
Tune In! Podcasting Basics for the Classroom

Professional Development Series

Presenter: Kristiana Lightcap

*The delivery of audio files over the internet of playback on a mobile device (MP3 player) or computer.

*A mixing of the words Broadcasting and Ipod.

*Users can subscribe to an RSS feed or through ITunes.

*RSS is a web feed format to web syndication.

*Users are notified when a new podcast episodes are posted.

What Is Podcasting?

Types of Podcasts


New and Information

Talk Shows

How to

Why Podcast?

To listen

To create and share

To communicate

Why Use Podcasting in Education?As a project based tool for students

A tool for educational remediation

A tool for assistive technology

To provide self paced learning

To meet the needs of advanced learners to access extra content

To provide a way for the school to have community communication.

How do I create a Podcast?

Audio Recording Software


Lame Encoder

Windows Computer

Garage Band

Apple Computer

FREE Software

Comes with


How Do I Create Podcast?Items needed…..

A Computer with Internet Connection


Speakers or Headphones

The Process of Creating a PodcastWhat is the purpose or content?

Who is your audience?

Write a script.

Is your Podcast teacher created or student created?

How long is the series?

Record, include music or sound effects to “soup” up your show.

The Process of Creating a Podcast

When Podcast is finished export as an MP3 file.

Set up a an RSS feed

What is an RSS?

Stands for Really Simple Syndication

RSS is the format for distributing news and other web content. When you put content into RSS and send that content

to other people or websites, it's called a feed.

Feeds attract the interest of the search engines and they reach new audiences.

This will make your Podcast public.

Setting Up the RSS Feed

Use a feed free software to create the RSS (XML File)

Example sites:



Google Reader

Post the file on your web server

Contact iTunes to Syndicate your Podcast, you must obtain a link for subscribing.

How Do I Use Podcasts in my Classroom?Try online educational podcasts, get inspired at:

Podcast Directories




Podcast Alley




Most Importantly! Have fun!

Enjoy listening to your own Podcast, student Podcasts, or subscribe to your topic of choice!

Upload to your computer or go portable with a MP3 player.

Let’s get started in creating you own Podcast!


Shamburg, C.  (2008). National educational technology standards for students: English language arts units for grades 9-12.  Eugene, OR:  International Society for Technology in Education.

Richardson, W.  (2006). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms.  Thousand Oaks, CA:  Corwin Press.

WebsitesFree music and sound effects

Poster Design create in Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 This poster example will be used to advertise the course.
