
Types of Plate Boundaries

The earth’s crust

• A. Is one continuous layer of rock with no breaks

• B. Can be classified into two types (continental & oceanic)

• C. Is split into smaller pieces called plates

• D. Both B and C

The earth’s crust

• A. Is one continuous rock

• B. Can be classified into two types (continental & oceanic)

• C. Is split into smaller pieces called plates

• D. Both B and C

The Earth’s plates

• A. Move quickly around the surface of the earth

• B. Sometimes run into each other

• C. Never move

• D. Never touch

The Earth’s plates

• A. Move quickly around the surface of the earth

• B. Sometimes run into each other

• C. Never move

• D. Never touch

Why do plates move?

• A. Magma circulating in the mantle moves them around

• B. Explosions from undersea volcanoes propel the plates apart

• C. The plates repel and attract each other because they are magnetic

Why do plates move?

• A. Magma circulating in the mantle moves them around

• B. Explosions from undersea volcanoes propel the plates apart

• C. The plates repel and attract each other because they are magnetic

Mantle Convection

• Differences in temperature cause material to circulate

Plates are Pushed & Pulled

Draw this plate boundary

What type of plate boundary is this?

• A. Convergent Plate Boundary

• B. Divergent Plate Boundary

• C. Transform Plate Boundary

• D. Bivergent Plate Boundary

What type of plate boundary is this?

• A. Convergent Plate Boundary

• B. Divergent Plate Boundary

• C. Transform Plate Boundary

• D. Bivergent Plate Boundary

What happens at a divergent boundary?

• A. Two plates move together

• B. Two plates move past each other

• C. Two plates move apart

• D. nothing

What happens at a divergent boundary?

• A. Two plates move together

• B. Two plates move past each other

• C. Two plates move apart

• D. nothing

Divergent Plate Boundary

• Starts on land as a rift valley

• Ends up as a mid-ocean ridge (after millions of years)

Divergent Boundary Formation

Divergent Boundary Formation

Divergent Boundary Formation

Divergent Boundaries

• Locations:• Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Middle of Atlantic Ocean)• East African Rift Zone

What type of plate boundary is this?

What type of plate boundary is this?

• A. Convergent Plate Boundary

• B. Divergent Plate Boundary

• C. Transform Plate Boundary

• D. Bivergent Plate Boundary

What type of plate boundary is this?

• A. Convergent Plate Boundary

• B. Divergent Plate Boundary

• C. Transform Plate Boundary

• D. Bivergent Plate Boundary

What happens at a convergent boundary?

• A. Two plates move together

• B. Two plates move past each other

• C. Two plates move apart

• D. nothing

What happens at a convergent boundary?

• A. Two plates move together

• B. Two plates move past each other

• C. Two plates move apart

• D. nothing

How many types of convergent boundaries are there?

• A. 1

• B. 2

• C. 3

• D. 4

How many types of convergent boundaries are there?

• A. 1

• B. 2

• C. 3

• D. 4

Converging Oceanic/Continental

• An oceanic plate and a continental plate meet

• The denser oceanic plate sinks underneath the continental plate

• Called subduction

• Produces volcanoes on the continental plate

Draw this Oceanic/ Continental Convergent Boundary

Converging Oceanic/Continental

• Locations– Washington and Oregon (Cascade Mountains)– Andes Mountains (South America)

Converging Oceanic/Oceanic

• Two oceanic plates meet

• The oceanic plate with older crust is colder so it is – A. Less Dense– B. Denser– C. Thicker– D. Hotter

Converging Oceanic/Oceanic

• Two oceanic plates meet

• The oceanic plate with older crust is colder so it is – A. Less Dense– B. Denser– C. Thicker– D. hotter

Converging Oceanic/Oceanic

• It subducts underneath the less dense plate

• Volcanoes form on the upper plate

Converging Oceanic/Oceanic

• Locations:– Japan– The Philippines

Converging Continent/Continent

• Two continental plates with the same density meet

• True or False: – Subduction can occur?


– Volcanoes can form?• FALSE!

– Mountains form?• TRUE!

Converging Continent/Continent

Converging Continent/Continent

• Locations:– Himalayas (between India and China)

India Collides with Asia

Draw this plate boundary

What type of plate boundary is this?

• A. Convergent Plate Boundary

• B. Divergent Plate Boundary

• C. Transform Plate Boundary

• D. Bivergent Plate Boundary

What type of plate boundary is this?

• A. Convergent Plate Boundary

• B. Divergent Plate Boundary

• C. Transform Plate Boundary

• D. Bivergent Plate Boundary

What happens at a TRANSFORM boundary?

• A. Two plates move together

• B. Two plates move past each other

• C. Two plates move apart

• D. nothing

What happens at a TRANSFORM boundary?

• A. Two plates move together

• B. Two plates move past each other

• C. Two plates move apart

• D. nothing

Transform Boundary

• Locations:– California (San Andreas Fault)

Hot Spots

• Occur in the middle of plates (not a plate boundary)

• Very hot area of mantle (Mantle plume) melts through the crust

• Stationary (never move)

• As plate moves, mantle plume will melt several holes in the crust, forming a chain of volcanoes

Hot Spots

• Which of these chains of volcanoes is caused by a hot spot?– A. Japan– B. Hawaii– C. The Andes in South America– D. The Cascades in North America

Hot Spots

• Which of these chains of volcanoes is caused by a hot spot?– A. Japan– B. Hawaii– C. The Andes in South America– D. The Cascades in North America

• The rest are convergent boundaries

Hot Spots

Seamounts and Plate Movement

Hot Spot Locations

• Hawaii • Wyoming (Yellowstone National Park)
