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Based on an Éduc’alcool video

about the grad night after-party.

For Secondary 5 students.

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Marc-Antoine asks the committee members for ideas

about activities for the after-party. Yan suggests an open


He’s very big on the idea, but the rest of the

committee continues looking for other options to

keep things fun.

Anissa suggests that food would be good, and that it would

only cost $5 each for a little late-night snack.

Yan still pushes for the open bar.

Even after the meeting, while Marc-Antoine is trying to

ask Anissa to be his date for grad, Yan comes up and

butts in with his open bar idea.

The after-party organizing committee




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A few weeks later, at the after-party

Marc-Antoine is shooting video.

The place is packed and everyone is in a party mood!

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Marc-Antoine teases Yan, saying, “Not a bad party, even if there’s no open bar!”

Yan tells Marc-Antoine not to worry, and shows him his backpack full of beer and booze.

Marc-Antoine sees Yan and Anissa kissing. When they turn around and see him, Anissa seems a bit uncomfortable.

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Yan joins the rest of the group and chugs a drink. A number of

people gather around and start chanting, urging him on. Yan chugs a few more drinks.

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Yan tries flirting, but all the girls move away because of the state he’s in.

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4 a.m.

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Yan wakes up and throws up in the punch bowl.

Marc-Antoine is still shooting video, and you can hear a voice off-camera: ”Yan, aka Loser, making the most of a party he’s been anticipating for 5 years,” which is met by hoots of laughter.

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Clean-up time, and Anissa and Marc-Antoine gather up glasses, chips and other party debris. She’s feeling guilty and apologizes to him about Yan. Marc-Antoine tells her it’s not her fault.

Soon they’re talking about how Yan behaved the night before, and they both have a good laugh about it.

The next morning

Meanwhile, Yan is dreaming of blending up drinks with money and alcohol.

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5 years later: the reunion

Everyone seems very happy to see each other.

Patrice, a Secondary 5 teacher, is also invited. He goes over to say hi to Yan, who is helping himself to some punch. Yan is surprised that Patrice remembers him, but Patrice replies that he was hard to forget: “Yan the party guy, always ready for fun.” Patrice then tells Yan that when he was 17, his friends also called him a party guy,but by the time he was 30, they were calling him an alcoholic. He adds that he realized over time that he had a problem with alcohol. Yan answers with a laugh, “Your problem with alcohol is that you were worried about not having enough!” Patrice goes on to explain that he drank as a means to deal with various problems, but in the end, alcohol didn’t solve anything. He tells Yan, “I don’t want you to end up in the same boat.”

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Yan then runs into Anissa, who asks him how he’s doing. He answers, “I’m working here and there…you’d know if you answered my emails!”

Marc-Antoine comes over and Yan realizes that he and Anissa are together.

In the background, we see the video from the grad after-party projected on a screen.

When the video gets to Yan, someone at the party calls out, “Hey everyone, it’s Yan, the punch bowl puker!” People clap and Yan looks a little embarrassed.

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Yan imagines himself receiving a prize for “loser who can’t hold his alcohol.”

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When his daydream ends, he leaves.

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As the video comes to a close, we hear a girl’s voice saying, “Did I go too far when I called Yan the punchbowl puker?”
