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Alice was sweating like anything and everyone was looking at her. She wanted to speak but it seems she was finding it hard to utter a single word. But then she started, yes these are my pics with Martin of that night. I told you all about it earlier too and even Jennie was knowing about it. We, even had a problem between us because of this but as I told it was all sorted between me and Jennie. But.. officer interrupted in between. I know and rather we all know what you said but we all are keen to know why these pics are in phone? Who took the pics and why? Who is going to benefit with these pics? And if you were knowing about them why didn’t you tell us?

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The murder mystery of Jennie is taking so many twists and turns that it is now believed to be among the most viral murder mysteries so far. Police is searching for Martin everywhere in the New York and Alice is now in custody. So, far, all the doubt is on Alice but the question remains the same who took the pics that night and what was the motive? Moreover, where is Martin and the mystery behind the blood in the car. As if now everything is complicated and Alice is in trouble, serious trouble! Officer Stephen started cross questioning and the first question was why you said Jennie’s suicide is a murder? Moreover, Martin who was in deep love with Jennie is why accused of killing Jennie in front of you? Alice was now upset and bit afraid too. She was in a stage as if she has no place to escape and finally she started.

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Everyone was now looking for Kevin and as time was passing, concern for Martin was increasing. Martin’s mother is now really worried and people are expecting something wrong happened with him too. However, the mystery of blood in the car is still a mystery and search is going on to know who exactly was the victim in that car.

Alice reached home and was looking restless. May be due to the fact she was taken to be the suspect in the Jennie’s death. But what was the reality? Alice was sitting on the bed and suddenly she heard her phone ringing. She was assuming that phone from the police but the number was unknown. She received the phone and said hello and then she was unable to speak anything. What was so shocking that she was unable to speak? Who was there on the other side of the phone? She then was just able to speak one word.. what do you want? Who are you?

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Police is now after Alice to crack the scene. Alice seems to be worried but why? What is the cause of concern? In the evening at 7 Alice started going to meet that guy and as the cops were expected she didn’t informed them about the call. This was making the things even more suspicious and against her.

Finally, she reached the destination and was looking for the suspicious guy. Cops were already there at the location as they don’t want to miss the opportunity to crack the case. Alice was looking here and there and was checking her mobile again and again. Suddenly, she heard someone coming from the back. She was hearing the foot tapping and they were getting closer and closer and finally she turned. As she turned, she almost shouted, You! Kevin!

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Yes, Kevin was there standing in front of her. You called me? And why are hiding from everyone! What’s going on! I will tell you everything but please don’t take me wrong! I concealed my identity as I wanted to stay away from cops. But why? Alice interrupted in between! And what about that pics? Who took them and how you know about them? What exactly you want? Are you behind the murder of Jennie or Martin? No… I don’t know anything about all this, said Kevin. I just wanted to talk to you all alone and so I tried this. Believe me, I don’t know about the reason of death of Jennie and even Martin.

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Anyways, the reason why I called you here is that, I think Martin is against all this. He wants all blame should come on me and that’s why he is hiding from everyone. Even I guess he was the one to take all photographs that night. He must be pretending to be unconscious. And I think the reason of doing all this is to blame Jennie and break our relationship. He wanted to take revenge from Jennie and that’s why must have taken the pics to make her feel jealous and harass her. Martin must be thinking that Jennie ditched him since she concealed her past from him. He must be knowing that we are back in contact and so either he compelled her to suicide or murdered her.

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Kevin was talking to Alice and suddenly the cops arrived. He was shocked to see them and same was the reaction of Alice. You called cops? How can you do like this? Kevin was shouting in anger and was really unhappy with the things happening. Now it was the turn of Alice to speak. She just said, I don’t know about the cops. Believe me, I am not after all this.

Cops took Alice as well and things are about to move ahead. Now, it is believed a new twist will happen. At Jennie’s home search was going on, but so far nothing suspicious was found. But one thing was pointing everyone. Jennie’s phone was blank. All the messages were deleted but why? What was there in the messages? Why they got deleted? It is believed when someone is attempting suicide, he/she is not in that state to plan things like removing the messages. It was a small clue but it was revealing a lot!

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Kevin started his story and now it was the time to cross check the things. He started talking about his school days where he was with Jennie. He started this way:- I liked Jennie right from the beginning and same was the case with her too. Jennie was such kind of girl with whom everyone would like to do friendship. She was sweet, innocent, beautiful, full of life. When I saw her, it was the love at first sight for me. On the day first only, I made up my mind that I am going to keep a good relationship with her that too for a long period of time. I started following her, keeping a watch on her activities and it was all meant to show how much I love her.

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Detective asked twice and thrice about the accident but Kevin denied it completely. As per Alice, the love between Kevin and Jennie started just because of accident and so, it’s hard to believe that Kevin forgot this incidence. Now, the detective has one point to direct his investigation. However, he asked Kevin to continue the story.

Kevin started, we both were in love and it was special in the sense we made a very good paid. In the school, our pair was considered to be the best pair and we were serious to give name to our relationship. In between, the detective interrupted, whatever you said so far shows you both had a very good relationship and it was to some extent smooth.

I mean, there were no obstacles in your love story? Moreover, if your relationship was so good, then how come Martin came in between the scene? Why their love story is considered to be the most popular love story of New York?

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Kevin stopped for a moment and started, for Martin, as I said he is escaping and trying to put all blame on me. He is the real culprit and he is the one responsible for the death of Jennie. Detective interrupted in between, okay we understand for Martin but why you came back? And what about your cancer?

Yes, let me continue my story! I went for the treatment and I knew if I would tell Jennie about my cancer, then she will never continue and move ahead in her life.

I proved myself a cheater, so that she could start hating me and my plan worked. She was convinced that I was a cheat and so she ended her relationship with me. Thereafter, I went for the treatment, though I was sure that I won’t be that much fortunate to get rid of my cancer. But miracle happened!