.Khd rather thln tile actual

(e l this stetcnlcnt hed 81.roady fIaen rotif'1cd by the IH:. r ..

(d), tfvJt soma of priJIe ~ of' thJ petition ta:f been ....... tID ct:1VD1y

collaborflto rtith ~ attolpts to 1nto:rf'CI'e In sbGIrIt arratrs.

The fR: ooooptcd tho prosidon stm'1d and i.n5tccd

into m'OUP rel tions on thJ CQIIIIPUS.

Shortly after the> roJootion of tho Alice [b::larat1on u.., tIDatDl atudDnta .... \IP •

Ust of gricvencos ~t which 1It!rO, 0 cb:und.. ~ ttm ......... i ..... -- ,.~ .. ~ by Q -black. ~. tho food bo ~ and the n£.CI1t avb'uilp:JcU,vc rt. In r_ •

bo reversed. Studonts resolved to go on e food bu)cott and tI.oubwiiid to taIae ft.I"~

drastic steps if thoir donendB wore rot 1IIC"t. MtBr a f'0IIf~ tIE IIDJc»tt f'1zz18d

epparantly bocause of II vurlty of I"8B5Of1S bit the students wo tI. _ ~-~ ... ~­

tho whole affeir • . ..


(a) SportSI ':' f'ollO\'dng obJrx:tion frma ttlc mcd:ic81 euttmr1ty rq;ua-dlng ~ ar ~ Tayl.or ROsidercc for int:G:nlBrsity ~ end ulso tfIC ract t:b::rt tfIa ~ ~ "~I not ~ finished the lte Athletic ~ 00c:1d9d. to rnqa.cst ~ tID ~ as lusts

. .or Provido grounds ror the 19?2 intcrwIr'Sity car centro - 51 ••• .." tID

M ~nt 1'16S reached to too t'!f'f'oct ~ tHl 1IIJUld pay all o::ICPii*lCUS and ~

provido .tho Vl:!1'"I.J9 • . 5/- (Il) Intm- :H:.s. •••••

Page 5: u.H. S.u. · 2013. 3. 12. · (4) _.Publicationez . Tho fH: has this )'Oar la..a.In::hocI R nen publicet:1on ~ tD n:opl.ace ICAIIIlJIIA - This . 1a l119ant to be a proper no.-JS papcr

(b) Inte r Sl::' s - our prac tise of hold1111J moionAl SlC' s l':'Cl~tinos hellO ACt COcn a dhorod to this year boccusC' of unforturutr. c1rcumslorcn3. ~b",ovor , tho lIE -EJI::

doCidad to convene a mooting of ~C prcs idonts 1n JohnrYll"'shurg following tho tet10nal

Eloycott ~ This meoting \',oul d co-ordinotc pr t1 tiOrl!' -."nt tc f!lll cc rrtre!l by lie call1ng

for the roaanif;sion of Tiro a nd the s tudent IJody r· t Turflooo. This meoti"'J resulted

in tho crootion of thl~ courcil of SAC ' <; pr~<; 1 ur.nt5 "!has ') r:lutirs are to coordinate and

initiate all netiofYll pl ans r O'. /uir1rlfJ mass suooort . Tho mcc ting also drcr:'1 up Id.~

demands for bl ack students in :i . II. II ctpy of which 11'; ilrvlr.xed to this roport.

.G ' (c) Cormunicotion "li th othc.!r Cuntros - sircc 1970 mi rutcs of our ~ roocting heve been

sent to all black campusm; tJut unforturldt !"!ly only FtC6E:.1 a dn occasionally LMZU... over

"r espond in f\ l iko mnnncr . Of l at' : Rome UnivC'rs ity through president ,

r,lr , N." , ... ' . :.:' l c: , has IJt (,n /'I ttf"~ting to est ablish n s t OAdy inter c hango of -tnutes

and l a ttor s .Por sonal contact bot\~cn our ~ and Springfie ld College ,--

Univor s l ty a nd University of Zulul{md has bonn Vf'Ty (JOOd.

Ncstvillc l'

Contact betYloen us and hoed offico contirued to be OOOJ. Tho 9lC uses the IBCh.1naIy at , head offico oxt onsivoly and return the head offico receives a lot of ass1stoncO fro.

us rogarding I.'ICconrnodotion for largo nretings and for delogates and ganon4 ~ •

111M pol'lCr for IIIl"nial tasks . As indiceted earl1er SASO Local contirues to be well

involvod in cOIII1IJnity v.ork in tho [)Jrban flretl lllthough progroes 15 rOt u ' dbod- the

me oould l1kf'l to soo . Follovling tho Alico Declar ation A petition was proee.ltGd tp tt.

f:JIC Gigned by 1?O students oalling for prosentation to tho s tude nt body or lWIJ's


"aims and objoctivcs " a nd for 0 nubooquont rofcroncllm, tV.IQ days later on u. ......... continue d affiliation to EW>D. The ffiC grantod a meati~ ' but rof....:c. · . : .. ' c': ,.· _:,.dI. on tro grounds that such a doficlcnt cen only be takan a t a IIElOting and ~

. . . J. '

interestod would com to tho mootirg . A meeting for thci diaCussion or conet:1~ changon , report from t l'va fJlC group rolatioF'l$ conmisS9n a nd 6ASO patition has boon

shewlcd for the first \Yook of August .

Tho annJOl co nfaronce of IWBSA i s bai ng held at lLi - our J.B: hils sent IS dolagat:lan

'. ~od by rranbers of the student body.

a. NIC - Initially rolntions betl'Jeon ffiC and NIC wero cordial I"lith both parties"

'" C!lxchangirg sponkors at meetings. Follovling t ho NIC -sASO sqLI§bblc a1c:l.lbious rola.

played by NIC in the studont NIC a nd of lata unsav8ny commOnts of tho ER: praet'*-'t . .. (sea o.nnoxturo) m l ations have coolAd ~rootly nnd e1l"O t~atcnirg treak1rV point. '

b. SPAo1'AS 2 .• Olock cormunity progranwnes - Rolations ~!ith black ~ty

progTtvII11C ico hove increasingly br::comc .good wi1r students offering their ~

for some of the projects piiotc d by this offico ru'ld constant usage of rofererca • meterials from this otfice by tho students.

6/- c. TE[;(Jf •••••


Page 6: u.H. S.u. · 2013. 3. 12. · (4) _.Publicationez . Tho fH: has this )'Oar la..a.In::hocI R nen publicet:1on ~ tD n:opl.ace ICAIIIlJIIA - This . 1a l119ant to be a proper no.-JS papcr

., \


c. TBDt: Cpnt1tuos .to Ix; th:J draIao group of choice for lN3 stuPQrlts flith SOIII3 TEIXJf .

awbets ~ to ctiroct pL-",s end OthT tillr.S of culturnl ectiv1t1es under­

t:eIcan by stucb'tts ~ ~mu;.

s. .aTE srtlEN1"S ----. __ ._ ...

Tho SE actin; on p:roccdont!; end p:ri.nc1p1.~ ch::lincd uncnlmously invitations fl"Olll

Sl;.all .. nbosch 'In' N.SAS to ~~ the intc:J'.- g:c IIIOnting at Stcllcnbosch and t«.SAS

~ at Cllpc Tm,., rr.spcctivc1.y.

(0) To c0ns0l1datc sturent function intctTnlly 1.ntrodJcing a dogroc of efficiency

1." of" stuam

(b) trorldng for tho roal.1.snt1on of our aspirations as black s tutbnts

or thu aider opprosscd soc1.cty.

Spxdel t:hortcs go to tho SASO EJwcutiw t. ~ and other black orgBI'd.set1.on thIlt . , haw ahDU'l 1.ntcI"cst and given ndv1co to s tudents. . ,

2 -9th .u. y 1972.


Page 7: u.H. S.u. · 2013. 3. 12. · (4) _.Publicationez . Tho fH: has this )'Oar la..a.In::hocI R nen publicet:1on ~ tD n:opl.ace ICAIIIlJIIA - This . 1a l119ant to be a proper no.-JS papcr

~ . ~ SASq L~ REPmr TO ::m (8;.. ~

The Gt:ructurc has bo:::n C~. for af-_4 _- f"olloo: ·-"7. ) -;Lrv tho l"fJCOallt.·Udltions of the pc-.. t ~ ...... V. LI!tfVvJ. -

'The Camdttco o1so ofun::*ions indr'Pf'ncbntly . though it is stlll. a ~. COIIIIIi ttco of' the flC. "1," hovr tfy , PD"'t.:r cr c..-:llV1g our' OlIn sb.dmt

body mcatinus .

Tho ~s1tion af tho CorIIai ttrc ~ <IS f'ol..b.s :

1) Chairman - (Ur T. Lbz1tUcD. U-- Ie. a., .... )

11) V1c~ (CJr n. ~ - "-S. a,l .... ln) ut} Socrctary (ti!".n V. SOcr>.1.r)

1 v ) Tl"'06SUr'or (Ur E. K.rnc-.... )

v) Fundrnisir(J (Cho:inJ:tn + It iDlbJi5)

vi) Social CoretlJ'n5: (Ctrlnnnn + 1 )

Studonts Oomf"1b: (Ch:draIn + 1 )

~ SUb-Co-.tittnc ( Field Work (Chrl.rwaan + J )

t:t:oo Dr 18, lID

end, of 1971. AIIDrV tI1D!Iu -.s


"' / - 2/-

Page 8: u.H. S.u. · 2013. 3. 12. · (4) _.Publicationez . Tho fH: has this )'Oar la..a.In::hocI R nen publicet:1on ~ tD n:opl.ace ICAIIIlJIIA - This . 1a l119ant to be a proper no.-JS papcr

, .-~c1It.l.I is '" f al'l l4\1loe ' frclm 5cottt:urgh, a10n0 the

It 1s lin African ro:3Ol'\l.] .

That this project it; crottina <smoothly of,' the {J1"OUI'lICf. is tmrrii~~'~Iii "b

a Ur'OUp of corrozpondinc otudonts th<.:l"' • u~~ the rocft~ lalldl3r.iilllo

Mr . Olamini,' n school··tcJr:tChor . Thoy hovc. on.:yanisnd ttI~~i.lICl:S

I'Ihi1t i, \...; llod tI Ibmr UniV(lrs1ty EtlJcation ·5chool . tdtb tbl~r&.

pond from StcJ . V1 up to UNIS/\ LL~ rf1olo 1d:n 1$ th~.~stl:d~~

tNJ \Jill ossiot thom 1n tho probloms gcmrol1y CRiXlUntI:lS":::d

1"0 r. turhnt I nne!

Y~ntWo/,~ Workora PrOjoc..!. ,

Page 9: u.H. S.u. · 2013. 3. 12. · (4) _.Publicationez . Tho fH: has this )'Oar la..a.In::hocI R nen publicet:1on ~ tD n:opl.ace ICAIIIlJIIA - This . 1a l119ant to be a proper no.-JS papcr



:Dda ..... hJon scrapped ofi , ..u"Id t~=r" hnv,~ bDrm incorporatod into

~1cld ~b c~ttdC: . Their w s i 'b!.l '.'.s to g ,;. to it thc.t

~ supplies arc nont to 4;hc clinic .t Pho(:nix. lInd to any other .

t:l1n1c~tmt 'f'J( . \~ lx: h.~vil'lC' contnct llith . This sub-cOlTl!littoo \'IOS '

Y rodJndont.

Studant Ooncfita Sul:H:;omm: --...

sub-<:o:n has olltr.bli:;hcd u Cl1ntrcJn on tty , campus (which ~IOS lntQr

by tho me) Identity C'm::Is hovo~t"lso been disturbed •

. R1 CD) "11th th:1s actlOlTKJ.

An art prodJction J ~E~Cl.M"ER,

KeD. Valjoo .as Prdsid.Jnt. An ffiC rosolution has called '. .


" ~

Page 10: u.H. S.u. · 2013. 3. 12. · (4) _.Publicationez . Tho fH: has this )'Oar la..a.In::hocI R nen publicet:1on ~ tD n:opl.ace ICAIIIlJIIA - This . 1a l119ant to be a proper no.-JS papcr

~ on ttr IB: to to ostnbl1sh Q IWick

"'~.:!IEIk:.:ll b'JI5SIDC1~. tJlr::nr-p;;r Ut1J block ..tical studonts

DIILtk ....... "IUIWJCy sb.wb1ts. 'tx;. "'Ihi.ctl LJ:SSQCir.t1on IU.Ild than

S'IBJ. 11'd.5 h:!s ~ ~ fO\lOLC"Ubly ::t. and ' )iIlt raclins cJqrnly btlH=f to ~ (Aseoc1at:1on d 8tudoI1ts cit

.s.A) tfr _ tab:r ~....5 tJ :.1n(: • fits and C:lpc TeJIII'. Tho .t/E£ ~

u ~1Jgnt1 ..... tD L'ft CIJrIF~ in c.'7;JC Ta.n, IIIh1ch is co1ncidi.tlJ

nth tfr. QaJ"" Ole::: ~.

I n O:.~ .

~. ~ c# -m pull out or not tD a:aall out 1$ the

_ or sbdJnt body lIDtod ror ~ 1Iith


.. . . ,-

, ,

" ..

Page 11: u.H. S.u. · 2013. 3. 12. · (4) _.Publicationez . Tho fH: has this )'Oar la..a.In::hocI R nen publicet:1on ~ tD n:opl.ace ICAIIIlJIIA - This . 1a l119ant to be a proper no.-JS papcr

s SOl'rn


~ l..IDL ~

various I'OGSOnI!I I ~d tD


aMra ... _

Whon ,~ closed cban ror thY ~ .u ........ tif\d ..... ftr

year. Ire wore ell Pluptii -== to ...... tu • ~ a.t when wo C51El bock .u hlt: terriIIbP tWa t:Ir DIdr~ ......... L

Chai.nMn: -Ie langlt.

Vice Cha:lJwan: L. UbI:II.5I_

At this Jt;nctunl let- th:rt: dl!r:ipI1t8 allIIdIlIIIIS .,6:aps

SlIGO in tile foaci"ualll: ar lJCClIlle-s ..... a.r ... ltings

.,end this I attri.butIl tu tile undying effta ts ... dlljkllUai ..

The U1i.vcrsUy oparIIl'd wdth !BJ sIurbIts liiio

I"tUIIIbr by ~ __ rill IIIdda fIBIIEF

On a ' C8IIJIUS lib ours lOSt: ttdiIgs JUU ftua ... siIpI,.. ~

groupS. :u I .. · not: our I'IUIIIIIErs aIt tIa u.e rill witbgs .... .t ,.. . .

Of' .thl.s rtJIIber a l.e:rge port:1an SQIiJW t:s Sf&J bI4 a-aplr

our e bii'Ship cards ~ tD CM!r bo IaIndred.. • I

that our s~ of' opeIat:i.on:1s CUlbas:-=!! .... !iII a ]at; II ~ ~. "'!"'" nN3illilbetship cards ~y.

. , Faculties:

Ther ere seven Faculties nmael.y TI1cul.ogy. Lat. 5C.:I.i!r'A:2. Iti-ts. £4-=-1 .... Q ....

and Arird.n:1.s1:ration and ~~ JIIJn illite seUng- tfdI1g ~ tie. r..,.ltjes is

that each has its own plusptLbG. _-


Page 12: u.H. S.u. · 2013. 3. 12. · (4) _.Publicationez . Tho fH: has this )'Oar la..a.In::hocI R nen publicet:1on ~ tD n:opl.ace ICAIIIlJIIA - This . 1a l119ant to be a proper no.-JS papcr

- 2-

iJalJilfii_:t prospectus elS the> namt' illJllios skims tho s~ece, Md to ~'1se tfwt

\. • .... 108· (1 nUationship in thn varirus facultios eoch ' has its GIIIBll prospectus.

This CR!IUrCS thOt wo recognise our diffor e nces llS vl!rious fecultles, and ~s sure

that_ we ~ as little as possibl eiof -othr-r facultios . ~~ ~~ ~dents cb

not; knD\? tho seriousness of of this ochnme. roch fnculty as (1 result I'Y:1W heca.!S

COIIIplatcly I"afMJVed from the others .

student Adminis tration: - . . -Student administration at Fort Hare is a vury difficult topic to deal ~ith. In the

first plocc ttmre's no ~ nnd student Ildministrotion is on thE' hou5r' lC\ll"l or on

Un1vm-sity Adm1n1stration l evel . Thr' various houso CoImr1tteos deal "lith

hostel M.~t r r , nd th,' no\1 defunct joint - hous(l Committee used to op::'rotc to IIOIIIIEl

extent outsido the ambit!; of th£' hostels. Owi~ to certain hitches this hod to

d1aband Inst yee.r - and there has boon created a vacuum. Now the ~trat1on

co.os into play 1nncdlatoly. For instance , for any offence eI s tudont co.d.ts the

student: has to appear before the DiSCiplinary Committeo. The D. C. is tt10 court Gt

1 st instance. Pity. ~ .

01 tho Ace~ S1~ the various soc:iotic>s are suppes d to oct in the ilibelesb or students but these soc1eti ' s arc totAlly ina1'foctunl.


Sports AcIIId.nistn!tion falla undor tI'le AthlAtic Union. All sports clut» ca. undIIr tfIIa

body. though I nust 88y it has limitations because it cannot d1c~ 'poUc)" to ttwr

clubs and I oonot see how they CM dictato policy. The ~ a1Jt ill to - r

charnal all fOunds, organise ror' I "tGr-var:;:!.ty e!"!d !'I,Jnh-Uke oc:t1v1t1os.

A littlo background into tho s:l:: question is necossmy. \'I cbnOt .hgve" OOC811S0 this \otaS rojocted somo twelve years ago, and this haS been -the • . bD'h thrili;_

the pest yeers. Various approacho~ . have been <lttomptod bY th3 pro fR: ~ but

&ech' u.s af'ter SOlIIS timB their plans are f'rustreltod~ This .yea-'s at.ta.pta ..-e

, ttwar~ by tho sene group, USOn(J almo~t the same ~~ct1Cs • . aa. peoiuc t'I-. ~ ~ ~ ~ that ~ght ·.non 'it all hap\Janed. So Fort ~ ......wa w1tIIaI*

" . . .. , an fRJ I4l to this date. AOd to rna this has high lighted the role of' the L.oCal '

Branch in ~s politics.

9MI) l.oca1 ~tSts of the executivo and .1'1va sub COIIIIdttaes

Ptibucattons and ~blic1ty, 'Soc1nl COA::orns, student genef'ita and ~~ WCJdt. • ~ .. ,,,,, , .. ei4rorad the stnJc:turo of the various committees to -ari~ l.ocaI situat:t.ans

• ~' e Canpus looked to SASO Local for ~idance , direction ~ 1nspirat:1on._

, : ~la' were cU.VIEIYS ut-ginrj us td ~v~ direction to the ~ ~ . • >U ~ .' oven t~ . \VB, we:e 'the' only grc;>up that coul~ and stnJld ~ oa:~~' nth

. Bll caqlUS matters irrespective of jur:i:sdicti?n. TtJo role ~ ~ was

Wring the days of demonstrations. Al,most inv~riotily tNJ whOie C8IIIPUS to protegoni~ to ~e 'the load, and after. do1"!] so thoy \'Mre followed honestly.

• • • Becallsc of lack of a canpun newslettor uso \'las made of noct:urnel. cartoons, open

l~ '~~ots. Attacks on the Roctor J Aaninistration and the Syst.- end ..­

~~ded" s~dent leaders IYOre lau~hod and inaintained through this kind or ........

.. '

Page 13: u.H. S.u. · 2013. 3. 12. · (4) _.Publicationez . Tho fH: has this )'Oar la..a.In::hocI R nen publicet:1on ~ tD n:opl.ace ICAIIIlJIIA - This . 1a l119ant to be a proper no.-JS papcr


lids ..... to a ca1:zd.n extent in student a'*-inistrstion. Yw organise this wt!y,

• ~ tId.s !1lIIY: 'Ybu rally peap1e to a certain point and you drive them away;

)IIIU tell. sbdInts IIhat to m and at the S8IIO t1.nlc· you tell them what not to do. These

... tI1e -.wy ~ "lO k in sbJdent a'*-inistrstion •

.. &Ie as' already -*i.oncd above. Refer to student ach1.nistrstion.

lie)"'",: '--, -

There ..., no UJiCetubr stuci:!nt acb1n1.stretion relatlonsbips because of lack of a

axrdinIIt:lI1g 1xxIy. So relations are bos1cally indiviciJaltst1c t societal or 80IIIething on U. pl.-...

9ED I.Dcal is on JndI,ffarent 't:cr.s stith the adldn1.strstion. We daal with them when

lilt u.. 1' ... ttu ~'6 aubs1cUos, ~ fKl book the hall for any furr;:t1ons ~ _n

- ~an COI"'t:ein hili4JE!lWvs on ~ or In the r'1I!tior'1l!l sltuatlon~ has not openly declared its stand towards us.

~ ..... • casoa the rolat::lons are abGolutel.y poor. This la one factor ~', , ,

IIttr.I.IubJ to lt1B llst:.J..esaru& of ~ students and indi'ferenco or open hostility f:Jf' 'i

~. Tho~, st:r.lJca COIIp].a1red bitterly about this pOint and thi , r

nat ... t.t:tar af"tIr this st:r.lJca. lkllass ~ oro OPPOlnted on II di'1~ , "J

tt.a tid.a O!'"'t-:;hD::t.1l1ty eM bR mcpecbscl to"' cont1rue, end who knOws, it Qht lJaI til ..... ClOI"'J!1taUon. tbJt: lec~ ere recut in attitude and nest -aro+ juSt

Theso thP students do not relish thlugh they IIII!y ~ • • t ~~

.. ..:

, • .... ,e sbaW1t a.t ~y in the tom of addresses, tdurs arid visi~; • . , '" - "

..... ·us ..... taJn J"BqIII!ISt;ad to co.o to t:eIIIpUS by ~ r'UIIber Af ~teti.s, snd', ~

IJI ~ left thEr C8IIIlUS wlth a ditf'arent: idea of the '"8ANTU~ ......... '" .... "' ...

IWIJ las organlsI!d this yaer bID -.Jai" .~; t-eroea Otty (~h 21st)' and .. SASO :;

... fa. ..... ). on ttD"oP.s DIy &e had Aubin Phillip a~sing us. (1nd ' the HSll '

185 fta1l. It -as ~ "'X'I'Sian, and people avoided quest.ions, beceu , they ,~d this aau1.d cLsb"!Y tIE IKJDd of t:tt.a .day.

( ~ • t • ;,f "':"

'Then I1IIKt: ... had a '\d:iit: rn. T~ tut ~r of cortain hitches this ~1~ ,~".f. jalnUy ~ Fed SmI and Fort.ere. I SI'!pp()SB, it was a success. , On the 10th May ~IIIG '

• has Strinl. 'Ib:Jdley ' Un -The Black Artists and ,Creativity\' It. Wl5$ a ~ " ~ CiIb ass - he uon a ~ of' ad!d.reTS and he changed' thegenerel pio~ 01':' ;

SIII5D 'in tI1e IIlnds of .wi)' peopl.c . · l ain't gorna. ssy II1JCh on this except that poople

aI:tad1 SIISD to SbBilgC ~ uP. When he callod for quest10M'" there

- a - b ----, silence .... to krm\'J this question why there \'189 no r'esponse --! _ ~m~.~~ • ~ . ,

has I1Dt been abllCi"ed. f'tar the stul'l a lEo.rge crowd remained and opened c1iscasl1c;",s.

• - • 4- That's where • • · •.• --'-..: -..-'

Page 14: u.H. S.u. · 2013. 3. 12. · (4) _.Publicationez . Tho fH: has this )'Oar la..a.In::hocI R nen publicet:1on ~ tD n:opl.ace ICAIIIlJIIA - This . 1a l119ant to be a proper no.-JS papcr

That's IIharu St:rini .,.,101'100 ~ cl.ea:rly.

:It suriI1g tins per1.od ttot St:r1rd. and ....tx:z 5 of U1e l.Dcal elIIlICIUt:i"l! ~ harassaS

by State pigs. IItsk to c.1obu ale 'on tt4s point: l.abr an.

b. ~ Activ1tiL'~:

The AU is rcspons:1b.1e f'ur .us1: of thnsr ~ act:1v1t:l.cs wt; indlv1d.ul. sports bodles

d:> orgardsc their IT.IrI f1xtur 5 . Thk )llPZJ" ' s ~ f11gh11'lht:s are ~ inter

institution athle tic sports and ttr ~...1ty. Tlr,... finln:es traoll!5pClrt f'or

811a)' Intc1"'-\lQJ"5ity ~ :::ww:t ... aptIICS ~ for eny an t:h.t C8IIPUS.

Athlotic!; is thr ~ ~~II!iL1\1e 11!5 U the Iftllc CBIIPIS. ft!xt co.'

soccer onf nJgby ~ ti-vic f'or thr ~ po&1t;iDn. Tennis rut fiJI' off and

thoQ haW G sprts. It is .....n.v tf10uIlh that IbIp:1tc a It:rge

To conc.lude on oct1v1Ues I say ~ lack S)I'IP'JS1a

not hINe a t:1ng soc:1bty f'or that CIIfttx!r l'nJ su:h -=t.t.v1: &·-VIJid by eo::1ct:1os l.1Jca ~t1\C Atrican Slx:1dy or ~ f'ar

rJhon I!JOC1 other adbaUl act:1v1t:1es -=t:1vJ.t:1ea "altar.

0Jr ,... br.llllant 1ntortt:I.on5 r# -*l ~ gr r# Fr1dIIy e." II'dJrus f'ar

i'ow1d 1 not able til c:om UrouF- B* pl.arwIod" to t

OIT'i.vitv ta:It fiouI """'nn. £ .....

We hnI~lnII'". ctLd

by our CI'OW.Id end

01c progi .... that ~ by our _lJdlRi

Ire non" 9.Ird!y urtC"UWiS f'or dI ..... "5'Sinns on J"Cl.cMwIt tapI ....

tmd ore sassion and on ft SJnr:l:Jy WIllen t.:c . . . Il10: rOU1d aursalvns el.riIady~. I '" ,.., t:p1.d 1nI!ita.J or U. ":K:IIIV

lI8S B ~ 01 J"CNDlutiorer: 6.'10 JIB and

. Ccnsc:1ousncss flaSnet; cti';"~

1 neJIlCWt rol.otc. --

It is or ~ dlf"f1!:ult to terD rclati~

as mctonel. in the ~ of" our- groat ~. til ~ otfIcr. flit theY 81'8 ~ on F~ tlIre ground and an! such. 4..

. . . " We-had the best .m' ~Jations FcdsaIIt rldch G8S 'lfIon1f"est by ~ ~ .

betwus ... our _ ~~ ani theirs. ~ prob1e:I5 d a ~ tE!r8 beef ... aut.I •

and M'! ~ generelly ~ as a t::coa.. ().r first ~ .ss 9S (~ , YIUluntary ScaViccs) ohich ":".'I:lS grtEtly ~d!r stuDi.1 at fm't ~ •• ,lfI'D ~ ~ probi...- 1a


Page 15: u.H. S.u. · 2013. 3. 12. · (4) _.Publicationez . Tho fH: has this )'Oar la..a.In::hocI R nen publicet:1on ~ tD n:opl.ace ICAIIIlJIIA - This . 1a l119ant to be a proper no.-JS papcr

, . -5-

t~n we tbucned on possibilities of hFtving jOint-cormun1ty development. Pl'O~. Though none was actually tackled, YI() Vlere unanimous in thP rnsolve that ~

• do, ~ would do together. Wr; a l s o ~anted to build C\ bridge across tho river T~, and it was a question of time, thttt prr.vented thi s cOI!1ing through • . . W~ .en ~emba waD supposed t o spoak to us at Fort Hart' we rcal.isad that 8l'T8IlgeftIents

could not be adequetely ma de thor p and W6 shiftp.d tho mepti~ to FEaiEM, and we ~

this progrOIllllO jOintly. On -tt?roes Day J orome and myself l'Ore asked to taka part

in tho cOllll'llelTlTlOretion service t here . Nil di d. At our !Jcner al mentings ,invitations

would go out t o FEOOEM and th:?y would cb t he same to us . This was WOnderful. Also,

rogarding meotings and. spoakers wo had (l. good unt1e:rstending that t he af terroons

would be fpr FEOOEM end t ho p.vf'!nings be ours . Forrootion school was 'run jointly by

us and FECEEM.

Thon thero' s another college j us t tho other sido of us ..:.. AlCA (Afr1.c:en Indepeud.,ut;

C ..... rch s in Africa ). Whonovor W(' had a do going on on our '~s wo would invito

thom. Wa had >'tars problems hero , with their principal who was obvious anU~.

He genar~h hostilities bot wcon himsolf nnd his s tudents that they had to taka

very 'stern MUr'eS to nhvn him chucke d out of that Cf'UlllUS. Thi:s they euccall8f'UUy I '

did after having.him pend part of t ho night in tl wardro~ pnd part. at of the night . '. ;

under tho bod. Haro could not oRorato oponly. We had to in ' the rc:a. or tho 0 block p'~ple ,who ·stayed tHbnt. On Horoos Day AICA MlS invited, ttwy ",_ad

-vary , oolumn fIU.ica]. pioc G end lent us their dnlms arld sounr:t ayat.... 'JI'U

,1"8¥ brotherhbod. NeVI that tho-Pl'incipal has bOon sacked WD hop(; a ~"","",IOOEi;"~

up then). "

We triod to"coloniso" Lovodalo College and our s tumbUrg block was the Pl'i"C1pal , .

again. Tho situation at Lovodale i s intoresting and I"lBLlso8ti~ at the '.- u., I am nado to unc:larstand that thoro' s an ffiC and this tR: is ~l~d a..Py .~ tM

. princ1pbl by applying tactics of divido and rulo . Tt"Oso people ~ a c~

lot and this comas about by th Principal giving them SIly eggs eF' behind tho bJIckIa of othor students . They dnf1natcly haVB preferontial treatMent end they bark IIIt1!Ift he

says "bark: They jump when ho says ~jl.lllp" and they ~eed when thet noo-black eoya

"bleed" So you t~k about S,4SO and all to them end they agroa with )IOU. but ~

Principal t \l s thOrn not' to accept this thing and at your next lIIOOtirw thoy IrC

changad beibgs. 'Divide and Rula . Confuse. ' HA's .1oeving ~ talcit'ij.~ ~ Ship post -at the Univorsity of K~a-Zulu (Zululand) Wt1J knows whit's going to ~ . \' , .. Y,

, -At Haalcttown \YO wora caught off-guard and wouldn 't mako headway th ough st:apenta

wAnted to know nuch alJout them.'5(3l~r.s s bGl:ck students. D..r riJelt:hod of ~ was leading us to a head-on collision \'lith officialdom and 00 wo had to ry ~'.ror

soma tima. I hope tliose who go ~ck contirtJc here. It's B fertile g:r'Ol.!f1d 'ar '! oper~tion.


, . 1 t h d Before th" strike I \Vas ' --...... d to go to u.tata. I..htf~i; · was one othor p aco lYe QUC 0 • ~ ~

to sec toll'. C.M.C. Ndamsa, and put to him in tho knoll atnJtgonaral conditions at our

institutions I e nd wo had a fruitful disCOUTSO on several topics. It \lIEIS or1CClUnlQW­to note that y~ could roly on some, of our parents in times of difficUlty.

6/- rn,at actually prompted

Page 16: u.H. S.u. · 2013. 3. 12. · (4) _.Publicationez . Tho fH: has this )'Oar la..a.In::hocI R nen publicet:1on ~ tD n:opl.ace ICAIIIlJIIA - This . 1a l119ant to be a proper no.-JS papcr

~ -=!:udl.y ..... ted t;tds ECting was our Rector's saying that Ur. Ndamse had

hid indk ..... ~ to ~ us 1IIt1cn in actual fact he hadn't said sq.

1t CII4 thB thB AactDr gcn::rolly hiding behind a smokescreen' and was 4r1ng

• PE*SUiW ap1nion or JVl.1ng. but didn't want to come out ~tra1ght and say "I don't \ ....

-* this ---.- . Then we ..u.d have unrerstood. tr. prefers this lfrc. To ele~ ~ -! tile 'abIdous cor#usion I had to go to lbtata. ----r ()1 anott-cr · U.! d to be of en ass1s~ to Malus1 ~lwana =- he had

indIcatut w1.ll.1ngncss to hIIrR!ss his f 'flerg1cs for us too. Unfotunately we couldn't

'-'e • ~ tdt:h u... and the ot;;her guys wtD am together in the struggle.

1\:Ju .. I said l1tUe about ~ty projects. We had our Fort Beaufort

proJar:t ~ 1Ilnd, bJIt .a'"2 short of cash until ~d OfficI) lent us "100. Then

tried to ~ st:ndned rol.ations with thl Fort BcaJfort COIm'Unity through tho

argan1.sJ.rv 5OIa!body for bricks and zinc, and just then

• IJrcI* .wi IIf'tcr that lID were ~ in the atriko end had to loave , . CilIIIJIIB dtf1aut ....u.y gctt:1ng this 1'31.at1on6h:ip CClIIEnted. So it stUl is as 18 was.

l.AIK aut .... kast had \ICI'y coi-cttal ext:enwU rplations with l-tJad Offico. And wo

al1 iI1cludI.rJl the last one will last for ever ancl bear f its for us,

a.aInlt;y ... CMJI'ybody.

. . " left out anyttd.rt) ttoac ..., lenoir 8IDJt it lIS}' Mention it. All 1n ell l

• I

tIdI* Ud. IIIiioui. ~ .. ~.t:.. '!:!tel Iduell.v hr:cJpcJOd at ' Fot't HBro and whatever happen."' .. .: '1

in . Will be SJ.d.ckKI by smm at theso actions. relations end 8UggeetlOl'1II. n -a...:h at; ~ ItIIrc QWI only 1JIpn:No and lID had entcrta1n:!d hopes of "Co~ .

N'I'il1at:Iart' labr in the~. 0Jr hJpos hew not been shattGrod. ~ hope WOo shell

u.. ... ahIl.l CNd"C:lA!.

CMpOod by: Ben... l..arvl (~UJca1.)

!!P J! J !3!J!09

ItIllAED" M: TIE ~ GBeW... sna:NrS ca.tCn. -

~: 2 - 9th .-LY 1912.

. Sf. PETI:R'S SEIIlM-rt, ~


Page 17: u.H. S.u. · 2013. 3. 12. · (4) _.Publicationez . Tho fH: has this )'Oar la..a.In::hocI R nen publicet:1on ~ tD n:opl.ace ICAIIIlJIIA - This . 1a l119ant to be a proper no.-JS papcr

PRESO REPoRT m 3iI) G.S.c. - 1m


--r . anttAry -17th-. the Pretoria Branch of SASO s fOT!lled at a tiJIIg

in He1llOlodi, the greatest motivating factor being tile _iarai ....

continuance o~ the Winterveld Project by Preso aft.~r tlJe zoe d_ "5 vho \rere engaged in th proj~ct t c their resp.ecti?E: '~t:ies. 'Dr

at "'r '11 . ~ l -; t( d of Mr. B. H. RaItose as as sQcretary, whil L 5 o the r people

t areas of Pretoria.

Setv en Janui-\rv "..,~ '''Y 28 one symposi d:isC:us

und r the auspices of Preso, both of which W.1"e l'airly SIlIICDeSl5II11

01 attendance and discussions.

On Kay 28 - " 972 elections re condUct~. otl'i~ beiltft~

1. Hr. H. Hang na - C~il'lllan ---­

·2. Hr. ".H. Seno - Vice Chainaan

3. Hr. ~.S. Chaulce- secretary

4. Hbs L. Dloza - General Organiser

5. Hr. I.N. Kohapa- Vice Secretary - Orgianiser

T lIe.bel'ship:i. 10, alth0u9h tile is

vi th the branch ¥bo in teras of sulbsl::ri

of the branch.

Fipanc l

The linancial position 01 the branch is.

by the branch, mostly on a saall scale.

sales may be quoted. 2ecently tbe broach

methodical drive to raise funds on a large sC:ah: kuuS ~ ..-a meJllbers to collect donations frc8 black. ~

others in the Pretoria rea were pr:im.ed. 'file ftl!lpclase ,.-

been fairly good. Contacts ha4 ,I)een~a:ad

fund raising are being pl~d. Poo t.ches

being planned. The procedure. of the . tioIl ~ t:IIie

worked out. , •

Relations: .......

Contact vi th local people has been ~&; bit: plen'.Y' nsaiDs to

to establish meaning£ul relations between the brea::h tk. II "ie-. . a list of appointments vi th sane people we are tn llleet: __ JIIe!Ilr' ~

~-.--.. " ".

Page 18: u.H. S.u. · 2013. 3. 12. · (4) _.Publicationez . Tho fH: has this )'Oar la..a.In::hocI R nen publicet:1on ~ tD n:opl.ace ICAIIIlJIIA - This . 1a l119ant to be a proper no.-JS papcr

Historical Papers, Wits University[2013/03/12 12:36:55 PM]

Collection Number: AD2189 SOUTH AFRICAN STUDENTS´ ORGANISATION (SASO) 1969-1973 PUBLISHER:Publisher:- Historical Papers Research ArchiveLocation:- Johannesburg©2013


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