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Oral Communication

in Context

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Objectives• To clear things up for the First

Grading Period Lackings (quizzes, activities, and performances)

Announcement of scores for the performances

Other things for the first grading period.

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• Discussion about the Types of Speech According to Purpose


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Informative Speech

1. Informative Speech--- this speech serves to provide interesting and useful information to your audience.

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The Main Elements in Writing an Informative Speech

1. Knowledge -- Establish credibility by demonstrating

expertise and knowledge of the subject - conveying information,, presenting ideas, facts and statistics to adequately inform the audience about the subject

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2. Key Points - Repeat all the Key points to ensure maximum knowledge retention..

3. Interest - Conveying the subject with enthusiasm and including unusual facts or anecdotes about the subject.

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The Structure and Outline of an Informative Speech

Opener - the opening, ice-breaker or attention grabber

Introduction - Tell them what the speech is about and what your main points will be

Knowledge - Establish credibility by demonstrating expertise and knowledge of the subject - conveying information, presenting ideas, facts and statistics to adequately inform the audience about the subject

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Confirmation - Confirm and repeat the key points

Conclusion - Try to end with a memorable punch line or positive statement

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Purpose of an Informative Writing

The main purpose of writing an informative essay is to provide reliable information to your reader on any subject matter.

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Format of an Informative Essay

Introduction• The introductory part of an academic

essay serves as the orientation for the essential elements in the rest of the text.

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Opening section serves following tasks for an essay:

• Identifies the subject and usually sets the scene.

• Establishes the significance and the purpose.

• identifies scope of the essay. • States the central or thesis.• Sets the tone and style.

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Parts of an IntroductionA. Hook

• The hook is an introduction that catches the reader's attention. Argumentative essays can start with facts, statistics, quotes, or anecdotes that reference the topic of the essay.

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B. Brief information about the topic

--a brief detail about the topic to be discussed.

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C. Thesis Statement A thesis statement is a sentence that

explains what you are trying to prove and provides an overview of the arguments you will make in your body paragraphs. The thesis acts as a roadmap for the rest of your paper. Do not worry about going into too much detail about what your arguments will be; instead, focus on writing a clear, concise statement that hints at the topics you plan to discuss.

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The BodyThis is the part where explanations, definitions, descriptions, discussions and the connection are made with the reader. It narrates, describes, summarizes, explains, argues, defines comments, reflects, classifies, and examines all of the possible aspects.

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Conclusion• Everything gets wrapped up in the

concluding part of the essay. It also reminds the readers and reasserts the main point. It often provides an answer to the question of what it all really meant. It shouldn’t introduce any new point or aspect and should rather lead to the conclusion. The ideal length for the conclusion is same as the introduction.

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Demonstrative Speech

A Demonstrative speech is written to explain and show people how to do something. This might involve using various types of visual aids, or handout to ensure the effectiveness of the instructions.

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The Main Elements in Writing a Demonstration Speech

1. Instructions - Providing clear and concise instructions on how to complete a task

2. Task Breakdown -- The task must be broken down in a logical format, step by step

3. Key Points - Key points must be emphasized including any safety issues

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The Structure and Outline of a Demonstration Speech

Opener - the opening, ice-breaker or attention grabberIntroduction - Tell them what the speech is about, what your objective is and what the audience will be able to do following your demonstration speechBenefits - Why the audience will benefit from learning how to complete the task

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Task Breakdown - The task must be broken down in a logical format, step by step - do not leave out any crucial points

Use Visual aids or props to help you to explain the process

Key Points - Key points must be repeated, including any safety issues, to ensure maximum knowledge retention

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Handout - Prepare an informative handout to give out to your audience

Conclusion - Try to 'Go out with a Bang' or end with a memorable punch line or positive statement

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Persuasive Speech

A persuasive speech is written to persuade, or convince the listeners, of the validity of the speaker's argument. This might involve persuading someone to change their opinion or at the very least take into account some elements that have not really been considered before. 

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The Main Elements in Writing a Persuasive Speech

Credibility - Establish credibility by demonstrating expertise, evidence and knowledge of the subject - presenting facts, statistics or quotes together with any personal experiences to make the audience believe in what you are sayingPassion - Conveying the subject with enthusiasm, passion and conviction to appeal to the emotions of the audience

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The Structure and Outline of a Persuasive Speech

Opener - the opening, ice-breaker or attention grabberIntroduction - Tell them what the speech is about and what your main points will beCredibility - Establish your credibility by demonstrating expertise, evidence and knowledge of the subject - presenting facts, statistics or quotes together with any personal experiences to make the audience believe in what you are saying

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Confirmation - Confirm and repeat the main arguments for the subject

Alternatives - Discuss the alternatives to strengthen your claim further

Conclusion - Try to 'Go out with a Bang' or end with a memorable punch line or positive statement

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Entertaining SpeechAn entertaining speech is one whose sole purpose is to have the audience enjoy the presentation. The purpose of an entertaining speech is not to educate, inform or inspire … it is to make the audience smile, relax, enjoy and maybe even laugh their heads off.

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How do you make a speech entertaining?

• tell jokes• tell funny stories• dramatize an anecdote• tell a scary story

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Guidelines in creating an entertaining speech

Chose an appropriate topicYou don’t want the topic to be too dense, complicated or heavy. Remember, you’re not trying to give your audience a greater understanding of anything. You’re there to help them have a good time.Enjoy yourselfBelieve it or not, it is hard for an audience to enjoy your presentation if it looks like you are not enjoying presenting it!• 

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Keep it simple:Your presentation should be easy to follow. Don’t make it hard for your audience to keep up with you mentally … or in any other way.• Make it visceral:Use vivid word pictures. This is not the type of presentation where you can be lazy in your descriptions. Make your words pop with strong images that pop in their minds.

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• Say it like a roller coaster, baby!Add unexpected twists and turns to your presentation. When you surprise your audience with where your story is going, that adds to the entertainment factor.
