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Page 1: Twitter activity

MORAINE PARK TECHNICAL COLLEGE 102-135 Business Technology and Innovation ©2011 developed by Nancy Linger

After setting up a twitter account, complete the following tasks:

Sign in to your twitter account.

In twitter, under , click on . Select a category Who to follow Browse categoriesrelated to your career (such as Technology or Business).

Review the results, and select one or more twitter accounts to follow. Click on f for each account you wish to follow.

Use the Search box to look for tweets on twitter in business. Review the results. Move your mouse over a tweet that interests you. Click on to share this article with people who follow you.

Use a search engine (like Google) to find information on twitter applications. Review some of the search results. Select one result to tweet. Some articles may have a tweet button that you can click. It will capture the web address and open your twitter account to assist you in tweeting the article. If there is no button, copy the web address and go back to your twitter account. Click the Compose New Tweet button and paste the web address. Add a brief comment if you wish. Then add a hashtag: #twitterapps. Be sure to keep your text under 140 characters.

In the search box, enter the hashtag #twitterapps to see your tweet and tweets others have posted.

twitter Activities
