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How Open Booking Can BenefitManaged Travel

Presented by Ethan Laub

Founder and CEO, TripScanner

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• Defining “Open Booking”

• The Challenge of Program “Leakage”

• How Open Booking Solutions Can Help

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What Is Open Booking?

Our Definition:

Solutions that help manage

bookings made outside of a

traditional travel program / TMC

The Perception: Chaos!!

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The Opportunity for Open Booking

Open Booking solutions are being developed to fillgaps in the managed travel landscape

** Global Business Travel Association*** PhoCusWright Study - 40% of business travelers book outside of their company’s travel program

~80% of U.S. companies lack a tightly“managed” travel program*

“Managed”Mandated travel agency

Firm travel policy

Good controls / visibility

“Unmanaged”No travel agency

No travel policy

No reports / controls

47%32% 21%

“Lightly Managed”Recommended travel agency

Policy guidelines

Partial control / visibility**

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Travel Program “Leakage”

Travel Program “Leakage” is a real problem for manytravel buyers and TMCs

• 40% of business travelers don’t always book through their company’s TMC.1

• 54% of travelers book hotels outside their company’s travel program.2

• Up to 20% of Expedia’s bookings are for business trips.3

1. PhoCusWright: U.S. Business Traveler: Managed, Unmanaged, and Rogue (2012)

2. CWT Travel Management Institute Study (2012)

3. Interview with Expedia CEO Dara Khosrowshahi

Reporting / Visibility

Policy Compliance

Supplier Leverage

Duty of Care

Challenges of “Leakage”

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How Open Booking Solutions Can Help

Open Booking Solutions can help TMCs and theircorporate customers manage program “leakage”

• Track out-of-program bookings, providing a complete view of anorganization’s total travel spending.

• Understand who is booking outside of the travel program, and why?

Reporting / Visibility

Policy Compliance

Supplier Leverage

Service / Duty of Care

• Identify out-of-program trips that are out-of-policy when the bookingis made.

• Locate and service travelers who booked outside of the travelprogram, in case of a travel disruption / emergency.

• Improve supplier negotiation leverage by using 100% of bookedtravel data, including out-of-program bookings.

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Travel Agents: Evolving from a Booking Provider to aTravel Management Company

As booking services become a commodity, TMCs can differentiatethemselves by helping clients control total travel spending.

Booking Provider• Book reservations

• Service travelers en-route

• Provide reports / controls for bookingsmade through the travel agency

Scope of ServicesIn-ProgramBookings




Travel Management CompanyHelp clients service, control, and

optimize all travel activities,regardless of booking channel