

Oct 7, First Saturday, Our Lady of the Rosary

12:05 David Kearney

5:15 Robert Donner

Oct 8, Twenty-Seventh Sunday

in Ordinary Time

8:00 Pro populo- For the People of the Parish

9:30 Arthur Quici

11:00 Arturo Giacomucci

12:30 Sabino Serrano

6:30 Pro Populo- For the People

Oct 9, Monday, Weekday,

St. Denis, Bishop & Companions,

Martyrs; St. John Leonardi, Priest

7:15 Anna Morgan

12:05 Tim Navin

Oct 10, Tuesday, Weekday

7:15 Carol Susan Caldwell

12:05 Frank J. Durant, Sr.

Oct 11, Wednesday, Weekday,

St. John XXIII, Pope

7:15 Russel W. Cuthbert

12:05 Henry Greenbratt

Oct 12, Thursday, Weekday

7:15 Matthew Dugan

12:05 Mary Harvey

Oct 13, Friday, Weekday

7:15 Kenneth Kaczynski

12:05 Helen & John Crowley

Oct 14, Saturday, St. Callistus I,

Pope and Martyr; BVM

12:05 John Zamorski

5:15 Antonio De Marsico

Oct 15, Twenty-Eighth Sunday

in Ordinary Time

8:00 Pro populo- For the People of the Parish

9:30 Quici, Galypo, Greco Family

11:00 Alfredo Dercole & Family

12:30 Aldegundo y Esperanza Serrano

6:30 Pro Populo- For the People

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 8, 2017

“I have chosen you from the world, says the Lord,

to go and bear fruit that will remain.” Jn 15:16

Dear Parishioners,

The Las Vegas Massacre last Sunday, October 1, 2017, is still so very vivid in our minds. Nearly sixty people lost their lives and

nearly six hundred people were injured. This senseless tragedy is

one of many in recent years; however, this horrific violence is the

largest in memory. We pray for those who have died and all who

have been injured. We pray for their families and friends who are in

need of great healing and for a profound awareness of the nearness

of God in the midst of such darkness. At the same time we must ask

ourselves some serious questions. Is there something I can do—in

addition to prayer? Do I voice where I can a concern about the vio-

lence in our society and the need for it to be curbed? Asking ques-

tions like these will help to address the rampant violence that sur-

rounds us. We must keep in mind that Almighty God is the ultimate

power over the sin and evil in us and in our world. So, as we pray

for all those who suffered injury and the loss of life in Las Vegas, we

beg the Father of Mercies to protect us from future tragedy and vio-lence.

Next Sunday, October 15, 2017, permanent deacons from around

the Archdiocese will assemble for the 11:00 AM Solemn Mass. On

this occasion, Archbishop Chaput will celebrate the Mass to mark

the fiftieth anniversary of the restoration of the diaconate as a perma-

nent order in the Church. This anniversary gives us the opportunity

to pray for our deacons and to be grateful for the service they pro-

vide all throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. We are fortu-

nate here at the Cathedral Parish to see the regular service of perma-

nent deacons on Sundays, especially at the 11:00 AM Mass.

Also, next Sunday at the same Mass, the Archbishop will con-

clude with a Consecration of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to Our Lady of Fatima. This consecration recommends all the clergy and

faithful of the Archdiocese to the powerful prayers and intercession

of our Blessed Mother as we strive to be faithful to her divine Son.

In part, the consecration prayers says: “Show us the strength of your

mantle of protection. In your Immaculate Heart be the refuge of

sinners and the way that leads to God.” Let us pray, especially for

one another, that the prayers of our Blessed Mother will lead us all

to a more complete surrender to the will of God, and faithfulness to

the word and way of the life of Jesus. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for


I remind you that October is Respect Life Month and the Month

of the Holy Rosary. When you pray the Rosary during these days,

please remember the intention of respect for human life from the

first moment of conception until natural death.

The second collection at Mass next Sunday will be the national collection for the Missions. Thank you so very much for all of your

goodness and generosity to the Cathedral Parish in so many ways

and to the Annual Catholic Charities Appeal.

God bless you, Father Dennis Gill


Please remember these parishioners and friends of the Cathedral Parish in your prayers/ Ora por los enfermos:

John Cantwell, April DeMatto, Laura Kerr, Cris Burbage, Robin Abate, Bryan Anderson, Glen Jackanis, Susan Silverstein,

Joshua White, Ed & Shirley Pinto, Susan Kirk, Robert Dove, Doreen Quinn, John Zelez, Charlotte McLaughlin, Philip Costantini, David , David O'Shea, Mary McManus, Christopher & Stephanie Tama, Marilyn Mullen, Carolyn Jacobs,

Stephen Garramone, Kim Cantwell, Janet Campellone, Nancy Rice, Frank Byrne, Gerald Leo, Eileen Swartz, Dan Moyer,

Rose Johnston, William Zawacki, Carla McCollaum, David Hernandez, Edward Panek, Irene McCarthy, Paige Bednarsky, Patrick DiGiovanni, Patricia Capone, Rosemary Lovett, Grace Teti, Nick Capozio, Darcel Burney, Fred Hankinson, Renee

Kenny, Thomas J. Kenny, Stacey Smit, Anadelia Cacique, Alis de Pachecho, JoAnn Stein, Francis Pham, William Spiro, Scott

Towers, Daniel Moyer Sr., James Pinto, and those in nursing homes or hospitals and all the sick.. Please call the Parish

Office with the name of anyone who is sick, to be included in our prayer list. Por favor llamar a la oficina parroquial para

añadir a la lista los nombres de personas que estén enfermas.


The Financial Support of the Cathedral Parish is the duty of

our parishioners. Here at the Cathedral Parish we are greatly

supported as well by our many visitors. If you only put $1

in the collection would you consider $5, if you put $10,

would you consider $20? The Offertory Collection for

10/01/2017 was $9,445.00 (1st Collection: $7,571,

2nd Collection: $1,874).

Thank you very much for your generous financial

support. The entire 2nd Collection will be forwarded to

areas devastated by the recent hurricanes .

God bless you!


Thursday, October 12, 7:00 PM

Meeting in the Neumann Room

The weekly catechetical session is primarily for the adults

among us who are preparing to receive the Easter

Sacraments. However, anyone interested in the topic for

better understanding and faith formation is most welcome to

attend. Anyone, especially our parishioners, seeking more

information on the reception of the Sacraments or assisting

as a sponsor, please call the Religious Education Ministry

line, 267-570-0074.


White Mass (St. Luke’s Mass) 11:00AM Parish Mass

Become a member of the Catholic Medical Association! The CMA helps their members to grow in faith, maintain

ethical integrity, and provide excellent health care in

accordance with the teachings of the Church.

Sidewalk Advocates Training

by Dr. Monique Ruberu 2:00-6:00 PM. Location: The Neumann Room, (behind the

Cathedral) There is no cost to attend and a free early dinner

will be provided. Space is limited, register at Free parking available: 222 Nor th 17th

St. Philadelphia, PA 19103

Queen Takeover: Consecration of Archdiocesan Youth

and Young Adults to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

6:30pm Mass, Location: Cathedral Basilica.

Choral Mass for the Feast of Blessed John Henry Newman

Come and worship the Lord in the beautiful liturgy of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter

on the Feast Day of Bl. John Henry Newman Monday, October 9, 2017 at 7:00 PM

Homilist: Bishop John J. McIntyre, Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia

Location: Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, Philadelphia

More info: St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, Bridgeport,


♦Wed. October 11, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM in front of the

Philadelphia Women’s Center, 777 Apple Tree (8th &

Arch). To sign up for a 1 hour prayer vigil shift please

contact Nora at the Parish Office: 215-561-1313

or [email protected].

♦Wed. Nov. 1, 10:00AM to 5:00PM at 12th and Locust.

Cathedral Parish Prayer Vigils

Holy Hour in Honor of Our Lady of Fatima

Fri, October 13, 7:00 pm in the Chapel

Last Holy Hour on the occasion of the 100th

Anniversary of the Apparitions of the Blessed

Virgin in Fatima, Portugal. A statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be exposed for public

veneration, affording the faithful the opportuni-ty to receive the Fatima Jubilee Plenary

Indulgence under the usual conditions.

Consecration of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

to Our Lady of Fatima!

NEXT Sunday, October 15, 2017 at the 11 AM Mass

Celebrant: Archbishop Char les J . Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.

Location: Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul.

More info:




Vivimos en unos tiempos en que los políticos, los direc-

tores de empresas, banqueros, y otros grupos de personas

han actuado con una avaricia y un egoísmo que rayan en lo

escandaloso, y las consecuencias han sido devastadoras.

Añádase a esto los problemas en nuestra Iglesia y habría

que preguntarse si han habido otros tiempos peores que és-

tos. La respuesta es que sí. El siglo catorce tuvo la peste

bubónica que acabó con la mitad de la población de Europa;

en 1960 cuarenta millones de personas murieron de hambre

en China. La lista de violencia y de gobernantes tiranos se

extiende desde el emperador romano Calígula e Iván el Te-

rrible hasta Hitler, Stalin y Mao Tse Tung. El mundo encu-

bre toda clase de maldad y hoy en día llega a nuestro cono-

cimiento muy rápido. Pero hay mucho más lugar de lo que

pensamos para la esperanza. Mateo escribía su Evangelio

para una comunidad de judíos cristianos cuya nueva fe los

separaba de los otros judíos. Todos vivían bajo la opresión

de los conquistadores romanos. El viñedo del cual habla

Mateo es como el mundo. Dios se asemeja al propietario

que lo creó y lo hizo fructífero. Así es que, ¿quiénes son los

viñadores? Para la comunidad de Mateo eran estos líderes

judíos que se aferraban al poder, colaboraban con Roma y

cooperaron a matar al Hijo de Dios. Pero el Reino no puede

tomarse a la fuerza y aquellos que causan estragos en el

mundo de Dios tendrán que enfrentarse con la justicia de

Dios en esta vida o en la próxima. Mientras tanto nuestra

tarea es atender el viñedo del Señor. Todos podemos contri-

buir, ya sea haciendo las más insignificantes obras de cari-

dad en nuestra vida diaria, ya sea practicando la moral y la

ética en nuestro centro, actuando como ciudadanos respon-

sables o esforzándonos por acoger y amar a los abandona-

dos, los que se encuentran perdidos y los oprimidos que

están entre nosotros. Nunca te descorazones ni te des por

vencido; el Reino es nuestro.

La Corresponsabilidad Vivida Ahora

“No siempre se nos presenta la oportunidad de hacer

obras grandes, pero en todo momento podemos hacer obras

pequeñas de una manera extraordinaria, esto es, con un gran

amor”. —San Francisco de Sales (1567–1622), obispo, mi-

sionero y patrón de los escritores

Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved


-Hora Santa en honor de N.S del Rosario- Viernes, 13 de octubre, 2017 - 7:00 PM en la Capilla

Celebración de la Santísima Virgen Domingo, 15 de octubre, 2017 a la 1:30 pm

Durante la Misa de español de las 12:30pm estaremos

celebrando a la Santísima Virgen en cuatro advocaciones:

-Nuestra Señora del Rosario, patrona de Guatemala

-La Virgen del Pilar, patrona de España

Al terminar la Misa, todos los feligreses están invitados

para un compartir en el salón de la Capilla. Será bien

recibido cualquier plato típico que deseen compartir

¡Proximo Domingo! Consagración de la Arquidióce-

sis de Filadelfia a Nuestra Señora de Fátima- En honor al Centenario de las apariciones de la Santísima

Virgen Maria en Fátima, Portugal, el Arzobispo Charles J.

Chaput, O.F.M. Cap consagrará a la Arquidiócesis de

Filadelfia a Nuestra Señora de Fátima el domingo, 15 de

octubre del 2017. La consagración se llevará a cabo en la

Misa de las 11:00AM en la Catedral Basílica de San

Pedro y San Pablo en Filadelfia. Todo el clero, religiosos

y fieles de la Arquidiócesis están cordialmente invitados a

este evento especial en la vida de nuestra Iglesia local. Para

más información y recursos de preparación espiritual visite

la página web:

♦ Vigilia por la Vida, Oct. 11 y Nov. 1 ♦ Octubre 11 de 8:00AM a 5:00PM frente al centro abor-

tista Philadelphia Women’s Center, 777 Apple (8th & Arch)

Noviembre 1 de 10:00AM a 5:00PM frente a Planned Pa-

renthood en la 12th y Locust St. Para registrarse por una

hora por favor llame a Nora a la oficina parroquial al

215-561-1313 o envíele un correo a

[email protected]. Dios le bendiga!

Ayuda para las victimas del los desastres naturales y

What’s Happening at the Parish

Outside the Liturgical Schedule

Oct 8 White Mass, within 11:00 AM Parish Mass

Sidewalk Advocates Training,

Neumann Room, 2:00-6:00 PM

Oct 10 Legion of Mary Meeting,

Neumann Room, 7:00 PM

Oct 11 Morning Scripture for Lawyers,

Neumann Room, 8:00 AM

Cathedral Parish Prayer Vigil (1),

777 Apple Tree St. Philadelphia, 8AM-5PM

Charismatic Prayer Group,

Neumann Room, 6:00 PM

Oct 12 Catholic Schoolhouse Chapter,

Neumann Room, 8:30 AM (must register to attend)

Catechetical Session, Neumann Room, 7:00 PM

CATHEDRAL PRAYER REQUESTS Our parish Charismatic Prayer Group meets faithfully each

week to join together for prayer and to intercede with the

Lord for many intentions, including the intentions of the

parish. The Charismatic Prayer Group now provides a way

for us to send to them our requests for prayer. Simply

e-mail your intentions and prayer requests to:

[email protected]

The Charismatic Prayer Group meets every Wednesday at

6 PM in the Neumann Room.


This month’s 2nd Sunday Rosary (today) before the

6:30 PM Mass has been cancelled. The LAST SESSION of our DISCIPLESHIP


All of the other sessions have been marvelous and even

if you haven't made any of the previous sessions, do not

worry, just plan to join us for the our final session, spread

the word and bring friends too!

The date for the final speaker series is Friday, December 1,

same time and location, 7:30 PM in the Pastoral Center,

222. N. 17th St. Topic: Christian Disciples as Witnesses to

Jesus and his Church to Others. If you have any questions

please e-mail us at [email protected]

A Deeper Belonging

October 2017 Reflection

(Published by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Office for the New Evangelization)

Terrorism is destroying lives. Gender ideology

is wreaking havoc. Scandals, unbelief, and

division continue to rack the Church. Across the

globe and in our own homes, problems abound.

Sometimes, watching the news or reading the

headlines becomes an occasion for us to throw up

our hands with the overwhelming feeling that the

world is falling apart.

And yet, Our Lady told us in Fatima, “In the end, my

Immaculate Heart will triumph.” That is, Mary’s Heart, so

completely given to Jesus, will be victorious over all evil. As

we come to the close of this celebratory year of the 100th

anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions in Fatima, let these

words of our Heavenly Mother resound in our ears as the

final word from God about what is happening in our times.

Our Lady is the guiding star that God gives to us to

navigate these difficult and treacherous times. She comes to

us as a Mother to turn our gaze away from the crumbling

walls around us and to fix them on her Son Jesus Christ who

never fails and is always in control.

On Sunday, October 15 at the 11am Mass at the

Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia,

Archbishop Charles Chaput will consecrate the Archdiocese

of Philadelphia to Our Lady of Fatima. This is a momentous

occasion in the life of our local Church because through the

authority of our bishop all of us will be handed over to the

Blessed Virgin in a new way. It is a moment of deeper

belonging to Our Lady, which always means a deeper

belonging to Jesus Christ.

There are problems in the world, in the Church, in our

families and in our own lives that simply cannot be resolved

by human means, no matter how excellent. This act of

consecration is a surrendering of everything to the

incomparable care and power of the Queen of Heaven. In

effect we are saying, “Mother, we cannot do this ourselves.

You take care of it. You come and have your triumph here.”

What we know with certainty is that through this

consecration, Our Lady will be able to bring about

transformation and new life in ways that we cannot imagine.

All are invited to attend this beautiful Mass. Come

prepared to consecrate yourself, your family, your work and

your ministry to Our Lady of Fatima. Together we can await

with expectant hope the astonishing fruits of this gesture.

For more information about the Fatima Consecration visit

The Centennial of Our Lady of Fatima:


New Parishioners Welcome to the Cathedral Parish!

The easiest way to register can be accomplished by

speaking with one of the parish priests after any regularly

scheduled Mass. If preferred, you can also contact the

Parish Office to schedule an appointment to meet with a

priest for parish registration.

Parish Office phone number is 215-561-1313.

Knights of Columbus If you are interested in helping those in need,

helping the Church, growing in Faith or obtaining

exclusive access to top rated insurance coverage

for your family, the Knights of Columbus is the organization

for you. The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic Fra-

ternal Organization in the world with approximately 2 million

members in over 16,000 Councils. To be a part of the Knights

Of Columbus at the Cathedral, please contact Dennis Simoes at

215-816-7200 or email, [email protected]

The celebration of the Sacrament of

Baptism is the doorway to the Christian

life and to all the other Sacraments. As

such, preparation of the parents and for the Baptism itself

deserve very special attention. The celebration of Baptism

at the Cathedral Parish takes place on the first Sunday of

each month at 12:30 PM after the 11:00 AM Solemn Mass.

Everyone is welcome. The celebration will be carried out

with liturgical music and with a great sense of hospitality.

A Baptism Preparation Session takes place on the third

Sunday of each month in anticipation of the celebration of

the Sacrament. Parents in the Cathedral Parish are obligated

to participate. The session is open to all of our neighbor

parishes and to godparents as well. Parents are encouraged

to participate during pregnancy, if at all possible. Please call

the Parish Office - 215–561-1313 - to register for the

Baptism Preparation Session.




We live in a time when politicians, heads of corpora-

tions, bankers, and others have acted with outrageous greed

and selfishness, and there have been devastating conse-

quences. Add to that the troubles in our Church, and we

wonder if there has ever been a worse time than this. The

answer is yes: in the fourteenth century the bubonic plague

killed half the population of Europe; in 1960, forty million

people died of famine in China. The list of violent, tyranni-

cal rulers stretches from the Roman Emperor Caligula and

Ivan the Terrible to Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Tse Tung. The

world harbors all kinds of evil, and nowadays we hear about

it very fast. But there is much more room for hope than we

might think. Matthew was writing his Gospel for a commu-

nity of Jewish Christians whose new faith set them apart

from other Jews. All were living under the oppressive rule

of Roman conquerors. The vineyard Matthew speaks of is

like the world. God resembles the landowner, who created it

and made it fruitful. So who are the evil tenants? For Mat-

thew’s community it was these Jewish leaders who grasped

at power, collaborated with Rome, and cooperated in the

killing of God’s Son. But the Kingdom cannot be taken by

force, and those who wreak havoc in God’s world will face

God’s justice in this life or the next. In the meantime, it is

our task to tend the Lord’s vineyard. We can each contrib-

ute, from the smallest deeds of charity in our own daily

lives, to exercising morality and ethics in the work place, to

acting as responsible citizens, and striving to welcome and

love the forgotten, the lost, and the most oppressed among

us. Never lose heart and never give up; the Kingdom is


Living Stewardship Now “Great works do not always lie in our way, but every

moment we may do little ones excellently, that is, with great

love.” —Saint Francis de Sales (1567–1622), bishop, mis-

sionary, and patron saint of writers

Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. rights reserved

Tours of the Cathedral Basilica

A guided tour of the Basilica is available af-

ter the 11:00 AM Sunday Mass. Please

gather in front of the Side Altar of the Sacred

Heart, which is located to the right of the

Main Sanctuary. On October 15, 2017 there

will be a tour at 1:00 PM, not at 11 AM.


Critical Life Issues Conference "Be Not Afraid! Love Unleashes Life!"

Sat. October 14, 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Speakers: ♦Stephanie Gray - "Abortion and the Art of

Communicating Truth." ♦Sean O'Hare - Evangelization and

Building a Pro-Life Culture.” ♦Eileen Benthal - "Breathing

Underwater - A Caregiver's Journey of Hope." ♦Fr. Edmund

Luciano III - "Organ Donation - The Gift of Life in the

Midst of Sorrow." Location: St. John Neumann Pastoral

Center, 146 Metlars Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854.

Cost: $25. More info call 732-562-1990 ext. 1629 or 1543.


Therese The Story of a Soul Friday, October 20, 2017 - 7:00 PM

An inspiring live drama based on the autobiography of

Thérèse of Lisieux, a French Discalced Carmelite nun, later

recognized as a saint. Performed by: Audrey Ahern,

directed by Patti Defilippis. Location: St. Anthony of Padua

Church, 259 Forest Ave, Ambler PA 19002. Cost: $15

Adults / $10 Youth 12 & under. More info: 215-646-4742


Our Lady of the Rosary and St. David's Family Retreat

October 20 - 22, 2017 Enjoy an opportunity to renew your relationship with God

and your loved ones. Retreat includes activities for children,

family meals, special liturgies and more. All are welcome,

including young children, teens and grandparents. Cost:

$395 per family (parents/minor children). Each additional

couple is $370. Single adult $195. Location: Malvern Re-

treat House. Retreat Director: Fr. Michael Shea, Associate

Director, Central Association of the Miraculous Medal

To register: Call 610-644-0400


Fuel the Flame

Mon. October 30, 2017

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

St. Charles Borromeo


Vianney Auditorium

Who: All Church Leaders, Clergy and Volunteers

What: Impact the future of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

by attending this engaging, informative, and vibrant

evening! Mike Patin, national speaker, will present practical

strategies for promoting vocations and helping to create a

culture of vocations in our parishes, schools and communi-

ties. This event is free, but all are asked to register at



November 11, 2017, Philadelphia, PA

We invite young women who are discerning a religious vo-

cation to join us for a weekend of sharing in our life of

prayer & apostolate. Reservations are required. Hawthorne-, for information or reservations please

contact Sister Alma Marie 845-745-1319,

[email protected]
