
Trends + Trendsetters The Best in Energy Content Marketing

NewsCred Trends + Trendsetters

NewsCred’s Strategy Team helps brands build and hone their content strategies, taking into consideration marketing goals, brand positioning, and

the competitive landscape

Our Trends + Trendsetters guides aim to educate marketers on trends,

opportunities and content strategies that best-in-class brands are utilizing to

engage their audiences. In this guide, we’ll take a look at content marketing

in the energy industry.

Interested in learning more? We’d love to hear from you! Feel free to reach

out at [email protected]

- Liz Bedor, Associate Brand Strategist, NewsCred

The energy industry has a perception issue.


Source: 24/7 Wall Street, 2012

of consumers said they had negative feeling toward oil

and energy companies.


Energy companies and the public have a poor understanding of

one another.

“ Levels of trust between energy

companies and wider society have come under severe pressure.


Chief Executive of British Gas Owner Centrica

Energy companies want the public to understand…


Complexity of the energy industry

Source: ‘Steffy: Energy industry thin-skinned to criticism’, Chron, 2012


Fundamental need for energy

Source: ‘Steffy: Energy industry thin-skinned to criticism’, Chron, 2012

While the public wants energy companies to be…


Source: Cohn & Wolf – Important Behaviors for Companies to Display

63% of consumers would buy from a company they consider to be authentic over and above its competitors.


91% Of consumers agreed that it’s important for companies to communicate honestly about their products and services.

Source: Cohn & Wolf – Important Behaviors for Companies to Display

91% of consumers agreed that it’s important for companies to communicate honestly about their products and services.


62% The most innovative companies are growing at a much faster rate: 62% vs 21% over the next five years.

Source: PWC: Breakthrough Innovation and Growth

62% The most innovative companies are growing at a much faster rate: 62% vs 21% over the next five years.

Environmentally Responsible

55% Of global online consumers say they are willing to pay more for products and services provided by companies that are committed to positive environmental impact.

Source: Nielsen Global Survey on Corporate Responsibility

55% of global online consumers say they are willing to pay more for products and services provided by companies that are committed to positive environmental impact.

How content marketing can help.

Energy companies can use content marketing to change perceptions

and improve communication with

the public.

Let’s see an example of an energy company doing just that.

In 2013, British Gas lost nearly 400,000 customers after

coming under fire from politicians and consumers groups.

In 2013, British Gas lost nearly 400,000 customers after

coming under fire from politicians and consumers groups.

In response, British Gas developed a new marketing strategy,

leveraging content and social to deliver better service and

communication to its customers.

The British Gas Blog The energy blog that keeps you in the loop

Easy to find blog lives at: Posting cadence is consistent 3-5 times per week Tone of voice is informative, but casual enough to be relatable and feel authentic

The British Gas Blog at a Glance

Content topics are a balance between customers’ energy concerns and British Gas’ brand purpose.

Customers’ energy


British Gas’ brand purpose

Customers’ energy concerns

British Gas’ blog delivers content to its customers that demonstrates authenticity,

transparency, innovation and

environmental responsibility.

Let’s see how.


Employee-generated content humanizes the enterprise brand.

Posts by internal employees speak to company initiatives - Managing Director of Residential Energy writes on how the company is helping customers stay out of and manage debt.

As a result of these initiatives and the way we care for our customers, we have 13%

fewer customers in debt and have seen their average debt decrease.


Source: Creative Blog, “5 Big Branding Trends for 2015”

British Gas overhauled its bill, making it simpler and easier to understand. Resulted in immediate 10% drop in customer call center volume.

New monthly bill design simplifies the message and makes bill distribution easy to understand.

When wholesale gas prices dropped in 2014, many of British Gas’ customers questioned why their bills did not see a decrease as well.

Answers to questions posed by the public offer radical transparency.

I’d like to explain our pricing, and why movements in the wholesale markets do not always result in price changes on your bill.


Content on innovation and new technology position the brand as forward-thinking. Positions itself as a partner to the customer to be environmentally friendly.

As 2015 approaches, we’re looking at the latest and coolest eco inventions that will help you do your bit for the


Environmentally Responsible

Over the next five years, Thames Water and British Gas will work together to

promote energy-saving and water saving products.

Informing customers about the initiatives British Gas is committed to, shows environmental causes are a top priority.

Tips for customers to reduce, reuse and recycle empowers individuals to make an impact in their own homes.

Hopefully these three simple things will help you enjoy your Christmas, safe in the knowledge that it’s not costing the Earth

And social ties it all together.

British Gas Social Media All accounts have consistent friendly and approachable look and feel.

British Gas Social Media on Blog

Social engagement is showcased for

every post.

Key social accounts linked at top of the


Latest Tweets are pulled in and

displayed on left of screen.

Blog Content Shared on Social Media, But Tailored for Different Channels

Want to learn more?

Our team of strategists can help your brand build a marketing growth engine. From ongoing support and

program management, to customized strategy sessions and workshops, we’ll set your brand up for success.

NewsCred is the most

comprehensive content

marketing solution.

Get in touch! [email protected]
