
Tourism Magazine, Refugees and Tourism

Why People Travel

What is your dream holiday?

o On your own, decide what

your dream holiday would

be and why.

o Share your ideas with the

person next to you.


You should be able to…

• Explain what tourism is.

• Illustrate why people visit particular places.

Key words:




Natural resources

As you work through

the lesson I want you to

discover what these

key words mean.

Tourism: Travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes Tourism. 1. The activity of travel for pleasure. 2. The industry based on such travel. Tourism: a person who travels for pleasure, usually sightseeing and staying in hotels

Know what tourism is:

Know what tourism is:

o Write the definition of tourism using words you understand.

o Be prepared to share this with the group.

Why do people travel?

Understand people’s reasons for visiting particular places.

All tourism activities are related to one or more of the following:

• Entertainment: These include Disney World, Las Vegas, local community Special Events and Festivals and adventure activities .

• Culture: People travel to experience different peoples religion, history, and traditions.

• Natural Resources: Natural resources are usually the natural beauty of the area.

Episode 2: Understand people’s reasons for visiting particular places.

All tourism activities are related to one or more of the following:

• Entertainment: These include Disney World, Las Vegas, local community Special Events and Festivals and adventure activities .

• Culture: People

travel to experience

different peoples

religion, history, and


• Natural Resources: Natural resources are usually the natural

beauty of the area.

You are going to be shown

some pictures of places

people would visit.

When I ask, hold up the

number of fingers that

matches the reason

people travel.




Culture, entertainment or Natural resources?

The grand canyon

Natural resources

Culture, entertainment or Natural resources?

Universal Studios


Culture, entertainment or Natural resources?

Burma – Neck coils


Culture, entertainment or Natural resources?

Las Vegas


Culture, entertainment or Natural resources?

African safari

Natural resources

Culture, entertainment or Natural resources?

Morris Dancing


Culture, entertainment or Natural resources?

Niagara falls

Natural resources

Culture, entertainment or Natural resources?

Disney World


Write the definitions of the key terms

Why do you travel?

Give two examples from your own life for the three categories:

Natural Resources



Why would you think this is an important aspect of tourism?

How does this influence growth and development of a country?

Which is the most harmful to a country?

Most helpful?

LO: To understand how cultures can be influenced and affected by tourism

How could cultures be affected by tourism?

How are the local people influenced?

How are the refugees trapped by tourism?

How does mass tourism spend money?

What portion of money will stay in the local community?