  • 1. Twitter
    • What lies behind those'Terms of Use'

2. Welcome

  • Areas covered in the presentation will be
  • Privacy

3. Content 4. Spam 5. Abuse 6. Trademark & Copyright 7. Privacy

  • Did I sign something to agree with this policy?'By using the Site you are consenting to our processing of your information as set forth in this Privacy Policy' (unknown, 2009) Every user is bound by this agreement just by using twitter.

8. Privacy (cont)

  • What can they do with my personally identifiable information? 'processing' is defined as 'collecting, storing, deleting, using, combining and disclosing information' (unknown, 2009) 'Twitter may sell, transfer or otherwise share some or all of it's assets, including your personally identifiable information' (unknown, 2009) meaning that if Twitter is taken over, goes bankrupt, merges or just needs some capital our data can be used as a commodity.

9. Privacy (cont) Who can access my information

  • because the data is stored on US soil it is doesn't matter what part of the world you are from US laws apply.

10. Privacy laws of the users country become irrelevant. 11. If a government or Law Enforcement Officials or Private Parties in the US gets a court order it can walk in to twitter headquarters and help itself to your data. the good news is it's primarily to stop illegal, unethical or legally actionable activity. The bad news is that there is no statement anywhere in the documents stating how long this data will be collected if not indefinitely. 12. Privacy (cont)

  • Protection of childrens personally identifiable data
  • Policy is to delete personally identifiable data when Twitter becomes aware that a user is under 13 years old. (Twitter Privacy Policy, 2009)

13. Parents or Guardians must email privacy at twitter dot com to have the data deleted (unkown, 2009) 14. In the Twitter sign up page there is NO checkbox to tick stating the user is 13 or over. 15. Meaning that if a child under the age of 13 tries to sign up to Twitter they have no idea that it is against Twitter policy unless they read the privacy agreement. 16. Content Your rights 'You retain the rights to any Content you submit, post or display on or through the Services' (unknown, 2009)

  • very basic and minimal opening statement of your rights

17. this sentence is then followed by all of the rights you are giving to Twitter explained in the next slide 18. your rights section is really an extension of the Twitter rights section with a friendly title. 19. Content

  • Twitter's rights Twitter has 'worldwide, non-exclusive royalty-free licence (with the right to sublicence) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such Content in any or all media or distribution methods' (unknown, 2009) the content that no responsibility is taken for can be rebroadcast anywhere and everywhere 'this licence includes the right for Twitter to make such Content available to other companies, organisations, or individuals who partner with Twitter'(unknown, 2009) allowing user content to be applied to databases for targeted marketing etc at a alter date

20. Spam

  • Internal Spam The option to unsubscribe from regular communication from Twitter is a good feature(unknown,2009) External Spam 14 main points that can have a user removed from twitter for spam related activities (crystal, 2009) ranging from spam complaints against a used to posting only links with no personal content.enforcement of these rules is questionable and may only occur after a user has been reported for and incident.

21. Abuse

  • Impersonation is not accepted.(crystal, 2009)
  • this leaves a lot of current impersonators on thin ice. Politicians and celebrities have many impersonators at this point

22. Privacy such as addresses, credit card information not permited (crystal, 2009) 23. this does not seem to be a large issue at this stage but a good safeguard non the less. 24. Violence or threats (crystal, 2009) 25. a reprehensible form of cyber bullying that will only be acted upon after the person under attack has complained. 26. Trademark & Copyright

  • Trademark: usernames can be reclaimed on behalf of business or individuals. (crystal, 2009) Copyright: Copyright infringement will be acted upon but requires 'clear and complete notices of alleged copyright infringement'. More than stated in the Trademark policy. (crystal, 2009) There is are 6 items that must be submitted the Twitter Copyright Agent for any review. (unknown , 2009)

27. References unknown. (2009, September). Twitter / Twitter Terms of Service. Retrieved October 4, 2009, from . unknown. (2007, March). Twitter / Twitter Privacy Policy. Retrieved October 4, 2009, from . crystal. (2009, January). Twitter Support :: The Twitter Rules. Retrieved October 4, 2009, from .
