Page 1: {TOR alld NOTAR1' · Summer Wash Goods. ,,, SEBBSUCKER IS FASHIONABfE THIS YEAR. Aad YUJ reaonable ia price, when

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Page 2: {TOR alld NOTAR1' · Summer Wash Goods. ,,, SEBBSUCKER IS FASHIONABfE THIS YEAR. Aad YUJ reaonable ia price, when

,. J(tC .. LL-B., RRISTER·AT·L.t W. '{TOR alld NOTAR1'.

Telepboae-Oflice, No. 701. Reaideace, No. '153

Cable Addre .. : LmtdlllRSON.

St. Johll'a. t

L EIW !ID EIER.SON, "' Bollait.or. -


Renouf Buildinl, Duckworth SL, Jobn'a, H8d.


Good Salesmen YalltedfouT:r, towa ud cliitrkt whctt we are not np_r_.ted. Fruita are brial'· lag blcb pricea u4 1'uner1 Stock ii · ia demaa Nab bir money tbia Wiater by tai.rar aa qeD411· W Bzperieace not aecaaary.

Write for full pintcafan. • STONE & WBLLINGTON,

TMOato Oatuio. , I ae au ........ BIST

~d J...-& .,....., of atoYea ia tbe Cnilatl)', )*' . away ot11er poda •II the eame llae too num· erou.e to men uoa; at

R. CALLAHAN'S, St. Joba•a. Nfld.

llark8'~ St. Johll~ ~pril ~tb. FJSB ilD ~ •

Larp Medium a.nd:;l llu­dwltable .. .. .. .. • 7 00 to 7 25

Medium Small &ddra ...... .. .. .... T.00 to 7,:zt


- " rev a rc the Remedy t hat t he l:>ouotc.:ius bi:nd uf nl!ture It.- j

ro+1cscd ft>r all cllst~a crl..sio,f fr"m l~P_,LJ2E GLOOD1

-Tbetcbr. Olga, formerlyowa­ed by the Gorton-Pew Compaal' of Gloucester, Mau., bas been par­ch~ b~ SaJnuel Barria or I rHE W. H. CO;\lS fO~i{ CO,, ltd • Gra8d .Baak.: ••ooa,. .. I\.. a.... ... tt10~~·~- "' _.



~NDAllD circulates widely in best uus1N£Ss and FAMILY circules throughout the country. Is a Clean, ~4lliable. ~ fud~eot Paper. ,

.. fi!i It pays to ute a paper of good ~tion. Quality counts. • •

THE HOME PA}!ER _ Our Job Work Departmeut. is under charge of an • . ced ~ experaen competent foreman. It bas an excellent

reputation-a growing one. All sorts of printing executed neatlr. promptly, at reaso~able rates.

IN EVERY WAY .Buainess Men-elsewhere more than in New-

• foandland-are increasingly becomin~ convinced of the value of having their name and business before the Public. Have something the public wants or would be the better of. 1 hen the more widely you let such be known the better. One of the BEST and CHEAPEST ways of doing so is through the use of your name andbusine$ OD business paper-Envel­opes, Letter or Note Paper, Bill Heads etc.

·· YOU· CAN. ...

Look, too, at the saving of time effected through tbe use of PRINTERS' INK. Five minutes a c!Jly saved through letter headings, etc.. means 1 500 ojnutes a• year. Business men do not need ·so

uch to be reminded of this as th weary house-wife. 'Fhen, by the use of' printed os:der books, re­ceipt books, and other f p rms, how many hours a )!_ear wiU be saved, not to hlk of records of transac­tions kept.·

Qtbe Jjarbor ~raa Jtaubarb OJLY S1.00 l TEI~ PREP~ID.

Bill Heads, Letter and N'ot~ ljeadsJ Envelopes, Visitlnjt Cp, Memorial Cards, Jtfotices of Meeting Cards, Receipt Books, Order Books, Labels in all colors, C6uoter Checks. Society Dues Books made to order. ,,.

- WIT-H-

Church, Paciories' ans! Societies' Finan~ial Forms 9t other ~uisites, Posters, Dodgers, Circulars, Tic­kets, Bags, Tags. etc. l · ._ . Mo1itreal Family Herald·

-o•-.-The W-eekly ~:Witness


$1.50 ·.A YEAR. '

. . . Highest Grade Kansas Flo .1 r.

Rothwell&. Bowrlflg -Ltd., sr. Ji · Newf< cllancf •


Page 3: {TOR alld NOTAR1' · Summer Wash Goods. ,,, SEBBSUCKER IS FASHIONABfE THIS YEAR. Aad YUJ reaonable ia price, when

,;" ,_/



-.- -:-


Aad YUJ reaonable ia price, when you look at the aaperlor rude we offe-r,' 28 inches wide, ia populn mlxtura, 1uch u t>iak aad White Stripes, Blue aiid-Wbite Grey aad Wbi\C aad Black aad White. vou hl9e pro¥bl 11otlCed how perfeclly thl~ mate~al washes,.._ a.nct'how • · · e_retty w!iea made _up. Thia SPeclal lot Frida 13 Saturday ud Monda)", per yard ... . . ....... ... ...... C.

DRESS .MUSLINS. 33 Pieces of a450rted Dress Musliaa, a nice showing

of " Holly Batiste" &lso,. the finest of Mualin1, fast colon, smart patterns, in figured, flowerea and stripes, etc. Pick some of your aammer make·ups from this 13 rare line. Special, F riday, Saturday and Monday per yd. C.

·Ladies' American Wash Dres·ses.


Page 4: {TOR alld NOTAR1' · Summer Wash Goods. ,,, SEBBSUCKER IS FASHIONABfE THIS YEAR. Aad YUJ reaonable ia price, when

.. •, t\t Jtarbot ontr !Dtllt'b~tlr ....




Any person intendingto invest in a Motor that gives least amount of bother, aud longest service, it will pay to call at our Water Street Stores, and be convinced that our Buffalo, Won­der and Eagle Motors are the best procurable.

Call or send for quotations. ,,,__... ........ __________ ......,~....:.........:.--.;.....;....,_~

-Captain Eric Ayre of St. JobD'a is talriag the iiftb compaay of the Regimee~ia the bat­talion at Edin <:utle aad ahortl7 after arri there will be lisarried to Mias Janet Miller, clau«hter of Mn. and the lllte L . u, Miller, of this city.-Henld.

-Mr. Coaker on the Allu Line Coatract :-" We have one company pttial' 1. S'20.000 1ab1ld7 wbkb it 1lriag a 50 per c:eat wore.e aerri« tllan uotber which rte·ao 1abtid7 from the Cotooy. rdet to the Faraeu-Withy Co. $20.000 1b.ould aot be Uuowa tway on the Allan1, aod tbe7 ahoald be compelled to put oa flret dau boala for thie money . (We trust tbi1 loor·•landin' wa11e of pabllc money will be prompUy rectlflecLJ

'-Palas Sandaf. "Soincwbcre ia Fnu1ce"-Tbe 1ock1 were •er7 wel· eoate, they alway• are. i£ people woald ouly eead 10IJ)let1 toclrt t'lfey woald be dolor a great eenlce. Tbe otbcr tblnr• are ulCful, bat the IOCkt we aced. l DIJUlf oft.en &et .oc:k• l4Mlt. bat aofbe or tbe othere an; .-of ao lucky. I am eocloaier a ~dliey• rrowa • eomewhcre in P'r&Ace', a alrn of Spria1. Foalfcet loTC. . • i'. J .

b1 u. Mall orden rinn epecial at­tatioa. prite to-day for eamplce ud 11eaaare Cardi.

J. & w. M6DIOA'"· The Ezpert Ta.ilore.

TwOPOBLIC are hereby notified ,,.. tbat by tbe provisions of Chapter 36 or the Consolidated Statutes (Second Series) they are required to keep their Y ARBS and PtunttSas free from all noxious auisanc:H and filth, which are likely to in­jure the public health,

!!'here will be a tborouirh la· apection of the town and vicinity oa the lit of May, and from day until it- is comp~tcd.

The owners of P.!'emises foun1l in bad condition will be liable to a fine not exceeding T w11NTV

DoU.AllS. ~ -w .. OttB, C. .B. Stip. Mag.

Police Office; Harbor Grace, April 24, 1915. .

•• " l NOTICE. '

I conaequeaee or a Notice re­ceiv~ from the Postal Aulbari­Ues \>f Great Britain, intimating that lettcn addressed to the tro0Js catt11ot be deli•ered u11less properly stamped,. alf letters a-oiag to met of the. Newfound· land Regiaiat aa4 Naul Re· sen•e. must 0e ••peel iu the same 111aneraolbtt1ettera; but all let\ell c.c.nnlM fr't>m the Regi· med c*_..l llescnisls will be deli\fVM fft:e of pottage.

On aad afler May lkt no lcttc1s addraaed'tomembcnot tbcRegi­meat or Naval Res-erve can be for· warded unless fully stamped.


