
Your Guide to the



Lowell L. Koontz 2002

ii Preface

We Earthlings are far more aware of the surroundings at our feet than we are in the heavens above. The study of observational astronomy and locating someone who has expertise in this field has become a rare find. The ancient civilizations had a keen interest in their skies and used the heavens as a navigational tool and as a form of entertainment associating mythology and stories about the constellations. Constellations were derived from mankind's attempt to bring order to the chaos of stars above them. They also realized the celestial objects of the night sky were beyond the control of mankind and associated the heavens with religion. Observational astronomy and familiarity with the night sky today is limited for the following reasons: • Many people live in cities and metropolitan areas have become so well illuminated that

light pollution has become a real problem in observing the night sky. • Typical city lighting prevents one from seeing stars that are of fourth, fifth, sixth

magnitude thus only a couple hundred stars will be seen. • Under dark skies this number may be as high as 2,500 stars and many of these dim

stars helped form the patterns of the constellations. • Light pollution is accountable for reducing the appeal of the night sky and loss of

interest by many young people as the night sky is seldom seen in its full splendor. • People spend less time outside than in the past, particularly at night. • Our culture has developed such a profusion of electronic devices that we find less time

to do other endeavors in the great outdoors. Learning the constellations of the night sky, one is pretty much on their own. This booklet, the result of my own study of the celestial sphere, was first written in 1989. It was shared with others and was well accepted. In 1992 after making some corrections additional copies were circulated. This time because of the data from the satellite Hipparcos, all of the magnitudes and distances of the bright stars have been updated. Note (Ref.18) and (Ref.19) where the data has been edited. Pages 2-3 will be helpful in your use of this text. I hope this publication will help you in your investigation or serve as an aid in helping others. Remember it takes patience, persistence and repetition to become proficient with the celestial sphere.

This book is Dedicated to my Outstanding Mentor

Lee Ann Hennig

Always fighting for the recognition of astronomy and

whose life is focused on astronomical endeavors


Page 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2. Background Information and Observational Hints . . . . . . . . . . 2 3. Constellation Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4. Star Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5. Star Color and Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6. Apparent Magnitude Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 7. List of 50 Brightest Stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 8. Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 9. Constellations in Alphabetical Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 10. Constellations in Culmination Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 11. Constellations in Size Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 12. Explanation of Constellation Data Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 13. Constellation Data Sheet

Andromeda 18

Aquarius 20 Aquila. 22

Aries.. 24

Auriga 26

Boötes 28

Cancer 30

Canis Major. 32

Canis Minor. 34

iv Capricornus.. 36

Cassiopeia. 38

Cepheus. 40

Corona Borealis 42

Corvus 44

Cygnus 46

Delphinus 48

Draco.. 50

Gemini 52

Hercules. 54

Hydra. 56

Leo. 58

Libra.. 60

Lyra 62

Ophiuchus. 64

Orion. 66

Pegasus. 69

Perseus.. 71

Pisces 73

Sagittarius 75

Scorpius 77

Taurus. 80

Ursa Major. 83

Ursa Minor. 86

Virgo 88

14. Glossary of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

15. Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

16. Greek Alphabet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95


his reference source is intended for astronomy instructors, and contains information that

will help instructors obtain answers to frequently asked questions. When can the Orion

constellation be seen? Find the provided reference page on the Orion constellation, and then

refer to numbers 4 and 5. You can then tell the person that Orion is visible from November 10

until April 30, but is best seen about January 25 at 9 P.M. E.S.T.

A variety of constellations are in this guide, such as all twelve-zodiac constellations, all of

the major constellations of the Northern Hemisphere, and several dim Northern Hemisphere

constellations like Hercules, and Ophiuchus. Finally those constellations most mentioned by

people in the Northern Hemisphere, Cancer, Libra and Pisces. Celestial terminology can be

found in the glossary on page 90.

It is suggested that an amateur should start by becoming familiar with the following most easily

seen constellations- Andromeda, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Cassiopeia, Cygnus, Gemini,

Leo, Orion, Pegasus, Sagittarius, Scorpius, Taurus, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor. Sagittarius

and Scorpius are good summer constellations for viewing.

The Big Dipper and Orion are good starting points for amateurs. Advance to other

constellations by using suggested alignments #11. Becoming familiar with observational hints

will enable you to choose the best viewing nights and help one become more successful at

locating the constellations. This will help promote achievement and a continuing interest in

exploring the night sky. As questions arise in your study of constellations, refer to the questions

section of this booklet on page 11.



What is a constellation? Constellation is derived from the Latin "constellatus," set with stars; from "com-," together, and "stellare," to shine; stella, a star. A constellation is a group of stars, which might form a pattern or shape within a specific area of the sky and is often named after people, animals or objects. There are 88 constellations whose boundaries were established in the late 1920s and published in 1930 by the International Astronomical Union.

Constellations are best seen when they are at their highest point in the night sky, which is called the culmination of the constellation. The culmination dates are listed for all 88 constellations. This date is the time of the year when the constellation culminates at 9 P.M. Eastern Standard Time or 10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Saving Time. (The time when most people generally observe the sky.)

Every constellation culminates once a day, but it may be during the daylight hours and therefore not visible, or at an hour that isnt very convenient such as 2 A.M. Southern constellations that have a declination of greater than 51° south will not be seen from Northern Virginia (north latitude 39°) and points farther North. Subtracting your latitude from 90° (maximum latitude) derives this number. Examples 90°- 39°= 51°south, Tropic of Cancer 23.5° north latitude 90°- 23.5=74.5°south, equator 90°- 0°=90°south. Thus all constellations can be seen from the Earth's equator.

Observation Hints 1. The constellations are best seen at culmination because you are looking through less of the

Earth's atmosphere. Dim stars can best be seen in the direction of the zenith, remembering that even the bright sun is dimmed toward ones horizon at setting or rising. The apparent magnitude difference from the zenith to the horizon is approximately two magnitudes dimmer in brightness.

2. The least desirable time to observe the constellations is when the moon, brighter than a quarter phase, is visible in the sky during your time of observation. A full moon will prevent you from seeing sixth, fifth and fourth magnitude stars. Even third magnitude stars in the direction of the moon may be missed during observation sessions.

3. Dark skies are necessary to observe dim constellations. Night skies in the country are far darker than the skies around cities, primarily due to light pollution.

4. Learn the compass directions (cardinal points) at your observation site. You must know in which direction you are facing to find the constellations. A star or constellation finder should be used to help tell you in which direction and altitude to look for the date and time.

5. Always give your eyes at least ten to fifteen minutes to adjust to the darkness. Your eyes will still continue to adjust even after half an hour. If a flashlight is used to see a star finder, have the lens covered by a dark red filter so its light will not be as harmful in affecting your night vision.

6. Location- Open area with a good view of horizon (if possible a hill, since it gives a better view of the horizon) - minimal trees - minimal lights.

7. Weather or Sky Condition- no clouds, no haze, low relative humidity (less than 40%), little wind, high barometric pressure. Cold nights are better since cold air holds less water vapor. Therefore, if the relative humidity is the same but the temperature is different, the night with the lower temperature would generally be the best night for stargazing. The lower the dew point temperature, the less the atmospheric moisture.

3 8. Where to look in sky- the zodiac constellations lie in a band along the ecliptic that is

best viewed when due south of you. The zodiac constellations are helpful in locating planets in the night sky since the planets wander in the zone of the zodiac.

9. Obtain a "Star chart" and learn how to use it. 10. Current events- You can get one good source by calling: 202-357-2000, which is the

Smithsonian sky watchers report and contains astronomical information; other sources are the magazines, "Sky and Telescope," and "Astronomy Magazine". The weather maps in some newspapers lists the rise and set times for the observable planets, the sun and the moon. Explore web sites that refer to astronomy, amateur astronomers and planetariums.

11. Learn how to use references terms to locate objects and describe their location - Examples of references: zenith, meridian, altitude, azimuth, right ascension, declination, and ecliptic

12. How to measure celestial distances: degrees. Example: full moon = one-half of one degree; Sun = one-half of one degree; bottom of Big Dipper = eight degrees; opening in Big Dipper = ten degrees; distances between Pointer Stars = five degrees; total length of Big Dipper = twenty-five degrees; typical binocular field of view = seven degrees; width of index finger at arms length = one degree; width across fist from thumb to opposite of the hand held at arms length = ten degrees.

13. Do not assume that all constellations will rise six hours before culmination and set six hours after and be visible for twelve hours; that time frame applies to those on the celestial equator. Below the celestial equator, constellations will be up a shorter period of time, and above the celestial equator for a longer period of time. Those near the Pole Star never set. The constellations found around the Pole Star that never set are called the circumpolar constellations. There are no circumpolar constellations at the Equator and all constellations viewed from the poles of the Earth are circumpolar.


The present names of the constellations are given in most countries in Latin. Latin is considered the universal language and thus has been used by astronomers to name the standard 88 constellations. (Ref. International Astronomical Union) The Greeks gave many of the Northern Hemisphere constellations to us: Ptolemy (cal. 100-178) listed 48 constellations in his 13 volumes the Almagest; Bayer contributed 13 new constellations in 1603, most of which were in the Southern Hemisphere. At least 14 constellations were added to the deep southern skies during an expedition to the Cape of Good Hope off the tip of Africa in 1750-54. The 88 modern constellations contain 30 inanimate objects, 23 animals, 15 people (12 men and 3 women), 10 water creatures, 9 birds, and 1 insect.

1 Ant2 Ara3 Cae4 Car5 Cir6 Com7 Cor8 Cor9 Cra10 Cru11 Erid12 For13 Hor14 Lib15 Lyr16 Men17 Mic18 Nor19 Oct20 Pict21 Pup22 Pyx23 Ret24 Sag25 Scu26 Sex27 Tele28 Tria29 Tria30 Vel

1 Ari2 Cam3 Can4 Can5 Can6 Cen

7 C8 D9 E

10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 M17 Pe18 Sc19 Se20 Sa21 T22 U23 U24 V* (N

1 A2 A3 A4 B5 C6 C7 C8 G9 H

10 In11 O12 O13 Pe14 Sa15 V16 Sc


30 Inanimate objects lia - (air) pump - altar lum - chisel of a sculptors ina - keel cinus - compass (dividers)

a Berenices - ladys hair ona Australis - southern crown ona Borealis - northern crown ter - cup x- cross anus - river

nax - furnace ologium - clock ra - balance, scales a - harp sa - table

roscopium - microscope ma - ruler ans-Octant- s. celestial pole or - painters easel pis - stern or deck is - mariners compass iculum - net itta - arrow tum - shield tans - sextant scopium - telescope ngulum - triangle ngulum Australe - southern triangle

a - sails 23 Animals

es - Ram elopardalis - giraffe

es Venatici - hunting dogs is Major - greater dog is Minor - lesser dog taurus - Centaur -half horse *

23 Animals- Continued hamaeleon - land lizard raco - dragon quuleus - colt acerta - lizard eo - lion eo Minor - lesser lion epus - hare upus - wolf ynx - lynx onoceros - unicorn gasus - (winged) horse orpius - scorpion rpens - snake gittarius-bowman-half horse *

aurus - bull rsa Major - greater bear rsa Minor - lesser bear ulpecula - little fox umber 6 and 20 equals one animal)

15 People ndromeda - woman quarius -water bearer- man uriga - charioteer-man oötes - herdsman-man assiopeia - woman entaurus - Centaur-half man epheus - king -man emini - twins-male ercules - Hercules-man dus -Indian - male (us Latin suffix) phiuchus - serpent bearer -man rion - hunter -man rseus - man gittarius - bowman -half man

irgo - woman ulptor - man (Earlier this was he sculptors workshop)


The total area of the celestial sphere is 41, 253 sq. degrees.

The largest constellations-

# Name of the Constellation Size Units 1st Hydra 1303 square degrees 2nd Virgo 1294 square degrees 3rd Ursa Major 1280 square degrees 4th Cetus 1231 square degrees 5th Hercules 1225 square degrees

The smallest constellations- # Name of the Constellation Size Units

1st Crux 68 square degrees 2nd Equuleus 72 square degrees 3rd Sagitta 80 square degrees 4th Circinus 93 square degrees 5th Scutum 109 square degrees

The oldest constellations- Cassiopeia and Orion can be identified on Sumerian tablets. The Sumerian age began about 3000 BC and lasted until about 2400 BC. (Ref. World Book Encyclopedia 1984) Taurus and Leo are also considered to be among the oldest constellations.

10 Water Creatures 1 Cancer - crab 2 Capricornus - horned water goat 3 Cetus - whale 4 Delphinus - dolphin 5 Dorado- swordfish 6 Hydra - water snake (female) 7 Hydrus - water snake (male) 8 Pisces - fishes 9 Piscis Austrinus - southern fish

10 Volans - flying fish

9 Birds 1 Apus - Bird of Paradise 2 Aquila - eagle 3 Columba - dove (Noahs) 4 Corvus - crow 5 Cygnus - swan 6 Grus - crane 7 Pavo - peacock 8 Phoenix - sun bird 9 Tucana - the toucan bird of S. H.

1 Insect 1 Musca - fly


Many star names are derived from Arabic such as: Betelgeuse, Algol, Alioth, Aklaid, Almach, Alphecca, Alpheratz, and Altair. Any star with the "Al" prefix is Arabic in origin. During the Dark Ages only the Arabs continued to record observations of the sky and their terminology has persisted. The brightest stars are individually named while others are given number and letter designations within the constellations, which translates into only 200 to 300 stars having names. In 1603 Bayer identified stars visible to the naked eye by using a convenient system that is still widely used today; this system designates the brighter stars in a constellation with letters of the Greek alphabet: α, β, χ, δ, etc. Generally, the letters are assigned in descending order of brightness, with alpha denoting the star of greatest brightness in the constellation. During the winter months, the stars visible on either side of the south meridian at 9 P.M. Eastern Standard time are named the Winter Constellations. Similarly after spring begins, the new constellations in the southern sky are known as the Spring Constellations. Remember constellations to the south change during the seasons of the year, but those in the north can be seen year round (the circumpolar constellations.)

HISTORY OF THE WORD "STAR" " Astarte " - Sumerian Goddess " Ishtar " - Babylonian Goddess of Love and War " Aster " - Greek for "star" " Stella " - Latin for "star"

From the Oxford Dictionary the following history of the word is given

YEAR SPELLING SOURCE 825 STEORRA OLD ENGLISH 1205 STEORRA MIDDLE ENGLISH 1340 STERRE MIDDLE ENGLISH 1449 STERRIS A later form 1588 STEARRES A later form 1784 STARS Was used by WILLIAM COWPER British poet (1731-1800) first in its

present form in his works.


Few people notice that stars show faint color differences. The color tints can easily be observed with particular stars. The telescope, which increases the amount of light, further discloses the stars color. The easily noticed colors are red, yellow and bluish-white. A stars color is directly associated with its surface temperature; blue stars are hot stars and red stars are cooler stars. Yellow, the color of our Sun, is the color band to which the human eye is most sensitive. Color is detected by the cones in the retina at the back of the eye and is used mainly in day vision. Rods are used for night vision and low luminosities, as they are more sensitive to light. Rods do not detect color, so the human eye is not really designed to be an actual color detector under dim lighting conditions like the night sky. True star colors are best measured by using films that are sensitive to light in the different color bands. Star Color Associated with Surface Temperature of Stars and Star Classification (Ref. 16, p. 424) The order of the identifying letters in the spectral classification is a matter of historical accident, and the letters themselves have no particular significance. Two other rare classes are the C- and S- type stars. These are cool stars that overlap the K- and M-type in terms of temperature, but are placed in separate categories due to chemistry within the star. Very few of these stars are visible without optical aid, though the C- type U Hydrae, and the S- type Chi Cygni are exceptions.

SPECTRAL Classification

Star Color

Surface Temperature


O Blue Greater than 45,000 degrees F

10 Lacertae

B Blue 45,000 degrees to 20,000 degrees F

Rigel, Spica

A Blue 20,000 degrees to 13,000 degrees F

Sirius, Vega

F Blue to White

13,000 degrees to 10,500 degrees F Canopus, Procyon

G White to Yellow

10,500 degrees to 9,000 degrees F Sun, Capella

K Orange to Red

9,000 degrees to 6,000 degrees F Arcturus, Aldebaran

M Red Less than 6,000 degrees F

Betelgeuse, Antares


The apparent (VM) is really a means by which astronomers communicate the brightness of a celestial object. In second century B.C., Hipparchus created the first magnitude scale by declaring the brightest stars were "of the first magnitude," the next brightest group of stars was "of the second magnitude" and so forth until the faintest stars visible to the naked eye were "of the sixth magnitude." Norman R. Pogson placed Hipparchus's scale on a mathematical basis in 1856. A difference of about 100 in brightness equaled 5 magnitudes. Currently 5 magnitudes are equal to a brightness ratio of 100 to 1. Over time refined instruments allowed astronomers to discover stars brighter than first magnitude that resulted in the use of zero and negative numbers. The brightest star is Sirius, whose magnitude is -1.4. What is hard for students to realize is the lower the magnitude, the brighter the star.

Difference in Magnitude Factor in Brightness 1 magnitude 2.512 times

2 magnitudes 6.31 times

3 magnitudes 15.85 times

4 magnitudes 39.81 times

5 magnitudes 100.0 times

6 magnitudes 251.0 times

7 magnitudes 631.0 times

8 magnitudes 1585.0 times

9 magnitudes 3,981.0 times

10 magnitudes 10,000.0 times

Magnitude Number Relative to the Brightness of Known Objects Limits of a 6 to 10 inch telescope +10.0 to +12.0 magnitude

Dimmest star seen (naked eye) Under the best sky conditions

+6.0 magnitude

Polaris (north star) +2.0 magnitude

Vega 0.0 magnitude

Brightest star of the night (Sirius) -1.4 magnitude

Brightest planet Venus (generally) -4.0 magnitude

Full moon -12.5 magnitude

Sun -26.7 magnitude


MAGNITUDE NUMBER Magnitude Brightness What is seen at this magnitude

0 Extremely bright

Bright stars such as Capella in Auriga and Vega in Lyra. There are only four stars brighter than zero magnitude.

1 Very bright

Stars stand out among their neighbors. Conventionally any star brighter than 1.50 is said to be of the "first magnitude" There are only eleven stars between zero and first magnitude.

2 Moderately bright

Stars such as Polaris There are thirty-three stars between first and second magnitude.

3 Faint stars

Stars can still be seen, even in conditions of some haze or fairly strong moonlight.

4 Fainter stars

Fainter still, stars are concealed by moonlight (near full moon phase). The Milky Way Galaxy is generally NOT seen in a sky where only fourth magnitude stars can be seen.

5 Too faint

Stars too faint to be seen with the naked eye except when the sky is dark and clear. These are not seen in urban areas. Milky Way Galaxy can be observed in a sky where fifth magnitude stars can be seen.

6 Faintest stars

Stars visible with the naked eye under very good conditions, a totally dark sky. Milky Way Galaxy stands out clearly in a sky where sixth magnitude stars can be seen

(Ref. 10, p. 15) Moore, Patrick, Star Gazing Astronomy Without A Telescope, First Edition, 113 Crossways Park Drive, Woodburg, N.Y., Barron's Educational Series, Inc., 1985.


Magnitude of Stars Total number of stars seen in the entire sky

Magnitude less than 0 Only 4 stars Magnitude 0 to 1 11 stars Magnitude 1 to 2 Equals approximately 30 stars Magnitude 2 to 3 Equals approximately 90 stars Magnitude 3 to 4 Equals approximately 265 stars Magnitude 4 to 5 Equals approximately 915 stars Magnitude 5 to 6 Equals approximately 2400 stars Reference "Naked I Astronomy" by George Reed, former professor of astronomy at West Chester University in Pennsylvania.


Star Star Star Constellation Apparent Absolute Distance Number Name Genitive Designation Magnitude Magnitude in LY

1 Sirius α Canis Majoris -1.44 1.45 8.6 2 Canopus α Carinae -0.62 -5.53 312.6 3 Arcturus α Boötis -0.05 -0.31 36.7 4 Rigel Kent α Centauri -0.01 4.34 4.4 5 Vega α Lyrae 0.03 0.58 25.3 6 Capella α Aurigae 0.08 -0.48 42.2 7 Rigel β Orionis 0.18 -6.69 772.5 8 Procyon α Canis Minoris 0.40 2.68 11.4 9 Betelgeuse α Orionis 0.45 -5.14 427.3

10 Achernar α Eridani 0.45 -2.77 143.7 11 Hadar β Centauri 0.61 -5.42 525.0 12 Altair α Aquilae 0.76 2.20 16.8 13 Acrux α1 Crucis 0.77 -4.19 320.6 14 Aldebaran α Tauri 0.87 -0.63 65.1 15 Spica α Virginis 0.98 -3.55 262.1 16 Antares α Scorpii 1.06 -5.28 603.7 17 Pollux β Geminorum 1.16 1.09 33.7 18 Fomalhaut α Piscis Austrini 1.17 1.74 25.1 19 Deneb α Cygni 1.25 -8.73 3227.8 20 Beta Crux β Crucis 1.25 -3.92 352.4 21 Regulus α Leonis 1.36 -0.52 77.5 22 Adhara ε Canis Majoris 1.50 -4.10 430.7 23 Castor α Geminorum 1.58 0.59 51.5 24 Gamma Crux γ Crucis 1.59 -0.56 87.9 25 Shaula λ Scorpii 1.62 -5.05 702.6 26 Bellatrix γ Orionis 1.64 -2.72 242.9 27 El Nath β Tauri 1.65 -1.37 131.0 28 Miaplacidus β Carinae 1.67 -0.99 111.1 29 Alnilam ε Orionis 1.69 -6.38 1341.6 30 Alnair α Gruis 1.73 -0.73 101.4 31 Alnitak ζ Orionis 1.74 -5.26 817.0 32 Gamma Vela γ Velorum 1.75 -5.31 840.2 33 Alioth ε Ursae Majoris 1.76 -0.21 80.9 34 Kaus Australius ε Sagittarii 1.79 -1.44 144.6 35 Mirfak α Persei 1.79 -4.50 591.7 36 Dubhe α Ursae Majoris 1.81 -1.08 123.6 37 Wezen δ Canis Majoris 1.83 -6.87 1791.2 38 Alkaid η Ursae Majoris 1.85 -0.60 100.6 39 Sargas θ Scorpii 1.86 -2.75 271.9 40 Anvior ε Carinae 1.86 -4.58 631.8 41 Menkalinan β Aurigae 1.90 -0.10 82.1 42 Atria α Tranguli 1.91 -3.62 415.3 43 Delta Velorum δ Velorum 1.93 -0.01 79.7 44 Alhena γ Geminorum 1.93 -0.60 104.8 45 Alpha Pavo α Pavonis 1.94 -1.81 183.1 46 Polaris α Ursae Minoris 1.97 -3.64 431.2 47 Mirzam β Canis Majoris 1.98 -3.95 499.2 48 Alphard α Hydrae 1.99 -1.69 177.2 49 Algieba, Algeiba γ Leonis 2.01 -0.92 125.6 50 Hamal α Arietis 2.01 0.48 65.9

Ref. The 150 stars in the Hipparcos Catalogue with highest apparent magnitude from website - < > and some star names taken from Ref. 8 page 180


Why study constellations? For thousands of years people of many cultures have used stars for guiding them from one place to another. The North Star is within 1° of true north whereas the compass in Fairfax County is off by a full 7°. Knowing the stars of constellations can make you feel at home with familiar skies even when you are hundreds of miles away. The number of degrees the North Star is above the horizon equals your latitude. Fairfax Co. is between 38.5° and 39.2° latitude, so Polaris is always 38.5° to 39.2° above the north horizon in Fairfax, Virginia. If you know the constellations, you will find it easy to track the planets as they move against the star background. Constellations help you observe dim objects in the sky, such as comets, or spot the area of the sky where meteor showers occur. Constellations may also be used as a frame of reference in conversation with someone else about where they observed an object, like the ISS, the International Space Station, crossing the sky. Amazingly, constellations examined today look basically the same as they did 5,000 years ago and will remain similar for the next 5,000 years. The fastest moving star is thought to be Barnards star that changes its position by the width of the diameter of the full moon in about 200 years. Stars exemplify symbols of importance. We highlight movie stars, sports stars, and rising stars in politics and business. Only 11 of the 50 state flags do not have stars somewhere on them.

1. What is a star? A star is a very large, glowing, sphere of gas due to its very high temperature. Our sun is a star, and is the only one near enough so that we can see its real shape. The sun's light reaches our planet in a little over 8 minutes.

2. What is the closest star other than the sun? It is Proxima Centauri at 4.22 light years.

3. What is a light year? The distance light travels in one year, or 6 trillion miles. 4. What is the speed of light? 186,287.49 miles per second (300,000 km/sec.); actual

299,792,458 meters per second 5. Why do stars seem to twinkle? Starlight coming to us through the moving layers of

air we call our atmosphere causes the apparent twinkling of stars 6. Why cant stars be seen during the day? The stars are present even in the daytime

sky. The Sun's light is scattered through our atmosphere (coloring it blue) and making the sky so bright you cant see the stars in space beyond our atmosphere.

7. Why do the stars and sun and moon move toward the west in the sky? They arent really moving to the west, but only seem to because of the rotation of our Earth toward the east.

8. What is rotation? It is the spin motion of a planet on its axis. The Earth turns 15° per hour, or 1040 miles per hour, completing one turn in about 24 hours.

12 9. How big can stars be? The sun is an average size star. There are stars that are at least 500 to 700 times the size of the sun, such as Betelgeuse, the bright star in the upper east shoulder of Orion the Hunter. Some red giant stars are thought to be so large that if they replaced our Sun their surface would extend out to the orbit of Saturn.

10. How small can stars be? There are stars called neutron stars that are thought to be less than 10 miles in diameter. Black Holes are even smaller.

11. What are stars made of? More than 90% of most stars are comprised mainly of hydrogen and some helium.

12. How old are stars? Small stars live a longer life than large stars. The range in a stars life is from about one half a million to over 12 billion years.

13. What is a supernova? It is a star that explodes and becomes billions of times brighter for a few months, then dims in a period of a year or two until only a telescope will allow you to observe it.

14. What is the brightest star other than our sun seen in our skies? Sirius at 8.6 light years (Ref.18) (See the constellation Canis Major)

15. What is the surface temperature range for stars from cool to hot stars? They range from about 2,500 degrees F to over 220,000 degrees F. (See table- page 7)

16. How do stars shine and make their energy? By nuclear reactions in their core- otherwise called nuclear fusion.

17. How many stars are there? Our Milky Way Galaxy has over 200 billion stars. Over 200 billion galaxies have been observed.

18. How many stars are named? Only a few of the brighter stars actually have names, (about 200 to 300)

19. How are the distances to nearby stars measured? Stars distances are measured by parallax, which measures the angle of one star to nearby stars against the background of more distant stars. Parallax is only accurate to several thousand light years with Hipparcos data. The Cepheid variable technique is another useful measurement out to millions of light-years.

20. What are binary stars? Two stars that move around each other and are held in their orbits by their mutual gravity.

21. What is a black hole? A collapsed massive star, so dense that not even light can escape the pull of its gravity.

22. What is a galaxy? A large system of millions to hundreds of billions of stars, often containing large amounts of dust and gas.

23. What is a red giant star? A cool, red star, very bright because of its large size; a late stage in the life of a typical star.

24. What is a white dwarf? A small dense hot white star; the final stage in stellar evolution of stars with masses similar to the Sun's or smaller. (generally equal to the Earth's diameter in size)




1 ANDROMEDA 722 10-Nov 45 LACERTA 201 10-Oct 2 ANTLIA 239 05-Apr 46 LEO 947 10-Apr 3 APUS 206 30-Jun 47 LEO MINOR 232 10-Apr 4 AQUARIUS 980 10-Oct 48 LEPUS 290 25-Jan 5 AQUILA 652 30-Aug 49 LIBRA 538 20-Jun 6 ARA 237 20-Jul 50 LUPUS 334 20-Jun 7 ARIES 441 10-Dec 51 LYNX 545 05-Mar 8 AURIGA 657 30-Jan 52 LYRA 286 15-Aug 9 BOÖTES 907 15-Jun 53 MENSA 153 30-Jan

10 CAELUM 125 15-Jan 54 MICROSCOPIUM 210 20-Sep 11 CAMELOPARDALIS 757 01-Feb 55 MONOCEROS 482 20-Feb 12 CANCER 506 15-Mar 56 MUSCA 138 10-May 13 CANES VENATICI 465 20-May 57 NORMA 165 05-Jul 14 CANIS MAJOR 380 15-Feb 58 OCTANS 291 20-Sep 15 CANIS MINOR 183 01-Mar 59 OPHIUCHUS 948 25-Jul 16 CAPRICORNUS 414 20-Sep 60 ORION 594 25-Jan 17 CARINA 494 15-Mar 61 PAVO 378 25-Aug 18 CASSIOPEIA 598 20-Nov 62 PEGASUS 1121 20-Oct 19 CENTAURUS 1060 20-May 63 PERSEUS 615 25-Dec 20 CEPHEUS 588 15-Oct 64 PHOENIX 469 20-Nov 21 CETUS 1231 30-Nov 65 PICTOR 247 20-Jan 22 CHAMAELEON 132 15-Apr 66 PISCES 889 10-Nov 23 CIRCINUS 93 15-Jun 67 PISCIS AUSTRINUS 245 10-Oct 24 COLUMBA 270 30-Jan 68 PUPPIS 673 25-Feb 25 COMA BERENICES 386 15-May 69 PYXIS 221 15-Mar 26 CORONA AUSTRALIS 128 15-Aug 70 RETICULUM 114 30-Dec 27 CORONA BOREALIS 179 30-Jun 71 SAGITTA 80 30-Aug 28 CORVUS 184 10-May 72 SAGITTARIUS 867 20-Aug 29 CRATER 282 25-Apr 73 SCORPIUS 497 20-Jul 30 CRUX 68 10-May 74 SCULPTOR 475 10-Nov 31 CYGNUS 804 10-Sep 75 SCUTUM 109 15-Aug 32 DELPHINUS 189 15-Sep 76 SERPENS 637 15-Jul 33 DORADO 179 20-Jan 77 SEXTANS 314 05-Apr 34 DRACO 1083 20-Jul 78 TAURUS 797 15-Jan 35 EQUULEUS 72 20-Sep 79 TELESCOPIUM 252 24-Aug 36 ERIDANUS 1138 05-Jan 80 TRIANGULUM 132 05-Dec 37 FORNAX 398 15-Dec 81 TRIANGULUM AUSTRALE 110 05-Jul 38 GEMINI 514 20-Feb 82 TUCANA 295 05-Nov 39 GRUS 366 10-Oct 83 URSA MAJOR 1280 20-Apr 40 HERCULES 1225 25-Jul 84 URSA MINOR 256 25-Jun 41 HOROLOGIUM 249 25-Dec 85 VELA 500 25-Mar 42 HYDRA 1303 20-Apr 86 VIRGO 1294 25-May 43 HYDRUS 243 10-Dec 87 VOLANS 141 01-Mar 44 INDUS 294 25-Sep 88 VULPECULA 268 10-Sep



1 ERIDANUS 1138 05-Jan 45 NORMA 165 05-Jul 2 CAELUM 125 15-Jan 46 TRIANGULUM AUSTRALE 110 05-Jul 3 TAURUS 797 15-Jan 47 SERPENS 637 15-Jul 4 DORADO 179 20-Jan 48 ARA 237 20-Jul 5 PICTOR 247 20-Jan 49 DRACO 1083 20-Jul 6 LEPUS 290 25-Jan 50 SCORPIUS 497 20-Jul 7 ORION 594 25-Jan 51 HERCULES 1225 25-Jul 8 AURIGA 657 30-Jan 52 OPHIUCHUS 948 25-Jul 9 COLUMBA 270 30-Jan 53 CORONA AUSTRALIS 128 15-Aug

10 MENSA 153 30-Jan 54 LYRA 286 15-Aug 11 CAMELOPARDALIS 757 01-Feb 55 SCUTUM 109 15-Aug 12 CANIS MAJOR 380 15-Feb 56 SAGITTARIUS 867 20-Aug 13 GEMINI 514 20-Feb 57 TELESCOPIUM 252 24-Aug 14 MONOCEROS 482 20-Feb 58 PAVO 378 25-Aug 15 PUPPIS 673 25-Feb 59 AQUILA 652 30-Aug 16 CANIS MINOR 183 01-Mar 60 SAGITTA 80 30-Aug 17 VOLANS 141 01-Mar 61 CYGNUS 804 10-Sep 18 LYNX 545 05-Mar 62 VULPECULA 268 10-Sep 19 CANCER 506 15-Mar 63 DELPHINUS 189 15-Sep 20 CARINA 494 15-Mar 64 CAPRICORNUS 414 20-Sep 21 PYXIS 221 15-Mar 65 EQUULEUS 72 20-Sep 22 VELA 500 25-Mar 66 MICROSCOPIUM 210 20-Sep 23 ANTLIA 239 05-Apr 67 OCTANS 291 20-Sep 24 SEXTANS 314 05-Apr 68 INDUS 294 25-Sep 25 LEO 947 10-Apr 69 AQUARIUS 980 10-Oct 26 LEO MINOR 232 10-Apr 70 GRUS 366 10-Oct 27 CHAMAELEON 132 15-Apr 71 LACERTA 201 10-Oct 28 HYDRA 1303 20-Apr 72 PISCIS AUSTRINUS 245 10-Oct 29 URSA MAJOR 1280 20-Apr 73 CEPHEUS 588 15-Oct 30 CRATER 282 25-Apr 74 PEGASUS 1121 20-Oct 31 CORVUS 184 10-May 75 TUCANA 295 05-Nov 32 CRUX 68 10-May 76 ANDROMEDA 722 10-Nov 33 MUSCA 138 10-May 77 PISCES 889 10-Nov 34 COMA BERENICES 386 15-May 78 SCULPTOR 475 10-Nov 35 CANES VENATICI 465 20-May 79 CASSIOPEIA 598 20-Nov 36 CENTAURUS 1060 20-May 80 PHOENIX 469 20-Nov 37 VIRGO 1294 25-May 81 CETUS 1231 30-Nov 38 BOÖTES 907 15-Jun 82 TRIANGULUM 132 05-Dec 39 CIRCINUS 93 15-Jun 83 ARIES 441 10-Dec 40 LIBRA 538 20-Jun 84 HYDRUS 243 10-Dec 41 LUPUS 334 20-Jun 85 FORNAX 398 15-Dec 42 URSA MINOR 256 25-Jun 86 HOROLOGIUM 249 25-Dec 43 APUS 206 30-Jun 87 PERSEUS 615 25-Dec 44 CORONA BOREALIS 179 30-Jun 88 RETICULUM 114 30-Dec



1 HYDRA 1303 20-Apr 45 GRUS 366 10-Oct 2 VIRGO 1294 25-May 46 LUPUS 334 20-Jun 3 URSA MAJOR 1280 20-Apr 47 SEXTANS 314 05-Apr 4 CETUS 1231 30-Nov 48 TUCANA 295 05-Nov 5 HERCULES 1225 25-Jul 49 INDUS 294 25-Sep 6 ERIDANUS 1138 05-Jan 50 OCTANS 291 20-Sep 7 PEGASUS 1121 20-Oct 51 LEPUS 290 25-Jan 8 DRACO 1083 20-Jul 52 LYRA 286 15-Aug 9 CENTAURUS 1060 20-May 53 CRATER 282 25-Apr

10 AQUARIUS 980 10-Oct 54 COLUMBA 270 30-Jan 11 OPHIUCHUS 948 25-Jul 55 VULPECULA 268 10-Sep 12 LEO 947 10-Apr 56 URSA MINOR 256 25-Jun 13 BOÖTES 907 15-Jun 57 TELESCOPIUM 252 24-Aug 14 PISCES 889 10-Nov 58 HOROLOGIUM 249 25-Dec 15 SAGITTARIUS 867 20-Aug 59 PICTOR 247 20-Jan 16 CYGNUS 804 10-Sep 60 PISCIS AUSTRINUS 245 10-Oct 17 TAURUS 797 15-Jan 61 HYDRUS 243 10-Dec 18 CAMELOPARDALIS 757 01-Feb 62 ANTLIA 239 05-Apr 19 ANDROMEDA 722 10-Nov 63 ARA 237 20-Jul 20 PUPPIS 673 25-Feb 64 LEO MINOR 232 10-Apr 21 AURIGA 657 30-Jan 65 PYXIS 221 15-Mar 22 AQUILA 652 30-Aug 66 MICROSCOPIUM 210 20-Sep 23 SERPENS 637 15-Jul 67 APUS 206 30-Jun 24 PERSEUS 615 25-Dec 68 LACERTA 201 10-Oct 25 CASSIOPEIA 598 20-Nov 69 DELPHINUS 189 15-Sep 26 ORION 594 25-Jan 70 CORVUS 184 10-May 27 CEPHEUS 588 15-Oct 71 CANIS MINOR 183 01-Mar 28 LYNX 545 05-Mar 72 CORONA BOREALIS 179 30-Jun 29 LIBRA 538 20-Jun 73 DORADO 179 20-Jan 30 GEMINI 514 20-Feb 74 NORMA 165 05-Jul 31 CANCER 506 15-Mar 75 MENSA 153 30-Jan 32 VELA 500 25-Mar 76 VOLANS 141 01-Mar 33 SCORPIUS 497 20-Jul 77 MUSCA 138 10-May 34 CARINA 494 15-Mar 78 CHAMAELEON 132 15-Apr 35 MONOCEROS 482 20-Feb 79 TRIANGULUM 132 05-Dec 36 SCULPTOR 475 10-Nov 80 CORONA AUSTRALIS 128 15-Aug 37 PHOENIX 469 20-Nov 81 CAELUM 125 15-Jan 38 CANES VENATICI 465 20-May 82 RETICULUM 114 30-Dec 39 ARIES 441 10-Dec 83 TRIANGULUM AUSTRALE 110 05-Jul 40 CAPRICORNUS 414 20-Sep 84 SCUTUM 109 15-Aug 41 FORNAX 398 15-Dec 85 CIRCINUS 93 15-Jun 42 COMA BERENICES 386 15-May 86 SAGITTA 80 30-Aug 43 CANIS MAJOR 380 15-Feb 87 EQUULEUS 72 20-Sep 44 PAVO 378 25-Aug 88 CRUX 68 10-May


1. Latin Name of Constellation- All 88 constellations are given Latin names since it is considered the universal language. The 12 zodiac constellations are listed along with the date when the sun is in that constellation and their numeric order in the zodiac. For example, Aries, the first of the zodiac constellations, has the Sun in it between April 19 to May 15 and in the future these dates will advance with time due to the precession of the Earth. 2. The English name is given to distinguish an actual form or mere resemblance with the associated star pattern. 3. In the pronunciation, capital letters indicate where the accent should be placed in the pronunciation of the name. Reference #17 was the most widely used reference. 4. The date of culmination is the date when the constellation will be highest in the sky on the meridian at 9 PM Eastern Standard Time. If you are on daylight saving time, the date given will correspond to the time 10 P.M. 5. The constellation should be visible during the dates listed at 9 PM Eastern standard time or 10 P.M. daylight saving time, but will be best observed on the date of culmination (date listed in #4) as it will be higher in the sky. Remember the closer a constellation is to the zenith the smaller the amount of atmosphere and haze you have to gaze through to see the constellation. 6. Constellation star counts by magnitude- a constellation near or viewed against the cross sectional view of the Milky Way Galaxy has a higher star density and larger number of stars. Generally, you will be interested in the stars of fourth magnitude or brighter, or second magnitude or brighter. In areas with streetlights, during times of the gibbous moon and full moon or hazy conditions, stars of third magnitude or brighter (lower numbers) are the only visible stars. 7. The constellation diagrams can vary considerably. The diagram given is only a suggested version. Even astronomers have their own personal idea of how the stars should be connected. The teacher shouldnt try to convert the student to one particular constellation diagram, but should make it clear to the student that the image is far different than the diagrams shown for the constellations. The diagrams are not to scale, relative to other constellations. See category #13 for the size and rank of constellations. The use of Greek letters is explained in number eight. 8. The alpha star in a constellation is generally the brightest star. However, dont assume this is always the case since Bayer sometimes picked the alpha star because of position (and some are apparently mistakes) as some stars of near equal brightness were ranked incorrectly. See the alpha star of Corvus, Hydra, Sagittarius, Ursa Major, and Ursa Minor for examples. It was soon learned that not all stars have proper names; only the brighter stars were given names by the ancient observers. The most convenient and widely used system for identifying stars visible to the naked eye was devised by Bayer in 1603. This system designates the brighter stars in a constellation with letters of the Greek alphabet: α, β, γ, δ, etc. Generally, the letters are assigned in descending order of brightness, with alpha denoting the star of greatest brightness in the constellation. Ranking refers to the star's place in the order of brightness among visible stars. Ranking comes from data listed in Hipparcos chart. (Reference #18)

17 9. The brighter stars of the constellation are given with name, meaning of name, pronunciation, distance, magnitude, and other interesting information, for example, if it is a double or binary star. 10. The description of the shape of the constellation provides you with its real appearance for viewing. Example: Leo looks like a backward "?" mark, instead of the shape of a lion. 11. Alignments help the observer know where to look in the sky and generally include alignments of the brighter stellar objects. 12. Location The relation of neighboring constellations to a star illustrates its location that will become more meaningful as you learn more constellations. 13. The size of the constellation is rounded off to the nearest whole degree and provides its rank in size among the 88 constellations. 14. The following information will help you locate the star in the sky, as latitude and longitude locates one on earth. Your grasping the following specific information will be helpful but seldom used and is included for those with a more in depth interest in astronomy. Ecliptic is the apparent path the sun follows across the sky during the year, and is within 7° of the path taken by the moon and all the observable planets. It is the apparent path, as it is really the motion of the earth in its orbit that causes this apparent motion of the Sun. The zodiac constellations lie along the ecliptic thus can help one locate planets. All the observable planets orbit the sun in nearly a flat plane, thus the reason they all seem to follow the ecliptic. (Exceptions are Mercury (7°) and Pluto (17.2°).)

Celestial equator is the imaginary projection of the earths equator into the sky.

Celestial longitude is longitude measured in degrees east along the ecliptic from the vernal equinox.

Vernal equinox is the intersection point of the ecliptic and the celestial equator that the sun passes on its way above or to the north of the celestial equator.

Now we can define right ascension and declination. Right ascension is the angle of a celestial object east of the vernal equinox, along the celestial equator, and is measured in hours, minutes and seconds. If you determine sidereal time and it is 5 hrs. 30 minutes, it means Orion is at culmination on the meridian as its right ascension is between 4 hours 41 minutes and 6 hours 23 minutes.

Declination is the celestial coordinate analogous to latitude and is used in astronomy to measure the number of degrees, minutes and seconds of arc north (+) or south (-) of the celestial equator. Stars with a declination of -51° or more cannot be seen in Fairfax County. Stars with a declination of +51° or more are circumpolar in Fairfax County.

15. Mythology- This book summarizes the more popular Greek mythological stories associated with the constellation. There are many other references, but Mythology by Edith Hamilton may be most helpful. 16. Remarks- This section is left for interesting comments about the different constellations and additional information.


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION -------------- Andromeda 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ The Chained Lady 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Ann - DROM - eh - da 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN AT 9P.M.- November 10 (Ref. 2, p. 70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9 P.M. E.S.T.- AUGUST 1 - MARCH 11 (Ref.6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 100 (Ref. 5, p. 236) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 25 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 7 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 0 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.° --- 9.19 (Ref. 8, p. 177)


8. ALPHA(see PegasDistance: 3(Ref.19) Abrighter thaconstellatio9. OTHER

Beta ββββ Mir199.3 light

Gamma γγγγ (Almaak) MFlamsteed:

STAR OF CONSTELLATION- α α α α Alpheratz (Al - FEE - rats) "horses navel" us constellation) is the head star of Andromeda. Magnitude: + 2.07 Ranking: 55 3.6 light years Spectrum Class: A0 Flamsteed: # 21 Hipparcos: #677 (Ref.18) lpheratz is a blue-white star, a spectroscopic binary and approximately 100 times n our sun. This star as indicated by its Arabic name was meant to be a part of the n Pegasus but it is now within the boundary of Andromeda. (Ref. 15, p. 421) MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p. 112)

ach (MY - rack) "the loins" (Ref.15, p. 5) Magnitude: +2.07 Ranking: 57 Distance: years Spectrum Class: MO Flamsteed: # 43 Hipparcos: #5447 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Almak (AL - mac) literally "the earth - kid" (Ref.15, p. 5) (Ref.1) (Ref.2, p.112) agnitude: +2.10 Ranking: 61 Distance: 354.7 light years Spectrum Class: KO

# 57 Hipparcos: #9640 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

19 10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Crooked thin "V" shape that converges into the star Alpheratz. The upper line has four dim stars; the lower line has four corresponding brighter stars. 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- Find the Great Square of Pegasus. The NE corner star is the brightest star in Andromeda. The brighter side of stars of the "V," if extended, will almost meet the bright star Capella after going through Perseus. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- It is south of the constellations of Perseus and Cassiopeia and north of Triangulum and Pisces. Andromeda is to the east of Pegasus and Lacerta and to the west of Perseus and Triangulum. 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 722° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 19th (Ref. 2, p. 70) (Ref. 2, p. 70) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES (Ref. 5, p. 236) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 22 HOURS, 56 MINUTES TO 02 HOURS, 36 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION +21.4° TO +52.9° 15. MYTHOLOGY- Andromeda is the princess, or daughter of Queen Cassiopeia and King Cepheus. Her mother enraged the sea nymphs by boasting of her beauty. Neptune punished Cassiopeia for her vanity and conceit and said he would destroy her city unless she sacrificed her daughter to the sea monster Cetus that was ravaging the coast. In the end, Perseus killed the sea monster and saved Andromeda. (Ref. 3, p. 189) 16. REMARKS- Alpheratz is a star borrowed by Pegasus in order to create the distinctive "square." On November14th each year, the Andromedids or Bielids radiate from a point near Almak. The Andromeda Galaxy appears near the 3rd star. Starting with Alpheratz as one, count up the right side of the "V". The Galaxy is a hazy spot rated as a 4.8 magnitude object. See the triangle on the constellation diagram on p. 18, # 7. Andromeda has been observed as far back in history as A.D. 905, with a distance of 2.1 million light years. Astronomers know Andromeda as M31 that resembles a spiral galaxy like our Milky Way Galaxy. (Ref. 2, p. 112)


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION -------------- Aquarius

The eleventh Zodiac Constellation [Sun in Aquarius from approximately February 17 to March 13] (Ref. 2, p. 114) 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Water Bearer 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- ack- KWAIR-ee-us 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN AT 9P.M.- October 10 (Ref. 2, p.70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - August 20 - December 20 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 90 (Ref. 5, p. 236) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 31 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 7 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 0 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°----- 3.16 (Ref. 8, p.177)


8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Sadalmelik (SAD-al-MEL-ich) "lucky one of the king" "red star" and culminates October 11 (Ref. 15, p. 432) Magnitude: +2.95 Distance: 758.1 light years Spectrum Class: G0 Flamsteed: # 34 Hipparcos: #109074 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p. 114)

Beta ββββ Sadalsud (SAD-al-SUE-ud) "luckiest of the lucky" "yellow star" (Sadalsuud) Magnitude: +2.90 Distance: 611.6 light years Spectrum Class: G0 Flamsteed: # 22 Hipparcos: #106278 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Gamma γγγγ Sadachbia (SAD-AK-bay-ah) "lucky star of hidden things" "white star" (Sadalachbia) Magnitude: +3.86 Distance: 157.7 light years Spectrum Class: A0 Flamsteed: # 48 Hipparcos: #110395 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

21 Delta δδδδ Skat (Skate) Arabic "the leg" (Ref. 15, p. 6) (Scheat) Magnitude: +3.27 Distance: 159.5 light years Spectrum Class: A2 Flamsteed: # 76 Hipparcos: #113136 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Eta εεεε Al Bali (al-BAY-lee) "the lucky star of the swallower" (Ref. 15, p. 6) Magnitude: +3.78 Distance: 229.4 light years Spectrum Class: A0 Flamsteed: #2 Hipparcos: #102618 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Theta θθθθ Ancha (ANG-ka) "the hip" Magnitude: +4.17 Distance: 191.3 light years Spectrum Class: K0 Flamsteed: #43 Hipparcos: #110003 (Ref.18) (Ref.19). 10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- This constellation is very dim having no star much brighter than 3rd magnitude and a very poorly defined shape of any water bearer. Of the twelve zodiac constellations this is one of the hardest to imagine resemblance to its human form. The constellation is usually described as a man pouring water from a jar. His head is the star Sadalmelik; his legs run down to star Albali, which is right over Capricornus. The water is flowing out of the urn south towards Skat and the bright first magnitude star Fomalhaut in Piscis Austrinus. 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- A line from the N.W. to S.E. corner of Pegasus, if extended downward, will run near the head of the "water bearer." 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- Aquarius is south of Pegasus and Equuleus, north of Piscis Austrinus and Capricornus, west of Cetus and east of Aquila and Capricornus 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 980° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 10th (Ref. 2, p. 70) (Ref. 2, p. 70) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES (Ref. 5, p. 236) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 20 HOURS, 36 MINUTES TO 23 HOURS, 54MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION +03.1° TO -25.2° 15. MYTHOLOGY- The Greeks identify Aquarius to the ancient legend of Ganymede; who was the cupbearer to Jove (Jupiter or Zeus). Aquila "the flying Eagle" bore Ganymede aloft to his place in the sky with Zeus. 16. REMARKS- In Egypt, the rainy season began when the sun rose concurrently with the stars of Aquarius. Man pouring water from an urn or jar "Aquarids" radiates from this area. In the so-called "Age of Aquarius," the vernal equinox will be located in this constellation in about 600 years from the present. (Ref. 2, p. 114) (The Delta Aquarids radiate from this region from July 15th to August 15th- at an estimate of 20-35 per hour.) This meteor shower is a part of the Arietid meteor stream. The Iota Aquarids radiate from this region July 15th to August 25th- at an estimate of 5-10 per hour. The globular cluster (M2) of 7th magnitude at distance of 40,000 light years is visible with binoculars. (Ref. 2, p. 114)


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION --------------Aquila 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Eagle 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- ACK-will-a 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN AT 9P.M.- August 30 (Ref. 2, p. 70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - June 5 - December 5 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 70 (Ref. 5, p. 236) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 16 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 8 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 2 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°---- 2.45 (Ref. 8, p. 177)


8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Altair (Al-TARE) "the flying eagle or vulture" (Ref. 15, p. 6) 12th brightest of the night stars and 8th brightest of Northern Hemisphere night stars - Magnitude: +0.76 Ranking: 12 Distance: 16.8 light years Spectrum Class: A5 Flamsteed: # 53 Hipparcos: #97649. (Ref.18) (Ref.19) It is the 45th closest star (Ref. 2, p. 116) Altair is the southern most star in the summer triangle and represents the heart of the eagle. Altair is yellow in color and culminates September 4. (Ref. 15, p. 421) 9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p. 116)

Beta ββββ Alshain (al-SHAY-n) "from the substantive part of one of the Persian names of the constellation" Magnitude: +3.71 Distance: 44.7 light years Spectrum Class: K0 Flamsteed: # 60 Hipparcos: #98036 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

23 Gamma γ γ γ γ Tarazed Reda (TAR-ah-zed) "from the adjectival part of the Persian name" Magnitude: +2.72 Ranking: 116 Distance: 460.5 light years Spectrum Class: K2 Flamsteed: #50 Hipparcos: #97278 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Delta δδδδ Denebokab (de-NEB-oh-la) "the tail of the Eagle" Magnitude: +3.36 Distance: 50.1 light years Spectrum Class: F0 Flamsteed: # 30 Hipparcos: #95501 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Aquila has a broad kite or triangular shape. 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- Southern most part of summer triangle 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- Altair, the Alpha or brightest star, is the southern most star in the summer triangle, just south of the constellations Lyra and Cygnus. Sagittarius and Capricorn border Aquila on the south, Aquarius and Delphinus on the east, Sagitta on the north, with Ophiuchus and the Serpens on the west. (Ref. 3, p. 195) 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 652° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 22nd (Ref. 2, p. 70) (Ref. 2, p. 70) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 236) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 18 HOURS, 38 MINUTES TO 20 HOURS, 36 MINUTES

DEGREES OF DECLINATION -11.9° TO +18.6° 15. MYTHOLOGY- Eagle, the bird of Zeus, bore Ganymede "son of the King of Troy (also known as "the cup bearer") aloft to his place in the sky with Zeus. Almost all cultures have associated this constellation with some type of bird. Also, Aquila carried the thunderbolts of Jove (Jupiter) to Earth. (Ref. 2, p. 116) 16. REMARKS- Aquila in Arabic means "the flying eagle" or the "soaring eagle." As noted (Ref. 3, p. 196) in 1918 on the western edge of Aquila occurred the brightest nova (1st magnitude) in 300 years.


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION -------------- Aries

The first zodiac constellation - The sun is in this constellation from April 19 to May 15. (Ref. 2, p. 118) 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ The Ram 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ---------- AIR - ees 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN AT 9P.M.- December 10 (Ref. 2, p. 70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - August 25 - March 25 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 50 (Ref. 5, p. 236) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 11 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 4 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 1 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.° -----2.49 (Ref. 8, p. 177)


8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Hamal (HAHM-al) Arabic "the full-grown lamb" Magnitude: +2.01 Ranking: 50 Distance: 65.9 light years Spectrum Class: K2 Flamsteed: # 13 Hipparcos: #9884 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) It is a yellow star and approaching the earth at 9 miles per second and culminates December 10th. (Ref. 15, p. 426) 9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p. 118)

Beta ββββ Sheratan (SHARE-ah-tan) Arabic "the two signs" (Ref. 15, p. 6) (Sharatan) Magnitude: +2.64 Ranking: 104 Distance: 59.6 light years Spectrum Class: A5 Flamsteed: #6 Hipparcos: #8903 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Gamma γγγγ Mesartim (MEZ-are-tim) Arabic "the extremely fat ram" (Ref. 15, p. 7) (Mesarthim) Hebrew name for "minister" This star is a double star having a separation of 8 seconds of arc.

25 Magnitude: +3.88 Distance: 204.3 light years Spectrum Class: A0 Flamsteed: # 5 Hipparcos: #8832 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Aries makes a very flattened triangle with Sheratan at the top of this triangle, located halfway between the bright stars Alpheratz and Aldebaran 12. LOCATION- halfway between Alpheratz and Aldebaran with Triangulum and Perseus bordering on the north, Taurus on the east, Cetus and Pisces on the south, and Pisces on the west. 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 441° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 39th (Ref. 2, p. 70) (Ref. 2, p. 70) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES (Ref. 5, p. 236) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 1 HOUR, 44 MINUTES TO 3 HOURS, 27 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION +10.2° TO +30.9° 15. MYTHOLOGY- The myth originates with the ram with the "golden fleece," where Jason and the Argonauts recover the Golden Fleece. Jupiter took the shape of Aries to escape from Mt. Olympus when the Titans invaded the mountain. 16. REMARKS- Sheratan marked the vernal equinox at the time of Hipparchus. This star means "the sign" and probably referred to the point of the vernal equinox 1,000 years ago. (Ref. 3, p. 197) and (Ref. 2, p. 118)



2nd Au-RYE-gah 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN AT 9P.M.- JANUARY 30 (Ref. 2 p.70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - June 1 - October 1 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 90 (Ref. 5, p. 236) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 21 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 7 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 2 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°---- 3.20 (Ref. 8, p. 177)


8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Capella (Ka-PELL-a) from Latin "little she goat" Magnitude: +0.08 Ranking: 6 Distance: 42.2 light years Spectrum Class: G0 Flamsteed: # 13 Hipparcos: #24608 (Ref.18) Sixth brightest star of earth in the night sky or fourth brightest of the Northern Hemisphere. Classified as a spectroscopic binary thus making its magnitude slightly variable. Capella, a white star, moves away from the earth at 18 miles per second and culminates January 22nd. (Ref. 15, p. 423) 9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2 p. 118)

Beta ββββ Menkalinan (MEN-call-ih-nan) means "the shoulder of the rein-holder) Magnitude: +1.90 Ranking: 41 Distance: 82.1 light years Spectrum Class: A0 Flamsteed: # 34 Hipparcos:

27 #28360 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) The three kids are made up of the three stars Epsilon, Eta and Zeta and form a small triangle near the bright star Capella.

Theta- θ θ θ θ Aurigae Magnitude: +2.65 Ranking: 105 Distance: 173.1 light years Spectrum Class: A0 Flamsteed: #37 Hipparcos: #28380 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Iota- ι ι ι ι Hassaleh Magnitude: +2.69 Ranking: 113 Distance: 511.7 light years Spectrum Class: K2 Flamsteed: #3 Hipparcos: #23015 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Auriga has a distinctive five-sided polygon shape with the first magnitude star Capella on its border. Three dim stars on the right side near Capella is referred to as the kids triangle. 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- Auriga lies mid-way between Perseus and Ursa Major. A line extended from Mintaka of Orion through Bellatrix will pass near the bright alpha star of Capella. The curvature of a line drawn across the open end of the "Big Dipper" will arc toward the bright star Capella. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref.3 p.198) Bounded by Perseus on the west, Camelopardalis, a part of Lynx, on the north, which extends over most of its eastern border. Gemini and Taurus bound it on the south and Gemini also covers a bit of its eastern side. 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 657° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 21st (Ref. 2, p. 70) (Ref. 2, p. 70) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 236) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 4 HOURS, 35 MINUTES TO 7 HOURS, 27 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION +27.9° TO +56.1 °

15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 1, pp. 136-137) One myth associates Auriga with Hephaestus (also fourth of the early kings of Athens), the lame son of Vulcan and Minerva. Hephaestus invented the chariot that won him a place in the heavens. Auriga identifies with Amalthea, who with her sister Melissa fed Zeus goats milk during his infancy (Ref. 4, p. 75) or the She-Goat who suckled the infant Zeus. (Ref. 2, p. 118) 16. REMARKS- The brilliant open clusters M36, M37, M38 of 6th magnitude are found in Auriga. El Nath is in Taurus near the border with Auriga and is used to complete the five-sided polygon of Auriga. (Ref. 2, p. 118)


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Boötes 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Herdsman (Bear Driver) 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- (bo-OH-teez accent oh) 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN AT 9 P.M - June 15 (Ref. 2, p. 70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - February 25 - September 25 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 90 (Ref. 5, p. 236) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 24 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 08 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 1 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.° ----2.65 (Ref. 8, p. 177)


8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- α α α α Arcturus (ark-TEW-russ) from the Greek "the bear-guard"- Second brightest star in the night sky of our latitude (39°) and the third brightest of the night sky for planet Earth- It has been called the watcher of the bear. Its color is golden yellow and culminates June 11th. (Ref.15, p.422) Magnitude: -0.05 Ranking: 3 Distance: 36.7light years Spectrum Class: K0 Flamsteed: #16 Hipparcos: #69673 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p. 120) Beta- β β β β Nekkar (Neck-car) it is Arabic for the "herdsman" and also stands for the head of Boötes. (Merez) Magnitude: +3.49 Distance: 218.7 light years Spectrum Class: G5 Flamsteed: # 42 Hipparcos: #73555 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

29 Gamma γγγγ Seginus (Seh-jigh-nus) "uncertain derivation" (Ref. 15, p. 7) Magnitude: +3.04 Distance: 85.1 light years Spectrum Class: F0 Flamsteed: #27 Hipparcos: #71075 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Delta δδδδ Boötis Magnitude: +3.47 Distance: 116.7 light years Spectrum Class: K0 Flamsteed: #49 Hipparcos: #74666 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) It is a double star with a companion of 8th magnitude and a separation of 105 seconds of arc.

Epsilon εεεε Izar "the loin-cloth" It is a triple star. (Ref. 7, p. 90) (Mirac) Common center of mass is at a distance of 103 light years. Magnitude: +2.35 Ranking: 81 Distance: 209.6 light years Spectrum Class: A0 Flamsteed: # 36 Hipparcos: #72105 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Eta δδδδ Mufrid (Muphrid) Magnitude: +2.68 Distance: 37.0 light years Spectrum Class: G0 Flamsteed: #8 Hipparcos: #67927 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Boötes brings to mind a kite or ice cream cone with the bright star Arcturus at the tip of the cone or point where kite tail would be attached. (Ref. 2, p. 120) It looks nothing like a herdsman and other than Arcturus it is so dim it is hard to see except under dark, country skies. 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- The arc (segment of a circle) of the Big Dippers handle points to the bright star Arcturus, the constellations Alpha star. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- Boötes is located to the east of Ursa Major and Canes Venatici, west of Corona Borealis and Serpens Caput, south of Draco and Ursa Minor, and north of Libra and the feet of Virgo. 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 907° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 13th (Ref. 2, p. 70) (Ref. 2, p. 70) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 236) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 13 HOURS, 33 MINUTES TO 15 HOURS, 47 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION +07.6° TO +55.2 °

15. MYTHOLOGY- Boötes as Arcas, also known as the hunter, could have killed Callisto, his mother, if Zeus hadnt changed him into Ursa Minor. (see Ursa Major) Arcas the son of Jupiter and Callisto also invented the plow. (Ref. 2, p. 120) Boötes has been identified with Atlas, the giant holding the world on his shoulders. Boötes gains this reputation from his proximity to the pole star. (Ref. 3, p. 200)

16. REMARKS- Boötes one of the oldest constellations is Greek for "herdsman." (Ref. 3, p. 200) Homer refers to the constellation in the Odyssey as the "Bear Driver," You will see it peering behind the tail of the great bear Ursa Major. It has also been called the "Bear Keeper." (Ref. 3, p. 200) Arcturus is one of the fastest moving stars moving at about 85 miles per second and changes its position in the sky 2 seconds of arc a year. In other words, in 900 years it will change its position in the sky relative to other nearby stars by the width of the full moon. (Ref. 3, p. 201)



Fourth of the zodiac constellations with the sun in this constellation July 7th until August 11th (Ref. 2 p.122) 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Crab 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- CAN-sir 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN AT 9P.M.- March 15 (Ref. 2, p.70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - December 15 - June 15 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 60 (Ref. 5, p. 236) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 6 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 1 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 0 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°---- 1.19 (Ref. 8, p. 177)


8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Acubens (ACK-you-bens) Arabic for "the claws" (Sertan) Magnitude: +4.26 Distance: 173.5 light years Spectrum Class: A3 Flamsteed: # 65 Hipparcos: #44066 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p.122)

Beta ββββ Altarf (Al Tarf) Magnitude: +3.53 Distance: 290.3 light years Spectrum Class: K2 Flamsteed: # 17 Hipparcos: #40526 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Gamma γγγγ Asellus Borealis (ah-SELL-us BOW-ree-A-liss) "the northern little donkey" (Ref. 15, p. 8) Magnitude: +4.66 Distance: 158.4 light years Spectrum Class: A0 Flamsteed: # 43 Hipparcos: #42806 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

31 Delta δ Asellus Australis (ah-SELL-us oss-TRAY -liss) "the southern little donkey" (Ref.15, p.8) Magnitude: +3.94 Distance: 136.0 light years Spectrum Class: K0 Flamsteed: # 47 Hipparcos: #42911 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Ressembles an upside down, capital "Y." 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- Cancer is centered at the halfway point on the line drawn from Regulus to Pollux in Gemini. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 203) Cancer the crab is located between the much brighter constellations of Gemini and Leo. Above or to the north is Lynx and to the south is the head of the Hydra. Its brightest star is Acubens with a 4.27 magnitude 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 506° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 31st (Ref. 2, p. 70) (Ref. 2, p. 70) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 236) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 7 HOURS, 53 MINUTES TO 9 HOURS, 19 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION +6.8° TO +33.3° 15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 2, p.122) Hercules, while engaged in a fight with the Hydra, stepped on a crab and crushed it. Juno had sent the crab to distract Hercules so the Hydra would win the fight. Even though the crab was unsuccessful, Juno gave the crab an honorable place in the sky to reward his efforts. Two thousand years ago the summer solstice occurred while the sun was in this constellation thus came about the "Tropic of Cancer." 16. REMARKS- Cancer has few bright stars and is known as the dimmest of the zodiac constellations. The beautiful open or galactic cluster M44 is found near the center of the constellation of Cancer and is easily observed through binoculars. M44 is also known as the "Beehive" or "Praesepe." There are about 300 stars in M44 between magnitude 6 and 12. (Ref. 7, p. 92) See the triangle on the diagram of the constellation in # 7 on page 30 for the location of M44.



2nd Kay-niss May-jer 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN AT 9P.M.- February 15 (Ref. 2, p. 70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - December 15 - May 10 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 80 (Ref. 5, p. 236) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 26 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 10 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 4 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°---- 6.84 (Ref. 8, p. 177)


8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Sirius (SEAR-ee-us) from the Greek "scorching one" also referred to as "the dog star"- The brightest star of the night sky and it is the fifth closest known star to planet Earth. Magnitude: -1.44 Ranking: 1 Distance: 8.6 light years Spectrum Class: A0 Flamsteed: # 9 Hipparcos: #32349 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p.124)

Beta ββββ Mirzam (MERE-zam) "the announcer" (Murzim) Star is slightly variable. Magnitude: +1.98 Ranking: 47 Distance: 499.2 light years Spectrum Class: B1 Flamsteed: #2 Hipparcos: #30324 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Gamma γγγγ Muliphen (Muliphein) Magnitude: +4.11 Distance: 402.0 light years Spectrum Class: B5 Flamsteed: # 23 Hipparcos: #34045 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

33 Delta δδδδ Wezen (WE-zen) "weight," is a light yellow star that culminates February 19. (Ref. 13, p. 434) (Alwazn) Magnitude: +1.83 Ranking: 37 Distance: 1791 light years Spectrum Class: F8 Flamsteed: # 25 Hipparcos: #34444 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Epsilon εεεε Adhara (add-DAY-ra) Arabic translated into "the virgins" (Adara) is a double star, of which Adhara is the brightest found in the right thigh of the dog. Pale orange in color and culminates February 16. (Ref. 13, p. 418) Magnitude: +1.50 Ranking: 22 Distance: 430.7 light years Spectrum Class: B1 Flamsteed: # 21 Hipparcos: #33579 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Eta ηηηη Aludra Magnitude: +2.45 Ranking: 89 Distance: 3196.1 light years Spectrum Class: B5 Flamsteed: #31 Hipparcos: #35904 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Sirius lies on the nose of the dog and the luminosity is about 23 times that of the sun. Two faint stars make up the ears forming a triangle for the dogs head. This constellation really looks like a large dog when seen in dark clear skies and has been called the dog constellation by many cultures that had no association with each other. 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- Orion's belt points down towards Sirius. Sirius is its own guide to this constellation, as it is generally the 5th brightest object in the sky other than the sun, moon, Venus and Jupiter. However, the planets Saturn and Mars may outshine Sirius at times when they are closer to the Earth. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref.3, p. 206) Monoceros bounds Canis Major on the north, Puppis on the west and south and Columba on the south and a part of the east side. Lepus bounds the remainder of the eastern side of Canis Major. 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 380° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 43rd (Ref. 2, p. 70) (Ref. 2, p. 70) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 236) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 6 HOURS, 9 MINUTES TO 7 HOURS, 26 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION -11.0 ° TO -33.2 °

15. MYTHOLOGY- Orions large hunting dog can be found always near or behind Orion. 16. REMARKS- Sirius, when it appears rising in the east in the morning, warned the Egyptians of the rising of the Nile River each year. (Ref. 3, p. 207) Sirius has a 9 magnitude companion star called "the pup" at 10.3 seconds of arc which revolves Sirius every 49.9 years. "The pup" was first noticed in 1862. Canis Major is known to have 26 open star clusters. Sirius is Greek for "the scorcher" thus the "Dog Days" are known as a hot period in summer when Sirius is high in the daytime sky, supposedly adding to the suns summer heat. (Ref. 2, p. 124)


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION --------- Canis Minor 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION --------- Small or Little Dog or"Lesser Dog" 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION -------- KAY-niss MY-ner 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN AT 9P.M. - March 1 (Ref. 2, p. 70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - November 25 - June 5 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 20 (Ref. 5, p. 236) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 4 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 2 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 1 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°---- 2.19 (Ref. 8, p. 177)


8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Procyon (PRO-see-on (2nd PRO-seh-on) Greek meaning "before the dog". "The leading Dog" as Procyon rises before Sirius. Procyon is the twelfth nearest star to the Earth and is a double star. Magnitude: +0.40 Ranking: 8 Distance: 11.4 light years Spectrum Class: F5 Flamsteed: # 10 Hipparcos: #37279 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Its companion is four-arc seconds distance, orbits the primary in 40.6 years, and is a white dwarf much like the white dwarf of Sirius. (Ref. 2, p. 126) 9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p. 126)

Beta ββββ Gomeisa (go-MY-za) "weeping one" Magnitude: +2.89 Distance: 170.2 light years Spectrum Class: B8 Flamsteed: # 3 Hipparcos: #36188 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

35 10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- The two prominent stars of this constellation form a short straight line. 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- The bright star Procyon lies just a little east of a line from Pollux to Sirius, but closer to Pollux than Sirius. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 210) Canis Minor is bordered on the west by Monoceros and by a tiny extension of Gemini. Gemini covers most of its northern edge. Cancer and Hydra cover the eastern side. Monoceros again extends along its entire southern boundary. 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 183° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 71st (Ref. 2, p. 70) (Ref. 2, p. 70) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 236) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 7 HOURS, 4 MINUTES TO 21 HOURS, 57 MINUTES


15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 2, p. 126) Orions small hunting dog known for his faithfulness, drinks from the Milky Way which was once thought to be a river. 16. REMARKS- Canis Minor is a very small constellation with only 2 prominent stars in the constellation. It really has no appearance of a dog at all. It is also very small with only 17 other constellations being smaller.


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Capricornus

This is the tenth constellation of the zodiac and the sun is in this constellation from January. 20 to February 15 (Ref. 14) 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Sea Goat, Fish Goat 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Cap-rih-CORN 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN AT 9P.M.- September 20 (Ref. 2, p. 70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - July 25 - November 25 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 50 (Ref. 5, p. 236) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 16 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 5 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 0 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.° ----3.86 (Ref. 8, p. 177)


8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Prima Giedi, "goat" It appears as a double (optical double) but the stars are not gravitationally related. The primary is Magnitude: +4.30 Distance: 686.3 light years Spectrum Class: G0 Flamsteed: # 5 Hipparcos: #100027 (Ref.18) The secondary α Secunda Giedi Magnitude: +3.58 Distance: 108.6 light years Spectrum Class: G6 Flamsteed: #6 Hipparcos: #100064 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 9.OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p. 126)

Beta- ββββ Dabih (DAY-bee) "slaughterers" referring to sacrifices by ancient Arabs at the heliacal rising of Capricorn is a double star (α α α α and β) β) β) β) . (It is the last stars rising that could be viewed before the sunrise. This was difficult as the constellation is in a similar direction as the

37 sunrise.) Primary magnitude has a Magnitude: +3.09 Distance: 343.8 light years Spectrum Class: G0 Flamsteed: #9 Hipparcos: #100345 (Ref.18). This system had been previously identified as a multiple in the Hipparcos Catalog. (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Gamma- γγγγ Nashira (Nay-sheh-rah) Arabic "the lucky star" or "bringing good tidings" Magnitude: +3.69 Distance: 138.8 light years Spectrum Class: F0 Flamsteed: #40 Hipparcos: #106985 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Delta- d Deneb Algedi (DEN- ebb al-GEE-dee) meaning "tail of goat" It is a slightly variable star. Magnitude: +2.85 Distance: 38.5 light years Spectrum Class: A5 Flamsteed: #49 Hipparcos: #107556 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Capricornus has a symmetrical shape, resembling

the boomerang, but is very faint with no star brighter than third magnitude. 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- A line drawn from Vega to Altair extended will run through

Capricornus which is only seen low in the southern sky and never at high altitudes. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 211) Capricornus is bound on the west side by

Sagittarius that also includes some of the southern edge and by Aquila that makes the corner toward the north. Aquarius takes in all of the remaining north boundary and eastern side. Pisces Austrinis and Microscopium make up most of the southern border.

13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 414° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 40th (Ref. 2, p. 70) (Ref. 2, p. 70) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 236) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 20 HOURS, 4 MINUTES TO 21 HOURS, 57 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION -8.7° TO -27.8° 15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 2, p.126) The Greeks once identified Capricornus with the nature

god, Pan, who was pictured as half man, half goat. Pan in fear fled the giant Typhon by leaping into the Nile and changed his tail to that of a fish; hence the derivation of the word "panic". It is the leading constellation of the three consecutive water affiliated constellations.

16. REMARKS- Capricornus "The Goats Horn" or "The Horned Goat" according to one

interpretation. The goat, an expert climber, represents the suns climb from its lowest position in the sky in December, while the fishs tail represents the seasonal rains that will follow. (Ref. 1, p. 136)


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Cassiopeia 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Queen 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Kass-eh-oh-PEA-ah 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN AT 9P.M.- November 25 (Ref. 2, p. 70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M.- circumpolar constellation (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 90 (Ref. 5, p. 236) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 23 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 7 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 0 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°---- 3.85 (Ref. 8, p. 177)


8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Schedar (Shed-are) "the breast" Magnitude: +2.24 Ranking: 71 Distance: 228.5 light years Spectrum Class: K0 Flamsteed: #18 Hipparcos: #3179 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref.2 p. 128) Beta- ββββ Caph (Kaff) "the stained hand" Magnitude: +2.28 Ranking: 74 Distance: 54.4 light years Spectrum Class: F5 Flamsteed: # 11 Hipparcos: #746 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Gamma- γγγγ Cih - Magnitude: +2.15 Ranking: 63 Distance: 612.8 light years Spectrum Class: B0 Flamsteed: # 34 Hipparcos: #4427 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

39 Delta- δδδδ Ruchbah (RUCK-bah) "the knee of the lady of the chair" is thought to be an eclipsing binary star (Ref. 15, p. 10) Magnitude: +2.66 Ranking: 108 Distance: 99.4 light years Spectrum Class: A5 Flamsteed: #37 Hipparcos: #6686 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- It has a "W" shape, the lazy side of the W is where her head is located. Line from Epsilon to Iota often is omitted as a part of the "W" shape. 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- A line from the star Mizar the bend in the handle of the Big

Dipper, through the north pole star will lead one to the head of Cassiopeia. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 214) She is beside her husband, Cepheus, in the

northern sky and is circumpolar. Cepheus is between her and the North Star. Andromeda extends across the southern boundary.


15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 2, p. 128) As a vain woman, the gods punished her for boasting of

her great beauty and that she was more beautiful than the sea nymphs, by hanging her upside down in the sky part of the year. Neptune threatened to destroy her city if she didn't sacrifice her daughter to Neptune's sea monster Cetus, the whale. Perseus came to Andromedas aid at the last second and turned the monster to stone by showing it the head of Medusa.

16. REMARKS- Cassiopeia is easily recognized as a "W" or "M" constellation that appears on

4000-year-old seals from the Euphrates Valley. (Ref. 2, p. 128)



2nd See-FEE-us 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN AT 9P.M. - October 15 (Ref. 2, p. 70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - Circumpolar constellation (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 60 (Ref. 5, p. 236) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 20 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 8 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 0 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.° ----3.40 (Ref. 8, p. 177)


8. ALPHA STAR OFforearm" (Ref. 15, p. 1Class: A5 Flamsteedbrightest star "closest"

9. OTHER MAJOR ST Beta- ββββ Alfirk (AL-fur594.9 light years SpectruBeta β Alfirk will be the bp. 10)

CONSTELLATION- αααα Alderamin (al-DARE-ah-min) "right 0) Magnitude: +2.45 Ranking: 88 Distance: 48.8 light years Spectrum : #5 Hipparcos: #105199 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Alderamin will be the

to the north celestial pole from 6500 to 8300 A.D. (Ref. 15, p. 10)

ARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p. 130) ck)" the flock" (Ref. 15, p. 10) (Alphirk) Magnitude: +3.23 Distance: m Class: B1 Flamsteed: #8 Hipparcos: #106032 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) rightest star "near" the celestial pole from 5100 to 6500 A.D. (Ref. 15,

41 Gamma- γγγγ Errai (err-RAY-ee) or "the shepherd" is the closest bright star to the North Star - a successor to Polaris from 3100 to 5100 (Ref. 15, p. 10) (Alria) (Arrai) Magnitude: +3.21 Distance: 45.0 light years Spectrum Class: K0 Flamsteed: #35 Hipparcos: #116727 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Delta- δδδδ Cephei does not have a common name but is famous as the prototype of Cepheid. Variable stars magnitude equals a range of + 3.51 to 4.42 in a 5.37 day period. Magnitude: +4.07 Distance: 981.9 light years Spectrum Class: F5 Flamsteed: #27 Hipparcos: #110991 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- The five brightest stars of Cepheus form the

outline of a square with a triangle set on its top, similar to a child's elementary drawing of a house.

11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- The star at the apex of the triangle is the brightest star

"closest" to the North Star. A line drawn from "the pointer stars" of the Big Dipper extending through Polaris will also go through the apex star (Gamma) of the triangle of Cepheus.

12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 217) Cepheus is a circumpolar constellation at our

latitude. The northernmost star in Cepheus is the closest bright star to Polaris (the Pole Star.) 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 588° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 27th (Ref. 2, p. 70) (Ref. 2, p. 70) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 236) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 20 HOURS, 1 MINUTE TO 8 HOURS, 30 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION +53.1° TO +88.5 °

15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 4, p. 36) King of Ethiopia- husband of Cassiopeia and father of Andromeda- Chinese regarded this star group as representing royalty- the inner throne of the five Emperors. There is a theory that Cepheus may be in honor of Cheops the famous pharaoh of Egypt.

16. REMARKS- Cepheus is said to be among the oldest constellations even though it isn't

easily viewed and contains stars of 3 magnitude or dimmer. This constellation ensemble has not changed in 5000 years. (Ref. 3, p. 216) Alderamin will be the North Pole Star in about 5000 years. (Ref. 2, p. 130)


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Corona Borealis 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Northern Crown 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- COE-ROW-nah BORE-ee-ALICE 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- JUNE 30 (Ref. 2, p. 70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - March 15 - October 25 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 20 (Ref. 5, p. 236) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 10 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 3 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 0 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.° ----5.59 (Ref. 8, p. 177)


8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Gemma "gem" in the crown or (Alphekka)

(Alphecca) (al-FECK-ah) (Ref.18) "the broken or fractured one" (the word does not mean "dish" or "bowl"- it is the broken circle.) (Ref. 15, p. 11) Alphecca, the older name for this eclipsing binary star, has a 17.3-day period. (Ref. 3, p. 223) Magnitude: +2.22 Ranking: 67 Distance: 74.7 light years Spectrum Class: A0 Flamsteed: #5 Hipparcos: #76267 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p.138) Beta ββββ Nusakan (NU-sa-kan) "the two series or lines" of stars Magnitude: +3.66 Distance: 114.0 light years Spectrum Class: F0 Flamsteed: #3 Hipparcos: #75695 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- A curved semi-circle of stars that form a "U" shape with the opening generally up when facing the south horizon.

43 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- If a line is extended from Phad of the Big Dipper through the

end of the handle it will run into Gemma. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 223) Corona Borealis lies between Boötes and

Hercules, which form its western and eastern borders, respectively. These same two constellations also meet to make its northern boundary; Serpens Caput bounds it on the south.


15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 2, p. 138) Corona Borealis is the crown of the ruler of Athens or the crown of Ariadne, daughter of King Minos of Crete, builder of the labyrinth guarded by the fearsome Minotaur. When Theseus the Greek hero was imprisoned in the labyrinth, Ariadne gave him a sword and a spool of thread. Unwinding the thread as he went, until he found and slew Minotaur, helped him find his way back out to freedom. The Arabs believed the semicircle of stars was a dish or bowl; but to the American Shawnee Indians it was a circle of dancing girls or celestial sisters.

16. REMARK- Only one star in this very dim constellation is near 2nd magnitude, however in a

dark sky it is easily viewed due to its well-defined shape.


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Corvus 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Crow 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- CORE - vuss 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- May 10 (Ref. 2, p.70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - March 10 - July 20 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 15 (Ref. 5, p. 236) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 6 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 5 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 0 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°--- 3.26 (Ref. 8, p. 177)


8. ALPHA STAR OFAlchiba is the fifth brAlpha star. MagnitudeHipparcos: #59199 (Re 9. OTHER MAJOR S Beta- ββββ Kraz (Tso 139.7 light years SpeGamma- γγγγ Gienah (100 Distance: 164.8 lig(Ref.19)

CONSTELLATION- αααα Alchiba (al-KEY-bah) "the tent" (Alchita). α ightest star in the constellation but for some unknown reason it is the : +4.02 Distance: 48.2 light years Spectrum Class: F0 Flamsteed: #1 f.18) (Ref.19)

TARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p. 138) Hea China) "left hand" Magnitude: +2.65 Ranking: 106 Distance: ctrum Class: G5 Flamsteed: #9 Hipparcos: #61359 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) GEE-nah) Ghurab "right wing of the raven" Magnitude: +2.58 Ranking: ht years Spectrum Class: B8 Flamsteed: #4 Hipparcos: #59803 (Ref.18)

45 Delta- δδδδ Algorab "the raven" (Algores) Magnitude: +2.94 Distance: 87.8 light years Spectrum Class: A0 Flamsteed: #7 Hipparcos: #60965 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Cygnus is roughly the shape of a square. 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- Corvus is found below and to the west of the 15th brightest

star, Spica. Also, a line extended from Gienah through Algorab, will point toward Spica in Virgo.

12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 224) Virgo covers the eastern and northern borders

of Corvus. Crater lies to the west and Hydra is to the south. 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES =184° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 70th (Ref. 2, p. 70) (Ref. 2, p. 70) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 236) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 11 HOURS, 54 MINUTES TO 12 HOURS, 54 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION -11.3 ° TO -24.9°

15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 2, p.138) Apollo sent a crow to fetch water in the gods cup. The crow delayed and when Apollo questioned Corvus' actions he lied to him. The angry god then placed the crow in the sky as Corvus and next to him in the sky put the cup as Crater, from which the crow is forever forbidden to drink. Some mythology states the crow was made ugly and black with a rough call because of his lie to Apollo.

16. REMARKS- The four brightest stars of magnitude greater than +3.10 are the corner stars of

the rough square Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon. The fifth star in the order of brightness is the Alpha star called Alchiba.


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- CYGNUS 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ SWAN 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- SIG-nuss 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- September 10 (Ref. 2, p. 70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M.- May 25 - January 5 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 150 (Ref. 5, p. 236) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 43 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 11 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 1 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°----- 5.35 (Ref. 8, p. 177)


8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Deneb (DEN-ebb) Arabic for "the hens tail"

and "the top of the cross" and the "tail of the swan." Magnitude: +1.25 Ranking: 19th Distance: 3228 light years Spectrum Class: A2 Flamsteed: #50 Hipparcos: #102098 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Deneb ranks nineteenth in the list of brightest visible stars, estimated to be 30,000 times brighter than the sun. (Ref. 2, p. 140), (Ref. 7, p. 104) Deneb has an absolute magnitude of -8.73 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION (Ref. 2 p. 140) Beta- ββββ1 Albireo (al-BEER-ee-oh) "of unknown derivation" (Ref. 15, p. 12) Magnitude: +3.05 Distance: 385.3 light years Spectrum Class: K0 Flamsteed: #6 Hipparcos: #95947 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Gamma- γγγγ Sadr (SAD-der) "the hens breast" At the center of the cross lies (Sador). Magnitude: +2.23 Ranking: 69 Distance: 1523.4 light years Spectrum Class: F8 Flamsteed: #37 Hipparcos: #100453 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

47 Delta- δδδδ Cygni is a double star, with Magnitude: +2.86 Distance: 170.9 light years Spectrum Class: A0 Flamsteed: #18 Hipparcos: #97165 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Epsilon- εεεε Gienah (GEE-nah) (or Gienah) "The wing" is often confused with Gamma Corvi. Magnitude: +2.48 Ranking: 91 Distance: 72.0 light years Spectrum Class: K0 Flamsteed: #53 Hipparcos: #102488 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Deneb sits atop a cross-like shape, with 4 stars in the long bar and 3 stars in the short bar of 10°. The long bar of 15° represents the long neck of the swan and the short bar mirrors the wings.

11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- Cygnus is in the northern most corner of the summer triangle. Deneb, along with the other 2 bright stars Vega and Altair comprise the summer triangle, which is featured even on a hazy summer night.

12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 227) Draco and Cepheus border Cygnus to the north, while Lacerta and Pegasus border the east. Vulpecula lies to the south and Lyra and Draco appear toward the west.


15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 2, p. 140) Zeus changed himself into a swan when he visited Leda, the wife of the king of Sparta. Their relationship led to the offspring of Castor, Pollux, Clytemnestra and Helen of Troy.

16. REMARKS- As our solar system revolves around the center of our Milky Way galaxy we are moving toward Deneb at 250 km/sec. (Ref. 2, p. 140) Cygnus is known as the asterism of the Northern Cross. Cygnus X-1, X-ray source located at about 7,000 light years, has a dark companion with a mass between ten and twenty times that of the sun and an orbital period of 5.6 days. There is also evidence of quantities of hot gas being transferred from the super giant star to the unseen companion, which may be a black hole star! (Ref. 9, p. 195)


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Delphinus 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Dolphin 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- del-FYE-nuss 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- September 15 (Ref. 2, p. 70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - June 10 - December 25 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 30 (Ref. 5, p. 236) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 6 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 4 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 0 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°---- 3.17 (Ref. 8, p. 177)


8. LPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Sualocin "Nicolaus" reversed (see remarks) -

Italian astronomers named the star in 1814. Magnitude: +3.77 Distance: 240.6 light years Spectrum Class: B8 Flamsteed: #9 Hipparcos: #101958 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p.142) Beta- ββββ Rotanev from "Venator" an assistant to Piazzi- His name is reversed. (See remarks) Magnitude: +3.64 Distance: 97.3 light years Spectrum Class: F5 Flamsteed: #6 Hipparcos: #101769 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Shape of a small diamond fish with a short tail or a very small kite with a tail.

49 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- Delphinus is found just to the east of the bright star

Altair; also the two end stars of the head of Pegasus point toward Delphinus. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 231) Sagitta and Vulpecula border Delphinus on the

north, Pegasus and Equuleus on the east, Aquarius and Aquila on the south and Aquila and Sagitta on the west.


15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 2, p. 142) There are many stories of the dolphin. According to Greek legend, Delphinus saved the life of the poet-minstrel Arion when he leapt overboard from a ship to escape sailors who threatened his life. Arion, a native of Lesbos, was a famous poet and musician. While returning home on a ship sailors became envious of his fame and set out to kill him. Arion learned of the plot and played his lute to attract a group of dolphins. Arion leaped on the back of the dolphins that carried him safely to shore. The other sailors upon their arrival to port were executed. Neptune, pleased with the dolphins' coming to Arion aid, honored the dolphins with a place in the celestial sphere. (Ref. 15, p. 151)

16. REMARKS- The Italian astronomer Giuseppee Piazzi (1746-1826), who found the first

asteroid, had a faithful, hard-working assistant named Nicolo Cacciatore. Cacciatore means "hunter" and the Latin term for hunter is "Venator" and the Latin for Nicolo is "Nicolaus." Nicolaus spelled backwards becomes Sualocin, and Venator backwards is Rotanev, hence the two stars of the constellation Delphinus.


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Draco 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Dragon 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- DRAY-coe 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- July 20 (Ref. 2, p. 70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - circumpolar constellation (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 80 (Ref. 5, p. 236) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 26 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 11 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 0 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°---- 2.40 (Ref. 8, p. 177)


8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Thuban (THOO-ban) meaning "the serpent or

dragon" is a spectroscopic binary. Thuban, worshipped by the Egyptians, was the North Star in 2750 B.C., but its position has since changed with the precession of the equinoxes. Magnitude: +3.67 Distance: 308.7 light years Spectrum Class: A0 Flamsteed: #11 Hipparcos: #68756 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p. 144) Beta- ββββ Rastaban (RAS-tah-ban) "the dragons head" Magnitude: +2.79 Distance: 361.4

light years Spectrum Class: G0 Flamsteed: #23 Hipparcos: #85670 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Gamma- γγγγ Eltanin (el-TAY-nin) or "the dragons head," is now the brightest star in the constellation. Magnitude: +2.24 Ranking: 21 Distance: 147.5 light years Spectrum Class: K5 Flamsteed: #33 Hipparcos: #87833 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

51 Delta- δδδδ Nodus Secundus, known as "the second 'knot' or 'loop' "of the dragons body.

Magnitude: +3.07 Distance: 100.2 light years Spectrum Class: K0 Flamsteed: #57 Hipparcos: #94376 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Zeda- εεεε Nodus Primus is "the first 'knot' or 'loop' " of the dragons body. (Aldhibah) Magnitude: +3.17 Distance: 339.6 light years Spectrum Class: B5 Flamsteed: #22 Hipparcos: #83895 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Irregular in shape but resembling a snake, Draco

winds around the Little Dipper. Draco's head lies "close" to the fifth brightest star, Vega. 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- Draco's tail starts between the two Dippers; his head ends

near Lyra and Vega, while his body winds around the Little Dipper. The Alpha star Thuban is near the center between Kocab of the Little Dipper and Mizar of the Big Dipper. Also a line, drawn from Phad of Ursa Major to Vega, passes "close" to the head of Draco. (Ref. 10, p. 70)

12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 234) Vega (the 5th brightest star of night sky), Ursa

Minor and Camelopardalis cover its irregular northern boundary. Ursa Major touches it on the east and on much of the south. Boötes, Hercules, Lyra and Cygnus parallel its rambling southern and western sides and Cepheus completes its border.


15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 4, p. 32) There are several stories concerning Draco. The dragon guarded the sacred spring of Thebes that Cadmus had to slay in order to secure the sacred water. Draco guarded the Golden Fleece, of the Hesperides, which were taken by Hercules. In another ancient Greek story Minerva seized the dragon and hurled it into the northern sky where it became entangled in the celestial axis of the Earth.

16. REMARKS- Draco is the radiant point for the Draconid meteor showers from mid to the

end of October (Ref. 2, p. 144). This is one of the oldest constellations on record known to the Arabs (Ref. 7, p. 106).


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Gemini This is the third of the Zodiac constellations and the sun is in this constellation from June 21 to July 21 (Ref. 2, p. 148)

2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Twins 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- GEM - in -eye 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- February 20 (Ref. 2, p. 70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - November 10 - June 15 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 70 (Ref. 5, p. 236) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 23 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 13 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 3 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°---- 4.47 (Ref. 8, p. 177)


8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Castor (CASS-ter) from Latin form of Greek "one of the twin sons of Zeus" is a close double (separation 2 seconds of arc) and both are spectroscopic binaries. A third binary of ninth magnitude is 73 arc seconds away completing a system of 6 stars. (Ref. 2, p. 148) Magnitude: +1.58 Ranking: 23 Distance: 51.5 light years Spectrum Class: AO Flamsteed: # 66 Hipparcos: #36850 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p. 148) Beta- ββββ Pollux (PAUL-lucks) Latin form of Greek meaning "the other twin son of Zeus"

shines brighter than Castor. Magnitude: +1.16 Ranking: 17 Distance: 33.7 light years Spectrum Class: KO Flamsteed: # 78 Hipparcos: #37826 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

53 Gamma- γγγγ Alhena (al-HEN-ah) "the brand-mark" on the feet of Pollux Magnitude: +1.93 Ranking: 44 Distance: 104.8 light years Spectrum Class: AO Flamsteed: # 24 Hipparcos: #31681 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Delta- δδδδ Wasat (WAY-sat) "the middle of the sky" (Wesat) It is a double separated by 7 seconds of arc. Magnitude: +3.50 Distance: 58.8 light years Spectrum Class: FO Flamsteed: # 55 Hipparcos: #35550 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Epsilon- εεεε Mebsuta (meb-SUE-tah) "the outstretched paw of the lion" (Ref. 15, p. 14) Magnitude: +3.06 Distance: 903.0 light years Spectrum Class: G5 Flamsteed: # 27 Hipparcos: #32246 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Eta- θθθθ Propus (PRO-puss) from Greek in Ptolemys description of "the projecting foot." (Praepes) (Ref. 15, p. 14) In Castors left foot the magnitude is somewhat variable. Magnitude: +3.31 Distance: 349.0 light years Spectrum Class: M1 Flamsteed: # 7 Hipparcos: #29655 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

10.SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Two bright stars, Castor and Pollux, comprise the heads of the twins. Their bodies resemble two stick figures or two rather straight parallel lines of stars.

11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- The Alignment should be drawn from Rigel (in Orion) through Betelgeuse (in Orion) until it passes close to the head of the two twins.

12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p .237) Auriga, Taurus, and Orion border Gemini on the west; Auriga and Lynx on the north, Cancer on the east and Canis Minor and Monoceros skirts the south.


15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 4, p. 60) The Gemini twins (brothers) were a part of the Argonauts party that sailed with Jason to secure the Golden Fleece of Aries. Pollux is the son of Jupiter and Leda. Castor is known as the mortal son of Tyndareus (Tin-DAR-a-OSS.) Castor was an excellent manager of horses and Pollux an excellent soldier in battle and boxer. Sailors often used this constellation for navigation and it was considered a sign of good luck. Warriors also believed if you saw Gemini the night before battle that luck would have it that you would live to see Gemini again. (Ref. 9, p. 337)

16. REMARKS- M35 is a 6th magnitude open cluster of stars at 2,800 light years and can be

easily observed with binoculars. The Hindus referred to Gemini as a boy and girl, Adam and Eve. "The position of the planet Uranus when it was discovered by Sir William Herschel in 1782, was not far from Eta Geminorum. It was also in this region that Pluto stood when in 1930, Clyde Tombaugh found the tiny dot that appeared to move among the many faint stars scattered in the sky here." (Ref. 3, p. 239)



1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Hercules 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Strongman 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- HER-kyou-leez 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- July 25 (Ref. 2, p. 70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - April 10 - November 1 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 140 (Ref. 5, p. 236) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 37 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 15 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 0 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°------ 3.02 (Ref. 8, p. 177) 7. DIAGRAM OF CONSTELLATION -

8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- Alpha αααα Ras Algethi (RAS-al-GEE-th-ee) Arabic translating to "the kneeler's head", and has a telescopic double separation of five seconds of arc. (Ref. 2, p. 150) Magnitude: +2.78 Distance: 382.2 light years Spectrum Class: M5 Flamsteed: # 64 Hipparcos: #84345 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Beta- ββββ Kornephoros (Core-NEF-oh-rus) "club- bearer" (Ref. 15, p. 14) Magnitude: +2.78 Distance: 147.7 L.Y. Spectrum Class: KO Flamsteed: # 27 Hipparcos: #80816 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

55 Gamma- γ γ γ γ Herculis Magnitude: +3.74 Distance: 195.3 light years Spectrum Class: FO Flamsteed: # 20 Hipparcos: #80170 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Hercules is described as a man kneeling upside down in the sky with the keystone as his chest. The keystone bears resemblance to a rough square with an extension of each corner making a rough "H" form.

11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- The keystone of Hercules is found by extending a line from the southern part of Corona Borealis to the bright star Vega. Concurrently a line from Gemma of Corona Borealis to the bright head star of Ophiuchus will pass through the alpha and beta stars of Hercules. (Ref. 10, p. 75)

12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 240) It is bound on the west by Boötes, Corona Borealis, and Serpens Caput, to the north by Draco, on the east by Lyra, Vulpecula, Sagitta and Aquila, and on the south by Ophiuchus.

13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 1,225° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 5th (Ref. 2, p. 70) (Ref. 2, p. 70)


15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 3, p 241) This constellation memorializes Hercules, the famous Theban and hero of mythology. He is remembered for his 12 great labors, which required the display of such valor and heroism. Those twelve labors were:

1. To kill the lion no weapons could wound. - Hercules choked the lion. 2. To kill the nine-headed creature called the Hydra- He used the poisonous blood of the Hydra to

poison his arrows. 3. To bring back alive an Arcadian stag with horns of gold 4. To capture a great boar 5. To clean the stables of Augeas that hadn't been cleaned for years, which housed thousands of

cattle- He had to do the task in a day. 6. To drive away the enormous number of birds that plagued the people of Stymphalus 7. To master the savage bull of Crete 8. To drive off the man-eating mares of the King Diomedes 9. To bring back the girdle of the Queen of the Amazon 10. To capture the cattle of the fearful monster Geryon 11. To recover the golden apples of the Hesperides 12. To bring up from Hades the 3 headed dog, Cerberus, which was considered the worst of all.

16. REMARKS- Hercules is considered one of the most ancient of the constellations. The Arabs pictured Hercules as a kneeling giant but gave it no name. The Greek culture then used the Arab figure and named it after their muscular hero, Hercules. The triangle on the diagram of the constellation #7 marks the location of the 6th magnitude object of M13 the famous globular cluster of Hercules. Edmond Halley (1656-1742) discovered Messier #13 in 1716 and described it as "a little patch." A 4 to 6 inch telescope lens is required to resolve some of its stars, while it's estimated to have 100,000 stars or more and is 21,000 light years distance. (Ref. 2, p. 150)


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Hydra 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Water Serpent 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- HIGH-druh 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- April 20 (Ref. 2, p. 70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - March 1 - June 30 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 130 (Ref. 5, p. 236) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 32 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDEOR BRIGHTER ------- 9 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 1 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°------ 2.46 (Ref. 8, p. 177) 7. DIAGRAM OF CONSTELLATION-

8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Alphard (AL-fard) "the solitary star in the

serpent" (Alfard) It represents the chest of the serpent to some. Magnitude: +1.99 Ranking: 48 Distance: 177.2 light years Spectrum Class: K2 Flamsteed: #30 Hipparcos: #46390 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)


Beta- ββββ Hydrae Magnitude: +4.29 Distance: 365.1 light years Spectrum Class: B9 Hipparcos: #57936 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

57 Gamma- γγγγ Hydrae is brighter than Beta (Ref. 2, p. 152) Magnitude: +2.99 Distance:

132.0 light years Spectrum Class: G5 Flamsteed: # 46 Hipparcos: #64962 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Delta- δδδδ Hydrae Magnitude: +4.14 Distance: 179.0 light years Spectrum Class: AO Flamsteed: # 4 Hipparcos: #42313 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- The constellation reminds one of a very long snake-like creature found just above the horizon, running almost SW to SE, with its head pointing towards the west. 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- Below Cancer are six faint stars that form the head of the Hydra, which lies just east of Procyon with its tail ending near Libra, or ends just east of the bright star Spica. Never high in the sky, it's visible above the southern horizon in the spring. A line drawn from Castor through Pollux if extended will point out the head of the Hydra. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, pp. 242-243) Along its northern boundary from west to east lie Cancer, Leo, Sextans, Crater, Corvus, Virgo and Libra. Hydra is bounded on the southern side by Puppis, Pyxis, Antia and Centaurus, while Canis Minor touches Hydra on the west and Libra at its east end. 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 1,303° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 1st (Ref .2, p 70) (Ref. 2, p 70) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p 236) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 8 HOUR, 8 MINUTES TO 14 HOUR, 58 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION +06.8° TO +35.3° 15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 3, p. 242) The Hydra was a horrid swamp (marshes of Lerna) or monster that had nine heads. (Ref. 2, p. 152) One of the tasks given to Hercules was to kill the Hydra. The job was very difficult because every time Hercules cut off a head, two grew back in its place. Finally a clever cousin suggested searing the cut with fire to prevent the duplication of heads, thus Hercules was able to defeat the monster. The immortal head was buried beneath a huge rock where it could do no harm. 16. REMARKS- The stars Zeta, Epsilon, Delta, Sigma, Eta and Rho comprise the head of the serpent. The term Hydra was connected with a male image in Greco-Roman mythology but is sometimes called a female snake because the Latin name is feminine thus Hydrus (male water serpent) is used to separate it from the feminine name. (Ref. 3, p. 243)

58 LEO

1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Leo The fifth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this constellation from August 12 to September 17. (Ref. 2, p. 156) 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Lion 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- LEE-oh 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- April 10 (Ref. 2, p. 70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - January 15 - July 25 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 70 (Ref. 5, p. 237) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 26 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 10 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 2 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.° ---2.75 (Ref. 8, p. 177) 7. DIAGRAM OF CONSTELLATION -


or (REG-yguardian sseasons. RMagnitude32 Hippa

9. OTHER MNEB-oh-la) ASpectrum Clas

AR OF CONSTELLATION- α α α α Regulus Latin for "the prince" (Ref. 15, p. 15) ou-luss) "little king," as named by Copernicus (Ref. 2, p.156) One of four

tars - the others are Fomalhaut, Aldebaran, and Antares that were used to mark the egulus is the 21st brightest star and is often thought of as the heart of the Lion.

: +1.36 Ranking: 21 Distance: 77.5 light years Spectrum Class: B8 Flamsteed: # rcos: #49669 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

AJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p. 156) Beta- ββββ Denebola (de-rabic "tail of the lion" Magnitude: +2.14 Ranking: 62 Distance: 36.2 light years s: A2 Flamsteed: #94 Hipparcos: #57632 (Ref.18)(Ref.19)

59 Gamma- γγγγ Algieba (al-GEE-bah) (Algeiba) Arabic for "the forehead," is a double star

separated by four seconds of arc. Magnitude: +2.01 Ranking: 49 Distance: 125.6 light years Spectrum Class: K0 Flamsteed: # 41 Hipparcos: #50583 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Delta- δδδδ Zosma (ZOZ-ma) (Zozma) Greek "the loin cloth" Magnitude: +2.56 Ranking: 97

Distance: 57.7 light years Spectrum Class: A3 Flamsteed: #68 Hipparcos: #54872 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Leo is easily recognized because of its distinctive sickle or backward question mark shape to northern hemisphere observers. 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- Regulus, the 21st brightest star of the heavens, is a helpful guide. A line drawn straight from Megrez (ME-grez) through Phecda (FECK-dah) will take one to Regulus, the heart of the lion. The "pointer stars" of the Big Dipper, if used to go the opposite direction from the Pole Star, will point out the head of Leo. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 245-246) Cancer forms its western boundary, Leo Minor and Ursa Major border to the north, Coma Berenices and Virgo edge the west, while Crater and Sextans skirt the south. 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 947° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 12th (Ref. 2, p 70) (Ref. 2, p 70) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 237) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 9 HOUR, 18 MINUTES TO 11 HOUR, 56 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION -06.4° TO +33.3° 15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 3, pp. 245-246) One legend associates Leo with the first of Hercules' 12 labors. 16. REMARKS- Sphinx - Virgo's head and Leo's body - In the night sky Virgo's head is near the tail of Leo. The Egyptians worshipped Leo because the Nile floods occurred when the sun entered Leo. It may be the oldest of all the constellations having substantially the same boundaries that it has today. (Ref. 3, p. 245) When the constellation was first named the stars of this group were rising and setting with the sun, and the sun was at its highest elevation during the summer solstice when the Sun was in Leo. Leo was the point where the sun reached its full power to give life to the Earth, and traditionally was the king of beasts and the mightiest of the zodiac constellations. The Egyptians, the Arabs, and the Greeks alike called this constellation the Lion. (Ref. 3, pp. 245-246)


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Libra The seventh zodiac constellation; the sun is in this constellation from November 1 to November 23. (Ref. 2, p. 160) 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Scales 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- LIE-bra

2nd LEE-bra 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- June 20 (Ref. 2, p. 71) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - May 10 - September 5 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 50 (Ref. 5, p. 237) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 13 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 5 (Ref. 8, p. 177) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 0 (Ref. 8, p. 177) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°--- 2.42 (Ref. 8, p. 177) 7. DIAGRAM OF CONSTELLATION -

8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα1111 Zubenelgenubi (zoo-BEN-el-gee-new-be)

Arabic "the southern claw of the scorpion" is a double star. The two stars have a separation of 231 seconds of arc. α1 Zubenelgenubi Magnitude: +5.15 Distance: 77.1 light years Spectrum Class: F5 Flamsteed: # 8 Hipparcos: #72603 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

αααα2 Zubenelgenubi Magnitude: +2.75 Ranking: 122 Distance: 42.3 light years Spectrum Class: A3 Flamsteed: # 9 Hipparcos: #72622 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

61 9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p160) Beta- ββββ Zubeneschamali (zoo-BEN-ess-show-MAY-lee) Arabic "north claw of the scorpion" Magnitude: +2.61 Ranking: 102 Distance: 160.0 light years Spectrum Class: B8 Flamsteed: # 27 Hipparcos: #74785 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Gamma- γγγγ Zubenelakrab (zoo-BEN-el-ha-CRAW-be) Arabic "the scorpion's claw"

Magnitude: +3.91 Distance: 152.2 light years Spectrum Class: K0 Flamsteed: #38 Hipparcos: #76333 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Iota, the four brighter stars of Libra form a cockeyed rectangle that has its longest dimension running NW to SE. 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- Locate the star Antares in Scorpius then project a line toward Arcturus and Spica. Libra can be found between these line segments and just west of Scorpius. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p 250) Virgo and Serpens Caput border it on the north, Ophiuchus and Scorpius on the east, Lupus and Hydra on the south and Virgo again on the west. 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 538° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 29th (Ref. 2, p 71) (Ref. 2, p 71) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 237) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 14 HOUR, 18 MINUTES TO 15 HOUR, 59 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION -00.3° TO -29. 9° 15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 3, pp. 249-250), (Ref. 2, p. 160) Libra generates five main mythological references. Early stories associated 1) Libra in memory of Mechus, the inventor of weights; 2) Libra with Julius Caesar a token of his justice; 3) Libra with Astraea, the goddess of justice; 4) Libra with the balance of the seasons; 5) Libra with the balance of light and dark of fall. 16. REMARKS- Libra, added to the zodiac by the Romans, is the only constellation that represents an inanimate object. (Ref. 2, p. 160) Astronomers refer to this constellation as "the scales" since in classical times the autumnal equinox (when days and nights are equal) occurred when the sun was within this constellation. Astraea, the goddess of justice, is pictured holding "the scales of justice." (Ref. 2, p. 160) The beta star of Libra is said to be the only naked eye star that is greenish in color. (Ref. 11, p. 63)


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Lyra 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Lyre (or Harp) 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- LIE-rah 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- August 15 (Ref. 2, p 71) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - April 10 - December 25 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 45 (Ref. 5, p. 237) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 11 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 4 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 1 (Ref. 8, p. 178) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.° ---3.85 (Ref. 8, p. 178) 7. DIAGRAM OF CONSTELLATION -


15, p. 16) (VEE-gastar in the night skSpectrum Class: A0

9. OTHER MAJOR S Beta- ββββ Sheliak (SH

Magnitude: +3.52 Hipparcos: #92420

CONSTELLATION- αααα Vega Arabic "the falling eagle or vulture" (Ref. h) The solar system is moving toward Vega, which is the third brightest

y of our latitude. Magnitude: 0.03 Ranking: 5 Distance: 25.3 light years Flamsteed: # 3 Hipparcos: #91262 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

TARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p. 162) ELL-yak) Persian for "tortoise" (Sheluak) and is an eclipsing binary. Distance: 881.1 light years Spectrum Class: B8 Flamsteed: #10

(Ref.18) (Ref.19)

63 Gamma- γγγγ Sulafat (SU-la-fat) Arabic "the tortoise" (Sulaphat) Magnitude: +3.25 Distance: 634.2 light years Spectrum Class: A0 Flamsteed: #14 Hipparcos: #93194 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- It forms a faint parallelogram near the bright star Vega. The stars of the parallelogram asterism are faint enough and close enough that they will all appear in the field of view by using a lower power binoculars, for better seeing this dim con-stellation. 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- Lyra is found in the northeastern corner of the "summer triangle" and passes within 1° of zenith point for any location in Fairfax County, Virginia at 10P.M. Eastern Daylight Savings time on August 15. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 252) Draco borders Lyra on the north and Cygnus borders on the east. Vulpecula and Hercules edges Lyra on the south and Hercules on the west. 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 286° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 52nd (Ref. 2, p 71) (Ref. 2, p 71) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 237) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 18 HOUR, 12 MINUTES TO 19 HOUR, 26 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION +25.6° TO +47.7° 15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 3, p. 252) Lyra represents the instrument which Apollo or Mercury gave to Orpheus (OR-fee-us) "son of the muse Calliope," (Kah-LY-uh-pee) the famed musician who could not live without his wife, Eurydice (u-RID-ih-see.) Orpheus was one of the Argonauts who quieted the rough seas with his music. The strings of his harp were stretched across a tortoise shell, according to the Arabic legend, thus the star Sulaphat, the Arabic name for "tortoise." (Ref. 2, p. 162) 16. REMARKS- Our solar system is headed generally toward Vega within 10° and we are approaching Vega at a speed of about 12 miles per second, which would assure a close passage in about 325,000 years. (Ref. 3, p. 253) Lyra is a fascinating, small parallelogram and is most easily observed by binoculars. (Note: Binoculars shouldn't be used to observe many constellations, as most are too large for the field of view of the binoculars.) M57 is the famous "Ring Nebula," a planetary nebula 5,000 light years distance. A small telescope (3 inch objective lens) is required to see it, since it is ninth magnitude. The central star of this nebula is an example of a white dwarf star and is of fifteenth magnitude.


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Ophiuchus 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Serpent Bearer 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- OFF-ih-YOU-cuss 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- July 25 (Ref. 2, p. 71) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - May 10 - October 10 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 100 (Ref. 5, p. 237) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 36 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 12 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 0 (Ref. 8, p. 178) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°----- 3.80 (Ref. 8, p. 178) 7. DIAGRAM OF CONSTELLATION -


head of the serpent light years Spectrum

9. OTHER MAJOR S Beta- ββββ Cebalrai (SE

82.0 light years Spe Gamma- γγγγ Marfik (M

years Spectrum Cla

CONSTELLATION- αααα Rasalhague (RAS-al-HAY-gwee) Arabic "the collector" (Ref. 15, p. 16) Magnitude: +2.08 Ranking: 59 Distance: 46.7 Class: A5 Flamsteed: #55 Hipparcos: #86032 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

TARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p.170) B-al-RAY-ee) Arabic "the shepherd's dog" Magnitude: +2.76 Distance:

ctrum Class: K0 Flamsteed: #60 Hipparcos: #86742 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

AR-fick) Arabic "the elbow" Magnitude: +3.75 Distance: 94.7 light ss: A2 Flamsteed: #35 Hipparcos: #84012 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

65 Zeta- ζζζζ Ophiuchi Magnitude: +2.54 Distance: 457.9 light years Spectrum Class: B0

Flamsteed: # 13 Hipparcos: #81377 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Eta- εεεε Sabik "the following Hand" Magnitude: +2.43 Distance: 84.1 light years Spectrum

Class: A0 Flamsteed: # 62 Hipparcos: #87108 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- The constellation resembles a large barn with a peaked roof, where the brightest star on the peak of the roof equals the top of the giant's head. (Ref. 3, p. 258) 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- A line drawn from Vega to Antares will pass nearly through the center of Ophiuchus and its head star of Rasalhague, with the lower part of the Serpent Bearer being right above Scorpius. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 258) Ophiuchus is bordered on the west by Scorpius, Libra and Serpens Caput, on the north by Hercules, on the east by Aquila, Serpens Cauda and Aquarius, and on the south by Scorpius. 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 948° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 11th (Ref. 2, p. 71) (Ref. 2, p. 71) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 237) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 15 HOUR, 58 MINUTES TO 18 HOUR, 42 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION +14.3° TO -30.1° 15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 2, p.170) Greek legend of the Serpent Bearer originates with the god Aesculapius, founder of medicine and the doctor for the Argonauts, who was known to bring one man back from the dead. He so worried Pluto that Pluto persuaded Zeus to place Ophiuchus among the stars putting him out of the way. 16. REMARKS- Ophiuchus even though it is the eleventh largest constellation isn't easily recognized or conspicuous. (Ref. 3, p. 258) When the zodiac was formed the Sun did not pass through Ophiuchus, however due to precession the sun spends more time in Ophiuchus now than it does in Scorpius. (Ref. 2, p. 170) The sun is in Ophiuchus from Nov. 30 until Dec. 18, and in Scorpius from Nov. 23-30th thus the sun today spends more time in Ophiuchus than in the zodiac sign Scorpius. (Ref. 2, pp. 170, 184) The idea of two giants, face to face, is helpful. Hercules' head being upside down in the sky is just above that of Ophiuchus.


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Orion 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Hunter 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- oh-RYE-un 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- January 25 (Ref. 2, p. 71) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - November 10 - April 30 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 120 (Ref. 5, p. 237) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 42 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 15 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 5 (Ref. 8, p. 178) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.° --- 7.07 (Ref. 8, p. 178) 7. DIAGRAM OF CONSTELLATION -

8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- α α α α Betelgeuse (BET-el-jooz) Arabic for the "armpit of the central one," Betelgeuse is 500 to 700 times the size of our sun and the ninth brightest star in the night sky. Betelgeuse is a red giant star that is somewhat variable. Magnitude: +0.45 Ranking: 9 Distance: 427.3 light years Spectrum Class: M0 Flamsteed: #58 Hipparcos: #27989 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2 p. 178) Beta- ββββ Rigel (RYE-jel) Arabic "Orion's left foot" (Ref. 15, p. 17) The brightest star in Orion, the seventh brightest

67 star in the night sky and marks the left leg of Orion. It has a seventh magnitude companion at nine arc seconds distance. Magnitude: +0.18 Ranking: 7 Distance: 772.5 light years Spectrum Class: B8 Flamsteed: #19 Hipparcos: #24436 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Gamma- γγγγ Bellatrix (beh-LAY-trix) named for an Amazon, or Latin meaning "the female

warrior" (Ref. 15, p. 17) Magnitude: +1.64 Ranking: 26 Distance: 242.9 light years Spectrum Class: B2 Flamsteed: # 24 Hipparcos: #25336 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Delta- δδδδ Mintaka (min-TAH-kah) Arabic for "Orion's belt" near the celestial equator is an eclipsing variable with a period of 5.7 days. Mintaka is the uppermost star in the belt. Magnitude: +2.25 Ranking: 73 Distance: 915.7 light years Spectrum Class: B0 Flamsteed: #34 Hipparcos: #25930 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Epsilon- εεεε Alnilam (al-NIGH-lam) Arabic conveying "string of pearls," - A title which referred to the three belt stars collectively, and is the middle star in the belt. Magnitude: +1.69 Ranking: 29 Distance: 1341.6 light years Spectrum Class: B0 Flamsteed: # 46 Hipparcos: #26311 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Zeta- ζζζζ Alnitak (al-NIGH-tack) Arabic for "the belt" and is a double star with 3 arc second separation, located at the bottom of Orion's belt. Magnitude: +1.74 Ranking: 31 Distance: 817.0 light years Spectrum Class: B0 Flamsteed: # 50 Hipparcos: #26727 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Kappa- κκκκ Saiph (safe) Arabic translating into "the sword of the powerful one." Magnitude: +2.07 Ranking: 54 Distance: 721.2 light years Spectrum Class: B0 Flamsteed: #53 Hipparcos: #27366 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- One of the easily identified constellations, its general outline is comprised of four bright stars that create a somewhat irregular rectangle. A conspicuous line of three stars crossing the center of the rectangle from NW to SE is often referred to as "the belt" of Orion.

11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- A straight line drawn from Sirius, the brightest nighttime star, to Aldebaran goes right through the center three belt stars of Orion.

12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 261) Taurus borders Orion on part of the west and part of the north side. Gemini completes its irregular northern boundary and turns the corner to the east. Monoceros covers the rest of the eastern side of Orion and Lepus completes its boundary on the south.

13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 594° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 26th (Ref. 2, p. 71) (Ref. 2, p. 71)

14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 237) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 4 HOUR, 41 MINUTES TO 6 HOUR, 23 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION -11.0° TO +23.0° 15. MYTHOLOGY- In Greek mythology, Orion considered the tallest and most handsome, was the son of Neptune and became Diana's lover and pursuer of the beautiful Pleiades. (Ref. 2, p. 172) The hunter is named after a hero in mythology killed by the scorpion at the request of

68 Juno, who was incensed at Orion's conceit. (Ref. 4, p. 28) He claimed superiority over every

creature on the Earth. The gods punished his conceit by sending the Scorpion to attack him, causing his death. At Diana's request Orion was placed in the sky to honor him and positioned him at the opposite part of the sky so he would never met the Scorpion again. Another legend says Orion fell in love with Merope and they attempted to elope. Her father interfered and was so mad at Orion that he blinded him. The blind giant wandered aimlessly until he came to the forge of Vulcan. Vulcan took pity on him and led him to the top of a high mountain and had him face the rising sun and his sight was restored. (Ref. 13, p. 277) One of the most famous legends concerns Orion meeting Diana, the moon goddess or huntress, on the island of Crete. Diana was so much in love with Orion that she was neglecting her responsibility for driving the lunar chariot across the night sky. Her brother, the driver of the solar chariot, warned her not to neglect her duties, but she would not leave Orion. Finally, Apollo, in disgust, tricked her. He pointed to a very faint distant object in the sea and told Diana she had lost her touch even as a huntress and couldn't hit the faint distant object moving in the water. Of course her aim was excellent and her arrow made its mark, killing her lover Orion as he swam. Suffering from his misdirected death Diana transported Orion into the bitter cold winter sky, forever reminding her of her bitter loss by making him one of the most gloriously bright constellations. Legend has it that Orion is strategically placed in the heavens so that the moon passes it monthly so Diana can still visit her lover in spirit. (Ref. 9, p. 333) 16. REMARKS- Many people consider Orion to be the most easily identified constellation because of its seven bright stars. It is the only northern hemisphere constellation that has more than one 1st magnitude star within it. Orion's belt can be used to help the young astronomer find the eye of Taurus the bull as the 3 stars of the belt point up to the eye of the bull. The three belt stars point down to the east toward Sirius, the brightest star in the sky and the nose of the big dog Canis Major. The triangle under the belt of Orion M42 is the great Orion nebula, which is about 1800 light years distance and more than 30 light years in width, making it is one of the showpieces of the sky. To the unaided eye this diffuse nebula appears as a slightly fuzzy patch of light. The star η Orionis appears to be enveloped in a haze that indicates the presence of the great nebula. η Orionis is a quadruple called the Trapezium that are all very young stars of sixth to eighth magnitude. Also to the west of M42 is the smaller diffuse nebula M43. (Ref. 2, p. 172) (Ref. 13, p. 278)


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Pegasus 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Winged Horse 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- PEG-uh-suss 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- October 20 (Ref. 2, p. 71) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - August 1 - February 10 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 100 (Ref. 5, p. 237) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 29 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 9 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 0 (Ref. 8, p. 178) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.° ----2.59 (Ref. 8, p. 178) 7. DIAGRAM OF CONSTELLATION -

8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Markab (MAR-kab) marks the lower western

corner of the square, and is Arabic meaning either "riding" or some kind of vehicle or an animal to ride on. (Ref. 3, p. 265) It may also be "the saddle." (Ref. 2, p. 174) Magnitude: +2.49 Ranking: 92 Distance: 139.6 light years Spectrum Class: A0 Flamsteed: #54 Hipparcos: #113963 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) (Ref. 2, p. 174) Alpheratz is the alpha star of Andromeda and is also used by Pegasus to make the square of Pegasus. See Andromeda, page 18, for Alpheratz.

9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p. 174) Beta- ββββ Scheat

(SHEE-at) a corrupt transliteration of the Arabic (Ref. 15, p. 18) "the shoulder" (of the horse)

70 Magnitude: +2.44 Ranking: 87 Distance: 199.1 light years Spectrum Class: M0 Flamsteed: #53 Hipparcos: #113881 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Gamma- γγγγ Algenib (al-GEE-nib) Arabic "the side" (Ref. 15, p. 18) Magnitude: +2.83 Distance: 333.0 light years Spectrum Class: B2 Flamsteed: #88 Hipparcos: #1067 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Epsilon- εεεε Enif (ENN-if) Arabic "the horse's nose" (Ref. 15, p. 18) Magnitude: +2.38 Ranking: 82 Distance: 672.2 light years Spectrum Class: K0 Flamsteed: #8 Hipparcos: #107315 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Pegasus forms the great square in the sky and is the seventh largest of the constellations.

11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- If Cassiopeia can be seen in the north, a line from the North Star, Polaris, drawn through Caph (the end star in the "W" opposite the lazy side of the "W") will strike the mark of "Markab" (MAR-kab.) (Ref. 4) When the bright star Fomalhaut is seen on the south horizon, the right side of the square of Pegasus will be in the sky on a line from Fomalhaut to Scheat. (Ref. 10, p. 83)

12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 265) Lacerta and Andromeda and Cygnus butt Pegasus to the north. Andromeda and Pisces border Pegasus on the east and Pisces and Aquarius on the south. Equuleus, Delphinus, Vulpecula and Cygnus surround Pegasus on the west.

13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 1,121° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 7th (Ref. 2, p. 71) (Ref. 2, p. 71)

14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 237) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 21 HOUR, 6 MINUTES TO 0 HOUR, 13 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION +02.2° TO +36.3° 15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 4) Pegasus, created by the power of Poseidon, sprang from the blood of Medusa after Perseus decapitated her. 16. REMARKS- Alpheratz is the Alpha star of Andromeda used to make the "Great Square of Pegasus." It is one of the few stars that serve in two constellations; El Nath of Taurus also serves as a star in the five-sided Auriga. The two stars off the northwest corner of the square form a small triangle that can help confirm that corner and side of the square. Only the horse's front half is in the sky according to modern cynics; the other half fell to the Earth, where it breeds politicians. (Ref. 2, p. 174) See Andromeda, page 18.


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Perseus 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Hero 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- PURR-see-us 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST-December 25 (Ref. 2, p. 71) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9 P.M. - August 10 - May 15 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 90 (Ref. 5, p. 237) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 34 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 10 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 1 (Ref. 8, p. 178) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°---- 5.52 (Ref. 8, p. 178) 7. DIAGRAM OF CONSTELLATION - 8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Mirfak (Mirphak) (MERE-fak) Arabic "the

elbow of the Pleiades" or Algenib (Al-GEE-nib) "the side of Perseus" (Ref. 15, pp. 18-19) Magnitude: +1.79 Ranking: 35 Distance: 591.7 light years Spectrum Class: F5 Flamsteed: #33 Hipparcos: #15863 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2 p. 174) Beta- ββββ Algol (AL-gall) Arabic meaning "the demon's head" or Demon Star, which "blinks" +

2.06 to +3.28 is an eclipsing binary with a period of 2.87 days. Magnitude: +2.09 Ranking: 60 Distance: 92.8 light years Spectrum Class: B8 Flamsteed: #26 Hipparcos: #14576 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

72 10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Perseus has the shape of a very pointed witch's hat, the east brim curls up near Capella and forms the bottom hook of the letter "J." If one scrutinizes the brighter stars on the east side of the hat, then one can find Perseus.

11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- The foot of Perseus is just above the seven sisters. Also the sword or eastern arm of Perseus is near the 6th brightest star called Capella in Auriga. The point comprising the head of Perseus is toward the head of Cassiopeia and the open "V" of Andromeda. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, pp. 266-267) Andromeda and Cassiopeia border Perseus on the west and Cassiopeia and Camelopardalis on the north. Auriga and Taurus skirt Perseus on the east and Aries and Triangulum edge Perseus on its south side. 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 615° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 24th (Ref. 2, p. 71) (Ref. 2, p. 71) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 237) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 1 HOUR, 26 MINUTES TO 4 HOUR, 46 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION +30.9° TO +58.9° 15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 4) Son of Jupiter and Danae, and grandson of Acrisius, Perseus killed Medusa by using Minerva's shield, Mercury's winged sandals and Pluto's helmet to become invisible. He saved Andromeda from Cetus the whale or in the Hollywood version the monster was called the "Cracken" in the film "Clash of the Titans." 16. REMARKS- Algol is part of the Arabic name Rasalghul which means the "Demon's Head." The Arabs did know of the legend of Medusa but they had their own legend of Algol being the head of Ghul. Ghul was known for haunting men and killing them.


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Pisces The twelfth constellation of the zodiac; the sun is in this constellation from March 13 to April 19th. (Ref. 2, p. 178) 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Fishes 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- PIE-seas 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- Nov. 10 (Ref. 2, p. 71) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - August 15 - February 10 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 75 (Ref. 5, p. 237) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 24 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 3 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 0 (Ref. 8, p. 178) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.° --- 2.70 (Ref. 8, p. 178) 7. DIAGRAM OF CONSTELLATION -

8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Alrisha (Alrescha) (al-REE-shah) Arabic for "the rope or cord" (Ref. 15, p. 19) is a double star. Magnitude: +3.82 Distance: 139.0 light years Spectrum Class: A2 Flamsteed: #113 Hipparcos: #9487 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p. 178) Beta- ββββ Fum Al Samakah (FOOM-al sah-MAH-kah) "fish's mouth" Magnitude: +4.48,

Distance: 492.4 light years; Spectrum Class: B5 Flamsteed: #4 Hipparcos: #113889 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

74 Gamma- γ γ γ γ Piscis - is the southern fish under the square of Pegasus. Magnitude: +3.70 Distance: 130.8 light years Spectrum Class: K0 Flamsteed: #6 Hipparcos: #114971 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- A very dim constellation with only one star as bright as third magnitude. A dim oval of stars under the square of Pegasus forms what is known as the southern fish. The second and dimmer group of stars just below the center of Andromeda is the northern fish. A line of very dim stars known as a rope or ribbon connects the two fish. 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- Learn the surrounding constellations of Pegasus, Andromeda and Aries first, then look for a small group of stars for the northern fish half way between the brightest stars of Andromeda and Aries. The southern fish is located below the center of the square of Pegasus. Binoculars are helpful in tracking the dim string or else only look for it under the best sky conditions. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 270) Aquarius is located on Pisces southwestern corner and Pegasus touches its western and much of its northern side, while Triangulum completes the north side of Pisces. Aries and Cetus border the east side and Cetus covers most of the southern border. 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 889° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 14th (Ref. 2, p. 71) (Ref. 2, p. 71) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 237) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 22 HOUR, 49 MINUTES TO 2 HOUR, 4 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION -06.6° TO +33.4° 15. MYTHOLOGY- One Greek story based on Syrian legend says Venus and her son Cupid escaped Typhon, the fire-breathing giant, by jumping into the Euphrates River and turning themselves into fish. A Roman story says the constellation is in honor of the fish that carried Venus and her son to safety. (Ref. 2, p. 178) They were bound together by the string so they wouldn't get separated from each other. (Ref. 7, p. 287) 16. REMARKS- About 2000 years ago spring started in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Due to precession of the Earth, the sun crosses the celestial equator heading north in the constellation of Pisces. We are now in the "age of the fish;" the "age of Aquarius" will occur in about 600 years. (Ref. 2, p. 178)


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Sagittarius Sagittarius is the ninth constellation of the zodiac; the sun is in Sagittarius from December 19 to January 19th (Ref. 2, p. 184) 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Archer 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Saj-ih-TAY-rih-us 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- August 20 (Ref. 2, p. 71) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9 P.M. - June 20 - October 10 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 115 (Ref. 5, p. 237) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 33 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 14 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 1 (Ref. 8, p. 178) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.° ------3.80 (Ref. 8, p. 178) 7. DIAGRAM OF CONSTELLATION -

8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Rukbat (RUCK-bat) Arabic "the archer's knee"

(Rucba) Magnitude: +3.9 Distance: 169.8 light years Spectrum Class: B8 Hipparcos: #95347 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p. 184) Beta- ββββ1Arkab Prior (Arkab) (ARE-kab) Arabic "the tendon" (Ref. 2, p. 184) "the archer's

tendon Achilles" (Ref. 15, p. 19) is an optical double. (Ref. 2, p. 184) Magnitude: +3.96 Distance: 378.2 light years Spectrum Class: B8 Hipparcos: #95241 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Beta- ββββ2 Arkab Posterior Magnitude: +4.27 Distance: 763.5 light years Spectrum Class: F0 Hipparcos: #95294 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)


Gamma- γγγγ1 Kaus Media Arabic word for "bow" (kaus) and Latin for "middle" (Ref. 15, p. 19) Magnitude: +4.66 Distance: 2076.4 light years Spectrum Class: F8 Flamsteed: #8 Hipparcos: #88567 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Gamma- γγγγ2Al Nasl (al-NAYZ-el) Arabic "the point of the arrow" (Ref. 15, p. 19) Magnitude: +2.98 Distance: 96.1 light years Spectrum Class: K0 Flamsteed: #10 Hipparcos: #88635 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Epsilon- εεεε Kaus Australis "southern star of the bow" Magnitude: +1.79 Ranking: 34 Distance: 144.6 light years Spectrum Class: A0 Flamsteed: #20 Hipparcos: #90185 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Zeta- ζ ζ ζ ζ Ascella Latin for the "armpit" of the archer Magnitude: +2.60 Ranking: 101 Distance: 89.0 light years Spectrum Class: A2 Flamsteed: #38 Hipparcos: #93506 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Sigma- σσσσ Nunki (NUN-key) which is an old Mesopotamian (Sumerian) name - "the asterism of the yoke of the sea;" "the asterism of the holy city" (Ref. 15, p. 20) Magnitude: +2.05 Ranking: 52 Distance: 224.2 light years Spectrum Class: B3 Flamsteed: #34 Hipparcos: #92855 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) 10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Sagittarius is supposed to form the shape of a Centaur when in fact its shape really resembles that of a "teapot" tipped slightly toward the west. 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- When the summer triangle is high in the sky, the Northern Cross points down the Milky Way toward the "teapot" Sagittarius. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 275) Sagittarius is bordered on the west by Scorpius and Ophiuchus and Serpens Cauda; Aquila and Scutum act as a border on the north. Capricornus and Microscopium cover the east and Telescopium and Corona Australis enclose the south. 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 867° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 15th (Ref. 2, p. 70) (Ref. 2, p. 70)


15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 13, pp. 156-157) The archer aims his arrow at the heart of the Scorpion. Centaur (SEN-tar), half man and half horse, the son of Saturn, is said to have changed himself into a horse in order to escape from his jealous wife, Rhea. He died from a scratch he received from a poisoned arrow. Chiron was famous for marksmanship, education, medicine, and teacher of heroes - Hercules, Apollo, Achilles, and Jason. 16. REMARKS- Sagittarius is never seen high in the sky even at culmination. The top of the "teapot" is less than 30° above the south horizon. Just above and to the west of the pour spout of the teapot is the center point of the Milky Way galaxy.


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Scorpius Scorpius is the 8th constellation of the zodiac; the sun is in Scorpius from November 23 to November 30. (Ref. 2, p. 184) 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Scorpion 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- SCORE-pea-uss 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- July 20 (Ref. 2, p. 71) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - June 25 - September 10 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------------ 100 (Ref. 5, p. 237) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------------ 38 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ----------- 17 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ----------- 3 (Ref. 8, p. 178) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°- 7.64 (Ref. 8, p. 178) 7. DIAGRAM OF CONSTELLATION -

8. ALPH(Ref. 15,primary apart and(Ref. 2, pFlamstee

A STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Antares (an-TAY-rease) Greek "rival of Mars" p. 20) Antares is a double star named for the bright red color of the super red giant star. Antares' magnitude is somewhat variable. Its secondary star is three arc seconds is a fifth magnitude star. (A six-inch telescope should separate them when viewing.) .184) Magnitude: +1.06 Ranking: 16 Distance: 603.7 light years Spectrum Class: M0 d: #21 Hipparcos: #80763 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)


Beta- ββββ Graffias (GRAF-ih-as) Greek "the crab" (Ref. 15, p. 20) is a triple star system. The combined is Magnitude: +2.56 Ranking: 96 Distance: 530.1 light years Spectrum Class: B1 Flamsteed: #8 Hipparcos: #78820 (Ref.18)(Ref.19) Delta- δδδδ Dschubba "the forehead" Luminosity Dschubba is 3,500 times brighter than the sun. Magnitude: +2.29 Ranking: 75 Distance: 401.5 light years Spectrum Class: B0 Flamsteed: #7 Hipparcos: #78401 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Epsilon- εεεε Scorpii Magnitude: +2.29 Ranking: 76 Distance: 65.4 light years Spectrum Class: K0 Flamsteed: #26 Hipparcos: #82396 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Theta- θθθθ Sargas Magnitude: +1.86 Ranking: 39 Distance: 271.9 light years Spectrum Class: F0 Hipparcos: #86228 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Kappa- κκκκ Scorpii Magnitude: +2.39 Ranking: 83 Distance: 463.7 light years Spectrum Class: B2 Hipparcos: #86670 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Lambda- λλλλ Shaula (SHOW-la) Also meaning "sting" Magnitude: +1.62 Ranking: 25 Distance: 702.6 light years Spectrum Class: B2 Flamsteed: #35 Hipparcos: #85927 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Upsilon- ψψψψ Lesath (LESS-ath) Arabic "the scorpion's sting" Magnitude: +2.70 Ranking: 114 Distance: 518.3 light years Spectrum Class: B3 Flamsteed: #114 Hipparcos: #78401 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Scorpius is striking and should be easy to identify in July near culmination. Antares, the heart of Scorpius, marks the top of a "J" shape that is the curve of the scorpion's tail. Toward the west of Antares are three stars of second to third magnitude that form the head of the scorpion. 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- The Milky Way can be your guide as the scorpion's tail lies near the direction of the center of our galaxy and will always be on the southernmost end of the Milky Way trail as seen from our latitude. The brightest star Antares, the scorpion's heart, can help confirm your identification. A line extended from Deneb through Vega will point out Scorpius. (Ref. 10, p. 77) 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 279) Scorpius is bordered on the west by Centaurus and Libra and on the north by Ophiuchus, with Sagittarius bordering the corner and most of the western side. Ophiuchus comes down to cover the upper western edge, with Corona Australis finishing up the western side. On the south Scorpius is encompassed by Ara and Norma. 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 497° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 33 (Ref. 2, p. 70) (Ref. 2, p. 70) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 237) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 15 HOUR, 44 MINUTES TO 17 HOUR, 55 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION -08.1° TO -45.6°

79 15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 2, p.184) The scorpion stung Orion on the foot at the command of Juno or Hera because of Orion's conceit, thus causing Orion's death. They were placed in the opposite part of the sky at Diana's request so Orion wouldn't be bitten again. These constellations never appear in the heavens at the same time. 16. REMARKS- When the sun entered Scorpius there was much sickness prevalent in Egypt. Also, in classical times, it was the largest of the constellations and later Libra was formed from its claws. In June 1962, Scorpius X-1 was discovered to be a binary with an intense short wave energy emission and a good black hole candidate. This possible black hole is located by the triangle in the constellation diagram in #7 and is thought to be about 1600 light years distance.


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Taurus Taurus is the second constellation of the zodiac; the sun is in Taurus from May 14 to June 21. (Ref. 2, p. 188) 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Bull 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- TAW-russ 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- January 15 (Ref. 2, p. 71) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - October 5 - April 30 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 125 (Ref. 5, p. 237) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 44 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 14 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 2 (Ref. 8, p. 178) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°-----5.52 (Ref. 8, p. 178) 7. DIAGRAM OF CONSTELLATION -


(Ref. 65.1 lClass:

A STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Aldebaran (al-debb-a-ran) Arabic "follower" 15, p. 21) of the Pleiades lies between Earth and the Hyades star cluster, being only ight years away. Magnitude: +0.87 Ranking: 14 Distance: 65.1 light years Spectrum K5 Flamsteed: # 87 Hipparcos: #21421 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

81 9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p. 188) Beta- El Nath (El-nath) "the butting one" with the horns (Ref. 15, p. 2) (Al Nath) Magnitude:

+1.65 Ranking: 27 Distance: 131.0 light years Spectrum Class: B8 Flamsteed: #112 Hipparcos: #25428 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Gamma- Tauri or Hyadum I Magnitude: +3.65 Distance: 154.0 light years Spectrum Class: K0 Flamsteed: #54 Hipparcos: #20205 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- The face of the bull is a V-shape formed from a cluster of stars called the Hyades (High-a-deez). 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- Aldebaran, the Alpha star of Taurus, is easily found by extending a line through the "Belt of Orion" upward or northward. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, pp. 285-286) Taurus is bordered on the west by Cetus and Aries and to the north by Perseus and Auriga. Gemini and Orion frame Taurus on the east and Eridanus on the south. 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 797° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 17th (Ref. 2, p. 71) (Ref. 2, p. 71) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 237) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 3 HOUR, 20 MINUTES TO 5 HOUR, 58 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION +00.1° TO +30.9° 15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 4, p. 52) In Greek mythology the bull (Zeus in disguise) carried off Europa, the beautiful daughter of the King of Phoenicia, to Crete. Europa was attracted by the beautiful animal, stroked his snowy white coat and finally seated herself on his back. The bull dashed away immediately to Crete where Jupiter revealed his real identity and won Europa for his bride. 16. REMARKS- The position of the vernal equinox 2000 B.C. or 4,000 years ago was in the constellation Taurus. The Egyptians worshipped Taurus, as the sun was located in this constellation at the first of spring. The Egyptians considered Taurus an emblem of immortality. Taurus is also associated with great fertility festivals and celebrations of spring throughout the ancient world. The Hyades that are visible to the unaided eye are "rainy stars" since their rise introduces autumn (the rainy season), and because they are the nymphs who are crying over the death of Hyas (High-as), their brother, who was killed by a boar. The cluster is 6° in diameter at a distance of 130 light years. (Ref. 2, p. 188) M1 is shown in the constellation diagram #7 by the small triangle near Zeta Tauri. M1 is the famous Crab Nebula, remnant of a brilliant supernova, observed in China July 4, 1054 A.D. It was visible in daylight for over 20 days and at night for more than a year. The nebula is about five-arc seconds wide and 4,000 light years distance. Taurus has a rapidly rotating (30 times per second) neutron star that is known as a pulsar, which requires a large telescope to show significant detail. (Ref. 2, p. 188)

82 Also note the B star El Nath belongs to the constellation Taurus but is sometimes used

in Auriga to form the pentagon shape. (See Auriga, p. 26) The Pleiades or Seven Sisters are a famous open or galactic star cluster found along the parameter of Taurus. The group is 2° wide and 541 L.Y. distance. (Ref. 2, p. 188) They are the 7 daughters of Atlas who all married gods but one, and she was so ashamed she hasn't shown her light since. All the names of the Pleiades originate with the Greek. (Ref. 15, p. 21)

1. Alcyone (al-SIGH-oh-nee) or Halcyone- "the queen who wards off evil (storms)" This is the brightest star of the Pleiades (Ref. 13, p. 274)

2. Merope (MERE-oh-pea) She was to marry Orion but Orion kept postponing the event.

(Ref. 12, p. 297) She ended up marrying Sisyphus (very wise) son of Aeolus, grandson of Deucalion (the Greek Noah) and great grandson of Prometheus. She had sons Glaucus, Ornytion, and Sinon and may also have been the mother of Daedalus.

3. Celaeno "swarthy" She had sons Lycus (wolf) and Chimaerus (he-goat) by Prometheus.

4. Taygete "long necked" She was charmed by Zeus and gave birth to Lacedaemon, founder

of Sparta. In another myth, she wasn't willing to yield to Zeus and Artemis disguised her as a female red deer to elude him.

5. Sterope (Sometimes spelled Asterope) She was kidnapped by Ares and gave birth to

Oenomaus, King of Pisa. In another myth, she was the daughter of the river Cebren. She also may be the daughter of Porthaon and mothered the Sirens, renowned for luring sailors to their deaths with their enchanting singing.

6. Electra (Mother of Dardanus)- founder of the Trojan race (Ref. 12, p. 297) She was the

wife of Corythus and gave Zeus a son, Dardanus, founder of Troy.

7. Maia (Mother of Hermes) (Ref. 12, p. 297) "grandmother," "mother," "nurse" She was the eldest and most beautiful of the sisters. She was charmed by Zeus and gave him a son Hermes. Later she became a foster-mother to Arcas (Zeus son by Callisto), while Callisto was a bear. Zeus then put Callisto and Arcas in the heavens. [She was Ursa Major, see page 82 and he was either Boötes, (page 28) or Ursa Minor.]


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Ursa Major 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Great Bear 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- URR-sah MA-joor 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- April 20 (Ref. 2, p.71) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - circumpolar constellation (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 125 (Ref. 5, p. 237) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 35 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 19 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 3 (Ref. 8, p. 178) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°----- 2.73 (Ref. 8, p. 178) 7. DIAGRAM OF CONSTELLATION -

8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- α α α α Dubhe (DUBB-ee) "the bear" in Arabic is the pointer star nearer to Polaris. It is a double separated by one second of arc. Magnitude: +1.81 Ranking: 36 Distance: 123.6 light years Spectrum Class: K0 Flamsteed: #50 Hipparcos: #54061 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p. 194) Beta- ββββ Merak (ME-rack) Arabic "loins of the greater bear" (Ref. 15, p. 21) is the second

"Pointer star". (Ref. 2, p. 194) Magnitude: +2.34 Ranking: 80 Distance: 79.4 light years Spectrum Class: A0 Flamsteed: #64 Hipparcos: #53910 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)


Gamma- γγγγ Phecda (FECK-dah) Arabic "the thigh of the greater bear" (Ref. 15, p. 21) (Ref. 2, p. 194) (Phad) Magnitude: +2.41 Ranking: 85 Distance: 83.6 light years Spectrum

Class: A0 Flamsteed: # 64 Hipparcos: #58001 (Ref.18) (Ref.19) Delta- δ δ δ δ Megrez (ME-grez) Arabic "the root of the tail of the greater bear" (Ref. 15, p. 21)

Magnitude: +3.32 Distance: 81.4 light years Spectrum Class: A2 Flamsteed: # 69 Hipparcos: #59774 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Epsilon- εεεε Alioth (Al-lee-oth) meaning uncertain but is thought to be the ridiculously corrupt form of the ancient Arabic name Capella (Ref. 15, pp. 21-22) Alioth is somewhat variable. (Ref. 2, p. 194) Magnitude: +1.76 Ranking: 33 Distance: 80.9 light years Spectrum Class: A0 Flamsteed: # 77 Hipparcos: #62956 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Zeta- ζζζζ Mizar (MY-czar) (incorrectly the "girdle") Arabic name for this star meant "the female kid" (Ref. 15, p. 22) Mizar companion, Alcor, with a separation of 708 seconds of arc is the "rider" and Mizar the "horse." Alcor has been used to test eyesight during history. Magnitude: +2.22 Ranking: 70 Distance: 78.1 light years Spectrum Class: A2 Flamsteed: # 79 Hipparcos: #65378 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Eta- θθθθ Alkaid (AL-kaid) Arabic and sometimes Benetnash "the daughters of the greater bear" (Ref. 15, p. 22) Magnitude: +1.85 Ranking: 38 Distance: 100.6 light years Spectrum Class: B3 Flamsteed: #85 Hipparcos: #67301 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- The "Big Dipper" forms a striking asterism that is very useful in finding the Great Bear. The Dipper forms the long tail of the bear that has a triangle for his head and two long legs with two stars at each paw that forms the claws. 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- The Big Dipper is a striking asterism which is used to find the Great Bear as the dipper's long handle makes up the tail section of the great bear. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 291) Ursa Major is surrounded on the north by Draco and Camelopardalis and on the east by Boötes and Canes Venatici (KAY-knees vee-NAT-eh-see.) Coma Berenices brushes the southeastern corner of Ursa Major and Leo and Leo Minor touch it on the south. Lynx completes most of the western edge of Ursa Major. 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 1,280° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 3rd (Ref. 2, p. 71) (Ref. 2, p. 71) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 237) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 8 HOUR, 5 MINUTES TO 14 HOUR, 27 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION +28.8° TO +73.3° 15. MYTHOLOGY- Zeus fell in love with Callisto, a beautiful princess of the kingdom of Arcadia. When Callisto bore Arcas, the son of Zeus, Hera, furious with jealousy, turned Callisto into a bear. One day when Arcas had grown up and became an excellent hunter, Hera sought to bring Callisto before Arcas as prey. Zeus intervened and placed Callisto in the heavens as the

85 Great Bear for her own safety. Following Arcas's death, Zeus placed him in the sky near his mother as the "Little Bear." Hera, frustrated in her revenge, got Poseidon to forbid the celestial Bears any rest by dipping beneath the horizon. The bears both have extraordinary long tails acquired when Zeus swung the bears around while slinging them up into the sky. (Ref. 9, p. 81) The American Indians knew bears didn't have long tails thus the Indians have a different legend. They said three hunters were pursuing the bear around the northern sky. Alcor was the hunter carrying a pot to cook the bear in. (Ref. 2, p. 194) Some tribes claimed the chase lasted from spring to fall when the hunters' arrows hit the bear causing its blood to fall to the Earth, coloring the leaves of autumn. 16. REMARKS- The two "pointer stars" Alpha and Beta in Ursa Majoris indicate the position of Polaris or the "North Star," found at the end of the handle of the "Little Dipper." The "Big Dipper" of this constellation is often used as an example where stars in the Bayer system do not follow the order of brightness. In some studies this is apparently much more common than generally thought. (See the Alpha stars of Sagittarius). It is interesting to note that there was no "bear" constellation in the time of the Sumerians and Babylonians but this was a name meaning to them "the constellation of the long chariot." (Ref. 15, p. 21) Even today in Britain the dipper is seen as a plough not a Bear. M51, the famous Whirlpool Galaxy, views as only a splotch of light without detail in small telescopes. It is of eighth magnitude and is an open armed spiral galaxy at a distance of 14 million light years (Ref. 2, p. 124) M51 is located in the constellation diagram #7 by the triangle. M51 is really in the upper corner of Canes Venatici (KAY-knees vee-NAT-eh-see) but is very near the star Alkaid at the tip of the asterism called the Big Dipper.


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Ursa Minor 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Little Bear 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- URR-sah MY-ner 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- June 25 (Ref. 2, p. 71) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9 P.M. - circumpolar constellation (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 20 (Ref. 5, p. 237) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 9 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 3 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 1 (Ref. 8, p. 178) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°---- 3.51 (Ref. 8, p. 178) 7. DIAGRAM OF CONSTELLATION -


polaris" has been the pole sincand a double with a ninth mMagnitude: +1.97 Ranking: 46#1 Hipparcos: #11767 (Ref.1

9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF Beta- ββββ Kocab (COE-cab) (Ko

during the period when it was tA.D. (Ref. 15, p. 23) MagnitudClass: A5 Flamsteed: #7 Hip

ELLATION- αααα Polaris (poe-LAIR-iss) Latin for "Stella e about 300 A.D. The North Pole star is a Cepheid variable, agnitude companion, with eighteen arc seconds separation. Distance: 431.2 light years Spectrum Class: F8 Flamsteed: 8) (Ref.19)

CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p.194) cab) Arabic translation meaning "the north star" was named he brightest star near the pole, from about 1500 B.C. to 300 e: +2.06 Ranking: 58 Distance: 126.4 light years Spectrum parcos: #72607 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)


Gamma- γγγγ1 Pherkad (FUR-cad) Arabic "the calf" Magnitude: +5.02 Distance: 389.5 light years Spectrum Class: K0 Flamsteed: #11 Hipparcos: #74793 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Gamma- γγγγ2 Pherkad (FUR-cad) Arabic "the calf" Magnitude: +3.00 Distance: 480.1 light years Spectrum Class: A2 Flamsteed: #13 Hipparcos: #75097 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Delta- δδδδ Yildun "surpassing star" from the Turkish word for "star" Magnitude: +4.35 Distance: 182.6 light years Spectrum Class: A0 Flamsteed: #23 Hipparcos: #85822 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Ursa Minor does not have enough stars to create the shape of a little bear. Therefore this constellation resembles a "little dipper." Still Ursa Minor is poorly shaped, as the handle is bent in the wrong direction. 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- The Big Dipper pointer stars lead to the Alpha star Polaris located at the end of the handle of the Little Dipper. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref. 3, p. 296) The part of Ursa Minor nearest the pole is touched by Cepheus and Camelopardalis, is almost surrounded by Draco, which wraps around most of its east, south and west side. 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 256° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 56th (Ref. 2, p. 71) (Ref. 2, p. 71) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 237) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 00 HOUR, 00 MINUTES TO 24 HOUR, 00 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION +65.6° TO +90.0° 15. MYTHOLOGY- (Ref. 4, p. 8) One main story involves an Indian hunting party that became lost in the forest then prayed to their gods to point out the trail home. In answer to their prayer a little girl appeared and said she was the spirit of the Pole Star sent to guide them home. They proceeded to follow her and reached home safely. Ever since, Indians have called this guiding star that never moves the Pole Star. When the three hunters died they were placed in the sky and now forever follow the faithful Pole Star. See the mythology of Ursa Major. 16. REMARKS- The Little Dipper is actually rarely seen. All but three of its seven stars that form the Dipper are too dim to be seen in the urban night sky. Only under the darkest and clearest of night skies can one view all seven of the stars of the Little Dipper. (Ref. 3, p. 296) Polaris will be "closest" to the North Pole in the year 2102 when its distance will be about 27 minutes, 37 seconds of arc separation. (Ref. 15, p. 23)


1. LATIN NAME OF CONSTELLATION ----------- Virgo Virgo is the sixth constellation of the zodiac; the sun is in Virgo from September 21 to November 1. (Ref. 2, p. 196) 2. ENGLISH NAME OF CONSTELLATION ------------ Maiden 3. PRONUNCIATION OF CONSTELLATION ----------- VURR-go 4. DATE OF CULMINATION ON S. MERIDIAN 9P.M. EST- May 25 (Ref. 2, p. 70) 5. APPROXIMATE TIME VISIBLE AT 9P.M. - March 15 - September 1 (Ref. 6) 6. NUMBER OF STARS 6 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 95 (Ref. 5, p. 237) NUMBER OF STARS 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 26 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 4 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 8 (Ref. 8, p. 178) NUMBER OF STARS 2 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER ------- 1 (Ref. 8, p. 178) STAR DENSITY 5 MAGNITUDE OR BRIGHTER PER 100 SQ.°----2.01 (Ref. 8, p. 178) 7. DIAGRAM OF CONSTELLATION -

8. ALPHA STAR OF CONSTELLATION- αααα Spica (SPY-kah) Latin for "ear of corn," or

Arabic meaning "the unarmed prop" (Ref. 15, p. 23). The Egyptians worshipped this fifteenth brightest eclipsing binary star. Magnitude: +0.98 Ranking: 15 Distance: 262.1 light years Spectrum Class: B2 Flamsteed: #67 Hipparcos: #65474 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

9. OTHER MAJOR STARS OF CONSTELLATION- (Ref. 2, p.196) Beta- ββββ Zavijav (Zavijava) "angle" or "corner of the barking dog" The dog originates from

the influence of ancient Babylonian astronomy. (Ref. 15, p. 23) Magnitude: +3.59 Distance: 35.5 light years Spectrum Class: F8 Flamsteed: #5 Hipparcos: #57757 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

89 Gamma- γγγγ Porrima (POUR-ih-mah) is derived from a minor goddess of justice or a

Roman nymph or goddess of prophecy and childbirth. (Ref. 15, p. 23) It is a double star separation 3.9 seconds of arc combined Magnitude: 2.74. Ranking: 120 Distance: 38.6 light years Spectrum Class: F0 Flamsteed: #29 Hipparcos: #61941 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

Delta- δδδδ Auva (Minelauva) Magnitude: +3.39 Distance: 202.4 light years Spectrum Class: M0 Flamsteed: #43 Hipparcos: #63090 (Ref.18) (Ref.19)

10. SHAPE OF THE CONSTELLATION- Three stars form a small triangle. Starting at the top of head, one arm stretches up toward Coma Berenices and the other hand holds Spica. Two rows of stars form her legs and feet that end at the scales of justice, "Libra." 11. HELPFUL ALIGNMENTS- A curved line from the arc of the handle of the Big Dipper through Arcturus will meet Spica, the fifteenth brightest of all the stars, and the Alpha star of Virgo. 12. LOCATION IN THE SKY- (Ref.3, p. 299) Virgo is bound on the north by Boötes, Coma Berenices, and Leo and on the south by Crater, Corvus and Hydra. Libra and Serpens edge Virgo on the east and Leo on the west. 13. SIZE IN SQUARE DEGREES = 1,294° RANK IN SIZE OF 88 = 2nd (Ref. 2, p. 71) (Ref. 2, p. 71) 14. APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BY COORDINATES- (Ref. 5, p. 237) HOURS RIGHT ASCENSION 11 HOUR, 35 MINUTES TO 15 HOUR, 8 MINUTES DEGREES OF DECLINATION +14.6° TO -22.2° 15. MYTHOLOGY- Virgo or Astraea was the daughter of Jupiter and Themis, the goddess of justice. She ruled the world during the Golden Age and was held in high respect by all mankind. However in the Iron Age, the great wickedness found on earth offended the goddess, so she left the world to its own fate. She settled in the heavens in the zodiac near the Scale of Justice, known as Libra, near her feet. (Ref. 13, pp. 198-199) 16. REMARKS- The star Spica translates to "ear of wheat" which was referred to in ancient times as the "Star of Prosperity." Others associated Spica with the harvest of wheat that the Egyptians worshipped as their cash crop. The monster Typhon pursued the Egyptian goddess Iris. Iris dropped the sheaf of grain from her arms and the scattered grains became the faint glistening stars of the Milky Way galaxy.


1. ALTITUDE- The angular distance in degrees of a celestial object above or below the horizon, measured at a right angle to the horizon

2. ANGULAR MEASUREMENT- The part of a circle of the heavenly sphere or the

distance a celestial object is from a reference point, as the horizon. A good observer with proper vision and the best gazing conditions can separate objects as close as six minutes of arc.

a. One degree equals the width of the Full Moon. One minute of arc equals one-sixtieth (1/60) of a degree.

b. One second of arc equals one thirty-six hundredths (1/3600) of a degree.

3. ASTERISM- A group of stars forming a pattern in the sky that isn't recognized as one of the formal 88 constellations, example: "The Summer Triangle."

4. APPARENT MAGNITUDE- Apparent magnitude is the brightness of a celestial object

as viewed from the Earth. 5. APPARENT MOTION- The illusion of the sky's motion as a result of the Earth's rota-


6. ASTRONOMY- Astronomy is the study of celestial objects and their motions.

7. BINARY STAR- A double star system where one star revolves around a companion star (More than half the stars are binary.)

8. CARDINAL POINTS- The four main directions: north, east, south and west

9. CELESTIAL- Refers to the heavens

10. CIRCUMPOLAR MOTION- Circular apparent motion of the northern constellations

(see apparent motion). 11. CIRCUMPOLAR STARS- Stars lying closer to the celestial pole than the horizon and

appear to circle the pole star in the night sky without setting.

12. CIRCUMPOLAR CONSTELLATIONS- Constellations lying closer to the celestial pole than the horizon that appear to circle the pole star in the night sky without setting.

13. CONSTELLATION- Constellation is a pattern of stars within an area of the sky named after objects, animals, and people.

91 14. DIURNAL MOTION- Diurnal motion is the daily apparent motion of the celestial

objects caused by the rotation of the Earth (see apparent motion).

15. GALAXY- Galaxy is a large island of millions to hundreds of billions of stars and in many cases contains large amounts of gas and dust.

16. HORIZON- The imaginary boundary between the sky and the land 17. LIGHT POLLUTION- Unwanted light in the night sky, as from city lights, that

makes it more difficult for astronomers to see stars, constellations and photograph celestial objects

18. LIGHT YEAR- Approximately six trillion miles or the distance light travels in one year's time

19. MASSIER CATALOGUE- A catalogue of nebulous objects compiled by Charles

Messier in 1787 to prevent those objects from being confused with comets, example: M1 is the Crab Nebula.

20. MERIDIAN- An imaginary north to south line passing through the zenith

21. METEOR- Space debris observed as a streak of light, due to the heat of friction in the sky passing through the Earth's atmosphere

22. METEOROID- Smaller space debris still in or still traveling through space

23. METEORITE- Space debris too large to burn up while going through the Earth's atmo-sphere, thereby hitting the Earth's surface

24. MOON- Earth's natural satellite and nearest neighbor in space and fifth largest moon of

the solar system

25. NORTH STAR (POLARIS)- The star observed overhead at the North Pole; from Fairfax County, Virginia, Polaris is about half way up (39°) in the northern sky above the north horizon.

26. NORTHERN LIGHTS (AURORA BOREALIS)- A shimmering display of lights

caused by solar storms and observed in the north sky.

27. ORBIT- The path of a celestial object as it revolves around another celestial object

28. PLANET- Any of the nine main celestial objects which revolve in their orbits around the Sun

92 29. PLANETARIUM- An instrument which projects images of celestial objects and

demonstrates their motions; also a place where this instrument is housed

30. REVOLUTION- The motion of a celestial object in its orbit, for example, the Earth revolves around the Sun in 365.25 days.

31. ROTATION- The motion of a celestial object spinning about its center axis The Earth

rotates on it axis in 23 hours and 56 minutes.

32. STAR- Star is a spherical, celestial object lit by its own energy: a sun.

33. STAR CHART- Star chart is a map of the sky showing the brightness and location of celestial objects.

34. SUN- The nearest star which gives us our light and heat energy for life; one of 200 bil-

lion stars in our Milky Way Galaxy; the only star in our solar system.

35. TELESCOPE- An instrument with lenses that makes distant objects appear larger and closer

36. ZENITH- The imaginary point in the sky directly overhead, or the highest point in the

sky 37. ZODIAC- The twelve constellations that the Sun seems to pass through during its annual

journey around the celestial sphere



1. Menzel, Donald H. and Pasachoff, Jay M., A Field Guide to the Stars and Planets, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1983.

2. Chartrand III, Mark R., Golden Sky Guide A Field Guide for Amateur Astronomers,

Racine, Wis., Western Publishing Co., Inc., 1983.

3. Pickering, James S., 1001 Questions Answered About Astronomy, New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1958.

4. U.S. Army Engineer School, "Star Identification", Fort Belvoir, Virginia.

5. Astronomy, Editor in chief Philippe de la Cotardiere, New York, N.Y., Fact on File

Publications 1st pub. in U.S. 1987, Oxford, England.

6. "Star Finder", No. 9227, Barrington, New Jersey, Edmund Scientific Co., 1977.

7. Baker, David, Astronomy, The Larousse Guide to, New York, Larousse & Co., Inc., 1981.

8. Moore, Patrick, The Guinness Book of Astronomy, Facts and Feats 2nd Edition, London

Road, Enfield, 1983.

9. Beyer, Steven L., The Star Guide, Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1986.

10. Moore, Patrick, Star Gazing Astronomy Without A Telescope, First Edition, 113 Crossways Park Drive, Woodburg, N.Y., Barron's Educational Series, Inc., 1985.

11. Peltier, Leslie C., Guideposts to the Stars, New York, N.Y., MacMillan Publishing Co.,

Inc., 1972.

12. Hamilton, Edith, Mythology, Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1942.

13. Mayall, R. Newton and Mayall, Margaret W., Olcott's Field Book of the Skies, 4th Edi-tion, New York, N.Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1954.

14. "Abrams Sky Calendar," East Lansing, Michigan, Abrams Planetarium, Michigan State

University, Jan. 1988.

94 15. Davis, George A., Jr., "Pronunciation, Derivations, and Meanings of a Selected List of

Star Names," reprinted from Popular Astronomy, Jan. 1944, reprinted by Sky Publishing Corporation, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Observatory.

16. Abell, George O., Exploration of the Universe, 4th Edition, New York, Holt, Rinehart &

Winston, The Dryden Press, 1982. 17. Tuttle, Don, "Pronunciation Tips Bulletin" GLPA Education committee, 1987.

18. The Hipparcos Web Group (Astrophysics Division - SSD), 1999. [Internet, WWW], ADDRESS: new.html 19. Project Pluto, "Guide 6.0 CD ROM Star Chart" Bowdoinham, Maine, 1997.


The Greek Alphabet in Star Designation

Johannes Bayer used the lower case letters of the Greek alphabet todesignate the brightness of stars in a constellation. Alpha is the brighteststar but there are a few exceptions to his procedure. See page16, itemnumber eight.

Letter Lower

Case Upper Case

Alpha αααα ΑΑΑΑ Beta ββββ ΒΒΒΒ Gamma γγγγ ΓΓΓΓ Delta δδδδ ∆∆∆∆ Epsilon εεεε ΕΕΕΕ Zeta ζζζζ ΖΖΖΖ Eta ηηηη ΗΗΗΗ Theta θθθθ ΘΘΘΘ Iota ιιιι ΙΙΙΙ Kappa κκκκ ΚΚΚΚ Lambda λλλλ ΛΛΛΛ Mu µµµµ ΜΜΜΜ Nu νννν ΝΝΝΝ Xi ξξξξ ΞΞΞΞ Omicron οοοο ΟΟΟΟ Pi ππππ ΠΠΠΠ Rho ρρρρ ΡΡΡΡ Sigma σσσσ ΣΣΣΣ Tau ττττ ΤΤΤΤ Upsilon υυυυ ΥΥΥΥ Phi φφφφ ΦΦΦΦ Chi χχχχ ΧΧΧΧ Psi ψψψψ ΨΨΨΨ Omega ωωωω ΩΩΩΩ
