#Ward11Forum #Ward11Forum Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer 1

Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business

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Page 1: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business



Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer


Page 2: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


• @TJGoertz of @OPSBA_Official with specific Ward 11 discussion with @IreneFu from @TDSB

• Trustee @shelleylaskin

• Principals @PrincipalNSS @tdsb_WestPrep @TDSBHodgsonSrPS @Tdsb_Eglinton

• Staff @zeliaMCT @Ms_Paradis @rob_grundy @rachellstanding

• Parent @HumewoodCouncil

• Students


Page 3: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business



• Twitter Overview • Followers and Following • Hashtags • Retweeting, Replies and Direct Messages • To tweet or not to tweet • Your Twitter Profile and Settings • Social Media Strategy • Other social media tools


Page 4: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


What is Twitter?

• As of January 2014, Twitter has 650 million users, with 135,000 signing up every day. A billion tweets are sent out every FIVE DAYS.

• It’s “the fastest, simplest way to stay close to everything you care about.”

• Real-time information - connects you to the latest stories, ideas, opinions and news about topics of your interest. Simply find the accounts you find most compelling and follow the conversations.

• At the heart of Twitter are small bursts of information called Tweets. Each Tweet is 140 characters long. You can see photos, videos and conversations directly in Tweets to get the whole story at a glance, and all in one place.

Information courtesy Twitter.com


Page 5: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Social media provides opportunities!

• Need to provide students and parents with board and school news using the same tools the audience is using

• Connect and engage with other schools, classrooms, parents and community

• Positive media coverage - direct access to reporters and newsrooms

• Enrich classroom learning and connect with others

• Promotional – show off the amazing things happening in your school/class

• Be a role model for our teen students


Page 6: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Why use Twitter for community communications?

• Connect directly with students and their parents/ guardians

• Connect directly with community members (parents, staff, constituents) in a clear and concise manner

• Cost and time-effective, low-barrier for staff, students and school community

• Easy to share photos, videos, board news, links to relevant information & get feedback

• Be your own official voice


Page 7: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Why do I tweet?

• Latest breaking news from any topic imaginable

• Networking and relationship-building

• Media relations

• Keeping in touch with friends and acquaintances

• Building trust and accountability with followers and wider education community


Page 8: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


The Twitter Interface


Page 9: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Followers and Following • Your followers are Twitter users who have agreed to receive

tweets through Twitter • Following someone on Twitter means:


• You are subscribing to their tweets as a follower • Their updates will appear in your Home tab • That person is able send you direct messages

@TDSB – 29.4K followers @shelleylaskin – 838 followers @OPSBA_Official – Approx. 2,800 followers @BarackObama – 55.4 million followers @JustinBieber – 60.7 MILLION FOLLOWERS (Sorry for the bad news) It’s quality over quantity here. Do not keep yourself up at night worrying about a low follower count!

Page 10: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Who to follow

• Teachers, staff, principals, individual schools (multiple accounts), boards, trustees

• Education minister/ministry

• Student trustees, students

• OISE, education researchers

• Teacher unions (unions and presidents)

• Education reporters

• Premier and other politicians


Page 11: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business



Follow TDSB Tweeters

Page 12: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


How do I get others to follow me?

• Be patient

• Have a clear purpose

• Post interesting and useful information regularly

• Follow people that you think would be interested in following you

• Engage in conversations

• Promote your handle

• Use hashtags


Page 13: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business



• Retweeting is how Twitter users share interesting tweets from the people they are following

• When you see a tweet by another user that you want to share, click “Retweet” above the Tweet to forward it to your followers instantly

• You can also “Quote Tweet” and include your own personal message outside the quotation marks. For example:

@TJGoertz: “@TPSChrisBoddy: Did I just hear the we aren't going to see spring-like temps until mid April!!!” Oh no.


Page 14: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Retweet (RT) or Modified Tweet (MT)

• You can also add RT to the front of a tweet to signify that you’re retweeting another user’s tweet

• If you are modifying a user’s tweet—typically done to shorten the tweet to be under 140—place an MT before the tweet. You can also add text prior to the MT

• @TJGoertz: Ditto! MT @TDSB: We’re wishing everyone of our community a great summer break, see you in September.


Page 15: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


@Replies 15

Page 16: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Direct Messages (DMs)

• To "whisper" something of replying in public, use direct messages. The easiest way is to click on the mailbox button on your Twitter profile.

• A user must be following you in order for you to direct message them, but not to reply to them.


Page 17: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


#Hashtags 17

Twitter hashtags help spread information on Twitter while also helping to organize it

Page 18: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


How to use hashtags

• A function to make keyword searching easier

• Distinguish content using keywords, preceded by a # sign

• #OntEd #OPSBA #TDSB #ONPoli

• Don’t use too many, it’s annoying


Page 19: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Only on Twitter…

• CC or just C – Carbon copy, just like in email • ICYMI – In Case You Missed It • #FF – Follow Friday • NSFW – Not Safe for Work • OH – Overheard • LRT – Last Retweet • .@ - Why is that period there at the beginning of that tweet? • IMHO – In my honest opinion


Page 20: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


What not to tweet

• Any personal information

• Photos of children without media releases

• Criticism or negative tweets

• Links to websites/videos without previewing them first

• Replies to users with inappropriate handles or comments

• Too many inane personal anecdotes


Page 21: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business



An Educator’s 3 Twitter


@JasonTo Educator Account

@MrJasonTo Classroom Account

@WestviewCentSS School Account

Page 22: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


What makes a great tweet?


Inspiring Regular, relevant,


Positive and motivational

Connects you to your


Page 23: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


23 Elements of a Good Tweet

Page 24: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business



Good photos

Engaging and shows the spirit of what’s going on

Gives context of what’s happening

Elements of a Good Tweet

Page 25: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


What to tweet – Let’s hear from the “experts”

• To help facilitate discussion, invited “experts” – those who tweet regularly to share their experiences

• OPSBA • TDSB • Trustee • Principals • Teachers • ECE • Parents • Students


Page 26: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


What to tweet – key learnings

• Consider your audience

• Tweet about initiatives in your classroom

• Tweet about school events and activities

• Retweet others’ tweets – show you care

• Encourage discussion/conversation by replying to their constructive thoughts

• Add tweets that are links to great resources or web pages/videos/photos you’ve found


Page 27: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business



Page 28: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business



Page 29: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Don’t respond to trolls


Page 30: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Your Twitter Profile


Page 31: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Sample Twitter bio 31

Page 32: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business



Link to school website

School logo used for profile picture

Regularly updated

Twitter handle clearly identifies school name and part of TDSB

Elements of a TDSB Twitter Account

Page 33: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Sample Terms

• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business hours only—from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

• We welcome your comments and questions on Twitter, but before you tweet us, please ensure you do not include personal information or photos of others without their consent.

• We cannot commit to replying individually to all messages received via Twitter but will address major issues and themes to our wider audience. For official correspondence, contact us at our campaign office at 519-555-0001.


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TDSB Twitter Policy • The TDSB Twitter account is managed by the Communications and

Public Affairs Department, on behalf of all TDSB staff.

• We welcome and encourage student and staff engagement that is respectful. Please note that the TDSB School Code of Conduct applies to Twitter interactions. Any material we view to be illegal, hateful, offensive, and/or threatening is reportable and can result in serious consequences. Please think before you tweet.

• Staff will update and monitor the Twitter account during office hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

• We welcome feedback and ideas from all followers, and endeavour to join the conversation when possible. However, we may not be able to reply individually to all messages received on Twitter.

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Twitter Settings


• Account Settings • Security & Privacy • Password • Mobile • Email notifications • Profile • Design • Apps • Widgets

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Protected Tweets

• You can choose who will follow you

• Account will display a lock icon

• Pros – Can make you feel more comfortable about expressing your views and controlling your audience

• Cons – Restricts potential interactions. It’s not really private. Anyone can take a screen-capture and forward.


Page 37: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Link Shortening

• Web links are often quite long and can take up the majority of the 140 character limit if not shortened.

• Services like bit.ly and ow.ly allow users to share links on Twitter and still have characters left over for more content in a tweet.


Page 38: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Twitter Management Apps

• www.tweetdeck.com/ Downloadable desktop application to manage your Twitter

account easily from your home or work computer.

• http://hootsuite.com/ A web-based application, can be accessed without

downloading any software.


Page 39: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Social Media Strategy & Guidelines

• Get a strategy and guidelines first! Why? Helps head off any potential crises

• Identify your main audience – will help you create tailored content

• Content principles – keep it varied, human, frequent and timely

• Human resources – social media doesn’t have to take all day

• Types of content – news, campaign/initiative messaging


Page 40: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Social Media Terms of Use for School Board Staff

• Purpose – to ensure proper use of social media tools by employees when representing the organization publicly

• Privacy and Security – acting in a professional manner

• Social posting guidelines – a quick overview


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For more information, visit: Twitter Support: https://support.twitter.com/ Mashable’s Twitter Guidebook: http://mashable.com/guidebook/twitter/ OPSBA Social Media Strategy: http://ow.ly/gG0MQ Professional Development at TDSB: Tweet Right: Twitter Best Practices in the TDSB


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Page 43: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Page 44: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Page 45: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Page 46: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Page 47: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Page 48: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Page 49: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Page 50: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Page 51: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Page 52: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Page 53: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Page 54: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Page 55: Social Media 101: A Twitter Primer• This Twitter account is administered by the campaign team of Trustee Doe. We update and monitor this account intermittently during regular business


Other “Experts” in the Family

• https://twitter.com/SpectrumAS • https://twitter.com/TDSB_Humewood • https://twitter.com/browntdsb • https://twitter.com/NorthTorontoCI • https://twitter.com/DavisvillePS • https://twitter.com/Tdsb_Eglinton • https://twitter.com/HillcrestCS • https://twitter.com/mauricecody • https://twitter.com/TDSB_Winona