  • 7/31/2019 Tockington Tracker 24-10-12


    24th October, 2012

    Cheltenham Literature Festival Trip

    The Creative Writing Club of 2011/2012 was

    invited on a trip to Cheltenham Literature Festivalwhich took place on Sunday October 14th and a

    fabulous day it was too! Ten children accompanied

    Mrs Gooch and myself on a thoroughly enjoyable

    adventure. We saw a number of writers who talked

    to us about their books and the inspiration behind

    them. We saw Tony Robinson from the Time Team

    (some of you might know him as Baldrick) who has

    a series of books out with Macmillan called the

    Weird World of Wonders. Both Seren Clayton and

    Mrs Gooch joined him on stage where Seren died

    rather convincingly and Mrs Gooch told him off andthreatened to call the police more than once. Next

    we saw Derek Landy who writes the Skulduggery

    Pleasant books. He was amusing and he answered

    a myriad of questions including one from Aditi

    about why all of his crime detective writing is about

    dead people. He explained that he was influenced by

    the writing of authors such as Stephen King and

    books such as Dracula by Bram Stoker. Tom

    fished further and discovered that the only place

    where he can write is at home with his cats (one on

    his chest and one digging its claws in on his lap) and

    his old dog. We then went to see a very famous

    scientist and doctor called Robert Winston, who

    explained that life has been on this planet for four

    billion years but humans have only been here for

    about one hundred thousand of those. He let us take

    a look at his fantastic new, colourful book called

    Thats Life and it is crammed full of great

    explanations and photographs. Finally, we went to

    see Helen Dunmore who writes fantasy books called

    The Ingo Chronicles. She helped us to understand

    how reading is a creative thing and a reader

    becomes a creator no matter what they read. So get

    reading theres a wealth of books waiting for you

    in the library take a couple home with you for the

    October break! And, if you think you would like to

    become a writer, join us on a Tuesday night from

    6.30 to 7.30 for cake and creativity!

    Ms Case

    FOTM News

    Many thanks to all those who worked so hard tomake the Friends Quiz Night on Saturday 20thOctober the resounding success it was. We raised avery respectable 672 at this first Friends event of

    the school year and I am truly grateful to everyonewho helped make this very sociable evening theenjoyable gathering it was. A special thank you toMr Spratling, the quiz master and Mrs Spratling whomarked the papers, for all their great effort.

    Anita Williamson

    Lost Property

    Please check lost property if you are missingsomething. We have a fair bit of lost property which

    will be given to charity, if it remains unclaimed.

  • 7/31/2019 Tockington Tracker 24-10-12


    24th October, 2012

    Look @ My Work Assembly

    On Tuesday we had our first Look @ My Work

    assembly with Mr Edwards who came in to school

    to talk to Years R to 7 about becoming a brain

    surgeon. Mr Edwards described how a career in

    neurosurgery begins with hard work at school until

    the age of 18 and three other very important things :

    teamwork; playing an instrument to improve the

    coordination of your hands; and getting on well

    with people. After school, brain surgeons go to

    university for many years of study and do a number

    of work placements to gain experience, practice and

    more knowledge. Once qualified, the learning does

    not end, as Mr Edwards is now involved withpioneering and experimenting with new technology.

    His job sounded fascinating, as he described all of

    the cool things he gets to use in his day to day life.

    But the best thing of all in his job is that he helps

    people who are very unwell to get better. Mr

    Edwards helped us to understand his work with a

    great power point and we were able to see inside a

    human brain with a video clip which took us down

    the tubes. Both staff and pupils were in awe of the

    fabulous work which Mr Edwards does and the

    amazing stamina and resilience required to get tohis position. We thoroughly enjoyed this first talk in

    the series and look forward to our next visitor in


    Handwriting & Presentation Competition

    Last Friday in prep all of the children from Years 3

    to 8 took part in a Handwriting and PresentationCompetition. Years 3 and 4 copied a poem in their

    best handwriting while Years 5 to 8 wrote to the

    author, Cathy Farr, who visited our school at the end

    of last month. Their letters were fantastic, newsy

    and engaging and I am sure Cathy Farr and Finn, her

    dog, will enjoy receiving them through the post

    when I send them at the end of the week. It was not

    quite so enjoyable having to select winners from

    each year group because there were so many really

    good efforts. However, the winners are :

    Year 3 Carmen Rey-Jones

    Year 4 Tabitha Huby

    Year 5 Bellayia Lazarides

    Year 6 Olivia Campbell

    Year 7 Harvey Jones

    Year 8 Daniel Bertomeu

    The winners each received a book voucher so that

    they can buy a book of their choice from the

    bookshop. They also received a certificate to

    commend their efforts.

    Jakes Fun Run

    Jake Wakeling took part in the Cardiff Fun Run onSunday 14th October. He came 7th overall and ran 1mile in 9 minutes and 53 seconds. Well done!

  • 7/31/2019 Tockington Tracker 24-10-12


    24th October, 2012

    Olivia at Wycliffe Orchestral Festival

    On Sunday 14th October Olivia Campbell took partin Wycliffe College's orchestral festival for young

    musicians (of grade 2 and above) led by director ofmusic Mr Ed Jenkins. They played excerpts fromStar Wars, the Grand March from Verdi's Aida andan Abba medley. It was full and exhausting day buta great experience for Livvy, the orchestra achievingso much in a short space of time.

    Boarders Zoo Visit

    On Sunday 14th October the boarders went to thezoo with Miss Chard and Mr Glanville. They had agreat time looking at the animals, feeding thelorikeets, finding out fun facts and posing for lots offunny photos. They particularly enjoyed having theseals swimming around their heads in theunderwater tunnel!

    October Totally Tennis ProgrammeCoombe Dingle

    Courses Booked on a Daily BasisFri 26th October - Fri 2nd November

    ProgrammeCourse A: Reception Year 29.30am-11am

    Course B: Year 3 Year 7 9.30am -



    Year 7 Year 11 ONLY Thursday 1st Nov

    Day 2 & Day 6 1.30pm 3.30pm

    To Book 0117 9626718 (option 1)

    Peter Bendall

    House Rugby

    On Saturday 13th October, the annual House Rugbytournament took place, with the three houses battlingit out for the Cymric Cup!

    Winners: Cunningham 4ptsSecond: Alexander 2 pts

    Third: Churchill 0 pts

    Player of the tournament: Larry WilliamsonTop Scorer: Antonio ClementeBest Players: Alexander Blackwell, Harvey Jones,Elliott Orchard, Alexander Grocott, Tom Edwards.

  • 7/31/2019 Tockington Tracker 24-10-12


    24th October, 2012

    Cross Country

    Error very sorry! - in last weeks issue it

    stated that Antonio Clemente was the firstU13 athlete home in the meeting @Cotswold Farm Park. He did well, but ElliottOrchard, our Number 1 runner this term, was thefirst one back!


    Parents Coffee Morning in the Library

    Parents are invited to a coffee morning in theLibrary on Tuesday 13th November at 8.30am.Please come and have a complimentary coffee, a

    chat (and maybe a biscuit) and browse through ourwonderful collection of books....if one takes yourfancy you can borrow it!

    Year 7 Trip to Apple Store, Cabot Circus

    On Monday 22nd October, Year 7 visited the AppleStore at Cabot Circus. The aim was for the childrento discover how the iMovie app can be used to editand add sound, words etc. to a video captured on theschools iPads.

    Next FOTM Event

    Our next evening of entertainment will be on Friday

    9th November when we will host a family bonfirenight and disco starting at 6.30pm. The fire will belit at 6.45pm. We will be selling sweets, glow sticknovelties and hot chocolate. There will also bea barbecue and bar.

    Hope to see you there!

    Colts Rugby v Colstons

    In very tough conditions at Colstons, where theheavens opened as we kicked off, tries from MaxCurtis (2), Ollie Shutt and Alex Grocott gave theColts an excellent 24-7 lead at half time. At theinterval, Colstons strengthened their team, but the

    boys battled very hard and held on for a deserved24-24 draw.MOM: Hamish Gardner.

    Visit from Nurse Becky

    Year 2 had a visit from Nurse Becky this week. Aspart of our Science topic Health and Growth , wehave been learning that medicines are useful butdrugs are not foods and can be dangerous. NurseBecky asked the children to distinguish betweensweets and pills with interesting results.

  • 7/31/2019 Tockington Tracker 24-10-12


    24th October, 2012

    Advice to Parents on Trampoline Safety

    One of the injuries Mr Edwards (brain surgeon)

    frequently sees in his clinic at Frenchay is a brokenneck caused by multiples of children bouncing ontrampolines at the same time. We felt that, astrampolines are very popular at the moment, itwould be worth passing on his concern about usingthem safely. Do keep an eye on your children whenthey play on trampolines and try to limit the numberof children using them all at once.

    Lower School Harvest Goats!

    Well done to the Lower School and their parents for

    a fantastic Harvest Festival last week. We havemanaged to raise 165 which is enough for 7.5goats!I have contacted Patricia Parker MBE, the founderof KidsforKids and she was absolutely delightedand said that ' the childrens' efforts had moved herto tears'. Patricia is making a key note speech at theRotary International Peace Conference this weekendand wants to mention the children from the LowerSchool at Tockington Manor School for theiramazing efforts.

    Strictly Mrs Howard-Robinson!

    Mrs Howard-Robinson has been dancing for 20years, just a few hours a week. She says it is greatfun and a good way to keep very fit, somethingeveryone will have seen with the Strictly shows.The photo below was taken in Belgium and theWorld 10 Dance Championships, where she came32nd out of 68. Her next competition is the BritishClosed at Blackpool in November.

    Wakelingabout Circuit of Activities

    A fun-filled Autumn afternoon of hockey hitting and

    flicking, football target kicking, throwing, runningand relays was enjoyed by all the pupils who took

    part on Saturday 20th October.Congratulations to Olivers Army, captained byOliver Harris, who won with a total of 102 points.The winning team comprised of Oliver, LaurenClark, Alexander Gooch, Oliver Shutt, Henry Allan-Jones and Helena Brain.

    A Reminder about Poppy AppealPoppies are available at school for a minimum 1donation. Please use the envelopes as much as

    possible so that gift aid can be claimed for anydonation.