Page 1: Twitter Direct Messages Case - Universal Pictures Brazil

Brazil Jurassic World movie launch using Twitter Direct Messages (DM)

Page 2: Twitter Direct Messages Case - Universal Pictures Brazil

Twitter Direct Messages (DM) campaign for Universal Pictures

@UniversalPicturesBr Pre-defined the #jurassicworld and #jurassicpark hashtags as opt-ins for its new marketing campaign to publicize the movie Jurassic World; Followers of UniversalPicturesBr who tweeted these hashtags will be impacted by marketing actions through DM's sent by; Results obtained by Universal Pictures Brazil in this campaign: Personalized interaction with followers and fans of the film; 100% positive sentiment for followers who received the Dm's

Page 3: Twitter Direct Messages Case - Universal Pictures Brazil


1 - User tweets a #jurassicworld hashtag in its Twitter profile;

2 - The system stores the request and the user data according to the parameters defined by Universal;

3 - User receives a DM in accordance to what was requested;

4 - DM received by the user contains an external link defined by Universal.
