
TO ORGANIZE AN EVENT LIKE A PRO 1. Imagination is keyImagine yourself going to the event and pic-ture the whole thing in your head, this will help you to create a vision and assist you with planning.

2. Use spreadsheets for all tasks and re-quirements. Make a checklist and look at it often.

3. Use a program like Microsoft Project. It can be used to create a schedule for plan-ning purposes. You can even connect tasks together and figure out when you should be ticking things off your To Do list to get eve-rything done in time for the big event. NOTE: Don’t forget to account for weekends and ho-lidays!

4. Impress by going mobile. Find an event management mobile app (like EMMA) that can be used by attendees on their smartphones. Save trees and keep eve-ryone updated with real-time notifications.

5. Have a backup plan. This separates the pros from the amateurs. Try and come up with worst case scenarios and create appropriate backup plans for each.

6. Attend similar events and take notes. What worked? What didn’t? How would you do things differently to make your own event even more spectacular?

7. The devil’s in the details. No detail is too small. Simple things like provi-ding water to attendees, making sure there are enough trash receptacles, or providing toiletries in the washrooms can greatly improve the over-all attendee experience.

8. Have an emergency kit. Your kit should include the usual first aid supYour kit should include the usual first aid sup-plies, but consider your event and requirements and create one accordingly. For example, plan-ning a wedding? Include safety pins and bobby pins, both come in handy. Does your event have booths? Perhaps your kit should include duct tape and scissors?

9. Practice. If you can run through the event beforehand (or parts of the event) go for it! If you can do it with speakers or key people present, even better. Try and run through the whole event ahead of time to uncover any potential hiccups before the real deal.

10.10. Debrief. So this is not exactly part of planning the actual event, but it’s surprising how many times this one gets missed! It’s likely you’ll have to organi-ze another event in the future, so take the time to debrief to see how you can improve next time.

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