Page 1: Trustees' RePort and Accounts...Penrith and District Red Squirrel Group (Registered Charity No:l117418)Receipts and Payments Accounts for the period 01/10112013 to 31112 2013General

Penrith and District Red Squirrel Group

Trustees' RePort and Accounts

For the Period Ail0/.n3 to 31112113

Page 2: Trustees' RePort and Accounts...Penrith and District Red Squirrel Group (Registered Charity No:l117418)Receipts and Payments Accounts for the period 01/10112013 to 31112 2013General

Penrith & District Red Squirrel Groupchairman: Robert Benson - Treasurer: Rena Gardner - secretary: Richard Dyke

The Estate Offrcer Lowther, Penrith, C;,xtrbna CA1O [email protected]


Trustees for the period 1't January 2013 to 31" December 2013 were;

Robert Benson (Chairman), Richard Dyke (Secretary), Sarah Richardson, Roderick Corner, Edward

Lowthian, Bernard Parker, Jerry Moss, Gary Murphy and Julie Bailey who were all re-appointed at the

Annual General Meeting held 21't March 2013.

Trustees for the period 21't March 2013 to 31" December 20L3 were;

Rena Gardner (Treasurer), John Turner and lan Jack who were all appointed as Trustees at the Annual

General Meeting held 21'* March 2013.

The Trustees are appointed by the existing Trustees and all retire at the next AGM after appointment

but can offer themselves for reappointment.

The governing document for the Group is the constitution adopted on 10th october 2006 and it is the

Trustees who conduct the business of this charitable trust.

The Trustees continually seek to advance the objectives of the charity by promoting the preservation of

the red squirrel population in their natural habitat of Penrith district and their protection from

extinction for the public benefit and to advance the education of the public and conduct research

concerning the red squirrel population in the Penrith district and its endangered status.

The Trustees approved and adopted a General lncome Reserves Policy at the Annual General Meeting

held 21" March 2013.

ln addition to the Annual General Meeting, the Trustees held three committee meetings during 2013.

Group volunteers and coordinators are invited to attend as well as the staff of Red Squirrels North

England (RSNE) which is the North of England strategic conservation project with whom the charity

works very closely.

The main activities of the charity during the year can be summarised as follows:-

1. promoting red squirrel conservation throughout the Penrith & District area by organising and

carrying out a number of activities that included public meetings, giving talks and attending

local shows and events to highlight the current plight of the red squirrel and the risk to their

existence posed by the non-native grey squirrel.

Z. publicise these activities by press releases, newsletters, email and website to educate and

encourage the public to become members and/or volunteer and report squirrel sightings.

3. Undertake the control of grey squirrels across the Penrith & District area using all legal

methods and where funding is in place, engage the services of full or part time red squirrel


4. Recruit, train, organise, encourage and support volunteers to undertake grey squirrel control

and/or squirrel monitoring throughout the Penrith & District area.

5. Obtain funding from all possible sources to support these activities.

Page 3: Trustees' RePort and Accounts...Penrith and District Red Squirrel Group (Registered Charity No:l117418)Receipts and Payments Accounts for the period 01/10112013 to 31112 2013General

The main achievements of the charity during the year can be summarised as follows:-

1. The Group were delighted that in 2013 we achieved our long held goal and now have red

squirrel ranger cover across the whole of our area of operation.

2. Northern Eden Valley - tn partnership with RSNE, continued the employment of a full time red

squirrel ranger funded in the main by RSNE. Maintained contact with and obtained further

funding from local landowners to support the project'

3. Whinfell - The continuing employment by Center Parcs of one full time red squirrel ranger and

one part time ranger for the whinfell reserve and stronghold.

4. Upper Eden valley - To continue the funding for the part time en8agement of a red squirrel

ranger for this area.

5. Greystoke - ln partnership with RSNE, continued the employment of a full time red squirrel

ranger funded in the main from pooling local landowne/s Forestry Commission Woodland

lmprovement Grants. The continued funding of a part time red squirrel ranger from Woodland

lmprovement Grants at Hutton in the Forest. From May 2013 engaged the services of a part

time red squirrel ranger to cover the Dalston and caldew area.

6. Utlswater - Following a most generous grant of f1O,00O from the Lake District National Park

Authority sufficient funds were in place to engage the services of a part time red squirrel ranBer

for Ullswater from L't February 2013'

7. Continued to support and strengthen the network qf coordinators and volunteers who

undertake grey squirrel control and squirrel monitoring throughout our area of operation, now

approximately 600 square miles and subdivided into the five main areas as detailed above' This

local knowledge and support continues to be vital to our strategy and ensures the efficient

reporting of grey squirrel and sickly red squirrel sightings'g. The coordinalion of our squirrel data recording continued to evolve in 2013 and records show

that red squirrel sightings remain encouragingly high and stable. Reflecting the additional

ranger activity, there was a 4L% increase in grey squirrel removals.

g. The very successful ZOLL/Lzfund raising campaign, generously sponsored by local businessman

John Turner, was re-launched in 2013 and brought in grants totalling f9,450'

10. tncome received increased to f 60.992. A29o/o increase on the f47 ,165 received in 2Ot2'

The Trustees are very pleased with the results and achievements of another successful year' However,

it has become apparent that some existing sources of funding will reduce or even cease in the next and

subsequent years and that new fund raising initiatives will need to be undertaken in order to maintain

the ranger programme in its current form'

The Trustees feel it is essential that the Group continues to strive for and establish a reserve sufficient

to consolidate this programme and ensure its long term viability.

The Trustees declare thatthey have approved the Trustees' Report.

Signed on behatf of the charity's Trustees this day .......2e....m.m.C**-t.t Patel


L4(-... t...................,

Robert gensfn - Chairman

Page 4: Trustees' RePort and Accounts...Penrith and District Red Squirrel Group (Registered Charity No:l117418)Receipts and Payments Accounts for the period 01/10112013 to 31112 2013General

Penrith and District Red Squirrel Group (Registered Charity No:l117418)

Receipts and Payments Accounts for the period 01/10112013 to 31112 2013







Restricted Total










Donations (Gen)

Membership (inc.CorP SPonsors)

Donations (Boxes)

Events, Talks and MercahandiseNewsletterTrusts and FoundationsAira Force ProjectUEV and GreY Control Projects

Cameras/Presentation Eq uiP.

Red Squirrel bookGift Aidlnterest



Feed and FeedersMileage (Volunteers)

Aira Force ProjectUEV and GreY Control

Cameras, Equip. gen, TraPs

Posters, Warning signsPostage, Stationery, Printing

lnsuranceEvents,Talks, Merchandise, Raffle


Total Payments


Cash Funds Last Year End

Cash Funds this Year End

38,206 22,786 60,992 47,165





































75,141 104 75,245 72,402

Page 5: Trustees' RePort and Accounts...Penrith and District Red Squirrel Group (Registered Charity No:l117418)Receipts and Payments Accounts for the period 01/10112013 to 31112 2013General

Penrith and District Red Squirrel Group

statement of Assets and Liabilities at the end of the period


Unrestricted Restricted

Funde (t) Funds (t) (g)

3,334 104

75 141 104_

Gash Funds3,438



Other monetary assets

lnvestnent assets

Assets retained for the charitY'sOwn use


Current a/c

Deposit a/c

Total cash Funds


Not applicable


Not applicable

DetailsNot applicable


Not applicable


Robert Benson - Chaimran


Date fu ,rr*n %rf

The notes on pages 6 - 7 form part of these accounts'

Page 6: Trustees' RePort and Accounts...Penrith and District Red Squirrel Group (Registered Charity No:l117418)Receipts and Payments Accounts for the period 01/10112013 to 31112 2013General

Penrith and District Red Squirrel Group

Notes to the Accounts

1. Accounting policies

Basis of preparation of accounts

The accounts have been prepared on a Receipts and Payments Basis. We consider that an

audit is not required for this year under section 1M of the Charities Act 2011 (the CharitiesAct) and that an independent examination is needed.

Value Added Tax

Value Added Tax is not recoverable and as such is included in the relevant costs in theReceipts and Payments Account.

Fixed assets/Depreciation

We have minimal assets as we have no office base. The only materials items that may be

deemed assets are cameras, presentation equipment and a small amount of merchandise,

the cost for which has been included in the year it was expended. No depreciation has

been calculated for these assets as we do not operate on an accruals accounting basis.

2. Staff

As a volunteer led organisation, we have no paid staff. We do, however, contract with self-

employed individuals wno act as Red Squinel Rangers across our area of operation. These

arringements are normally short tem and form part of funding bids (somelimes with partner

organisations) for red squinel preservation projects in specified geographical areas.

3. General lncome Reserves PolicY

ln addition to having regard to both the short and long term needs of the Charity, theTrustees consider that by deploying remunerated red squirrel rangers it is their

responsibility to, if at all possible, give stability to those positions and seek to mitigate any

funding imbilance between annual income and expenditure that might hamper that routine

remun6ration by setting aside reserves out of unrestricted general income lnto a General

lncome Reserve.

The Trustees consider that the currently desirable level of reserve equates to twelve

months total remuneration funding of all red squirrel rangers currently deployed within the

Penrith & District Red Squinel Group area of operation and whether funded directly by the

charity or via a third party. The reserve is therefore set at f90,000'

The levels of the reserves held and the allocation of any income and expenditure is at the

discretion of the Trustees.

This policy is to be reviewed annually by the Trustees.6

Page 7: Trustees' RePort and Accounts...Penrith and District Red Squirrel Group (Registered Charity No:l117418)Receipts and Payments Accounts for the period 01/10112013 to 31112 2013General

4. -Restric{ed lncome

Restricted Funds are those funds restricted by the donor(s) to a certain item of expenditure

or for red squirre! preservation work in a particular location.

The movements on the restricted funds that we held during the financial year are shown in

the table below

Penrith and District Red Squirrcl Grcup

Fund Name

Grey Control

O/Bal Receipts PaYments C/Bal


104 22,780 22,786 104

lM 22,786 2:2,786 {04

Page 8: Trustees' RePort and Accounts...Penrith and District Red Squirrel Group (Registered Charity No:l117418)Receipts and Payments Accounts for the period 01/10112013 to 31112 2013General

Penrith and District Red Squirrel Group

lndependent Examiner's Report on the Accounts

Report to the Trustees/members of Penrith and District Red Squirrel Group on the accounts for

the year ended 31nA2013 for Charity number: 1117418 as set out on pages 4-7

Respective responsibilities of trustees and examine

The Charity,s trustees are responsible for the preparation of the accounts. The Charity's trustees

consider that an audit is not required for this year under section 144 of the Charities Act 2011

(the Charities Act) and that an independent examination is needed-

It is my resPonsibilitY to:

r Examine the accounts under section 145 0f the charities Act.

o To follow the procedures laid down in the general Directions given by the Charity

commission (under section 145(5Xb) of the charities Act), and

. To state whether particular matters have come to my attention.

Basis of independent examiner's statement

My examination was carried out in accordance with general Directors given by the Charity

Commission. An examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the charity and a

comparison of the accounts presented by those records. lt also includes consideration of any

unusual items or disclosures in the accounts, and seeking explanations from the trustees concerning

any such matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide allthe evidence that would be required

in an audit, and consequenfly no opinion is given as to whether the accounts present a "true and fai/'

view and the report is limited to those matters set out in the statement below-

I n dep en d ent exam i n el s statem ent

In connection with my examination, no matter has come to my attention:

(1) Which gives me reasonable cause to believe that, in any material respect, the requirements:

o To keep accounting records in accordance with section 130 of the Charities Act;

o To prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records and comply with the

accounting requirements of the Charities Act have not been met; or

(Z) To which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding

of the accounts to be reached.

Date:20 March 2014


Name:Alan McVietY FCA

Dodd & Go

Clint Mill

Penrith, CumbriaCA11 7HW
