It was a normal school day and I was returning from the school all alone. The road was carrying a deserted look and I was walking thinking something. I don’t know what happened but I felt a lot of pain and before I got unconscious I saw a car driving with high speed in front of me. I was feeling pain, and crying for help… And I saw Kevin coming to me… When I opened my eyes I found myself in hospital and Kevin was sitting in front of me. His shirt was full in blood and he was looking really very tired. As soon as I opened my eyes, I could see the smile on his face. He just got up and said let me tell your mom, you are now fine. He stood up and before he could leave I

Trending and viral story 4th part

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It was a normal school day and I was returning from the school all alone. The road was carrying a deserted look and I was walking thinking something. I don’t know what happened but I felt a lot of pain and before I got unconscious I saw a car driving with high speed in front of me. I was feeling pain, and crying for help… And I saw Kevin coming to me… When I opened my eyes I found myself in hospital and Kevin was sitting in front of me. His shirt was full in blood and he was looking really very tired. As soon as I opened my eyes, I could see the smile on his face. He just got up and said let me tell your mom, you are now fine. He stood up and before he could leave I lifted my hand to hold his hand. He came closer to me and said 3 golden words. I love you Jennie, Thank God you are fine and he kissed me gently on my forehead.

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I forgot every pain and a unique  relief was there. I was happy that he saw me on road, I was happy he helped me and I was happy he proposed me! It was the start of my love life. For almost 1 month, I was in hospital and Kevin was there like my better half. He helped me recover fast, he completed all my notes and helped me cover my studies. I remember that day when I was back to school after the accident, he proposed me in front of all with a bunch of flowers and asked me if I could accept him as my boyfriend. It was the first time, I got to know what special a kiss has and what is meant by a deep kiss. It was the start of our love.

Jennie was in love with Kevin… but was it a true love or simple attraction?

Alice recalled what Jennie told that day. She started her story this way- I, found something different that day! I was in the other world. This was the feeling I never had before, said Jennie. But I was not sure if this was the love or attraction of a teenage? Whatsoever it was, I was finding it different and pleasant as well. Kevin was attracted to me from the very first day, however I didn’t noticed this earlier. But things changed and a day came when I even accepted the proposal.

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The love between me and Kevin was getting popular and we could be seen together most of the times. Initially, I thought it’s just an attraction but soon I realized I am in real love. I was really happy with the relationship and I could see the same for Kevin. He use to spend most of the times with me and we were enjoying our life. One day, one of my classmates said something strange which was hard to believe for me. She said, she saw Kevin with a girl in an awkward position. And hearing this, my reaction was I just slapped her.

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She was not at all amused with this and cursed that I deserve a fake person like Kevin. It was really frustrating and I just ignored it. I even didn’t cared to ask this from Kevin as I was having a blind faith on him. The days passed and I almost forgot that incidence. But one day, something really strange happened!

I was waiting for Kevin in the evening and it was all planned earlier. However, he didn’t turned up. I waited for almost 3 hours and then I tried to call him. But his phone was not reachable. It's not possible. Kevin never keeps his phone off and there was not at all any plan that he has to go anywhere. Now, I started getting worried.

Every single minute was bringing a difficult thought! Where is he? What happened to him? Is he alright? I was just wishing that he is safe and it’s just because of any emergency that is not able to inform me anything. Hours went and nothing changed. Now I was really tensed and wanted to know what happened to Kevin. I started walking to his home with prayers in my heart. Please God save kevin! He should be safe! I guess it’s true love! Yes, I love Kevin by heart and it’s a true love not any attraction! Where is he??

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Jennie saw something that was hard to believe and this shattered her completely!

I reached Kevin’s house and was about to press the doorbell but I stopped! I stopped as I heard few voices coming from his room and I went towards the window to see what’s happening! What I saw then was able to make me faint. Kevin, the one who is the most dearest of all was on bed with another girl.

They were making love and in a manner as if they are a couple! Should I shout or I should walk away! I was just standing still and my brain was not working and I thought I should go! I moved with tears in my eyes and was remembering just one thing- that girl whom I slapped was right! Kevin is cheating on me. I took him as my everything, and today he gave in turn? He just murdered my feelings.

I walked 20 steps, but then I thought why am I running away! I am not the culprit. Kevin should get a lesson of playing with my feelings. I took courage and decided to face him and I wanted to show everyone what kind of person Kevin is. So, I went to the window, took out my mobile and started taking their clipping. I wanted to have a proof in case he turns afterwards. Then went to the main door to see how he reacts…..

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Jennie saw something that was hard to believe and this shattered her completely!

Meanwhile I was in senses and strong enough to face him. It took 10 min for Kevin to open the door and I was knowing the reason. He opened the door with stress on his face. Hello Jennie! What a pleasant surprise! You are here! You must have informed me before coming! I was seeing his expressions and simply asked, you were supposed to come to see me? I was waiting for you! I was waiting for more than 3 hours. I tried your phone and it was switched off! And you are here at home??

Kevin was in stress and it was clearly visible but he was strong enough to lie. He casually said, that he was not well and took medicine and slept. He switched off the mobile as he was not in a position to even talk and hearing this I gave him a tight slap. He was not expecting this but it all happened at once. He was not knowing how to react! I then forced him backward and went straight to his room. Kevin was just running after me and I stopped after finding that girl. So, this is your disease? You are such a crap! How could you do this? You said you love me and I was dumb to accept this! Do you have any explanation? Tell me! I was expecting a kind of reaction that was expectable under such a situation but the way Kevin reacted made me even more surprised. I couldn’t believe my eyes, what he did afterwards.. Oh God!!

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For Jennie it was a test of her love.. was she able to clear it?

To my surprise, Kevin just slapped that girl in front of me. He shouted on her, this bitch compelled me do this. I swear Jenny, I am not at any fault. She was the one who kept on following me, she calls me everyday and today when I was coming to you she came and forced me do this. She even put something in my drink… please believe me.

Kevin was saying all this, but I could just feel his lips moving. Just the words of that girl were echoing in my ears that I deserve a cheat like Kevin. I was looking at that girl who was in tears and feeling awkward. But why I am looking at her with sympathy? May be because still there’s some kind of sympathy for Kevin in my heart.

I guess that’s why people say love is blind. I know Kevin since a long time but I can never expect him slapping a girl. Suddenly, I came back to senses, what’s going on! What am I doing! At that time, I got the feeling as if I am sitting on a railway track and waiting for a train to come and take me away from this bad world. Why to live in this cruel, cheat world?

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Kevin was sitting on the floor and begging for forgiveness and I was in dilemma what to do! Should I forgive him? Was Kevin right? It happens that sometimes you are being carried away, may be this girl really forced him to do this. I shouted on the girl, though she wanted to say something, and asked her to leave. She tried to say again something but then walked away. Kevin suddenly hugged me and I could hear his words- I love you Jennie, our love is true! Today, you have proved you have real faith on me and this will keep our love alive forever.

From that day onward I noticed Kevin being more loving to me. Now, he always calls me, comes on time, takes me on date frequently and was really nice to me. I thought that incidence was really good and was just to test our relationship. I am happy that things turned smooth. I too love Kevin, and love being in his company. Life was moving fine, and days went but again a new storm came in my life.

I saw that girl again and it was like why is this happening to me! Why the girl wants to shatter my life! She was approaching me, and my heart was beating like anything! She said something and it was enough to put me in a state of shock! No…. its not true! It just can’t be true…. I shouted on her.. Get lost… how could you say like this.. it’s a lie and in heart I was praying that it should be a lie as else it will destroy my life..

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Kevin wanted to get away from Jennie… how it’s possible and why? Jennie has no answers!

As she came closer to me, my heart beats were increasing like anything! I tried to be normal but couldn’t stop myself saying these words.. what do you want from me now!! Get lost. She was not acting weird, as if she was well aware of the reaction. She simply said, Jennie, I just want to say something! Please give me 5 minutes and I will go after saying what I want to say. I was burning with anger, and just wanted to get away from there, but I stayed and asked her to speak.

She said, that day what you saw was all wrong! There’s nothing between Kevin and me. I wanted to say that time only but you were so angry that I thought I would be useless. Okay.. and you want me to believe this..I questioned with a surprise. Also I was stunned to see her confidence that how she is managing to say all this in front of me. But she finally said, what all happened that day was all planned. It was all planned by Kevin. I was listening… by that time rain started and I was looking outside watching each rain drop falling and getting disappeared on the ground. I was crying from inside and outside and was praying.. everything should be fine.

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What… are you crazy! You’re making me a freak now! Stop telling stories and get lost! I saw both of you on bed and the story of you two is viral in whole of the school. So, instead of wasting my time get lost. Jennie, please just listen to me! Believe me.. what ever I am saying is true and I just want to clear the things. Please listen to me once!Okay, tell me.. I know its all useless but speak up. Then she started.. Kevin is suffering from throat cancer and though it is in the initial stage still he wants to get away from you. He really loves you Jennie and that’s why he created all this. If you remember, last month he was ill and was unable to attend school for a week. At that time only, he got to know about this disease and decided to face it all alone. He really loves you and that’s why he wanted to create this misunderstanding. Kevin wants you to believe that he is a cheat and so you could move ahead.

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I was not understanding what all is happening! On one side was heart was asking me to feel happy that Kevin loves me so much and on the other side I was dying to know that Kevin is suffering  from cancer. Now, tears started rolling down and I just asked.. please tell me the truth. For God sake, don’t fool me with anything. If, what you are saying is true, then why didn’t you said all this that day? Why Kevin begged for my love? He could have get out of all this on that day only. And why today you are here?

My head is about to burst please answer me! Then she started, yes I have answers to all your questions. Let me answer them one by one.. and she started… OMG.. life is so unpredictable??? Jennie was laughing.. laughing on her life.. laughing on the cruelty of life.. laughing on her fate… and then she cried…

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Life was going far away from Jennie.. Was she able to stop?

Finally, she started speaking! You are right, I would have said all this on that day but Kevin, it was Kevin who asked me to conceal the fact. I tried to get in touch with you a number of times, but Kevin was always there with you. And the reason why I am here today is just because of the fact that he is finally leaving you. What??? leaving me.. what do you mean by this? Please tell me, I am not understanding! Where is he going?

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Yes, Jennie, Kevin is leaving this country today. Yesterday he came to me and asked to contact you and say that I am pregnant. He wanted to show you that he is actually a cheat, so that you can throw him away from your life. He was planning this from a long time but was just looking for the right time to come. Kevin was insisting me for this, but seeing your true love and faith on Kevin that day, I thought its better to tell you everything.

I was finding it hard to stand on my feet and I managed to sat on the bed. What is happening! Why this is happening to me! Kevin is suffering from cancer and I thought he is cheating on me! How could I do this to him? I was feeling ashamed of my acts but wanted to hug Kevin tightly and say- I love you Kevin, no matter what, I will always be there, supporting you, loving you till my last breath.

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Life was going far away from Jennie.. Was she able to stop?Where is Kevin now! I need to talk to him and where is he going today, asked Jennie! I don’t know but he is leaving this country for ever. I saw him packing up the things and that’s why I just came to tell you everything. Please go Jennie and stop him before it’s too late. While she was talking, I took out my mobile to call Kevin. Phone was ringing and my heart was beating faster.. Pick up.. pick up.. and the phone was disconnected. He disconnected my phone?? Why? Let me try again..

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Please stop all this and run to stop him before he leaves for airport. These words echoed like anything and I just ran to take out my car. Are you coming with me?

I simply asked and she refused saying I failed to keep my words, so I can’t face him. You go but be faster.Good luck Jennie! Yes, this is what I was requiring at that time a lot! I need to stop Kevin.

I drove to airport straightway and I was continuously trying to call him again and again but now his phone was off. Please God, please God don’t do this to me. Don’t let him go! I was just murmuring this and wanted to see Kevin..

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Jennie revealed her past and it was really hard to believe for Alice! Jennie suffered a lot! 

I was driving like anything as even a thought of losing Kevin was enough to kill me. Finally, I was there at the airport and managed to get in. I was going mad and running here and there to find Kevin. I even got to announce his name but all was in vain. After spending almost 4 hours, I realized I missed Kevin… I missed my life…I was not knowing what to do. Neither I was knowing where he is going and when he will be back. Since, he was living alone here, I was not knowing anyone from whom I can ask about Kevin. I just sat on the floor and cried. cried and cried..

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Although, I was knowing I lost Kevin still before going to my home, I went to see if Kevin is there at his home. But he was not there. Just a big lock was there laughing on me and my life. I was feeling as if a big storm came in my life and took away everything with it. Yesterday, I was busy with someone. I use to get a morning call, message to get ready for the school, companion to come along with me to school, friend to share food in the canteen and a lover to love me like anything.. and today I am alone. Now my phone is not ringing, now no one is calling me, now I have no one to drop me to school, no one to laugh with me and cry when I am in trouble.. Why.. this happened to me..

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Days passed and it was hard for me to get out of that trauma. I searched for Kevin everywhere, every social profile, every possible place but it was all vain. I remember I kept on going to Kevin’s home for almost an year, but then I lost all hopes. That was the reason of leaving that place and shifting to New York.

It’s almost after 2 years, I got an email from Kevin asking about my whereabouts. I was not very sure if the email was true but it was another start in my life. I replied him back and our conversation started. Although, Martin was now in my life but I still loved talking to Kevin. Kevin was far away but soon we started talking on phone and waiting eagerly to see each other. I told him everything, about you and Martin but I introduced him just as a good friend of mine. He even told me that his treatment is almost done and he is no more suffering from that horrible disease that took away everything from me. This was my past Alice..

For me, everything was so confusing.. I was not knowing how to react and what to say. I wanted to ask if Jennie still loves Martin or Kevin? So, this was the reason Kevin asked you to keep an eye on us? And when did he came to New York? Did you tell anything about this to Martin before? I asked many questions and Jennie was about to tell something that created a mess that night and even brought a big storm in my life.