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  • Chakra Mastery: Tuning in to the Power of Your Chakras

    Cathy Brennan Page 1

    I've always felt like I came a little late to the party, out of synch with those around me. It felt like everyone had it all figured out, living the happily ever after. There I was trying different things, taking all sorts of classes, exploring new avenues yet not really clear about where I was going with all this seemingly unrelated interests and experiences pulling me along. There was a part of me that knew to just keep following my heart.

    I studied nursing and learned about the human body and healing with traditional medicine. I studied environmental engineering and learned about nature, natural forces, human impact on them, and healing the earth. I studied alternative health and learned to work with the mind-body-spirit flow for holistic healing. I studied energy medicine and learned the human energy system and healing with energy. The common thread was healing and the integration of all systems in order to uniquely empower each individual.

    The interconnectedness of what I have learned allows me to fully step into my soul purpose passionately. I know that as we move forward in this time of great change we must look at the whole picture and what that means for us individually and collectively. We must learn to master tour own Human Energy System in order to navigate quickly, efficiently, and successfully through these changes. It is the key to unlocking our greatest potential.

    At the core of the Human Energy System is the chakra system.

    They are a series of energy vortexes that process energy and are connected to the meridians or energetic pathways that move through the body, the energy points where the meridians cross commonly known as acupuncture points.

    The chakras connect with the subtle energy bodies that make up your aura, and the web of energy often referred to as the matrix of collective consciousness. This is the very basic synopsis of the Human Energy System.

  • Chakra Mastery: Tuning in to the Power of Your Chakras

    Cathy Brennan Page 2

    This report will give you a basic knowledge of the 8th chakra, what it is, how it functions, and how it affects your life.

    There are hundreds of minor chakras throughout your body, much like in your circulatory system the major components are your heart, veins, arteries, and blood; within that system are more intricate subsystems. The same is true of your energy system.

    Each of the 7 major in body chakras are tuned in to a particular physical and emotional aspect. The out of body chakras are more focused on the movement and processing of the different types of energy.

    Just like we have preferred dominant hand We all have a preferred dominant chakra this provides an energetic profile that forms our perceptions . There are many factors that play into your energy profile and though it's foundational it is not a static thing it can change and evolve with you.

    This is the beginning of a journey in self discovery, self healing, and self realization so sit, back relax, (you can't get it wrong!) and enjoy. Apply what you learn fine tuning it to suit your unique situation and needs. I'm happy to be sharing the journey with you.



  • Chakra Mastery: Tuning in to the Power of Your Chakras

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    Chakra Front Opens Us To Back Opens Us to1st Chakra Meet survival needs

    Healthy family relationships Energy for life purpose

    Abundance worthiness Vibrant health

    2nd Chakra Creativity Birthing (both physical and

    of ideas, projects, business, etc.)


    Healthy and full adaptations to life changes

    3rd Chakra Personal power Self esteem Confidence

    Aligning conscious and unconscious beliefs

    Strong energy flow emotional, mental, and physical

    4th Chakra Dreams Compassion Relationships

    Blending the physical and the Divine

    5th Chakra Wisdom Responsibility Expression

    Choosing how we express ourselves

    Accepting others ideas

    6th Chakra Insight Vision

    Self directed fate Self perception Seeing the path and

    what it takes to walk it

    7th Chakra Oneness Accessing the Divine

    Oneness Connecting to higher self Altering perceptions of

    reality8th Chakra Past guiding decisions

    Past choices and use of gifts Patterns of the past

    9th Chakra Expressions of caring for others caretaking vs. caregiving

    Soul beliefs regarding humanity, universal love, global issues

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    10th Chakra connection with nature, natural healing

    grounding in ancestry

    integrating nature and natural cycles into life

    11th Chakra use of energy to impact your life and world

    transmutation of energy

    beliefs about transmuting energy

  • Chakra Mastery: Tuning in to the Power of Your Chakras

    Cathy Brennan Page 5

    The chakras are the Human Energy Systems primary operating system. They take energy in, move energy out, and convert energy to a useable frequency for the current situation. The chakras connect with other parts of the Human Energy System to distribute the energy.

    They have tremendous impact on our day-to-day life, yet because they are largely invisible, functioning in the subtle energy fields, not much attention is paid to them.

    They do have a visible effect in our lives. Over the last 20-years I've discovered patterns and characteristics within the chakra system. Each of us has a preferred or primary chakra that we filter energy through first; this shapes our perception and experience of reality.

    All of the chakras process energy and each of us utilize this process in ways that are unique to us. This assessment identifies your unique Chakra Energy Profile or Archetype. It highlightswhich are your primary and secondary chakras and gives you an idea of how that is impacting you and your life.

    There are seven in-body and four out-of-body chakras that are referenced in the assessment. There are hundreds of chakras in our Human Energy System but these 11 are the major ones. Each chakra processes energy of a certain quality or vibrational frequency. This is why certain characteristics are associated with different chakras. Similar to different musical notes each one has a unique sound and vibration and when joined together they make beautiful music.

    All of us utilize all of the chakras but for each of us, particular chakras are utilized more; they are louder if you will, than the other chakras. This informs how we express ourselves in the world and how we perceive the world around us. Just like a dog can hear high frequency sounds that humans cannot, we tune in more to the frequency of our primary chakra.

    When we utilize the energy from the chakras consciously, we facilitate a smoother flow of energy which fosters ease in our lives. It also helps us to reframe what we are experiencing in ways that are meaningful and inherently work for us. We are all familiar with the phenomenon of witnesses to an event having very different versions of the same event. This is because each person interprets the experience of the event through their own unique filter, their primary and supporting chakras.

    For example: several people witness an altercation between an older gentleman and a young woman.

    The Hero see's the young person as disrespectful and disrupting the traditional foundation of the relationship.

    The Warrior see's the young woman exerting her freedom of choice and taking a stand for her beliefs.

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    The Oracle see's a communication effort that's not being very effective.

    Each person see's the situation in a different light depending on how they filter the experience. The chakra energy profile is that filter. Can you see how you filter your experiences?

    Each one of the chakras is associated, tuned in if you will, to certain areas of the body, feelings, and bodily functions, with the exception of the out-of-body chakras which function slightly differently. They are not directly associated with an area of the body and they utilize the energy of the supporting chakras in a more direct way especially when it relates to more tangible results.

    With all of the Chakra Energy Profiles take the information and use your discernment to see what fits and what does not, making note of where there is resistance or if it simply is not applicable to you at this time. There will be situations/circumstances where certain aspects of the profiles will be more or less active and times where the supporting chakras will play a more active role.

    The key is to be aware of how this works for you. This awareness will help you consciously process energy more efficiently and direct it positively towards what you want to create in your life.

    The first section covers the 7 in body chakras. The front vortex of a chakra relates to the conscious self and our immediate reality while the back vortex relates to our unconscious self and our ancestral , past life energy.

    When working with the chakras, the front side is where we access the energy from this current life experience. The back side is where we access the energy to connect with our past life experiences, higher dimensions, as well as hidden knowledge, feelings, and secrets. Take a look at each chakra answering the questions and seeing where you could benefit from some balancing and aligning.

    Remember that this is a fluid process, just like every minute of every day your heart beats and moves blood through the body, moving energy is a continual process. How you care for your energy has a direct result on your life. There is a quick reference chart below to help keep you on track.

    Off Body Chakras

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    The inclusion of the off body chakras always stirs up some questions. What are these extra chakras, what do they do, and why haven't I heard of them before. Most traditional chakra systems speak of the 7 on body chakras because they have been the core of our energy system for the majority of people up until now.

    Say some your favorite foods are strawberries, yogurt, and rye bread. Sometimes your in the mood for something sweet and the strawberries hit the spot, later on your looking for lunch and a turkey sandwich on rye is just what you crave, for an afternoon 'pick me up' you want something creamy to hold you over until dinner so a cup of yogurt is what you grab. Each of the foods serve a purpose for you and they are each interpreted differently by the taste buds in your mouth, no one is better than the other....they all taste good to you. Each one simply activates different taste buds and your perception of that taste.

    The chakras are similar, in that, depending on the situation and your unique energetic makeup any one chakra may be more less active at any given time. The energy processed by each chakra increases in frequency and you move up the chakras. Just like different tastes it doesn't mean any one chakra better than another, they are simply at different frequencies and are used for different purpose.

    If you were to decide to study wine and become a wine connoisseur . You would learn the techniques for assessing the bouquet, the different flavors in a wine, and the best food pairings for each wine. Your taste buds would be finely tuned to the very subtle taste variations that go unnoticed to the average person, like me :)

  • Chakra Mastery: Tuning in to the Power of Your Chakras

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    The off body chakras are tuned in to subtler, higher frequency energy

    This energy is associated with non physical experiences like soul patterns, connecting with ancestry, alchemy of energy, spiritual truths, and karma. You tune in to them a little differently than the on body chakras, much like a wine connoisseur....only with energy. The rapid evolution in consciousness we're currently experiencing is awakening these off body chakras in more people.

    Unlike the on body chakras the off body chakras do not relate directly to the physical body rather they influence the physical body by sending energy through the other chakras as well as through the endocrine and nervous systems. Learning to tune in to them will benefit you on many levels .

    If your primary archetype is one of the off body chakras you will want to work closely with your secondary chakra as well creating a strong flow of energy between them to create effectively in the physical. Potentially your impact will have a deeper meaning as you move the higher frequency energy into the on body chakras you increase the frequency of your entire energy system.

    Everyone has the ability to do this regardless of their archetype, the way they go about it will be different . When a wine is paired with the right food there is a synergy for both wine and food that enhances both. The same occurs with chakra energy. Consciously moving energy through specific chakras enhances energy flow and physical results, and after all isn't that what were seeking?

  • Chakra Mastery: Tuning in to the Power of Your Chakras

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    The Root of It All

    1ST Chakra: Root Chakra

    Traditional Name: Mudlahara

    Flower: 4 petal lotus

    Color: Red

    Mantra: Lam

    Element: Earth

    Crystal: Tigers Eye or Smokey Quartz

    Essential Oil: Ylang Ylang or Sandalwood

    The first chakra is the root chakra or Mudlahara. It's located at the base of the spine, specifically the area between the genitals and the anus. The number 4 is associated with the root chakra because it has to do with manifestation, and the energy of the material world.

    This chakra is your base, the beginning of your journey, the root of creation in this physical reality; it's the foundation upon which you build. It is all about your survival and tribal needs. This is the energy for your emotional and mental well being and formation of your identity. The essence of this chakra is the ability to provide for lifes necessities and a sense of belonging.

    Feelings and Emotions

    The root chakra is focused on your survival needs. The basics like food, shelter, and clothing as well as your need for community, relationships, and legacy. This is where group consciousness resides, and the ability to be part of the group yet maintain your individual perspective.

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    It is with this energy that you balance your service to others both giving and receiving in a healthy appropriate way. This chakra is where abundance mentality is anchored, allowing you to have a sense of prosperity in all areas of life.

    It is here we work the fine line of accepting old family and community beliefs and adopting new ones that better suit our current situations. Your journey to self awareness begins here starting by looking outward and ending with seeking internally.

    With a well balanced root chakra there is a grounded, stable feeling, and a solid sense of security. There is a sense of abundance, of being and having enough.

    Blocks in the Root Chakra can result in,

    Persistent Thoughts of:






    Patterns of Behavior:

    Focusing on the half empty glass

    Avoiding change or new experiences

    Tribal mentality

    Inability to be yourself

    Blaming others/playing the victim

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    In many cases an under active root chakra can show up as a fearful, nervous state, victim mentality, and a feeling of not belonging or fitting in.

    While an overactive root chakra will show up as resistance to change, overly materialistic, collective hatred, greedy, and controlling (in an attempt to feel secure).


    The root chakra balances the pelvis, legs, feet, skeletal system, lymphatic system, and sexual organs. Some of the physical symptoms associated with the root chakra are:

    Chronic low back pain

    Immune disorders






    Varicose Veins

    Activities to Activate the Root Chakra:

    Physical activity


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    Listening to primal music (drumming, slow steady rhythms)

    Reading success stories

    Realigning and Cleansing

    If you are experiencing difficulty in any of these areas focusing on the root chakra with your breath and some extra cleansing may be of value(in conjunction with your current plan) in getting the energy moving and flowing in the optimal way.

    When you breathe into the root chakra visualize red light infusing the chakra and gently move it, either with your hand or by visualizing it, counter clockwise then clockwise. Adding the following affirmation:

    My worries, fears, and anxiety regarding security, safety, and financial freedom are dissolving, I am releasing them now.

    My needs are met continually and abundantly, I am free, I am safe, I am secure. There is an abundance of time, money, and energy for everyone.

    Here are some questions to ask yourself:

    o Am I struggling in any area(s) of my life? What does that look like?o Do I feel tense, moody, or ungrounded? Is there a specific area in my life that

    triggers it or is it general?o Am I able to meet personal goals and stay focused? What areas are most


    If you answered yes to any of the questions you may have a block in the root chakra. You can cleanse and realign the energy in your root chakra by doing the cleansing above or any activity that feels right to you. You may want to change the affirmations to a more personal tone using the language you used when answering the questions.

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    Sex and Money

    2nd Chakra: Sacral Chakra

    Traditional Name: Svadhisthana

    Flower: 6 Petal Lotus

    Color: Orange

    Mantra: Vam

    Element: Water

    Crystal: Ruby or Carnelian

    Essential Oil: Orange or Melissa

    The second chakra is the sacral or pelvic chakra or Svadhisthana. Its located about three inches below the navel. This chakra is where your soul embraces the body. Its where your innocent self, creativity, and sexuality reside. This is the center where you balance your ego, keeping it in check to allow you to live consciously in the present moment. This is the energy for acting in harmony with your authentic self with confidence. The essence of this chakra is all about being in relationship with other people, money, pleasure, and self.

    Feelings and Emotions

    The sacral chakra is focused on your creativity, emotions, sexuality, and play. You use this chakra to balance energy exchanges, including partnerships, money, fun, and responsibility. A lot of personal development occurs here. The energy for your inner child lives here along with enthusiasm, happiness, and joy.

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    It is with this energy that you balance your life, experiencing joy and freedom without obsessing over it. A firm sense of self-love and self-trust resides here. This chakra is where your creativity flows. It is here we work with the changes that life brings.

    A well-balanced sacral chakra allows you to enjoy life while being comfortable with your emotions, pleasure, and physical desires. This is the essence of who you are and how you interact with the physical world. Youre able to set boundaries in an open, self-assured manner. The sacral chakra also helps feed your intuition.

    Blocks in the Sacral Chakra can result in:

    Persistent Thoughts of:

    Settling Guilt Powerlessness Scarcity Unworthiness

    Patterns of Behavior:

    Inability to set boundaries Blocked creativity, writers block, artistic blocks Lack of enthusiasm Libido extremes Mood swings

    In many cases an underactive sacral chakra can show up as pessimism, a flat lifeless approach to life, feelings of guilt, low or no libido, obsessions, blocked creativity, and/or moodiness. You might find yourself with a sense of accepting less than what should and could be, settling.

    An overactive sacral chakra can appear as aggression, dramatic behavior (the drama queen'), overly emotional, and hyper sexuality.

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    The sacral chakra balances the bladder, intestines, pancreas, and sexual organs. Some of the physical symptoms associated with the sacral chakra are:

    Low self-esteem Allergies Depression Fertility Problems Sciatica Fibroids Kidney problems Libido problems Intestinal disorders

    Activities to Activate the Sacral Chakra:

    Hot baths Cooking Listening to music with natural sounds (e.g. wind, water, etc.) Trying new tastes and scents Creative activities

    Realigning and Cleansing

    If you are experiencing difficulty in any of these areas focusing on the sacral chakra with your breath and some extra cleansing may be of value (in conjunction with your current plan) getting the energy moving.

    When you breathe into the sacral chakra, visualize orange light infusing the chakra and gently move it, either with your hand or by visualizing it, counter clockwise then clockwise, adding the following affirmation:

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    My blocks to being my authentic self are dissolving, I am releasing negative beliefs with ease and grace.

    I balance my emotions, desires, and energy exchanges. I am joyful. I am creative. I am confident.

    There is a harmonious flow of creativity, joy, and pleasure in my life.

    Here are some questions to ask yourself:

    o Am I stuck in any area(s) of my life? What does that look like?o Do my emotions move from one extreme to another or am I burying them? Is

    there a specific area in my life that triggers it or is it general?o Is it difficult to stay in the present moment? What areas do I find this most


    If you answered yes to any of the questions, you may have a block in the sacral chakra. You can cleanse and realign the energy in your sacral chakra by doing the cleansing above or any aligning/balancing that feels right to you. You may want to fine tune the affirmations using the language you used when answering the questions.

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    Power Play

    3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra

    Traditional Name: Manipura

    Flower: 10 petal lotus

    Color: Yellow

    Mantra: Ram

    Element: Fire

    Crystal: Malachite or Citrine

    Essential Oil: Lemon or Rosemary

    The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra or Manipura. It's located below the rib cage at the solar plexus below the sternum. This chakra is where your personal power resides. Its where parental and societal messages are held. This is the center that where you balance your personal power and where you answer the question who am I? This is the energy for how you present yourself to the world. The essence of this chakra is all about confidence, self esteem, ego, and personality.

    Feelings and Emotions

    The solar plexus chakra is focused on self identity, who you are, and how you present yourself to others. When we connect with the power of this chakra you easily move forward

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    with enthusiasm and commitment. This is where you hold the personal vision and clarity needed to guide you.

    It is with this energy that you are able to keep the ego in check using it to function in everyday life and not allowing the ego to run the show. This chakra is where your confidence and self esteem flows from. It is here we work with blending the internal and external influences in our lives.

    A well balanced solar plexus chakra presents as a happy, self respecting, vital, and flexible state of being. There is a strong sense of personal power, healthy patterns of behavior, and the ability to engage with others in a confident yet approachable manner. This is the mood center that helps to form our personality.

    Blocks in the Solar Plexus Chakra can result in,

    Persistent Thoughts of:

    Being less than Dissatisfaction Powerlessness Superiority Hiding or blending in

    Patterns of Behavior:

    Self sabotage Inability to stand up for self Inflexibility Judging others Aggression

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    In many cases an under active solar plexus chakra can show up as timidity, aloofness(the cold fish), a passive or indecisive manner, self isolation, also a feeling of being deprived or invisible.

    The overactive solar plexus chakra can show up as aggressive, judgmental (of self and/or others), or domineering behavior for example the one who is always right. It can also be exhibited with stubbornness, being critical, a love of power, and the inability to feel satisfied.


    The solar plexus chakra balances the liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, kidneys, and adrenal glands. Some of the physical symptoms associated with the solar plexus chakra are:

    Digestive issues Food Allergies Nervousness Diabetes Stomach ulcers Liver Problems Kidney problems Fatigue

    Activities to Activate the Solar Plexus Chakra:

    Mind Puzzles Getting some sunshine Learning something new Books that are thought provoking

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    Realigning and Cleansing

    If you are experiencing difficulty in any of these areas focusing on the solar plexus chakra with your breath and some extra cleansing may be of value(in conjunction with your current plan) getting the energy moving.

    When you breathe into the solar plexus chakra visualize yellow light infusing the chakra and gently move it, either with your hand or by visualizing it, counter clockwise then clockwise. Adding the following affirmation:

    My doubts and fears about my personal power and control are dissolving. I completely release them with ease and grace.

    I am free to step into my power in a healthy uplifting way. It is safe for me to shine my light for all to see.

    There is a harmonious flow of power, confidence, and self esteem in my life

    Here are some questions to ask yourself:

    o Am I having difficulty focusing and concentrating?o Do I have difficulty making decisions?o Am I overly concerned with what others think?o Do I believe that to get the job done I must do it myself?

    If you answered yes to any of the questions you may have a block in the solar plexus chakra. You can cleanse and realign the energy in your solar plexus chakra by doing the cleansing above or any activity that feels right to you. You may want to change the affirmations using the language you used when answering the questions.

  • Chakra Mastery: Tuning in to the Power of Your Chakras

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    Love is All Around

    4th Chakra: Heart Chakra

    Traditional Name: Anahata

    Flower: 12 petal lotus

    Color: Green

    Mantra: Yam

    Element: Air

    Crystal: Rose Quartz or Emerald

    Essential Oil: Eucalyptus or Pine

    The fourth chakra is the heart chakra or Anahata. It's located in the center of the chest. This chakra is where your emotional attachment to others resides. Its where love in all its forms is held. This is the center that where you balance your ability to give and receive love. This is the energy for interacting on an emotional level with others as well as how you manage your emotions internally. The essence of this chakra is all about inspiration, hope, trust, self acceptance, and generosity.

    Feelings and Emotions

    Love is the basis for all human experience. The heart chakra is focused on love, compassion, generosity and trust. When we connect with the power of this chakra you give and receive love

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    freely no strings attached. This is where you hold self acceptance which is the foundation for loving others.

    A well balanced heart chakra presents as healthy balanced emotional attachments with others. There is also the ability to see the good in others as well as in yourself. This is where forgiveness and compassion flow from. The heart chakra is the center of the chakra system. This is where you integrate duality. Things like: mind/body, light/shadow, male/female, individuality/connection are all harmonized here.

    Blocks in the Heart Chakra can result in,

    Persistent Thoughts of:

    Being unloved

    Something missing

    Having been tricked or fooled

    Not being able to get enough of someone

    Not wanting to share(things, time, people)

    Patterns of Behavior:


    Seeking outside approval

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    Distrusting of others

    In many cases an under active heart chakra can show up as a lack of compassion, martyrdom, possessiveness, a cold distant demeanor, and/or a feeling of being unloved. It can also show up as constantly looking for a sense of self externally.

    The overactive heart chakra can show up as angry, jealous, or stingy behavior. It can also be exhibited as distrust of others and a pervading feeling of being taken advantage of. An over active heart chakra can also result in suffocating others with love.


    The heart chakra balances the heart, circulatory system, lungs, breasts, shoulders, arms, hands, and blood. Some of the physical symptoms associated with the heart chakra are:

    Circulatory issues

    Breast Disorders

    Lung infections


    Shoulder problems

    Respiratory issues

    Blood disorders

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    Activities to Activate the Heart Chakra:

    Nature Hikes

    Spending time with family and friends

    Learning something new

    Romantic movies

    Reading heartwarming stories

    Realigning and Cleansing

    If you are experiencing difficulty in any of these areas focusing on the heart chakra with your breath and some extra cleansing may be of value(in conjunction with your current plan) getting the energy moving.

    When you breathe into the heart chakra visualize green light infusing the chakra and gently move it, either with your hand or by visualizing it, counter clockwise then clockwise. Adding the following affirmation:

    I release any sense of unworthiness, resentment, and distrust.

    I am open to the flow of inspiration, love, and hope.

    I easily and effortlessly balance duality and offer forgiveness to myself and others.

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    Here are some questions to ask yourself:

    Am I feeling trapped or closed in? Do I feel envious or jealous of others? Am I afraid of being rejected? Do I have trouble accepting myself unconditionally?

    If you answered yes to any of the questions you may have a block in the heart chakra. You can cleanse and realign the energy in your heart chakra by doing the cleansing above or any activity that feels right to you. You may want to change the affirmations using the language you used when answering the questions.

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    Walking Your Talk

    Color: Blue

    Crystal: Blue Topaz and Aquamarine

    Element: Ether

    Essential Oil: Chamomile and Geranium

    Mantra: Ham

    Traditional Name: Vishudha

    The fifth chakra is the throat chakra or Vishudha. It's located in the middle of the neck. This chakra is where you balance speaking and hearing the truth. Its where communication in all its forms is held. This is the center where your will, creative expression, convictions, beliefs, and self-expression are held.

    This is the energy for communicating with others as well as how you express the inner self. The essence of this chakra is all about expression, vibration, and interaction.

    Feelings and Emotions:

    Communication is essential for survival. The throat chakra is focused on communication; the ability to speak your truth and hear others when they speak their truth. This chakra is linked to vibration, the sounds of communication and the vibrational energy of that communication. Its

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    about expressing yourself creatively with the intention of serving the highest good and receiving information without feeling threatened or closed in.

    A well balanced throat chakra shows up as centered, well spoken, a good sense of timing, and the ability to go with the flow. Creative projects just flow almost effortlessly.

    Blocks in the Throat Chakra can result in persistent thoughts of:

    Being unable to express yourself Others opinions and thoughts being wrong How do I say what they want to hear What do I do next Unsure of what to say

    Patterns of Behavior:

    Talking too much Not talking much Poor sense of timing Unwilling to change Dominating situations or people

    In many cases an underactive throat chakra can show up as a resistance to change, stubbornness, and/or not taking much. It also shows up as difficulty in expressing thoughts or feelings.

    The overactive throat chakra can show up as domineering behaviors, hyperactivity, and /or talking too much (the type of person you cant get a word in edge wise with).


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    The throat chakra balances the throat, thyroid gland, vocal chords, mouth, neck, and ears. Some of the physical symptoms associated with the throat chakra are:

    Neck issues Sore throat Hearing problems Toothaches Thyroid problems Voice issues Headaches Eating disorders

    Activities to Activate the Throat Chakra:

    Singing or toning Journaling Engaging in meaningful conversations Taking a self-development class Reading self-development books

    Realigning and Cleansing

    If you are experiencing difficulty in any of these areas, focusing on the throat chakra with your breath and some extra cleansing may be of value(in conjunction with your current plan) getting the energy moving.

    When you breathe into the throat chakra visualize blue light infusing the chakra and gently move it, either with your hand or by visualizing it, counter clockwise then clockwise. Add the following affirmation:

    Any doubts, fears, or worries about speaking my truth are dissolving. I am open to allowing others to express their truth knowing that they do not have to be

    my truths. I gracefully and easily share my truth for the highest good.

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    Here are some questions to ask yourself:

    Am I unable to express myself? Do I talk too much? Am I living based on other peoples values and beliefs rather than forming my own? Do I have difficulty speaking my truth?

    If you answered yes to any of the questions you may have a block in the throat chakra. You can cleanse and realign the energy in your throat chakra by doing the cleansing above or any activity that feels right to you. You may want to change the affirmations using the language you used when answering the questions.

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    Ive Got a Feeling.

    6th Chakra: Third eye Chakra

    Traditional Name: Ajna

    Flower: 24 petal lotus

    Color: Indigo

    Mantra: Om

    Element: none

    Crystal: Lapis and Hawks Eye

    Essential Oil: Patchouli and Frankincense

    The sixth chakra is the third eye chakra or Ajna. It's located in the middle your forehead. The color associated with the third eye chakra is indigo. This chakra houses the energy for ideas, insight, wisdom, and intuition. Its where you sense psychic activity.

    This is the energy for manifesting your dreams and ideas into reality. This is where you harness the ability to balance your power and wisdom to put forth positive vibration.

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    Feelings and Emotions

    The third eye chakra is where insight and intuition live. Its about being open to inner wisdom and having the confidence to rely on your own ideas, insights, and intuition without being threatened by other peoples ideas, insights, or intuition. The sixth chakra relates to seeing both physically and psychically. This is where you get the Big Picture view and where you tap into the collective consciousness.

    Psychic potential is held here. Everyone has these abilities it is with the energy from the third eye chakra that you develop and fine tune these abilities.

    A well balanced third eye chakra shows up as the ability to release negative thoughts, an open mind, and a sense of knowing, as well as the ability to discern and trust your inner wisdom or intuition.

    Blocks in the Third eye Chakra can result in,

    Persistent Thoughts of:

    They know best

    Wanting what everyone else has

    There is only one way to do things

    What do I know any way

    How do I know if its real or Im imagining it

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    Patterns of Behavior:

    Consistently second guessing yourself

    Difficulty separating reality from fantasy

    Tunnel vision

    Unable to accept criticism

    Clinging to repetitive patterns or rituals

    In many cases an under active third eye chakra can show up as persistent feelings of fear, worry, or envy. It also manifest as self doubt, rigid thinking, superstitious behavior, and/or relying on others to think for you.

    The overactive third eye chakra can show up as manipulative behaviors, hypersensitivity, impatience, hypercritical behavior and /or belittling others.


    The third eye chakra balances the brain, nervous system, eyes, nose, and ears. Some of the physical symptoms associated with the third eye chakra are:

    Poor sight

    Learning difficulties


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    Coordination problems

    Hearing problems

    Neurological disorders


    Sinus problems


    Activities to Activate the Third eye Chakra:


    Practice using your intuition

    Star gazing

    Taking a psychic development class

    Reading psychic phenomena books

    Realigning and Cleansing

    If you are experiencing difficulty in any of these areas focusing on the third eye chakra with your breath and some extra cleansing may be of value(in conjunction with your current plan) getting the energy moving.

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    When you breathe into the third eye chakra visualize indigo light infusing the chakra and gently move it, either with your hand or by visualizing it, counter clockwise then clockwise. Adding the following affirmation:

    I release all of my fears, worries, and self doubt around my ability to accurately tap into my inner guidance.

    I allow the flow of inner guidance to bubble to the surface of my consciousness.

    I trust that my inner guidance is in perfect alignment with my life purpose and highest good.

    Here are some questions to ask yourself:

    Am I fearful of following my gut? Do I feel like I rarely have original thoughts? Am I unable to easily release anxiety and fearful thoughts? Do I live primarily in my imagination with little reality?

    If you answered yes to any of the questions you may have a block in the third eye chakra. You can cleanse and realign the energy in your third eye chakra by doing the cleansing above or any activity that feels right to you. You may want to change the affirmations using the language you used when answering the questions.

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    Its All About Connection

    7th Chakra: Crown Chakra

    Traditional Name: Sahasrara

    Flower: 1000 petal lotus

    Color: Violet

    Mantra: Long E sound

    Element: none

    Crystal: Clear Quartz and Herkimer

    Essential Oil: Lavender and Jasmine

    The seventh chakra is the crown chakra or Sahasrara. It's located at the top of your head. The color associated with the crown chakra is violet. This chakra is all about your connection to a higher power, your spirituality, and unity.

    This is the energy for oneness, where you hold the interconnected integration of the universe.

    Feelings and Emotions

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    The crown chakra is your spiritual center, where you recognize and communicate with your higher power. This is where you experience yourself as part of the whole.

    When balanced the crown chakra connects you to the wisdom, knowledge and bliss of the Divine.

    A well balanced crown chakra shows up as open to the Divine, feeling connected and part of the whole. There is a sense of harmony and oneness. This is where you integrate the 4 aspects of the mind: the physical, the subconscious, the conscious, and the super conscious.

    Blocks in the Crown Chakra can result in,

    Persistent Thoughts of:

    Things happening to me

    Being separate

    Suffering as a way to be good


    Needing to analyze everything

    Patterns of Behavior:

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    Lone ranger going it alone all the time

    Us vs. them mentality

    Flighty or Scattered

    Easily frustrated

    Over intellectualizing or trusting only book knowledge

    In many cases an under active crown chakra can show up as self denial, feeling misunderstood, shame, rigid thinking, unaware of your spirituality, and a negative self image.

    The overactive crown chakra can show up as a need to feel indispensable, craving sympathy, frequent frustration, and over intellectualizing.


    The crown chakra balances spirituality and is associated with the central nervous system but is not directly involved in the balancing of specific body parts. Some of the physical symptoms associated with the crown chakra are:


    Memory problems


    Pituitary gland imbalances

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    Activities to Activate the Crown Chakra:



    Dream Journals

    Taking a spirituality class

    Reading spiritual books

    Realigning and Cleansing

    If you are experiencing difficulty in any of these areas focusing on the crown chakra with your breath and some extra cleansing may be of value(in conjunction with your current plan) getting the energy moving.

    When you breathe into the crown chakra visualize violet light infusing the chakra and gently move it, either with your hand or by visualizing it, counter clockwise then clockwise. Adding the following affirmation:

    My feelings of being alone or separate are dissolving.

    I easily and regularly connect with the infinite power of the Divine.

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    I am whole. I am connected to the Divine. The Divine is part of me and infuses me with peace, joy, and love.

    Here are some questions to ask yourself:

    Am I disconnected from a higher power? Do I feel separate from everything and everyone? Am I unable to tap into the flow of the universe? Do I lack faith preferring to trust only in concrete physical reality?

    If you answered yes to any of the questions you may have a block in the crown chakra. You can cleanse and realign the energy in your crown chakra by doing the cleansing above or any activity that feels right to you. You may want to change the affirmations using the language you used when answering the questions.

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    Hero Energy Profile

    Angelic: Michael

    Animal: Elephant

    Energy Profile: Hero (manifester, mother, victim (negative))

    Astrological: Capricorn, Earth, Saturn

    Body: Sex organs, pelvis, bladder

    Chakra: 1st, Root

    Color: Red

    Core Words: Safety, security, grounded, support, tribe, practical

    Location: Pelvis

    Sanskrit: Muladahara

    Overview: The focus here is keeping life vibrant and sustainable. This keeps you grounded when undergoing change. The Hero has a strong sense of structure and stability which provides a solid foundation for dreams and goals. There is a strong sense of accountability and checks and balances.

    Strengths: You have the ability to create a strong, stable foundation. There is a strong sense of responsibility and heroes are excellent providers. You tend to be patient and consistent. You have an eye for quality and an innate sense of belonging. There is a very strong sense of tradition and family.

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    Weaknesses: You can struggle with stepping into the victim mode and feeling powerless. Sometimes growth can become stagnant because of strong ties to tradition and family, causing you to be risk-averse. There is also a tendency to become overly focused on material pursuits forsaking other areas in life.

    Money: Money is viewed as a basic need; a tool for survival. You like to save and have a nest-egg for the security it provides for you. You have a very practical approach to money and the security it provides.

    Career: Trust your innate physical sense of what consumers want. This Energy Profile is well suited to financial fields, physical arenas (i.e. gyms and wellness), entrepreneurship, real estate, food, and transportation.

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    Goddess -Energy Profile

    Angelic: Metatron

    Animal: Crocodile

    Energy Profile: Goddess (feeler, emperor, artist, empress, martyr (negative))

    Astrological: Cancer, Scorpio, Jupiter

    Body: Sex organs, pelvis, bladder, prostate

    Chakra: 2nd, Sacral

    Color: Orange

    Core Words: Creativity, birthing, emotion, pleasure, abundance, experiential

    Location: Lower abdomen

    Sanskrit: Sradhisthana

    Overview: The focus here is on worthiness and pleasure. The Goddess sees things through the filter of emotion and uses the energy of this to fuel creativity. This is the area that boundaries are held so the expansion and contraction of them will be prevalent as you feel your way through life. There is an emphasis on feeling good and helping others to feel good.

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    Strengths: You can easily feel a person, situation, or event and have compassion for others. You have a great deal of ingenuity and flexibility. There is a sense of playfulness and fun in the way you live and relate. You thrive on fostering creative flow and well-being not only for yourself but in others.

    Weaknesses: You can struggle with guilt and sense of unworthiness which will restrict the amount of pleasure and abundance that you allow in your life. Your love of flow can result in having difficulty with organization. Sometimes an exalted view of the starving artist or money as evil will show up as a restriction in your flow of abundance.

    Money: You will notice a rise in finances when you are happy. Money is seen as a flow in the positive or as a restriction in the negative. You need to be creative in how you earn and save money; the traditional path will not be very appealing to you. Money in and of itself has no real appeal to you; the freedom it ultimately provides is your pay off.

    Career: Tuning in to our natural talents to use them in creative ventures will be a strong desire. Careers in art, counselling, and healing arts would be a good match for you.

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    Warrior Energy Profile

    Angelic: Uriel

    Animal: Lion

    Energy Profile: Warrior (thinker, servant (negative), lion, conductor)

    Astrological: Aries, Leo, Mars, Sun

    Body: Stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestine

    Chakra: 3rd, Solar Plexus

    Color: Yellow

    Core Words: Self-empowerment, choice, self-confidence, authenticity, personal identity

    Location: Just below sternum

    Sanskrit: Manipura

    Overview: The Warrior Energy Profile focuses on duality with self and others, being yourself and being part of the whole. There is a developing of a sense of individuality, inner strength, and self-worth. This is where you define your character with authenticity and congruence. Instincts are felt here (a gut feeling). This is the seat of your Sense of Self and the freedom to express it in the world.

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    Strengths: Your strong suit is empowerment; stepping into personal power in a way that is powerful and positive. The Warrior embodies freedom to choose and doing so with integrity and authenticity. You tap into a wellspring of strength and resilience using your willpower to succeed. You are naturally organized and can tune in to common sense as well as your gut instinct.

    Weaknesses: You can struggle with self-doubt and giving away your power. This will result in you keeping your dreams and goals small. There is also a tendency to use your power to manipulate, control, or exploit others/situations. Because you have a strong pull toward freedom you can be judgmental especially with those you perceive as not living up to their potential.

    Money: The Warrior manages money well. For you, money is a means for evaluating success. When it comes to finance, you are organized and analytical.

    Career: Focus on careers that utilize your analytical, organizational, and structural skills. A few fields that might be well suited to you are accounting, law, education, and technology.

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    Altruist Energy Profile

    Angelic: Raphael

    Animal: Deer

    Energy Profile: Altruist, Lover, Healer, Actor/Actress(negative)

    Astrological: Libra, Taurus, Venus, Sun

    Body: Heart, lungs, circulation

    Chakra: 4th, Heart

    Color: Green

    Core Words: Love, trust, compassion, faith, inspiration

    Location: Center of chest

    Sanskrit: Anahata

    Overview: The focus here is on love in all its forms. The Altruist Energy Profile uses joy to remain aware of the sacredness of everything. You easily link physical and spiritual energy. Love is the master healer and foundation for all relationships. You value love, relationships, and harmony.

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    Strengths: Your strong suit is love, unity, and joy. You are compassionate and see forgiveness as an act of love. You have a strong sense of being loved and guided. You naturally read relationships and people around you because you're able to sense the energy exchanges happening behind the scenes. Trusting in yourself and those around you is a strong value for you.

    Weaknesses: You can struggle with fear (the opposite of love) and isolation. There is also a tendency to 'give yourself away' by putting others needs ahead of your own. If you do not allow trust to guide you, you can become possessive.

    Money: Your financial situation often mirrors the state of the relationships in your life. The Altruist sees money as a means to an end. It's a tool that can be used to make a difference. If you're struggling with money look to where you are struggling in your relationships and apply it to your finances.

    Career: Because of your compassion and loving nature, you are well suited to careers that are relationship based, like healing, medicine, counselling, and human relations. Be sure to work in an environment that fosters trust.

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    Oracle Energy Profile

    Angelic: Gabriel

    Animal: Sparrow, hawk

    Energy Profile: Oracle (communicator, silent child (negative), teacher, mentor, musician)

    Astrological: Gemini, Virgo, Mercury

    Body: Throat, mouth, ears, jaw

    Chakra: 5th Throat

    Color: Blue

    Core Words: Communication, speaking, listening, truth, vibration

    Location: Center of neck

    Sanskrit: Vishuddha

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    Overview: The focus here is expressing individual truth. With the Oracle, there is a sense of honor, which acts as a bridge between the heart and mind. There is value on honesty and congruent action. You have the ability to sense when someone else is out of alignment with their truth. A strong communicator, the Oracle expresses themselves gracefully and eloquently.

    Strengths: Your strong suit is clear communication both expressive and receptive. You gracefully express your needs and have the empathy to listen to others express theirs. You have a strong sense of integrity and focus on aligning yourself with your truth.

    Weaknesses: You can struggle with dishonesty and gossip if you are not full aligned with your own truth. Because you listen so well you can fall prey to conforming to the ideas and expectations of others, leading you away from your own path. On the other hand, in an effort to protect your truth you can become stubborn and inflexible.

    Money: Read, ask questions, and tune into your Inner Guidance when it comes to finance. The Oracle tends to see money as a means to acquire tools and time for communication. Look to the truth of what money symbolizes for you and use that in creating money.

    Career: You will feel most at home with a career that utilizes your skills with communication. Music, speaking, or writing in and of themselves, freelance, or in a company that is in alignment with their stated values.

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    Mystic Energy Profile

    Angelic: Shekhinah

    Animal: Hawk

    Energy Profile: Mystic (visionary, seer, strategist)

    Astrological: Pisces, Sagittarius, Moon

    Body: Eyes, sinus, brain

    Chakra: 6th, third eye

    Color: Indigo

    Core Words: Vision, psychic, intuition, big picture, wisdom

    Location: Between the eyebrows

    Sanskrit: Anja

    Overview: The focus here is on insight and wisdom especially in regard to the big picture - as big as you allow. You are skilled at attuning to universal consciousness and applying it to the physical world. There is a strong connection to worthiness for you, allowing only as much as you feel worthy of. Feelings of unworthiness will result in the weakness of your Energy Profile to emerge.

    Strengths: You tend to have strong intuition and with it the ability to see the big picture not only for yourself but for others as well. This is often so natural that you will discount it; make no mistake it is a gift. You have the ability to bridge the left logical brain and the right creative side. This enables you to strategize well.

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    Operating from the 6th chakra allows you clarity and flexibility as you see the outcome and the different ways to get there. An effective technique for you would be to envision your future self, tune in to your intuition, and take inspired action to make it your reality. In general visualization is very effective for you.

    Weaknesses: You can get stuck in an either/or situation where you look only at the logical or only at the creative and don't use your natural talent for bridging the two. This can cause you to experience tunnel vision and to set your sights too low. You may blame yourself for any problems you encounter. Because your natural tendency is for the big picture, you can miss the smaller details. It may be easier for you to partner with someone who prefers the details rather than getting stuck in trying to manage them.

    Money: Long range planning suits you well, seeing the big picture allows you to look long term. Money itself isn't the goal for you rather the success that it stands for. You generally do well with strategic long-range financial goals.

    Career: In general, anything that allows you to use your strategic planning skills. Look to your supporting chakras to narrow the field down. You can also use your wisdom and ability to bridge the logical and creative to teach or mentor. If you choose to develop you innate psychic ability, the esoteric world would be a good choice as well.

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    Spiritualist Energy Profile

    Angelic: Christ energy

    Animal: Egg

    Energy Profile: Spiritualist (guru, bishop, egotist (negative form))

    Body: Nervous system, spiritual learning

    Chakra: 7th Crown

    Color: Violet

    Core Words: Connection, oneness, spiritual

    Location: Top of the head

    Sanskrit: Sahsrara

    Overview: The focus here is on connecting divinity to everyday life; the ability to see and feel divinity in all things. There is the ability to recognize that we are all connected and as such there is an oneness that permeates all things. There is a need to align and connect with the divine first and foremost.

    Strengths: You have a full understanding that we are not alone. You embody oneness and a deep sense of gratitude which gives you the strength to follow your divine path. Because of your strong connection with the divine, you have the ability to see if people/things/situations are in alignment with spirit or not.

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    Weaknesses: You can get stuck in an egotistical or 'holier than thou' mentality. There is also the risk of seeing the everyday world as mundane and not worth your time; if left unchecked this can become self-centeredness. There is often an association here with money being evil, bad, or a base need. There have been many Spiritualists that have moved past this to spread their gifts while being well compensated.

    Money: In order to make money you must be aligned with your divine plan. You must truly believe in the value of what you are doing in order to make money. Your challenge will be in releasing the belief that money has a negative energy.

    Career: A career for you must be aligned with your values and spiritual grace. Look to yoursupporting chakras for a focus and find an area that allows you to follow your divine purpose.

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    Sage Energy Profile

    Energy Profile: Sage (shaman, time traveler, explorer)

    Chakra: 8th Spatial

    Color: Silver

    Core Words: Timing, power, bridge, heart-of-the-matter

    Location: 12-inches above head

    Overview: The focus here is on bridging the physical and spiritual/energetic worlds. The Sage is able to travel back and forth to bring forward what needs to be seen in the present moment. Skilled at using power to accomplish what needs to be done, the Sage pursues of the highest good for all. You have the ability to hold the space for outcomes that others simply cannot see, but in holding that space you allow it to come into being.

    Strengths: You have the ability to access other dimensions, tuning in to past knowledge as well as possible outcomes; this is a powerful combination. There is the ability to see the duality in each situation/person and use that to foster outcomes for the highest good. Your focus is on the outcome not the method of getting there. There is a strong sense of personal responsibility and a desire to foster that in others, empowering them on their own path. You have an innate ability to see right to the heart of the matter and the true value in what is happening.

    Weaknesses: You can struggle with time, wanting to have right timing and having to live in this time-space reality. There is also a tendency to change soul decisions made prior to incarnation; this can cause some struggle and strife. You must learn the fine distinction of being aware of

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    and tuned-in to others energy and taking on or absorbing others energy. The later will leave you feeling quite depleted (especially true if you have a strong 2nd chakra). Because you are powerful, learning to balance your power and the use of it is important; too much and you can become infatuated with power itself and too little could have you blocking success for fear of abusing power. Creating harmony here will be critical to success.

    Money: Money is truly an energy exchange for you and when you are able to view it as such money will flow nicely. This is an area where the harmony of your power will show up; if you are not in balance money will be difficult.

    Career: You have an impact on those you come in contact with by staying true to yourself and using the strengths of your lower chakras. You can find a career that empowers you and those you work with giving you a sense of meaning and fulfillment; this will likely change as you do.

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    Unifier Energy Profile

    Energy Profile: Unifier (soul, idealist, harmonizer)

    Chakra: 9th Soul

    Color: Gold

    Core Words: Unity, humanity, causes, harmony, equality

    Location: 18- 24-inches above head

    Overview: The focus here is on creation and change in accordance to soul purpose, an exercise in saving or equalizing people/places/animals, etc. There is a strong need to make a difference. The Unifier will champion those they see as less fortunate or disadvantaged. There is a sense of fairness and equality that pervades everything they do. The patterns of humanity emerge for them and they can see ways to improve the pattern.

    Strengths: You have the ability to be a catalyst for social change. Because you see the ideal and hold that as a standard you can work tirelessly toward that end. For you the pattern reveals itself and you take action to make it fair, equitable, and right for all. You tend to be very passionate about your focus for change.

    Weaknesses: You can struggle with over giving to the point of exhausting yourself. The desire to right social injustices can tip you into the realm of a zealot, unable to see the big picture. Because you want to effect social change you can become cynical, especially when results are slow or not visible.

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    Money: Money for you is important to help further your cause. Generally it's easy to raise money for what you believe in but you can struggle with generating cash flow for yourself. Remember that you cannot effect social change if you do not have your basic needs met first.

    Career: You are uniquely suited to fundraising for a cause you believe in. Another area you tend to do well in is ethics management; you're not easily swayed from your ideals. Look to your supporting chakras for support in creating social change and making a difference can offer a wide range of possibilities. Whatever you choose, be sure it is in full alignment with your ideals.

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    Mother Earth Energy Profile

    Energy Profile: Mother Earth (naturalist, environmentalist, grounded)

    Chakra: 10th Grounding

    Color: Earth tones

    Core Words: Elemental, nature, earth, animal

    Location: 12- 48-inches below feet

    Overview: The focus here is on the connection with nature and all of her bounty. There is a call to protect nature and to co-exist in a nurturing, responsible manner. Tuning in to what nature has to teach us and using that information in real and practical ways is the calling for Mother Earth. There is a very grounded and essential essence in this Energy Profile.

    Strengths: You have the ability to tune in to nature and the natural cycles of life. Applying this knowledge and utilizing the cycles in the way you approach life gives you a flow and cadence that is by its very nature soothing. Seeing the simplicity in each situation comes natural and distilling it down comes quite naturally. You are able to adjust to the cycles in life and tune in to the cycles of others.

    Weaknesses: You can struggle with stepping into the role of extremist taking your love of nature to a fanatical degree. This leads to rigidity and rather than being grounded with strong roots and a flexible trunk like the tree, you can become unyielding.

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    Money: Because you are so tactile it's easier to understand money if you can touch it. You see money as a way to provide for your basic needs, it pales in comparison to the bounty of nature.

    Career: Environment and science are good fits for your love of nature. Other areas of interest would include Feng Shui, anthropology, archaeology, farming, or natural medicine as all ofthese areas utilize your understanding of nature and the natural cycles.

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    Alchemist Energy Profile

    Energy Profile: Alchemist (magician, miracle worker, commander, general)

    Chakra: 11th Etheric

    Color: Pink

    Core Words: Miracles, transmutation, invisible forces, power, change agent

    Location: Palms of hands and soles of feet

    Overview: The focus here is on transmuting energy, the act of complete transformation but with little to no waste. There is a strong flow of energy, of harnessing invisible forces. The Alchemist easily tunes in to the strengths of the other chakras using the power to effect change.

    Strengths: You have the ability to harness subtle energy and invisible forces to effect positive change. There is a unique ability to match means to outcome only using what is needed without waste. Change is a positive thing for you and the ability to create a clean clear channel for that change is very important to you. You see the world as evolving and awakening and want to assist in the evolution.

    Weaknesses: You can struggle with turning inward and becoming introverted, not using your gifts. The opposite is also true; you can become forceful or domineering in effecting the change you want to see. Often there is an internal struggle with equating power and/or money with evil.

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    Money: Money is valuable to you for the power it affords you to create change in the world. It's important that you keep your money separate from others money to give you the freedom to take the risks you feel called to take.

    Career: Because change is such an important factor in your life you can apply your skills in many areas, look to your supporting chakras to help narrow the field.

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    What's Next?

    Now that you have the basics down, what do you do with it? There are numerous ways to apply this information in your life with real tangible results (talk about making the invisible visible!). I'll cover the top five ways to apply this to your life.

    1. Take a look at your primary Chakra Energy Profile. How do these qualities support or hinder you? Is it situational; more evident in certain relationships, at work, or at home? Make note of where your attention is drawn. What feels true for you, what does not, and what are you resisting?

    Now take a look at your supporting Chakra Energy Profiles; go through the same process. Are there areas you want to enhance or reduce the energy? Focus on these areas when doing your chakra cleansing either drawing more energy in or slowing down the flow.

    2. Look at an area you have a recurring problem or struggle in. Now take your lowest scoring Chakra Energy Profile and see what qualities you could enhance to help you come to a solution. For example, if the 5th chakra was your lowest, how is communication showing up? Is there a way to bring greater clarity to your communication both speaking and listening?

    3. Think of a goal that you want to achieve. What qualities will you need to help you achieve that goal? Draw on the energy of those chakras to infuse your goal with the energy of those specific qualities. For example, if you want to attract a relationship you may want to draw on the energy of the solar plexus chakra so you stay confident in who you are.

    4. Look at your work life; are your values being expressed? Are your strengths being utilized? Look at how you can shift your perception to expand how you see your work. What are your

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    intentions behind your work? Consciously draw energy into the chakras that will support you.

    5. Cleanse your chakras daily. Just like you shower, brush your teeth, and comb your hair your chakras need regular cleansing. It doesn't take long a couple of minutes of consciously moving the energy through your chakras will do wonders. Not only will it keep the energy moving, it will also connect you with your energy field making it easier to tell when there is a disruption.

    Tuning in to your Human Energy System is a vital of part of a successful well balanced life. It has far reaching effects and does not take a lot of time. As you explore, you maybe be surprised at what you discover and how easily it's incorporated into everyday life. As you adapt and expand on your practice I would love to have you share any new ways or adaptation that you discover. You can share on the blog at or email me, Cathy atinspiredsoulalliance dot com.