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Page 1: Tom Goodall's Issue

Archbishop hobAn high school ◆ one holy cross blvd. ◆ Akron, ohio 44306 ◆ issue importAnt ◆ oct 28, 2009

We Love Tom Goodall:-The man who had a cell phone before Bill Gates

-The coolest hoops coach ever -David Letterman before there was a David Letterman, minus the scandal

The Hoban Family is Praying For YouWE BELIEVE! WE BELIEVE!

Page 2: Tom Goodall's Issue

the visor ◆ october 27, 2009�

Copyright © 2008

• CSPA Gold Medalist • NSPA All-American

• Quill & Scroll Int’l First Place • OSMA First Place

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Signed letters for publication are welcome. Mailbox is in the main office. Unsigned editori-als represent the consensus of the editorial board. Signed opinion represents the views of the writer only.

Friend T.K. Griffith


Carol Goodall


Gina Magoteaux


Bob Magoteaux





Former Players




u Tom Goodall and grandson Andrew share a resemblance. Tom was always the best dressed coach in Summit County and the best dressed salesman in his territory. Andrew will certainly follow suit--no pun intended Tom.

◆ History

Mr. Goodall, as we called him growing up, inspires Griffith boys as lifelong best friend to their father, Tim Griffith

On the cover

by t.k. griFFithTim and Tom were inseparable in the minds

of most connected with St. Paul's, Hoban and Holy Family parish over the years– that's Tim Griffith and Tom Goodall, both 1966 Hoban graduates and best friends until Tim's death in July of 2008.

Friends growing up at St. Paul's grade school in Firestone Park, the boys shared a love of sports, humor and let's assume girls. They stayed connected while Tim went to Austin, Texas to attend St. Edward's University and reconnected once Tim returned and started a family, coincidentally, at the same time that Tom and Carol Goodall started their own family with the birth of Gina in 1971.

T.K. came along a few months later for Tim and Penny and when both Tim and Tom moved to Stow, a friendship became a best friendship. Mr Goodall, as we referred to Tom, was the idol that Shaun, Kevin and T.K. all aspired to be like as kids in the Griffith household. He stopped by often and had a few pops with Dad in the living room, but he always made a point to draw us into the conversation.

He even put up with Tim's incessant brag-ging about his boys: "T.K.'s gotta great shot from the outside", or "Shaun's really fast run-ning down to first base," and those stories about 8 year-old Kevin already trading baseball cards with 30-year old men– and taking them to the bank by the way with his uncanny knowledge of baseball card values.

Mr. Goodall would end up coaching all of us in one sport or another. His first adventure was the team affectionately referred to as the Wood-land Weaves, my first hardball team in Stow. We didn't score a run or get an out that year and lost every game. It wasn't all bad though, we got to watch Tom (a former Division I baseball player at the University of Akron) throw three 85-mile per hour fast balls to a punk kid who used to hang around the practices begging Tom to pitch to him. Little did the kid know that Tom threw hard and had once pitched in college. And on the third pitch, Tom hung a curve ball at the kid's head that broke over the plate for the third and final strike. The kid's still backing up somewhere today.

The zenith of our days with Mr. Goodall was certainly playing for him in his legendary role as 7th grade basketball coach at Holy Fam-ily– a position he held for well over a decade and a half. Mr. Goodall's ability to mix humor with keen basketball sense, meaningless trivia with Rainman-like math computation skills (ask Tom to multiply any two numbers of multiple digits and he'll do it like a calculator) and poise with intensity made him the guy everyone wanted to play for. Kids gravitated towards him. I remember a good friend whose parents had divorced stopping over at Mr. Goodall's countless times just to talk him and to seek guidance. And who could forget going to sporting events with Dad and Mr. Goodall. Tom had the coolest car in town in the mind of the Griffith kids. He had one of the first cell phones in 1985, a car phone as big as a small elephant, ala Kit and Michael Knight in the 80s hit Knightrider. Trips to Hoban games, Notre Dame games or just good local high school basketball games with Dad and Tom were the norm.

Neither of us would have guessed that just a few years later, I would luck into the Hoban job and ask Tom to be my assistant– a spot he has held most of my 17 years at Hoban. I was scared, nervous, anxious and young. He was scared, nervous, anxious and old. No, really, without his wisdom, I would not be in coaching still and would not keep the proper perspective. Tom made it fun and kept it about the kids– the way it should be. And we have some great memories– the 1998 State Final Four Game, the 20-0 season, facing Lebron. I just wish I could remember the stories like Tom can; he has a vault for a memory.

But one memory I'll never forget is walking up the stairs to coach my first varsity game with Tom, against East, in 1993; he was so excited and he stopped me before we opened the door to face the crowd and he said: "Thanks...thanks for giving me this opportunity."

No, Tom, thank you. Thank you for being my hero and the hero of the Griffith boys and many others whom you have touched. We know you can beat this and come out stronger on the other side. We know it. u

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the visor ◆ october 27, 2009 �

◆ Vacations

Bald guys rule the pool on spring break with the Goodall family at Hilton Head. No more bed-head for these guys!

Vacationing in Hilton Head with the grandkids was not to be put on hold this summer as Tom donned his new hair-do at the beach per the chemotherapy regimen. As you can see, he was still as studly as ever with the new lid. No, really Tom, you wear it well. We're attracted. The tradition of HH vacations is one the grandkids will continue to remember, especially with wise-cracking Grandpa Tom. Next year, I will tag along so we can pick up some hot chicks with our chiselled beach bodies. (=

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� the visor ◆ october 27, 2009

◆ Cover Story

Goodall stays tough and believes Friends, former players, Hoban family and others share words of encouragement

Sending prayers for your healing and peace of mind,Katie Haubert

Keep fighting hard! You’ll be in our prayers each day. May God help you progress a bit each day.

Mary Anne Beiting, Ed.D.

Thinking of you often. Get well soon. Beau Sloan

Coach Goodall , Susie and I cannot thank you enough on how well you helped

and encouraged Jack during his 4 years at Hoban. He always talked highly of you and you always seemed to say the right thing to him when he needed it most. I truly believe his future success in life will be in part due to the time you put in working with him and encouraging him to never give up!! Every time Jack comes home from college your name usually comes up in a conversation and how much he enjoyed playing basketball for you and just talking and spending time with you.

We hope after your recovery you can still pop in on Hoban basketball practices and have the same influence on Jimmy. The entire Bott family will be thinking of you and continue praying for a quick and healthy recovery!

Chris & Sue Bott

I know you're going to win this game.

God Bless,Benny P

T. G. My new name for you is T.G. When I see you in the future I am calling you T.G. Short for Tom Goodall. And short for “Tough Guy” for the way that you have handled this cancer so far! You have fought this thing and need to continue to fight it. I know my father- in-law appreciates all of your conversations with him. And you both seem to be fighting the good fight. Good luck with the surgery. I know that you have to be very concerned about going through this…but look at it as just the next step in what is going to make you better. T.G - the Stetz and Garro families will be praying for you!

Jeff Stetz

Tom,I have always viewed you as a second father figure to me.

I had the privilege of getting to play for you for three years (7th grade and two years of JV) which has helped shape the coach I am today. Some of my greatest memories of Hoban basketball are playing for you and getting to coach with you for over 10 years. Also, being your partner in the Hoban golf league and having the opportunity to be able to golf with you but more importantly just to get to talk to you for 4 hours about sports, family and life are times that I still cherish. You have always offered support and great advice and I owe so much of where I am at today to you.

Once you are feeling up to golfing again, we will play because I looked forward to every Monday night and remember, we don’t play that type of golf we used to joke about during golf league. You have impacted so many people’s life in such a positive way that we look forward to the day you will be back to the program because we all look to you for wisdom and insight. Stay strong and keep the faith.

Your friend,Tim Lucey

Wishing you the very best and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers for a speeding recovery and return to good health.

Br. Ed Libbers

“Tom: The Manchester Panthers coaches, players and ex-tended family want to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We hope that all goes well with your upcoming procedure. Good luck and hope to see you soon.”

Gene and the Manchester Panthers

I just wanted to take a moment to say “good luck and best wishes” for you upcoming procedure. I am sure that you will be glad to have that behind you,and then get busy with the business of recovering. I look forward to seeing you soon around Hoban. I will make sure that we put you on the prayer list for the Saturday morning Hoban Father’s Group! Take care and God Bless.

Gary Horning

Our thoughts and fervent prayers for your recovery and recuperation. Please know that there are many people thinking of all of you.

Ron and Rose Zaucha and family.

Tom is definitely a well-respected man who has touched so many lives with his ties to CYO, Holy Family and the Hoban com-munities, just to mention a few. Bob and I will be happy to send our prayers with a note of encouragement.

Joanne Wiseman

Coach Goodall, I know that things have been rough for you with everything

that is going on right now. However, you have been in my prayers as well as my families. Everyone I know is saying their prayers for you as you prepare for the surgery. But anyway, something to get your mind off of it. I have some good news to tell. I was recently recruited by a group that puts together teams of college players, and travels to different countries and plays games against club teams, and tours the country. There were a few different choices, but I chose the trip to Italy. So I will be going over to Italy for 11 days at the end of May to play ball and tour the country. I’m really excited about that. The season is finally starting to get under way, and we have our first scrimmage today, somewhere up by Pittsburgh. Things are looking really well as far as playing time goes this year. I have been playing really well throughout the open gyms/ practices and hopefully I’ve earned myself a starting spot

I’ll be sure to keep everyone updated throughout the season, and hopefully I’ll be able to make it back to see a few Hoban games and catch up with everyone. Keep fighting coach, and everything will turn out just fine. In the meantime, my family and I are continuing to keep you and your family in our prayers. I’ll be keeping in touch. Take care.

Johnny Wolosincuk

Coach - Like we said six months ago, this is nothing more than a bump in the road. You’re almost over the bump. Best of luck, you’re in my thoughts and prayers.

Brian DeCenzo

Good luck with your upcoming surgery. Everyone here in the athletic department is thinking of you and your family.

You know this season won’t be the same without you on the bench, right? Who is going to keep Tim and TK under control? Mike Considine?

See you soon.Sean Quinn

Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers as you enter surgery - we know that your positive spirit and sense of humor will help with a speedy recovery. And if you need some People magazines to keep you posted on all the Hollywood gossip,

you know who to call...

Matt, Emily, and Julia Eckart

Tom, or as we feel more comfortable calling you “Mr. Goodall”. We have been thinking of you, Mrs. Goodall, Gina and the kids lately. My brothers and I want you to know that we will be praying for you as you continue your battle. We are sure your determina-tion and faith will bring you through with flying colors. We look forward to seeing you soon.

The Kelley Brothers,Charlie, Joe, Tom, Pat & Mike

Needless to say, we all are keeping him in our prayers and with God’s help things will turn out well. He is such a kind person and always has words of encouragement for everyone especially the kids. Please tell him to keep some of the positive attitude he so willingly gave to others for himself. For it’s that positive attitude that will sustain him through this difficult time. Positive attitude is 50% of the battle and the rest is up to God. It is said that if God brings us to it, he will also get us through it and with our prayer he will.

Mary Wolosincuk

May all your kindness and good deeds come back to rest upon you and keep you safe as you face this challenge. My prayers and good wishes are with you.

Mike Caprez

All of us in the Baranek Family will be keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers during this time. If you or your family need anything do not hesitate to call me.

Anne, Anna, John Jr., Jacob, and John

Coach,When I was in high school, my confidence was a bit shaken

because I had sat on the bench so much before you and T.K. ar-rived. But you were always patient with me, and you believed in me. Right now I need you to do those two things for yourself. Your

body will recover; believe that.Byron Wilson’94

Hey, get yourself out there asap and get back courtside because I need someone to give me the inside skinny on Akron basketball. Lord knows T.K. I get nothing from T.K.

Tim Rogers

I never really had the chance to tell you any of my thoughts but I am really thankful to have been able to spend time around you. Your humor and wisdom are un-like any other persons. You are without a doubt one of my most favorite people to spend time around. You embody so much as an individual that serves as such a positive force in so many peoples lives...mine especially. I just want to thank you for everything you do even if you do not real-ize you are doing it. You have such a positive spirit that impacts everyone. I am looking forward to your recovery

and soaking in your wisdom. Jason Horinger

Good luck with your upcoming surgery. I know you are well prepared, as your teams always were on the basket-ball court, for this next challenge. I hope you know that the sports medicine community is behind you, thinking about you, praying for you and wishing you the best.

Best Wishes, Joseph A. Congeni, MD

Tommy G You know I love ya- You know I am thinking of ya.

What I want you to know is how much I respect and admire you. It was such a gift to get to spend time with you and your beautiful wife, Carol, this summer. You are truly one of Hoban’s finest. You have impacted the lives of so many with your charm, humor, friendliness, leadership, intellect, opinions, grace, and kindness. I count myself among the lucky to know you and call you my friend. My love and prayers are with you and your family. I am looking forward to your speedy recovery, so you can help me root the Hoban basketball team to victory!

Cindi KinnanBill and I are with you on your journey, we wish for you

the best results as quickly as they can be achieved. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily for a full recovery.

Bill and Sue KochHope all goes well with your surgery. One free travel-

ing exemption for all Hoban teams upon a speedy recovery! If things go really well, I will extend the exemption to the Holy Family b-ball teams as well! If this isn’t acceptable, would you like some free light bulbs? Here at FirstEnergy, we have plenty to fact, a whole warehouse full!!

Take care...hope to see ya soon in the gym.Philip A Lombardo

Page 5: Tom Goodall's Issue

Goodall stays tough and believes Friends, former players, Hoban family and others share words of encouragement

the visor ◆ october 27, 2009

Sending prayers for your healing and peace of mind,Katie Haubert

Keep fighting hard! You’ll be in our prayers each day. May God help you progress a bit each day.

Mary Anne Beiting, Ed.D.

Thinking of you often. Get well soon. Beau Sloan

Coach Goodall , Susie and I cannot thank you enough on how well you helped

and encouraged Jack during his 4 years at Hoban. He always talked highly of you and you always seemed to say the right thing to him when he needed it most. I truly believe his future success in life will be in part due to the time you put in working with him and encouraging him to never give up!! Every time Jack comes home from college your name usually comes up in a conversation and how much he enjoyed playing basketball for you and just talking and spending time with you.

We hope after your recovery you can still pop in on Hoban basketball practices and have the same influence on Jimmy. The entire Bott family will be thinking of you and continue praying for a quick and healthy recovery!

Chris & Sue Bott

I know you're going to win this game.

God Bless,Benny P

T. G. My new name for you is T.G. When I see you in the future I am calling you T.G. Short for Tom Goodall. And short for “Tough Guy” for the way that you have handled this cancer so far! You have fought this thing and need to continue to fight it. I know my father- in-law appreciates all of your conversations with him. And you both seem to be fighting the good fight. Good luck with the surgery. I know that you have to be very concerned about going through this…but look at it as just the next step in what is going to make you better. T.G - the Stetz and Garro families will be praying for you!

Jeff Stetz

Tom,I have always viewed you as a second father figure to me.

I had the privilege of getting to play for you for three years (7th grade and two years of JV) which has helped shape the coach I am today. Some of my greatest memories of Hoban basketball are playing for you and getting to coach with you for over 10 years. Also, being your partner in the Hoban golf league and having the opportunity to be able to golf with you but more importantly just to get to talk to you for 4 hours about sports, family and life are times that I still cherish. You have always offered support and great advice and I owe so much of where I am at today to you.

Once you are feeling up to golfing again, we will play because I looked forward to every Monday night and remember, we don’t play that type of golf we used to joke about during golf league. You have impacted so many people’s life in such a positive way that we look forward to the day you will be back to the program because we all look to you for wisdom and insight. Stay strong and keep the faith.

Your friend,Tim Lucey

Wishing you the very best and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers for a speeding recovery and return to good health.

Br. Ed Libbers

“Tom: The Manchester Panthers coaches, players and ex-tended family want to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We hope that all goes well with your upcoming procedure. Good luck and hope to see you soon.”

Gene and the Manchester Panthers

I just wanted to take a moment to say “good luck and best wishes” for you upcoming procedure. I am sure that you will be glad to have that behind you,and then get busy with the business of recovering. I look forward to seeing you soon around Hoban. I will make sure that we put you on the prayer list for the Saturday morning Hoban Father’s Group! Take care and God Bless.

Gary Horning

Our thoughts and fervent prayers for your recovery and recuperation. Please know that there are many people thinking of all of you.

Ron and Rose Zaucha and family.

Tom is definitely a well-respected man who has touched so many lives with his ties to CYO, Holy Family and the Hoban com-munities, just to mention a few. Bob and I will be happy to send our prayers with a note of encouragement.

Joanne Wiseman

Coach Goodall, I know that things have been rough for you with everything

that is going on right now. However, you have been in my prayers as well as my families. Everyone I know is saying their prayers for you as you prepare for the surgery. But anyway, something to get your mind off of it. I have some good news to tell. I was recently recruited by a group that puts together teams of college players, and travels to different countries and plays games against club teams, and tours the country. There were a few different choices, but I chose the trip to Italy. So I will be going over to Italy for 11 days at the end of May to play ball and tour the country. I’m really excited about that. The season is finally starting to get under way, and we have our first scrimmage today, somewhere up by Pittsburgh. Things are looking really well as far as playing time goes this year. I have been playing really well throughout the open gyms/ practices and hopefully I’ve earned myself a starting spot

I’ll be sure to keep everyone updated throughout the season, and hopefully I’ll be able to make it back to see a few Hoban games and catch up with everyone. Keep fighting coach, and everything will turn out just fine. In the meantime, my family and I are continuing to keep you and your family in our prayers. I’ll be keeping in touch. Take care.

Johnny Wolosincuk

Coach - Like we said six months ago, this is nothing more than a bump in the road. You’re almost over the bump. Best of luck, you’re in my thoughts and prayers.

Brian DeCenzo

Good luck with your upcoming surgery. Everyone here in the athletic department is thinking of you and your family.

You know this season won’t be the same without you on the bench, right? Who is going to keep Tim and TK under control? Mike Considine?

See you soon.Sean Quinn

Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers as you enter surgery - we know that your positive spirit and sense of humor will help with a speedy recovery. And if you need some People magazines to keep you posted on all the Hollywood gossip,

you know who to call...

Matt, Emily, and Julia Eckart

Tom, or as we feel more comfortable calling you “Mr. Goodall”. We have been thinking of you, Mrs. Goodall, Gina and the kids lately. My brothers and I want you to know that we will be praying for you as you continue your battle. We are sure your determina-tion and faith will bring you through with flying colors. We look forward to seeing you soon.

The Kelley Brothers,Charlie, Joe, Tom, Pat & Mike

Needless to say, we all are keeping him in our prayers and with God’s help things will turn out well. He is such a kind person and always has words of encouragement for everyone especially the kids. Please tell him to keep some of the positive attitude he so willingly gave to others for himself. For it’s that positive attitude that will sustain him through this difficult time. Positive attitude is 50% of the battle and the rest is up to God. It is said that if God brings us to it, he will also get us through it and with our prayer he will.

Mary Wolosincuk

May all your kindness and good deeds come back to rest upon you and keep you safe as you face this challenge. My prayers and good wishes are with you.

Mike Caprez

All of us in the Baranek Family will be keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers during this time. If you or your family need anything do not hesitate to call me.

Anne, Anna, John Jr., Jacob, and John

Coach,When I was in high school, my confidence was a bit shaken

because I had sat on the bench so much before you and T.K. ar-rived. But you were always patient with me, and you believed in me. Right now I need you to do those two things for yourself. Your

body will recover; believe that.Byron Wilson’94

Hey, get yourself out there asap and get back courtside because I need someone to give me the inside skinny on Akron basketball. Lord knows T.K. I get nothing from T.K.

Tim Rogers

I never really had the chance to tell you any of my thoughts but I am really thankful to have been able to spend time around you. Your humor and wisdom are un-like any other persons. You are without a doubt one of my most favorite people to spend time around. You embody so much as an individual that serves as such a positive force in so many peoples lives...mine especially. I just want to thank you for everything you do even if you do not real-ize you are doing it. You have such a positive spirit that impacts everyone. I am looking forward to your recovery

and soaking in your wisdom. Jason Horinger

Good luck with your upcoming surgery. I know you are well prepared, as your teams always were on the basket-ball court, for this next challenge. I hope you know that the sports medicine community is behind you, thinking about you, praying for you and wishing you the best.

Best Wishes, Joseph A. Congeni, MD

Tommy G You know I love ya- You know I am thinking of ya.

What I want you to know is how much I respect and admire you. It was such a gift to get to spend time with you and your beautiful wife, Carol, this summer. You are truly one of Hoban’s finest. You have impacted the lives of so many with your charm, humor, friendliness, leadership, intellect, opinions, grace, and kindness. I count myself among the lucky to know you and call you my friend. My love and prayers are with you and your family. I am looking forward to your speedy recovery, so you can help me root the Hoban basketball team to victory!

Cindi KinnanBill and I are with you on your journey, we wish for you

the best results as quickly as they can be achieved. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily for a full recovery.

Bill and Sue KochHope all goes well with your surgery. One free travel-

ing exemption for all Hoban teams upon a speedy recovery! If things go really well, I will extend the exemption to the Holy Family b-ball teams as well! If this isn’t acceptable, would you like some free light bulbs? Here at FirstEnergy, we have plenty to fact, a whole warehouse full!!

Take care...hope to see ya soon in the gym.Philip A Lombardo

Page 6: Tom Goodall's Issue

the visor ◆ october 27, 2009�

◆ Features

“Spending time with the grandkids in Troy is something you can soon expect to be doing again– fully healed and healthy. Watching Alex's sporting events, spending time with Lily, Andrew, Gina and Bob is just around the corner. Hopefully, you'll even get to watch some "Tiger ball " at ol' Versailles High too. Rock'em, sock'em Tiger Ball."


Thank you for being such a great grandpa! I love talking sports with you and spending time with you. I could probably say that you have been my hero throughout my whole life. Make sure you have lots of jinegar after your surgery and dominate!! Also, make Carol give you food and anything else you want while you are recovering!Recover fast and get well!

Love you,ALEX

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◆ Features

Tom Goodall poses with the two most beautiful ladies in his life, daughter Gina and wife Carol. Tom you are so blessed to have a lifelong love affair with Carol and we still can't believe she still laughs at all of your jokes, even to this day. Carol, is this just an act; do you laugh at his jokes in private? If so, you are truly special. Gina, you have made Dad proud on so many levels but especially with your beautiful family, incredible husband and adorable children. u

Dad, Out of all the dads I could have gotten stuck with, God gave me you and I truly don’t know how I got so lucky. You have been my strength, my wisdom, and the person who makes me step back and see things in perspective when I have a problem. We have all learned things from your “useless knowledge” and you wouldn’t be the father and grandfather you are today without it. I pray that you remain the strong and courageous person you have taught us all to be as you go through this surgery and beyond. Through this ordeal, you have honestly been my hero. You have remained positive and kept your sense of humor and have never wavered in your faith. You’re an amazing one! We all love you and know you’ll have a fast recovery with your attitude and perseverance. Get ready to get waited on hand and foot! (As if you aren’t already!) I love you,


Daughter Gina prays that you remain strong– you are her hero with your positive attitude, humor and unwavering faith

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the visor ◆ october 27, 2009�

◆ Believe

Wife Carol still loves you, even after spending all this time with you over the years You owe her big time buddy!

Just want to wish u the best as u head into surgery. Ur a great man and I've got an immense amount of respect for u as a person and coach. I know u will be fine and rest assured u r in all our prayers. Love ya and fight that thing.... Andy Hipsher

Coach Goodall know that you are not alone as you head into surgery. The thoughts and prayers of all the people who have had the pleasure of knowing you are with you. You will be in me and my family’s prayers as we await your complete recovery.

Kyle McMillen

Definitely send along my best please. He is certainly in my thoughts and prayers.

Matt DeCenzo

Some people will do anything to avoid the start of basketball season. However, I do understand what coaching with TK must

do to a person. Recover quickly for the hoop players @ Hoban so they have someone sane to listen to. TK, Lucey, and pretty boy without your veteran leadership is a recipe for disaster.

Kenny RectorBest of luck this week, you will be is our thoughts and

prayers. I am looking forward to having you back at practices and games. My plan was just to ride on coat tails this year. Now it looks like I may have to do some work. Truthfully I am honored to be part of the program. You, TK, and Timmy have made Hoban basketball into what I view as the model for a high school basketball program. I have always admired what you guys have been able to accomplish on and off the court. Even when I was in high school and I thought you were the head coach and TK was the team manager.

Adam CestaroAlways love your political commentary, friendship and hu-

mor. Get well soon and know that we are praying for you.Jayme Adaway

Well wishes from friends continued for Coach Tom Goodall

Tom, We have had a challenging ride together the last 5 months. We have another ride to go. With the support and caring shown by all our family and friends, we are going to get through this together without a doubt.

Everything points to a positive outcome. We have too much of a fun life to experience in the coming years to let this get us down. We are survivors!! Love,Carol

u Tommy Goodall outkicks his coverage, so to speak, with wife Carol.
