Page 1: Top 10 tips for a successful expat assignment


for a successfulexpat assignment

Page 2: Top 10 tips for a successful expat assignment

1. The talking cureKeep the lines of communication wide open with your spouse and

children before, during and after the assignment. Talk openly about

everything, and be there to listen and support each other.

Besides making sure that you maintain routines and stay in contact

with home, it is better to involve children as soon as possible in the

decision-making process. Let them hear your arguments and allow

them to state their opinion. They are important family members and

will feel happier if they are treated that way.

2. Beware the trailing spouseIf one partner is relocating for the sake of the other, make sure the

trailing spouse has a support network set up, even before the actual

move. Many trailing spouses leave a good career behind to accompany

their partner on the expat assignment. Going from a rewarding career

with many social contacts to becoming the housewife - or

househusband - is quite an adjustment by itself. Combine this with

setting up life in a new country with a different language and you have

quite a challenge on your hands.

3. Don’t rush choosing a schoolFind the right school for your children, and this will make settling in

much easier for all of you. Make sure to visit the available schools and

find the one that feels right, for both the adults and the kids. Take

plenty of time for a tour of the facilities and ask any questions or

concerns you may have.

Ensure that the school has a caring community and volunteer

opportunities so the parents, as well as the child, can quickly and easily

integrate. Find out as much as you can about useful resources, whether

there is a welcome group for new parents, available childcare options

and any other things that may help you settle in..

Page 3: Top 10 tips for a successful expat assignment

4. Expect difficultiesDon't underestimate the pressure the assignment will put on your family

and marital life. It's much better prepare to deal with these problems

rather than hoping your family will be an exception.

It is true that some locations are easier to adjust to than others. But,

regardless of the location, an expat posting inevitably affects family

relationships. The good thing: they mostly change for the better. Families

who put in the extra effort are rewarded with closeness between family

members that is stronger than ever before.

Some of the extra effort needs to be put into building excitement about

the move and being positive. There will inevitably be bad days, and you

have to find a way to go on. A good sense of humor will help.

5. Integrate yourselfMake a real attempt to learn the local language and culture. Wherever an

expat assignment may take you, it will likely be very different to what

you are used to - though an American family posted to the UK will, for

example, have an easier time adapting than one that is assigned to China

or Egypt.

The key to any posting is to have an open mind toward other cultures.

Try to learn a few words in the local language before arriving, and find

out the main habits and customs of the country or region so you are

sensitive to any differences there might be.

6. Do your homeworkProper preparation is one of the keys to a successful posting. Too many

people go into a posting without having done their homework and

jeopardize their family’s chance at a great experience. Going into a new

location without all the necessary information will lead to unpleasant

surprises that could have easily been avoided. You need to be responsible

enough to take advantage of the many resources available to you to

properly prepare the entire family for the new adventure and

significantly increase the chance of success.

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7. Use your resourcesGet involved in your children's school and youll find it easier make

friends who share and understand your lifestyle. Some schools have

groups made up of parents who get assigned new families and who will

try to be of assistance before and during the move. You will find people

at international schools very hospitable as the vast majority of them

went through the same experience that you are about to go through.

8. Don’t keep going homeTravel to new and exciting places and resist the temptation to return

home at every opportunity. There are many expats who will take every

opportunity to go back to their home country. Every school vacation is

spent in the country of origin and, once the assignment is over, they

have not spent any time exploring the country of assignment or its

surrounding regions. Exploring your new country and its surrounding

areas will help you feel at ease in the new location.

9. Prepare yourself for going backPrepare for reverse culture shock upon returning home. Many

expatriates, living in far-away places, imagine how wonderful it will be

to return to the familiar comforts of the life they once had. Even those

who have adjusted well to the host culture and are happy with

expatriate life assume that repatriation will be a breeze. However, they

are in for one unpleasant surprise: reverse culture shock is the name

people give to that feeling of not fitting in to your home country, and

you’re especially at risk of it if you return home after living abroad for

an extended time.

10. Take advantage of the opportunity...of all the wonderful opportunities an expat assignment offers. Expat

life is what you make of it