Page 1: Two Histories of Internal Cancers, and of What Appeared upon Dissection, by William Burton, M. D

Two Histories of Internal Cancers, and of What Appeared upon Dissection, by WilliamBurton, M. D.Author(s): William BurtonSource: Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775), Vol. 42 (1742 - 1743), pp. 99-111Published by: The Royal SocietyStable URL: .

Accessed: 17/05/2014 15:27

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Page 2: Two Histories of Internal Cancers, and of What Appeared upon Dissection, by William Burton, M. D

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II. fivo Hi/hories of Internal Cancers, aad of qrhat appezxred spon SDif fition, by William Burton, M. EZ).

I. RdMxy 13. AYindJawr, avy 22. I73+.

X 742. n Jrtholomew ColZins, a Labourer ill D tlle lkint,vs 70rks at AWndfor, of

loxv Staturc, pale Conlplexioll, Ilender and adive, aged about 36 Years, tetnperate in his nzatlller of Living, had, for fome Years, been aXiEted at difo fercnt times with wandering artllritic3 colic, and ncphritic Pains, none of wllich nvcrc periodical or conllant. During tluis Term, ^rhen fin belXc Healtll, he xvas uEually s:oftive, and his Urine? as foon as .made, depofitecl a calcelo?s Scdiment.

In March I73 3. Ile received a siolellt Blow by a ponderous and obtuSe Inltrument on his Loins, toge- tluer with the Spine of the Os Innominatam, towards tlle Left Side which dirabled him for tllat Day; o the next} tlle Pain alDating, he colltinued fo well for Six Montlls after, as not evell to recolleEt this Acci- dent, till about a Month before his Death, althou>ll he was o-ften asked by the PhySlcian, N\thether tllat Part llad ever fuffered a Contulion.

In yanaary following, he complained of atz excru ciating PainX extending frorn tlle afoleCaid Spille to the fpurlous llibs on t[lC Left Side, nvllicll fonze- times attaclred alSo the Inteftilles; NV11c11CC 11C bccame continually reRleEss cEpecially in the Ni^,ht, alld, to{lln,, thc Bcdcloaths oS, fiequentlar lay naked

O Hz

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Page 3: Two Histories of Internal Cancers, and of What Appeared upon Dissection, by William Burton, M. D

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He could not now lie upon his Back or Left, siz. the affeEted Side, but lay always on his Right Side, leanint, on his Rigllt Elbowr. In AMpril I734. his Lcft Iltlee, from a ContraAion of the Mufcles ele- vating ir, was always drawn up towards the Xbdo- menX illfomuch that he could not Rand upright. His Left EeirAe, formerly lefs tllan the, wras now become ficirrhous, and increaSed to double the Mag- nitllde of tllis, alld the Lefc SperTnatic Veffiels felt like a knottsT Cllord. A fort of Hedic Fever attended llim) tlle Exacerbation of whichX as well as of his Pains, was gellerally about Noon, and Six in the Evelaing.He had no Sleep of Nights nvithout a Pare- goric. - -- Though llis Appetite failed him, he had no Propcafity to vonzit, nor complailled of TllirR. His Rcfpiration and Urine were not amiSs. His Pains xrcre always exaMperatcd by tlle Ufe of heating Medi- citles; and wllenever the Pain feized the Intefiines, terebintllinate Clyllers increa[cd tllem, whereas exllollient and refri^,erating ones mitigated them; tzy the USe of wlwich llc had daily olle or two Stools ---- The Foeces svere of a tniddling ConfiPtence, iglltly tinged svitll Bile.- : The Blood frequently

taken away by V. S. in finall tuantities, had alnvays a thl-ck} tOUgiln fiZy Buff-like pleuritic Coat; and at firR, from eacll feveral lJleeding, 11e bund Relicf.

7a7Zgary 4. I733-4. The Apothecary firPc adnni- ni{tercd to him, for tlle Colic, EleS. Lenitiv. b iPaIv. (Diafen. 01* 7:avip. and clllollient ClyRers. Tllrcc Days after, Pains fcizint, hisLeft SideX and the Sp/vznSesr Vefre, tilPy srere removed by repeated l'leedir,bs7 and qDerod. Hord a 1Xvt. Trqgnel. and Agr. Sl-bt C9n tlle x2th, he coluplained of a


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Page 4: Two Histories of Internal Cancers, and of What Appeared upon Dissection, by William Burton, M. D

[- lOl g

Heat about the Regio TBbis, writll CoRivencEs; lJut by tllc UIc of SoFl. Mir6lb. G1aa6 L6Z. CPrgnet Mvana, elnollient Decodions witll ,57p. A1itrv d. dP Ele2. Lenitiv. pro re nataX colltiIzacd tolcrably eary till the 24tll, wvhen tlle ctratic Pains rcturning, alld not yielding to tlle aforefaid ApozemsX on tlse 26th the Phyfician firR confultcd gave hinl Lt,verzn Cer Sal. C. C. s pulzv. e Chel. and Sp. C>* C. thefe not alrailing, the Lap. (Pr1wne1. was fometizles interpofed, arld a Calogel Bolus, talien at Nigllt) xvas worked off by a Sena Potion rlcxt Day: This Me- thod) and afterwards Powders of Lalp 'P^Zxnel. and Cinnab. Sntim. taken in Honcy, mitigated tllorc Pains. But from Febr?ary 3. tO April 4 fometlmes nephritic Pains, intermitting Fever, pletlritic Paills, allct Strangury, inordinately afflidred him notwitllftand- ing tlle Ufe, according t<:) the faid Indications, of carnzinative, terebintllinate and faponaceotls (2ly RersX Purges, Sal. ./bfnth. Draugllts, repeatedElced- ings, Veficatories, the Powdcrs and Eledruary aboc^ mentioned, Opiatcs, Cort. cPergv. in an Eledcuary, and infufed in wine, Lar Salyeh. sarith AIfes Milk} Cisnab Z+ntitn. Millep. G^n Graviaa. and Palv. e Chel. Witll Minw MzlZefed. and #. Kitr d. On Marrh 20t) Calamel. Gr. s. wcre givetl for Four Nights fuccelElvely and afterxvards purt,cd off writli a Sena Potion, and then continued again till tllc 28th} nvhen he toolQ anotller Potion*-l'al*czorics xarere- ufied tlox^r-and-tlaen at Night, and Ung. Opo-- deldoc xvas applied to the %eJ?icle.

S¢vril 4th, 1 firlt attended hi(n in Confultationt wllen he complained of an irltolerable Pain, upon atly Pleflure abotlt th; llegic)la of ttwe Left llidlley;

0 2 where

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Page 5: Two Histories of Internal Cancers, and of What Appeared upon Dissection, by William Burton, M. D

[ 10t ] wllereupon a rl aturating Cataplafm was applied in tlle Day tinze, and a PlaiRer at Nigla-e. EmulftonsX \01hey, and ftlcll-likes svere ellc chief Internals he uSed tilI April 8 tll) wllen crude Mcrcury xvas recom- lMClldCd tO hinl, of x^hich he took an Ounce Nlght alld Mornin;:,, wtbicll gave fo nluch Relief as to en- coura^,e the Continuance of that Medicine only to tlue I7tll, xr11cll tlle Pains returning, he was bled once ill l xn o or a llree Days, to Four or Five Ounces, and trcated Witll the fubacid, cooling Regilllen, and Pare;,orics, till-April zgtlll when Ile firll nzentioned a fcivthous Tutllouln as bi:, as a Hen's Egg ;fituate on the Left lKIaRoid MuScle of the Neck. Upors com- paring tlliS svith the EeCirle, (neitller of wllich Tu- nzours were in the leall-diminifl:wed after Applications for tllat Purpofe) it was conjeduredX that either the Pancreas or Mefenteric Glands were cancerated. An Emetic of Oxynw. Ssillit. farinaceous Decod?cions witll Nitre, crude Sal Jrmoniac, Oxym. Simp. and tDiarod.-were of little or no Effed?c.- - Afterwards contiazuing the Ufe of Eledcuaries of Con%: Ro/: r. EleS. Lenitiq:. BallJ: Loratel. Mthiap. Min. Spertn. Cet. Ol. Aygd. d. and the fame with Merr. S/- valiz;at. he becanze more and more emaciated, till May 2I0, the Day of hts Death.-

1t xvas remarkable, that every new Medicine, ex- cept ie was very heating, afforded Some Relief for orO or lDhree Vays.

Mcgy z2d, O11 removlng the Illteguments of the Xbdotnen, the M^J4axwli ReAi appeared livid. The (Jgentsn was deltitute of Fat. The In1;eJDne con- tit,uous to tlleLcft OsInnozninat^n xvas tinged with Green.NothinO befides appeared morbid in the


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Page 6: Two Histories of Internal Cancers, and of What Appeared upon Dissection, by William Burton, M. D

t 103 3 MiJcera in Sitg at firR View. - - The Situation of the Pylorgs feemcd lower tllan ufaal. Tlle Colour or Texture of the Liver were not remarkably preter- natural. Tloe Spleell was of tlle largeR Size, and adllered in its hinder Part fio firongly to the tPeri- tonmX that it could not be fcparated without La- ceration. Whereupon tllere renzained in the Place of Adhefion a thick) callous, and almoR horny Mem- bralle, as big as an Half-crown. JTIle Pancre6ls was very Emall, afnd feemed compoSed of finlall Svirrhi.- - Tlle Left Kidu-ey was twice as big as the Right, or as its own natural MaOnitude: Its^ Sub- ftance abone thc (Pelvis was corroded by a Ecmipu- rulent canccrous Sanies, that was in part colledLed lzetween tlle Surface of the llidney and its contailling Ba",. The internal StruEture of it was not rnuch amiSs: But the Lomes Jlorbi, the moP fingular and furprifing thnomenon in this Subje} was a Num- ber of larbe conglobateX Reatomatous? canccrated Glands, reaching from the Reatptvr?W17Xzn Chyli to tbe loweflc Vertebrt of rlle Loins, fo conneEted togetller as to reprefent a Panarevs affixed to tlle Vertebraffl of the Loirls, alld upper anterior Part of tlle Left Voas MuScle: It was Four times as large as his l9anareas, and as big as tlle Rigllt or found Kidney. * -Thz Horta delrendens pcrvaded tlle Middle of tllis preternatural Sublta.nce Lellt,tlXvays.Frorn this MaSs, as a Fo-untaill, flowed that cancerous Sa- nies, which lwad made its Btay to tlle Lcf} Ilidney, and alSo corrodcd tlic [uperior carncous Part of the Left S?J4ovs tnajor, and lliac1Jls interngs, rO tllat one tnig,:ht eafily rend their gangrened Flenl likc rottcll Linell. "-- Solme of tllis ;,rccll lahor cgllebted ncar the Os


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Page 7: Two Histories of Internal Cancers, and of What Appeared upon Dissection, by William Burton, M. D

[- tYo4 ] 7nnomit-vt^n lwad laid- tlle S-pine of lt qelite bare. lahz Lcft Iperlnatic VeSels svexXe knotty, tumefied,

and livid Lluc xnefenteric Glands were fcirrhous.

trhe deficcnding Trunk of tlle Hotta was fnzaller tllan vllual; alldX dividing ir, we extraded a Imall GPolypgs. 1 The Exalllillation of the other Cavities was nc)t

pctnzitted. t -- -


yan?Vary X I . I 7 3 5- 5

-<Ihowas lwrinder, a Taylor, living at tYindSor, in his 2gth YearX was of a palc Conlplexion, with red HairX of a middlc StatureX and thin Habit, ad liEed to Emoakillg from Morning to Night, aild now-

and-then to hard drinking. Eight Years before llis Death, he was throxvn in Wreftling, lSo as to pitch the Small of his Back upon the Cornct of a Chair, by which at firll he was much hurt in that Part; but upon the Abatement of his Pain, he became from thae time fubeEt tO Fits of the Colic, in which he faid his Bowels Seemed to be drawn to his Back-bone, and uEually received Eatie by binding his WaiS as tigllt as 11e could.He 11ad al6o frequent recourfe to Geneva and fuch Liquors for Relief, but feldom found any, till a Swelling, as big as a Henvs Egg, ap- peared like a Rupture in his Right Groin. Thefe Fits were not of above 24 Hours Duration, but the inouinal Tumor lafted T^ro or Three Days. He wras often afflided with Stitches under liis Le-ft 13rea0> which were removed by Bleeding.

But in the Middle of Novetnber 173s. Ilis Colic bccame fo violellt, that he could not lie ill his Bed, nor necp without Opiates. -- Nosetn6er X I . I f)llNd


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llim in the U6e of fome carminative Pilis fent- by an Apothecary. He had frequent Reachings to vomitX and was very coftive. His Pains feenled confined to the illtetlinal Region, alld were molt ac;ute in the Evening, contirluing to haraSs him till Five or Six in the Morning. His Pulfe beat feldom under an Hundred in a Minute, at Night generally above. He was not very hot, nor tllirRy. His Uline at this Tinze was rather defedive in Quarltity, than aulifs in refpeEt of Colour or Separation. - His Tongue was foul towards the Root, but not very white. - Upon his taking Ipecas4a. 3fs. and after itS Operation a Sal. A6fzzth. Draught, Witll Syr. and find. Rhabarb. n 3ij, and tlle plentiful uSe of Isf/: Setn. lJixi) Barley-water, Broths, and ClyPters of Whey, Oil, and Honey, his Rcachillgs ceafed, and the Pains de- fcended fronu the EpigaJ?ri^n to the I>ypogaJ?riw. On Novexn6er 2+th, a Potion of fin#. Rha6ar6. sgm Mino 3iij. Elix. ppt Aleln 3j. Sal.36/nth.32. and Two purgative tSyQcrs, one of which had Eerebinth DEs s>n Vitel. Oq>. not procurirlg a Stool, he took a Bolus of Calowel 3rs & Catnphor gr. xij. h./: and tlle next Day his Pains contillued, thougll he had feveral De jediorls fiorn the C,athartic. Bleeding was omitted hitllcrto, bccauCe 11e llad Dx. of Blood taken away a Wcek btfore this Par(>xyfizl; but now, upon lofng fo tnucll Blood more, lle found immcdiatc llelief. flis Blood was very fizy.

After this, his Diforder rctenablcd a Nepllritic O1lC, lliS chicf Cornnlaillt bcint, of Pain about tlle llegion of tlle Ilidnees} and along the Defcellt of tlleUrctcls. From lXlovem6er 26tll, UpOll tllt Ugg of an wily Lindgs and AMvanv Sal. iMb+Zathi Draughts


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Page 9: Two Histories of Internal Cancers, and of What Appeared upon Dissection, by William Burton, M. D

[ ,o63 and }itreX Cl)7Rers as wcll as Dritzks of Whey and Idoncy, NSitil ParegoricsX and repeated 131eeding, t.he Pain, rerwovitlg froln tlle Loins, fixed itrelf at tlae OS

(Pg6is, and ill the l-lliglls, l\Tovewber z9. but by tlc USe of Enlulfiolls with Gtlm Arabic alld Nitre, ttle Pain about the Sl9sbis abated, and mo0[Jy- affliEted tlle Left Tlligh and Hip. Frotn tllis Tilme 11c generally fat up in his Bed, leanillg forward to the Left, and for tlle nzoR part clofs-legged, findillg llimfielf eaSclt ill tllis PoAure. IIc could not lie any time on his Right Side.-The quantity, Colour, and Sedimcnt of his Urine, wcre mucll the fame nosar as when lle wras itl Health.l- It was made without the Pain, whicll, roorl after the llephritic Symptoms ccem- menced, lle complained of at the Root of the Tenis. And now his DifolXder refemlrlcd tlle L?ztnbago and Sciatica, affeEting the Left Side ulofirly: Wllere- upon, (Decetnber 2d, he was pUt in the Ufe of a diuretic and aperient EleEtuary, with Eerebinthiate ClyRers. To this Time he had very few Stools witllout Clyflers, and thofe genelXally very Emall and fetid. %)erember 5 tll, the l;ever and Pain in- crealing, a cooling aperiellt Apozem, witll a pare- ,oric Draugdlt pro re nata, were continued till i)ew sem6er 9tll, when cxamining the Thigh where the Paill now afflided him mo0, 1 found fotne fmall Sairrhi in the Groin, which were Scnflblc enough tO tlld l-OUCil, tllough not tO the Sigllt; atld from that

imc, apprellendila, him of a lcropllulous Habit, prefcribed as follows: B Myrrh. Milleped. Sgc. ClWcyrrhix. Ierebinth. Verset.;Pil. Matth. n 3j. BalE GzlDad. 3tsZ:)iaaod. q.J:f. SPilalf N° xx. Capiati; tertiis h¢ris ca Sero LaSis, wllich Diving Reliet, were


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Page 10: Two Histories of Internal Cancers, and of What Appeared upon Dissection, by William Burton, M. D

r to7] repcated, only excllanging Pr1. siij, for Ot-¢ni/:gttv. and continlled to q)eremeber ^:tll, when his Pains returned violently, and 11c cougllcd up clotted Matter, loot unlikc tlue X'arenaDymv ot ttl} Lungs abraded, with a little Blood. His Bl^eath 1)c camc fetid, llis ReEpiration troubled, and 11e cotn plained of Thirlt. He uSed oily pare^,oric lAraugllts eo the ISth, about which Tinlc 11c was feizcd NSitll fo violent > pleuritic Pain, in tlle Middle of thc Night, that it xaras thougllt he mull have expitred, had not about Dx of Blood bcen takell away illlmc diately, upon whicll tlle Pain foon removcd froln the SideX and attacked him there but fbr a fesr Mir nutes afterwards. The lJlood continued as fizy as ever In the Esrenings, when his Pains xvere moft vehement, he had been fometinzes deltriovls.

iDerember 8th, he firPr told nze of a Tumor he had diScovered near the Navel fince I faw him on the Isth. It appeared not as lle fatX but when laid on his Back, tlzgre was a Protuberance bigger thall a Turkey's Egg, Four Fingers Breadtll on the Left Side of the Navel, extending Two above it, and Four below it By its Situation, RefiPtance to PrcIEllre, and the Unevennefs that from under the Skin was comnlunicated to the Touch7 its difappearing vllen he was in an ered:t PoPlure, and its not being dinzi- nilhed by diScutient Fomentations) it was judged to be a fcirrhotls TunzorX which had long exiPted tllere unobfierved by the Patient, till it increafed tOO mUCIl tO be longer undiScovered.- ---The FMf laJ?. de Ran. eX vn Merrgr was applied outsrardly; and conclu din , tllere was an internal Cancer, I was encouraged, froin the prcceding CaSe, tO order him IYydrotrg ;

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Page 11: Two Histories of Internal Cancers, and of What Appeared upon Dissection, by William Burton, M. D

[ to8 ] Nj enfery Morluing.-Whereopon there was lWuch a RemiAN1on of his Pains) that during aImoS a Fort- ni,>,llt} 1wc Dot tllotc 3left witllout Opiates than before \Vitll tildlM; i1Rfonuch tllat being greatly revistedX and cgaitliz:, bome Appctite} he got down Stairs Two or

Threc tinles. Thinkillg the Plail'ter increafed lliS

I'ain, Ii}digo blue Linen ras applied in its room. Thz Mercury came away by Stool, and lle had ncxw one allmoll cvery Day, and fometimes tnvice a Day, NVi;tlOLlt a ClyRcr. His chief Drillk was Milk and nvarlla Water.--His grand Complaint now was of a tnoll troublefome Cardialgiv, efpecially wvhen- he Jay dowvn, ntluicll was fomesvllat mitigated by Pow- ders of Cre;. Brita. cgm paxillo Wa{. 36Jnth. From tlac firll ure of the Mercury he feerned on the mend- int, 11and, till affer about 1^ Days, when omitting it for a few Days, he relapfcd into his former or a xrorCe Corldition; and thougll he was Comewhat ea(ie14 on the llepetition of it, the good EffcEts laflced not long." - He drooped daily from the Ath of ya- ntzao, and sonhthe I3 th died, emaciated and almoPc exangs.

tJpoti Difleftion, nothing preternatural - appeared in the Inte",uments, abdominal MuScles, or - Perito- negm immedi-ately under them.- But under all tllefeX n?here the -Protuberance llad been obServed, and immediately under the C1mentgm, (which was deflitute of Fat, and its lower Part was mortified) tbere carne ill View an al1omalous SubAance in Sitg, fcemin^,ly as big as a tery large Potatoe; which, svhcn the circumambient ViJ2era were removed, was found to be a Scirrhous, fungous, cancerated Excre- fcer;e:e, rooteda as it were, tO the Lcft Side of the


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Page 12: Two Histories of Internal Cancers, and of What Appeared upon Dissection, by William Burton, M. D

[ 109 Yertehrae, qulte from the 1Diaphragtn down tO ttlC f3eltis, of a monllrous Bulk, occupying llcar one llalf of tlle Xbdo7nen, Iying like a Tortoifie witll itS Head towards the (Pelvis, and its Back tO tlle Ugbi- liras. It was in the upper Part coveled by and firtnly gohered with the Colon, which in the whole 60nti- guity was black anel mortified, It was llrolagly at- tached tO the (Perxtanesm on the Left Sicte of tlle L^nbal Verte6rs, having difplaced tbe Left llidncy, and brought it forwards to the Left Side of tllc Navel, fo that it came in Vienv as foon as tlwc OznentfflJ was removed. It likewiSc rctnoved the ilorta dufrendens, the Left EmulgentX and MeScraic VeIfels, quite out of their natural Situation; all of whicll were found pervading the Centre, nearly, c3f this Excrefcence, and fmaller than natural. It adllered to the Ilidney firongly where the emulgent Veffiels enter it, and it had dctruded moll of the fmall Guts into the CPelsis --Nothing was preter- natural in the Stomach or Spleen, excepting that thc latter, as well as the Left KidneyX feemcd paler tlaan uEual, and this llidney alfo more flaccid: -rhe Gall- bladder was IErunk to the Size of a Sutmeg, and empty. The ILiver 11ad a pretcrnatural Lobule, as big as a Hazel-nut, adilering tO it by a fmall Pc- dicle. But othcrwife a11 tllefe Vi0vera, as w<:ll as the Right lCidncy, lSladder, eD-a. dircoxJcred nothing nzorbid.

Tllis canccratcd Excrefsence could not bc cradi- cated without Laceration7 and upon ti1e llcmoval of it) Tssro or Tllrce larre Trunks of NersZes appcared nakcd, paffi1ng ovcr tllc Jliasgs interngs to thelSilit,;a, whicll llad bccn comprccd by this Tumor. l>1zz

P 2 Weigllt

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Page 13: Two Histories of Internal Cancers, and of What Appeared upon Dissection, by William Burton, M. D

c l*to] Wcig,ht of this Excrefsence was i;5r+!x;v; -and n.llowing for what remained upon Laceration, and tlle ElfuSon upon cutting into it, it doubtlefs ex- cecded 9,. Upon BifeEtion, it appeared to the Depth of half an Inch from its Surface black and gangrened, and, below that, it was all fpongy, with Cavities as large as thoSe of an Honeycomb; and from it had iffiued a cancerous Sanies, dralning to the ?eqvis.

Upoll opening the thorax, the Right Lobe of the I>ungs was full of Scirrhous cancerated Tubercles, from whence a Sarsies had flowed betwixt it and tlle iPAear: The Left Lobe was much fmaller than tlle Right, firmly attachcd to the 7?1e?wra and Mediaf? n>n, and inSeparable without Dilaceration.- -- It had fome Tubercles alCo. The Heart appeared found, but a large Tolypus was taken out of ies Right Ven- tricle, at the Orifice of the Areeria 'P1hlmonalis.

Another Cafe occurred to me cotemporary with the firR of thefe, and fo like to both of them in tlle antecedent Caufe and Symptoms, tllat, could I have obtained Leave to inEpeEt the Corpfe, I am perfuaded fome fuch immediate CauSe would have diCcovered itfelf. -Crude Mercury was the only Medicine in this Cafe alfo, that palliated for about Ten Days fiuccelllvelyJ

Bllt to what PurpoSe fO particular a Relation of CaCes confeffiedly incurable > It is replied, That in unfuccelsful Cafes an accurate DiagnoRic tends not a little tO the Reputation ofr the Phyfician, and his Siciencc, although tllereupon he pronounces the Cafe incutablc by all the known Mcthods of regular lrad:titioxwers Erpecially as tllis CaSe is very likely


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Page 14: Two Histories of Internal Cancers, and of What Appeared upon Dissection, by William Burton, M. D

E ttl 3 to be nz;Raken at fitA fbr an Arthritic DiSorder, or a Nephritic one, either from Ulcer, Cal6X1Xs,. or both, or for an Iliva Pvion.

The Diagnoftics therefbre of a Cancer within the Xbdomer, deduced from the preceding HiAories, feemtobe as follows:

A naturally nender Habit of Body, accompanied with fome fcrophulous or fcirrhous Tumor, together with a pale ComplexionX and coPtive DiSpofition: If fuch an one, at an Age above Twenty, has received a violent ContuSton on the Loins, and7 negleding all Remedies, is fome time afterwards attacked with excefl:lve Patns, affliding n¢>w the Colon, then ths urinary PaSages, Spine of the Os Innominatgm, and Pgbex, at vatious times, alnvays incrcafed by all In- ternals or lixternals, by whicll the Heat of the Body is increafed, eEpecially Serabinthinate ClyPrers; but mitigated by fome Singularity of PoRure, in wllicl tlle Patien.t conRantly abides; if thefe be attended with an Hedic Fever, without tlle uEual Degree of Hcae ill tlle Skin, of Whitenefs or Drynelis of Tongue, or Complaint of TllixA, and alfo xvithout lCough, lligll-coloured Uritze, or vitiated Refpiration; if ac- companied likcwiSe with an Affedion of the fper-- nzatic VclEcls, of tlle Thighs, alld frcqtlent pleuritic lains; the 13lood always abounding witll tough Size; if Opiates foon loSe tlucir Effcd:t, and only (as all otlaer new Remedics not lleatirjg) fecln to give Relicf for Two or Tllrce l)ays; if Cathartics take PlaceX and. Iy ficquent Rcpetitiorl do not produce a colliquative *1DiarrhaX alad the moR palliativc Remedics are llitrous Salis and Mcrcurial; may it llOt be concluded with zuch ProbabilityX tilat fuch a Cafc is owilig to fiotne

fuclu CgauSca May it not bc plonolinc<e-l an intcvnal C,aliccr ? 111. Ener-

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