Page 1: TOM ELICH parish priest LISA McKERR pastoral associate ...NCR is American. Zenit is Rome and the pope. All have free material. Some also have paid material. ... ENTRANCE HYMN CHRIST


Praise the Lord, my soul, and bless his holy name!

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Jesus preached the Good News

of the kingdom and healed all who were sick.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

Isaiah 35:4-7 James 2:1-5 Mark 7:31-37

Please pray for our departed loved ones Rev Harry Bliss, Frank Antcliff, Giuseppa Trimarchi, Carlo Catalano, Laura Lee Daverson and Elva O’Brien recently deceased and also for Karen Cassady, Annette Harvey, Geraldine Duncan, Leoncio Rodriguez, Frank Kiley, Ken Searle, Patricia Vieyra, deceased members of the Begley and Bourke families, Lim Ioe Lie, Norm and Katie Timmins, Norman, Patricia, Daniel Timmins. Patrick Boyle, Pat Boyle, Karen Baker and Mike West.

9th September 2018 (Year B)

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time


A couple of the responses to the parish council survey suggested that some people feel they are not challenged or informed about church issues. It was interesting to put the question to the council itself. Only one or two regularly looked at these Catholic news websites.

I get these in a free email, daily or weekly. They give background articles on current events and help you to understand the issues. I could not live without them. Why not give some of them a try? You can also access them on Twitter or Facebook, on your phone or computer.

Each of these has a different focus. CathNews is Australian. UCA focusses on Asia. NCR is American. Zenit is Rome and the pope. All have free material. Some also have paid material. Look around and see!

Best wishes

TOM ELICH parish priest LISA McKERR pastoral associate HELEN PRICE and HELEN COLE parish secretaries ANN-MAREE NICHOLLS SGS school principal

Page 2: TOM ELICH parish priest LISA McKERR pastoral associate ...NCR is American. Zenit is Rome and the pope. All have free material. Some also have paid material. ... ENTRANCE HYMN CHRIST

Please remember the sick in your prayers James Bates, Leo Jarrett, Madonna Lapeze, Maria Kiss, Sisun Keating, Beryl Allam, Dan Buckley, Maria Skubis and Carmen Turner.

DATE CLAIMERS 2018 Sunday 9 September Plenary Council Listening &

Dialogue Session 9am Parish Hall Wednesday 12 September Liturgy Committee meet at 7:30pm Thursday 13 September Playgroup meet 9.30am in the Hall

St Vincent de Paul meet at 6pm Saturday 15 September School Fete - 11am to 6pm. 18-20 September Celebrations for Sacrament of Confirmation for children enrolled Sunday 23 September Social Justice Group meet at 9am Tuesday 25 September Carer’s Group meet at 10am Thursday 27 September St Vincent de Paul meet at 6pm Sunday 18 November YOUTH MASS 5:30pm

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT – Friday mornings in the church. Please join us to pray for families, our parish and world peace. Stop in for 10 minutes on the way to work or for the whole time. All welcome.

RCIA – An invitation to anyone interested in

becoming a Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith. For more detail please contact Lisa McKerr, our Pastoral Associate at the parish office on 3399 2386.

The PLENARY COUNCIL 2020 is a gathering of the Church in Australia to make decisions for the future. Everyone is invited to contribute by sharing your experience of faith and the Church

at a Plenary Council Listening and Dialogue Session to be held in the parish hall at 9am this Sunday 9 September.

From the Romero Centre - Thank you all so much for

your generous support. Your donations will have a profound impact in the lives of people in need in our community.

The Catholic Justice and Peace Commission and St James’ Coorparoo Social Justice forum invite you to the launch of the 2018-2019 Social Justice Statement - A PLACE TO CALL HOME: MAKING A HOME FOR EVERYONE IN OUR LAND. This year’s statement from Australia’s Catholic Bishops considers the issues of homelessness and housing affordability. 7pm Wednesday 12 September, Parish Hall, Kirkland Avenue, Coorparoo. Guest speaker: Fr Frank Brennan from Catholic Social Services Australia. RSVP: 10 September for catering purposes, call 3397 1671 or [email protected]. Gold Coin entry – proceeds to St Vincent de Paul Society.

VOCATION VIEW – has not God chosen the poor of the world to inherit the kingdom? Chosen to be rich in faith. So take heart, be not afraid, consider your part in God’s kingdom. Please pray for vocations. To talk about your vocation, call the Vocation Office on 3324 3351.

A sense of humour is a gift from God. Laughter unites us. I asked my daughter if she’d seen my newspaper. She told me that newspapers are old school. She said that people use tablets nowadays and handed me her iPad. The fly didn’t stand a chance.

NO PARKING please on the paved area in front of the church ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


School newsletter:

YOUTH NEWS - Year of Youth 2018


Saturday 24 November 2018 / SUNSET / BOWEN HILLS You are invited to participate in the Archdiocesan celebration of the Year of Youth. This will be held in the evening marking the final weekend of the Year of Youth before we head into Advent! Details will be released in the coming months…..

2018 ANNUAL CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN – This weekend, to support the archdiocesan ministries. It is the one time a year that all of the parishes in the Archdiocese come together to help support vital works of our church and local community - training future priests, caring for elderly priests when they are no longer able to serve our parish, helping families access a Catholic education and caring for those suffering physically and emotionally in our local community. Please give generously, your support is appreciated.

QUT Chaplaincy and QUT Catholic invite you to celebrate Mass with Archbishop Mark Coleridge followed by short talk and light refreshments. 12:30pm Thursday 13 September at Gardens Point, Z Block, Z1064 Level 10. All students, staff, alumni, friends and supporters are invited to join this celebration.

EVANGELISATION ENCOUNTERS along the journey of Christian Initiation. The Archdiocese is offering a day of formation on the journey of Christian Initiation for parish leaders, those who support families, young people and adults. Keynote Speaker – Fr Anthony Mellor. Saturday 20 October 9am-3pm at O’Shea Centre, Wilston. Register at by 8 October. Ph- 3324 3440.

PARISH MORNING TEA - Parishioners are invited to the Parish Morning Tea after 8am Mass twice each month and are asked to bring a plate to share. Next date is Sunday 16 September. Everyone welcome.

Sts Peter & Paul’s Bulimba


Saturday 15 September 11am to 6pm

Delicious food, silent auction, kiddies corner, raffle

draw, great entertainment - live music - student

performances, rides, games, cakes, sweets etc.


Readers, Communion Ministers, Sacristans and Altar Servers Team 3 - please arrange a substitute if not available.

Children’s Liturgy Roster 16 September – Airoleene Chaw, Jenny Barends, Brooke Fitzgibbon.

Hospitality Roster 16 September – Carmen Wardle and the Gonsalves family. 30 September – Jasmine Tan and Susana Morisaki

Casserole Bank Roster Group 2 – Please contact Erica Wilcox.

Page 3: TOM ELICH parish priest LISA McKERR pastoral associate ...NCR is American. Zenit is Rome and the pope. All have free material. Some also have paid material. ... ENTRANCE HYMN CHRIST

+ Liturgy this Week 10 September – 16 September 2018


September 2011

MONDAY 7:00am Parish Mass at Lourdes Hill Convent, Hawthorne Road


WEDNESDAY 7:00pm Mass

THURSDAY 9:00am St John Chrysostom Liturgy with Year 3R and 3Y

FRIDAY 8:00am

8:30am-9am The Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Mass Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

SATURDAY 9:00am Our Lady of Sorrows Mass

SUNDAY 6:00pm (Saturday); 8:00am; 5:30pm Mass: Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Children’s Liturgy during the 8am Sunday Mass

Readings – Isaiah 50:5-9 James 2:14-18 Mark 8:27-35


RECONCILIATION Saturday at 9:30am and 5:00pm

ROSARY/ANGELUS Saturday before the 9:00am Mass

MEDITATION Tuesday at 4pm Lourdes Hill Convent, 50 Hawthorne Road, Hawthorne



Longing for light, we wait in darkness. Longing for truth, we turn to you. Make us your own, your holy people. Light for the world to see.

Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness. Christ be our light! Shine in your church gathered today

Longing for peace, our world is troubled. Longing for hope, many despair. Your word alone has pow’r to save us. Make us your living voice.

Longing for food, many are hungry. Longing for water, many still thirst. Make us your bread, broken for others, Shared until all are fed.

Longing for shelter, people are homeless. Longing for warmth, many are cold. Make us your building, sheltering others, Walls made of living stone.

Many the gifts, many the people. Many the hearts that yearn to belong. Let us be servants to one another, Making your kingdom come.

©1993 Bernadette Farrell. Published by OCT Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-621195

GLORIA Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will.

We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory. Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, only begotten Son, Lord God Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy one, you alone are the Lord you alone are the most high, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen

MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION When we eat this bread and drink this cup, we proclaim your death, O Lord, until you come again.

LAMB OF GOD Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace.


To be your bread now, be your wine now, Lord, Come and change us to be a sign of your love. Blest and broken, poured and flowing, Gift that you gave us, to be your body once again

We come to your table with our lives as they are. Heal us Lord, for we are broken, make us one again.

Lord, we stumble through the darkness of night. Lead us now, O Lord we follow bring us home to you

Give us the bread and wine that bring us to life. Feed us, and we’ll never hunger, never thirst again.

© 1981, 1982, David Haas. Published by Cooperative Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission ONE LICENSE #A-621195


My Jesus, my Saviour, Lord, there is none like You; All of my days I want to praise the wonders of Your mighty love.

My comfort, my shelter, tower of refuge and strength; Let ev’ry breath, all that I am never cease to worship You.

Shout to the Lord, all the earth, let us sing. Power and majesty, praise to the King. Mountains bow down and the seas will roar at the sound of Your name.

I sing for joy at the work of Your hands, Forever I’ll love You, forever I’ll stand, Nothing compares to the promise I have in You.

© 1993 Wondrous Worship. All rights reserved. Used with permission CCLI Licence# 543839

Excerpts from the English translation of the Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL). All rights reserved.

Page 4: TOM ELICH parish priest LISA McKERR pastoral associate ...NCR is American. Zenit is Rome and the pope. All have free material. Some also have paid material. ... ENTRANCE HYMN CHRIST