Page 1: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,
Page 2: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Tlw l'~opll• :VIake It Special

The 1976-77 Pcrkolator

Page 3: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Because They Do

These Things

With A Tear

Or With A Smile

Not Looking Back In The Past

But Forward Into The Future

Grasping For New Ways To Care,

To Love, To Give,

To Share

Page 4: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Beran~!' F.xp••rit!nring Tlw~t· Emnlinns

Brings l'• 1\ F~Phng Of

Together ness

And Beml( Here rogctht'T Is \\'hnt .\lake,

Page 5: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

SCHOOL IBEGKNNKNG§ ,."" li•ll ..... .... ,. ... u.u , ... f(l( \ho.l ... .t • ., u,......,. ,......_.,.MW.,.....,~_,_ ........ =:a;:.':,~~~ .. :=:=: --fi'JWW-.-' C'~ .. ..._I._._........__ ............ -a., ............ __ "--... ,..... • .._.._.,... ... ,.._ .. _,_..._._ ..... ..,.,... , ..... - _ .. , ...... .. ,. _,._

Page 6: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

T• ._ ol:-o -

)pI ~ • ""

Page 7: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

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Page 8: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,


....... _ ... "'' ~~~~··-·

t lo .. loo:o. . ..,_ ........ - """ -- ~ ..

Page 9: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Our (\Jn 11m'" ~,,uld nht ha\·e liMn PQUiblot wllh<n.IL rntndt (rwnd. LNt '" ~~ •t Ptrl W•lMrl'lfrl (h>m .ach Olh~tr. Mil on!$ ~U•d,.m•~ll)', b\lt fU'IllCIOtlally • .on.Uy, and •P•"'tlLIII')'u•tll Snwlet04.1fl•l0dll~.•• ,t~UC~Ifd \htOlJih bard u ... al achool. hom.. and wtlhln oolllfl\• ~ (nendt N"­htlptd • lhrouch n all. and ._, "'*' rudt po.-..bW 0\rouch Pt:,lr, pw. ""1th a~lwuch.

"u n·s \\ un ,,~


his special features. ,, 111tiih~t·•f

To every feature there is

Page 10: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

t r


Tma1lw-ornpeon clR1\. n•~nt ot lhr , •• ,.., ~t~nt c .. •ln<"li •ad t.h. Con~, Tr• -CAmpu. ('u,•I)CtL Sbt wau elf(111d n• l~ttU UomKHminc QUHn and Nmcod lO Wbp't WM Am~ Studtn1• 1n Aawr.un Junior Cc.t­~ Vt htl• at~.t<nd~ s.tTtd H.-n All Cu l• H•Jb $(hclol. TiM wu a mt'mbt' u( tbe Homt<'Omlng Coort, Dili~ 1>eb Social Club, and other of fi.ce. She> it inWralfod \n aU $:potU ...,....,ty t-.bolt n .. .,w.. ........ tinuc htr tducation and to111Wk with. c:hildrtn ptflf.UOnally.

Steo.-. O.roni~ or Odoxi i1 a '"'O·)'tAr ~Mmber ot ~h.4! IJuUd~ footballttarn. Hf: _. .. nAmt'd to lht Ali·SLI1 aftd AII-St.a\to Ju· fti«w CoUtpiQutdt.. al-.o .&.cud M<IM AthJt.tiut Ptrk 111 1976. A cr.du.~~tto ot Not,. Dame Hiah School, whtrt htt "' . .,, uol~t«l Homf«•mlr~~ Kine. Athttte o( the., . .,., \too Valu.tblt Dttt• "'' e B..: k. aacl Spomour ol tbt Dis•• lltb Club. St.c-\• a. • topb. On'IUtt mij(lorins in m.~~tht~maUct­t-le piAI'It t.o CC~ntinuo ht. fdUM· tion '''" craduatilll from MC<'.IC

Page 11: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

.. "

Page 12: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,
Page 13: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Most School Spirit

Best Dressed


Page 14: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Most Talented Cmdy &a.~lln1



Most Athletic



Page 15: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Who's Who In

American Junior


T'bll ()"~ p.dwot• n U.. ...,..IH' Ill \b 6 Mtt.JU•A,..,...elRill1 ThN•allr&nl &at~, ........ t>tt•lthP .... .,..Pillo­Q\UD htft at P~t\ Ht' l<,rt!U't' plalJJ art to at· &dldtM\'CI.I~JOI'\t-....ppiMdaap'" PhanMr) Vi hJh..,.. •IIOltlt#ftd"c. fl'jw .,._ u Kappe. JIOM'llnc. Tool ..,;a,. \.HJJIII ••• mJna. bc .. fiDI ul bl\fll'idm,

If Rand)' • not•klllfor ~ollyu'C.,ol\MII yw1t bt .ur•l.oftndhimeontl•bu.kt41*Jf0\lrt Atleet.t WtM•lwnMr I' Mr. Pun110rwdb:•kriRt RandJ c,..,J "'t<l rru .. ~mptl·nat H-.h N-btlclt lft h• Min• tt""'"· l~lhll ltoua• "'" ., Pf"rk h. ia M !.hto t.Utblll~.«m and • 1leo (1ft DMnt 1_. lt.ndy ,. nut wrt •htt• ht ~U furtbcr bit foduatJ<m. bu\ he l1 Jl\f,.•nl'll 11'1 P.n dn~rin1

Joha • , ... ..,. o1 \it ' \1rL J.oha C B~ o1 Bill&l Ht atwadfd !'""" o.m. Hicb School and •• •Wdtd \0 ltw ~ K1QC AD Al:otri· n• t ,l(llbarJ T•• and lhtAD CoP.f'"llft' tet& .kh11 P""na c- tun.herinc hn educ:ttion at S.,...tbr"" aad ~,. 1n Soda! Cuidanot,

\\ W. atl.fadifiC Pt'r\..lohn •• wt.cud at moat !1\t-ty to wc..d H• at.o pla)'tod f~baU (Ot 2 "'.,.,.. ~ ran tndt (Qt 1 )'Ml'

AM.a it thtl dauchttt ol Mt & Mn. C.M Cope. l&nd c.r \~dftiU)', Ms. Sbe attuekd Culfpon lhrb and 11o• at Ptdc U. it th' Pros. of Drha P•l ~- Sbt lt .-o th• Studtnl Dlteo«« or tbt: .. CMdrtT" Play"' &lid '"'nw Soond of Mu4

,w-, .. Aftlt.t ttoritl\'td the ct.oir award and tb~ CG\'trl'lrMnt ewatd lht yut. William C.N-y Cfjt. lest It whtr~ AnllM. Pllnt to furthtr her «<u<»· don 1ft 1-:lf'lfltt\tAIY P.d~t.ion. Whlto the knot 1M)' a t Ptrlt, Anita Spfnd1lwot Lime aaiUnl( and M'U\M dlvlrlJ.

o-ideAIDDiktbcf...rU.GIMCo.M ~...t chl<tnrc ~~ lh. \iC.ciC 8uiWop • a1 q>' bw). Shl b the Oaurhttr of Mt f, \ln. 0.\IICko H fa11ly St ol 1AigiM B,.-,.,U WM

chown so bt • f0C14.ball..W 011 * "-· '"' C".ow1 aod abe ...... 0.. ..... Stodoto\. Pbi -n.ta Kappe, ancl th. hon4~ OoAoq~ W.. up mc.l ol Rr.od.a't tun' but e.he dott f'tljoy IU'IIIOC, cia.Ddftlo •fld borwhfll

Jue ~ a of \'andtw thc:h SdltiOI J• Vancle.,·t. 'tJ. Shot ie the da~.~Ctll ... r of Ab It Mn. J.C. Fkmii'IJ. Jan. II a m.robf.r of Pht Thtu Klippe, tbt Heono'"' CC~Uoq\11• Mel it oo Lbt DMnl Lu~ bt,. tt ''"t. In the Who'• Wllo tleetion at Ptrk, Jtllt wu tiKUd .. Mo.t l nt~· ~ual, Moe.t Lthly To S~. and wt~~ a'-o a Sophomo~ O...IIIY, $ht pliM 01\ atttndll'll tht U11inrtrty0f&uthtm MU.-.,•Ippl•nd "'*' ln Polyl'l\fr Sdenco. WMCI J•n• It ..oc •tudrlnc. th• tl)fnd. htt tim• rklll\l horMt. 'o\"'tolt~IUUIC ftl'ld P'AYif'lll tennia

.,._ .. " U. lliOII of Mt. 4: M.n.. James r. KU•· pttotk oiL.ucedt.*- Ht at~ H1Cirrl School at Gtorp Couruy Hieh ud hue •t Pa• bt it a p~_.ta Lkt Jt~e'-.JlJMII it abo a mtalbtr ot Plll Tlwta Kapp. and ti~ojo)'t pt.ytna t(1lJUI aM V... J6.11M!t plln. t(l fuf1hH lrit ed!olaltiolt allhe UM"fr.~~ydM-.-.ppiStatt-,atd m.p ift 1~\Mtnal ~'*""'

Page 16: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Who's Who In

American Junior


A~1J.tSw&fotiwftMI'..rl.<.'hffllaU.rblich '"fJI \h ' ~ ..... rof!OfP \~oo\ r:r11-.: ~ -...; .. PW '1"111UK~ ~~ Harr-JD ttdl o.._.,.C'uuaril \:.c-. p,.,.jdnL ('lltri b • ....t.t fJI t)w ''r.<".JC ~\t1ball T-.AtPtftllwhU.Oa...,.twToldltfoodC..-ttat udthtf~~Q-..1'1"tdi!Athlt1"t-,...n•~ Qt:tdd. ciiC'bool.n wlrostQ& ud ,....! IIC Htf fut..,,.. plan~ •l"t to fvrt.lvr 1wt .d\Katlnb •• tt. llnw"·wty ol ~~ \1,..-lppl

:)bc-1.11 h tho da1iJhltt u( 'h ' Mn \'uS lioc ''"''til CuUI)I.d. 'h. S~11• •U4"rod«< H1ch Nth•IC•~ at l.ofll l\4.ftch Hteb. A Ptr.idrht..' •1udotoM t.nd a m('m11H ul th• Ht.D•>f"' Ct>lloquitn dul. Mwl01 .._ •1"' 1 "GCJC rhf'ff· lt.du and Sf<"rt'Ur)' ol Pvk'•Swdtnt Ccountil Slw k 1ho 'Sc-trNry·Ttr..,urtr ,,c I'M Tlwta Kl i'P&· IIIY'Iofmbtr nf Tht J.'oc.ld ('omrn tlH' 1tld ot the MC:CJr Tri CaMJI'II C<IIJncil SbtUa pl1nt w (u"hr' brr tduutl"''• a\ the Ucmtr•ll)' .,( Sou\ht'n\ ~U..-Ippi.

A~t1ol\' __., .. H ~JUiil.~aonot~tt &'drt. A~ \k\'teJt Wrn,P,•••t.nakiiftlaDiltt~~AL.Mil alMa -•t.• ol&he H<lDC<ft Colll;,quuaal P~rk. Hf'a• 0..,.. l•t StucS.tlt and a ol Phi 'fbe.ta Kappa. Ia tht \\ ho'• Who ,)edJ .... IWd •• • '!.at to~­~ \io""-i.I)Pi S~,.tulien'tnit)' • "'btft Bud plt.M t.o fi!~Wthlltd«ationlnl-~ ~nr;

Sc..Ua Radk~ u eouuund1nr .tuMnt a1 Perk. it. the daul}ttf'f (•t Mr. & Mn.. AndttW Radich ot Biloxi. S.,_ autondtd O'lbf.mll• Hich Sthool At MGCJC. Stella i:. ... tOOrnt in Polyi'MrSritMe 11nd al.o adh~ inauchclubs b l'hi Tht&& Kapp. and RCitataC1. St..,..... W rt~tipi~t or 1ht! Chtn"•try Aw•rd SttlJI plan• to C'Ontll'lue htr td~~ tlon at th• Unh·t"lty o( Southetn M•.

Drhbit" lhit d.\ll,ht'n ol \1r 1: \1"' ~ L S\~ CJl Gulfport "'lw • a.rtn• in tht hMd '- Chou aJJd &. f1U 'J'k1A Kappe al i•n-k Shlo ia Tr.-J'f"t dO.. C~t1 CI'\"1\.UIIAnd tht rt'(1pkr~t c.J\'06Cit IIICholt.nHPI•~"t­ Gutf("~t Oprta Tb..ln ~lrt.d!Mih!IC h.- PH1r Ptbblot p .. rw W ('IC)ntlllW •D \tralt Jo:.lwatiiOII ud \1 1Mt llwr1py 11 \\'alli.lm Ct.rtyCoUfCf (•r S.~to~t'-"" "181D!p pl

Th" Jl"tdWitfo 4•C ~r('d HHrt H11h &-htlt.J ~a the d-.htn «Ann~~ 'llK>ml*'"' & Lit• IP•I n...wn...,.... c.( R,J .• , Ti~ • a t!H"mbtr olth• CO\Hnc:>R V~th t"ourwiland thf C:•tlcce Atbkoti~ Cou.nril. Stwo it al~ ara e.rli"• mt"'ht' fll tlwo '""'boo" StaJf and ........ Mt'lNin td!Wt 1"11'11 • lht Ptttoidtnt of' the PN\ Studtnl <"oo.ntil It tto al• Prttidtnt rt( tb• MGCJC Tri·C.IIIPUt (',~~,~MI In th. Who'• \Vb(l t1Klion Tina •·u cNwotn • MlU l•trlc In th• Hurn~mi"'t fet.tiYitlttl'l'in.a. ._ .. chu•co-n b Q~n 1'n• plaM to xa on to • Stnlo{)r C-ollfCt and ••Jo)t in •PfC' <tdutali(Jfl. Whrn 001 b\14)' w11h ttMol oo .. l,.....1\nll f'R )cl)'w bib rldinac. •kilnr. nl'ld •wirnmlna

Arr ....... l*J~c-t>HCI-Schoot.Orrid .. a~ _.. .. Jl•"llll .. F...,_...,... at P.,-k. HotobadJ<I't'.:sJOanY OtiMidlhon.-cuaJ*..cia• Plsi 1htta K.pp. ud 1Jw. ft&,(il"nnftC...el.t.idllk•Prni.llftlt..IU•.-~Yl lt<llllllftCGIIaqv.ia ud enp,-a hoW:Jic,. tudt • hufltlll& alld d'IW. 1.>.\14 ~ to tofttiMw lw. at ~t.V.­"I'PIS...U

~a) • the di.,.Ptn ol \t.r It Mrs.. K.\' \\'oocfward Jr ol Lone"""'""- A ~ntt IA.t S.udttitat Pffk, Kll)' i.1 allo Vlft-Prald..nt ol Phi 'f'bt.t. )(,.._!;tv • a1f,o a mrmbt-r (I( tht ('h....cial' C<-~"~~al Ou~ <If School My I ·bl- to pby thf. plano and -· P..rt, Ka)' p&ar:. to furtbr.r htr tdua.t .. ,. tt M ........ ppi St.~~ l!nivwnuy.

Page 17: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Mono JaMO.NMI ~LodnH M..a&Dirl.uU SteiUR-i~ 011111-11-fa,tu.l\tr.d ~·bJ~ttbon Jaoo H11n....-n K.rffl ,,.ltlll) 'fw,<yl- Qo....a~""'"t rebwr..n \1tlarutl.u\e Kim \\'~l.oo .hilly Niol94 O&J,I R.ctrn ... nd CJ11lhll Ho,tmbo&lwom Ca.wl"ut~I•V \ilflttt"t Pepu Jo.1lcbtll-loC'! R..nda.\1 c.,.,, Cui I'JIL~.-

Borlnle ~"'uf.u •• .,. .. ('}d-,c Katktfol»~t R,tl'ldellC.M,•b ...,.....,_, f'··.,(Rtfl.

\\bf~" y., ... _ •• h-"'• A<1 ...,. ""

('bt C~m

Awards 1975-76



~lld'W:V.d ,.,., .. "t t".d

"""''~ fltrttli ~,.,,by

U..-nt &«.n.nH~;a J,...,,._)llfl\ Jwrlbtl•m Joo,tMht.m Jf)l.ltnal••m JoorNllam \1•th•n~U. MUiic 1'1\i~•y ...... p~,.. p,.. t!nl[tnNflfll

~~ftSft. ~ . ..-...,

C,..thi.a tliiJllq .... hMI k.Mf\r ... M,jJt

s...,w. Wutld U"'-


Students of similar interests a""i'_lcouraged to coordinate tltll.lf ~fvr~oward a common goal. rJ{I1 portunity helps make Pe ial to many.

Page 18: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Perk Players

"r'Wtpo .... CI*ICIO doiK&Gnuad~ ...... -lichh .. crt'IP,aocloc.hotn•·:.d:..,withlht druu. ~\Mr. ON Of 1DoA' (I( ttl prt>d~

Delta Psi Omega

OtiLt PM 0...• il a -z a-o.r .... tty (or the eoUep lhMttt lo becom•lll • .. erabtr or l)tlt.t P•i Om•· • ttt.Mittn 811\at ta~• btW eat' .. ,.., Nit • t•l) m .. ... ... .. • tdlld ,.... ......... , tuWlaftd.UIII~•UM>&Idtt/dr• cu. lnit.iaU. mm\ bt i• coocl •tand•,.. 1nd boW at itMt I !.6 ..... ,~ 1'bll ~~- ... &. • Jo-1 lor all partktpdt. fll u.. U..u..- wn. .. w...s- u.. Mopt:"ooltlltr.t(ortu ..... t.n .... ~· ....

Page 19: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Band & Perkettes I I I

Page 20: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Phi Theta Kappa

..... ~····- ... (:'_ ....... ._. ................ ~o.. ....... sw....,..,.,. 0....---.........-c-...,..,.... ........... ..,._ ....... ,.._,."-~Ju..t---..a.\4\'- ....... , .... ;_ k,..Tc.l~li'I .. ~IWI)l;•'"""""

Phi Beta Lambda

,.,.. Pllw 8d& l.oohd• ..... lle)Ml orptd:u~ rot ttiJdot"tiCAa\Oitcol.,..kulwtMt.,.~incl'.of CAt'fol'rt i11 bull..,. .net l.ndu.vy • (ot"K'n 1.11 ..__ td« Tb4o plat~ nl orp~~iulhoe illkJ\1118 ...., ,._pun. .a.w .,....,.. .,.. w rw ~ ~M.-10..,. ....

M.ajlur ~ lor "'' ~ l .pnW. ., tMtm iMI~ MW"hly Jlftllt llftl, ful'ld•r•~~&ttll .,.,"'tift. fwJd tllfl' M)dah.a•'ld ••tld u\lo-·ll&l (')I!Vtll•

Page 21: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Perkolator Staff Yearbook Editor's Comments

CoiTttpLac:oldu•.,...r-t~·¥· end ~~~., u.. r~, ct.dtm. o1 ow ~ A.. the .tatr dw\od:W loO. ,.., dldiated IUJ•

"!"'-' W , I"W Joocu aad &I. Wllh MCh lrial, (Nftdalu.p •Q'ffllthcrwd aDd .................. Al\et ~~"Ptdl­

,., Spoa.l T"""" - -.-.,,a.St..Jr lasw-.t.u~~lhifwt_. fOUII.t.t:nd -.A)~---~ \o No¥UI12,.....,.._~,._ ..-.'-t~~cic:cb:pa.. ~ ............... -~pid:u:rel. ~,_ ... dNWD~ • .a.ltC!Oa-......aliOia&-.iiiiii<WblJIO~~ ,...._., \lut.,.aaa.eM.ntlla ___ ol. ....... a\...cirl_...... \t~•it_.-. .. ....... ~llllllil:w.weoar,....t;look

r ... • ~ ~WnUoa.- p&,uoM. t­tnp 10 !be_. 10..,. MaP..,.,.,.,. ,.. .......• r~ H.owd~ Litcledid I bow ah.t ~ u.e )'Utbook CPDOt «*P'Kf wrtll m. ,_,., dau.. bt,llp:moM. t-... and. alaoll dlt ~alone- £veca to. .,. did

ht,.. "' ..

Page 22: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Fellowship Of Christian Athletes Gulf Coast Models

Christian Council Civitan

Page 23: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Black Culture Society

1llt lllltk r~,~tturt! 1Wx-14t)' -~ II I~•P of' •tudtl'!t.llnltlta\t(lltt l,arnl"f mor• abf11," th• com•nunlty, •tt.tll , 11nd nal.ioo 1, •hlth thtly lw• 'rhty a1ao ~~ro'tid• 11 l)nJCrtm h~t IUatk UI•'OIY Wfrtk oah~b II ulthr•t(t:l ora tht P.,ktnaiM C.mpua in ftl>rUif')'.

Foreign Students

BSU S.ptM.t Stl.llknt VoiiOfl it a ltllowt.h•p of alud.rnta. • pro­ctam f<lf nudta\1, a:nd-•·\ion l ft'o"qhrht;& ttU• -u. BSU ia «~~~~paotd o1 •tudtftuwhoar.~tiftl t.lwu r.-1 tthw U.tOUCb not.. \~wiU.U..V~


Page 24: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Vocational Industrial Clubs of America

Horticulture Club

Page 25: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Student Council

1M Stl.ldtl'lt C«M.uiC"''l, (OO'oporMCI t>f 18 ~m.~ "1111.1'1.11 fll •1'1 tl:KUd,,. cout~cll , dNA ortiet,.., rt­jl,....nUlh·H aiWI mtmbtrt· •t·llrtt The)' .,. tlt<"t«1 by l.h.•lud~nt body. 'I'MC"'Undl il. r"pon.­•thl• (r.r •tud#n~ oetrvut.-. hrld tht1M!Jbou1 U.. >•'· ~uth • ti'WWift, dtnc.. •nd ~.(JUt...

,...,J_~ ..... ,'kbt .... .... T • ._.Uot._..... ...

Page 26: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Dorm Councils


Page 27: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Homecoming 1976 "Our Time"

.. " "'"


Homecoming Court

Page 28: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,



Page 29: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Men's Basketball

"''"' ...... _..__., ......... "".


Page 30: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Women's Basketball

,...,."-.......... ,.,_ .... , ....

Tbt '11'\IINII'• ~etblll lMfl'l •t p,.rtc hat booa.uod • IS·pCMwitll'lilllr4'('(lfd th~Cif th.a ,..., Only (ow of II ,...,. Iooft ..n (OIIIut.v. P-· .,.,oalwr dt.tM .. ,. \0 s.or c.u.c- Wt 111W. t.M (ilit pld .. ~~: .. tiwSoi:::AAOr.. .. T.....,...UIO._IwW .. tlile r~.,.o..!Mam>.

Page 31: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,


"'- ... (i"j,o ..... lt'l1 s.:--,... ,....., J·- t'alht,.....,. t..l..-h. .... N_,­


T .. a--e.-.,. n............._ J.l .... ~~tt-ol. a-a.-.... w.uar-

c:-ch F.vnt .._ II ,.....,.... playwn aad 19 ,,...._ .... blw'a , .. 19io Perk t:.t-w ........ Oft~w ISwena.rr..bMo a..tbd <"*ft. C'C~eCh ru,. '* Md h» ... co 12 Sut.tCh.m~p tatiMUid a Nn'M"t up pc:.llttlfl In tbt llnl Nat1orul Champll.'lllollhip, llopef\IJI)' tl'ne ,..., •• 1HJR

W\U r.~ttftd th!. ftr('(lrd

Page 32: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,


~_....,.,.,..,.r,_.,._,.._Doooo~oc­,....,..... ... •f~- ... G-6-l.-.


"lllco~nautftlhd,.....,tllot•___,•..dt.r.-....;}..t a...t 4 IUJ)N'IIItf nllh-. I .prt-1 ·~•• ....t .,. ,..,.c.l¥><'111..: .quad Uoph} Tlwy -kr4 '"'''I lrlaut ot-""''"' t~"h f •<I

h•ll • nd bao!a•tt.ll Tht• )-"' Pf1l ,.u- !\ad no " • .~ tuff\f.ut. and t.,..s~ Itt. tpml "" nm•p.•• Sf"'"'Ul ~·oot~t.o lll'IIU.·~n thf. durm- pmnlll>~...d lfl•"'~ ohad,mt mint"!

Page 33: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,


P~l'll .,abut. $tnklor C<lllf'C-. our l3·mtml»t u.. .cqwred • t.J rtCNd.. ID w.JWyball. • &atn •lift

•nn t-.o ol thrM P"'" W vr\1'1 • makh - our r«''rd ahiWfl In M\·er-~t1 ot lhl! IMkhter. our t.M.m W<llll ooe oiU.. W.cama

Page 34: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,



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Page 36: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,
Page 37: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

-·-----........... .............

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Page 38: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

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Page 39: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

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Page 40: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

u.. .... l ..... .......... . _.., ._ . ...., n..*'-.c.o... l~llliwrl'l

Page 41: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

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Page 42: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

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Page 43: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

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Page 44: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

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-.. ... ,. M..•~t Mall

Page 45: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

..... _(..,. ._._"--' ,. .. _........-. ....... ---o..w-... Bt.C*o ........ ......... ·-­............. ·-­·-­·--. .....-..:....... ,...,.,_ ·-­. ..,..,.,. .... ,_., ... ,_ .....

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t::.;;,~~i!.... ~':'" ..... .. ll ... n......a.l ....... J .....

George County Occupational Training Center

Lucedale, Mississippi 39452

~ Ct-cqe Co\lnty 0«\\ Traltll:ll( C~nl~r. "'a\ll .. htd \ll 1m. orren i*'t-fOCQC!d&l')' twf'Mtl and M«>IWI•ry pn'(t•"""

HIJh.dlooittnlon andjAJnlcwar• ~ tot.ttd frotnH~~fiW ft\• d..) .. a ~~o tt\c. Th.y art '*"mtutd to tah cou.,... afld urtl cnd~t 111 buildinC trMIN, bNhh OC'('I.Ip&dOfll, .-ttdlnc, IHPtnul~tr, alloll doe~~• lit appll.ance rtC*lr .

O!ttttd on the po.t-M(OIId&t)' M~tl Ofll)' .,. ~..-... In Hl('tUutlal ~ti&Niltr.lllil'lf, p•actktil n\l,.iiiC, alr n~f'odit.,>ftlnl atMI rtfri«•,. llOn.~ntry, plpe-littlnc/pl\lnlbil'lf, '<ll'tlditll•nd <W•""\I\Iot"'""'" .... are-m•nt

8u:l)t to a«<a'lodat• ... m.ny .. 3.50 tt\lcltflta. tiM 3:2.000 ICIIoNI,_.t._.." « Ia dft~td lor future ••JIIIMI•>fl Tlw fr.A~r •bt>pt •"' ...,.ut.t rtOIII lha m.ln bwldil.'lll. whkh fMNM't th-. t-~ bb.'"l.c'""" and Mrri•"'-\Nith-. and raa.~,y ~

Page 46: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Other Employees Students

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Page 47: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,


,..,. ... M-Y

.................. ·-­-·---............ -­_ ... -­..............

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Page 48: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,
Page 49: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,
Page 50: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,
Page 51: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,
Page 52: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,



" .. ,~---".

"'' .,._ . ~ '


' ---, \ ,, ., ... ,


Striving For Knowledge

Endeavoring To Help

Sharing With Students

-.. -.

Makes Perk Faculty SPECIAL!

Classroom Variety

Page 53: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,
Page 54: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

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Page 55: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

.............. ,------------------------~--------------------------------------~--~-Was It The

Togetherness, The Friendship, Or The Happy Times

At Perk

That Gave It That Special


Or Was It The People

Loving, Caring,

Giving, And


That Made This Year Mean So Much?

Page 56: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

It Is All These Memories That Will Leave That

Special Touch ...

. In Our Minds And In Our Hearts,

As We Go Through Life

. Loving, Caring,

Giving, &


.. ""

Page 57: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,
Page 58: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

College Board Of Trustees

Central Office


ltfltU'JrTT '\UTll ~ .... n. ...........

...... .,.~M't'Ot.l.l"'fmt<O M"'"'""~,............,

"''""-I!IWo'AitiiA.l ... '.\.~ ......... ,..A--. WDT~..t~•


Page 59: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Staff: Central Administration


New Buildings: Gov. Cliff Finch Dedicates Them

(f,w. ('UU lo'u\o:h Ul \l11y, l'¥711 d..-1" ated th,..MW budd1t1p at J~~tluon C0111U1 and J~flrr-.>n llwiYIII (4.11\pu-

'n,. bull.!•op, ~'""nUbvt (I( lht ftttllil'l\lfd CfO"'lh fA thoe ~·• ~te f'lae an. bulldll'fllll•\ J.~ ."' C'ounl, and Jtlft""-"' O.vla. aod. ailwary-cla..toom compk1 ., J..-bon County

In eddr.-.. 1\ • c:te~ \he ~rftiiol pl.edctd toati.IIOMl.MifpOrt ot lbt )un:iof ~ •)'•rra and tt•IAOfd \IC<'JC f<>t •b ~~ ia t<Ntauoo.

The buildll'lp cpktunrdl..,. t..- "'P 1.0 t.o4toc Jf4'f~ n.,. Y- Art.t. ud.lh. J..-ltoe C'OUDty t.bnl7~ ... ,.,. r ... ~ t.o~tty

,"'\ \

Page 60: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Homecoming 1976:

Down To The Sea With Della She bea'" fint W'OIUfl .wr to M u~clllrtf'd tlw M...-iWI (MC ('.-.t Ju'' "'C"ul ... t Aluc:u~t .ta,U(l(l'MIW' But Otlla s.- r.kC' .. chlln lit ~t.-.d to wp ,... flii:W b.t Of ......... ~ hH p«.l .. tioa - tM!Chtr J ••n,... W,_.&Go •t RllcoJ.& Ul(h ScMol .,. tht.t "*· M" M&:'•..p..n SN" .,., .u•m.. 6r.t.~~·~wtwfl«ll.tolillff~ and~._,.rww ll_,a-uo.41tlwr•.~o,. \\itll...._.,.. •• rtnt n..litlclhollll.:ft....,......,.. \1n,\k("~ ~~to~ , ... ~O.C..btt1Y,Ii.,.t.•• _... ,,..-.,,. .. , T ........ el IJw , ... , aed bt-

OUIM' •l!W 110 -s-t• fCJf dw •tioMt \It» 'nlill .._ .tWr ..a.t ~ \IGCIC"• _.,,h '" apiorfrtcltbftl(allolt'..-.... "'.,.~ .. ~ •• ""'~bH A.l Pnki!WtOe c •• .,.. M...._ \lt<'<M~Chul cr.dullttd ,,.... Pffk..-.. la liNt &ad «JMUit.M'CI bet td!ldldce '' thfo t;~~ol\,.,.a. ,,. vi :so-,atbet'ft ".-ppl ... ttt,. •ht .. "*' , .. 8.S aa4 \tS d...-,.._


Others Recognized At Homecoming

... .... ._.

1ft~,...,....•' J._ t... M.a, M.-w~f~ II'IC H~-"1 banQ\Mo \t,.._ Oolara \.fa~ tJl M'tHt111'Y ,. .. ..-·af<Hd s..r. 0.. ltCIPhr !o.: 6w ~htd .. f"VI('If t.o eoUip

Nf'WAlumbi~lioclolTdti.U..~lD~ t-:Lf.vl,tod from f1m .... ~ ~~ u1 pmPd•"' ,. .. Dr J'un\c Gnuch. Bi~,-i ph~ ..... nanwho~-rd Dr.Stf'•~ P•talo. Rilvcidton\U\.

l,tt~ rnunt troph) to Mn. \,lldin. poti.J'I\IIIItr • l r,, k11KCM. ""'"Simi Rbaul'fol8tcvit. 1-"~•, motmbtr rof dlof (').tft f•fflily. 'n. 1...-d. li'\'f'n AMUIIIy, ..... Mtablh)wd ln n1flft/'lly ollbt Ia~ Sun O."nl (I( Gull


Ottw-r Alumt\1 t:dlkt" ~nltd tt.""tr• Joe MtOun;ald u1 Gulfpcwl. r;,t ~ preaidotn1~ and Coopt~ Rt>bf.rta tJl PhC'~\111,111 . ,.-.IKC«< ~-UWPUnt

.-...... -~-4;:

Page 61: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

First Grad Gets Brand New Sheepskin

'"'cW oat foe .,.naJ ~, .... •' 1t:' llo••'•••al ••• Htr••l \HJuitl o1 r~•. ,,...~ r• .... t. ,5o() '"" .... . ha, ..... \t..-pp& Go.M O.t l.-# C'el· ....

St.ofti'JeA .._ ..,.JIIIUOIC'~•MC'Oftl pie~ nqtJ..,......U f'-"' piiii!M\!Oil Ul ,.,., \L~ ""- ~tMMd cac- ftiD· WI ..tLh \tGCJC &Jill ,......,_ a.tt1'\f'

1ft a!msa& ..,..~ •' hit julllof' eallioc• abM .. m H• r.b,.d t1 f"" co ,.,_ F.d~ ~ C..pao,- J < .........

Edward M. Khayat Inducted Into 1975 Hall Of Fame 0.... olkl. ........ ;,(......._ ... <.-dl ,_ A~ f*-. FA-at4 M K...,._t .. -wtc.:..u...t .._.._.. t.c.mtM. liM w ettr.s.. ~t ... c.n.pAr...rM~ .... u\blluW .... ~ ,_...... -. ..... • Mam., 1r.c......., .._ ~ 1UI41 r.-. •• • ~ • r..t--.c• c .. pa. KM,-.t. • 19M~ cr-'-t.. •• f~ 9alldat' f~W pk)« Ht •~ T..s- U..-ect~~~)' ...S 1ft . ......... kdW ........... l&nhteolott"fdt.MPfe , \..,r.. .... ,..,..u.. •• -tL

Page 62: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Instructors Of The Year

Each Campus Names One

I uu,c..lftolllwVMr ,....,.r,.tedleaepwol~t:._.p­llit (;uJ( C.out J...U.r Co.!Wcf. ,..,.. c:t"""i In Apnl, 1976. •t an Alum11-i ANonauc~on t.nqutt 1t Pulun.toft.

1My ttttt: C'bat._ 1 .. KtU,., ~ r,/pPf(iU.lftlalltl ~at -~C'OIIIIIy C..pu. wtaad...d ~aOctohtt lr.6:; .....,... M Xaick. taitot1t t.INtkot -. JJrffW)/8 o.-n. r...-pw; -.i f"t..,s,. L&arr..u. U.liUC\Qfoti!OriaJ .. tud- at Pc.rku'MQft f'am!)lk

Tb, lntotNdon ,....,. •1«1«1 lot t~r <wl.ribuUon. to fd~~CJ~tC~J~41ftd r-nte Pttaoa ""~~,,.~,'*'

M.q ........ .,......," t.o \lw -.e ""' ···~ n... Oart• 0.,.. .,_._..,. f'GUI'll)':" ~ TIJiur. ed.nliM .. t<..-.llllflof •t Jtlffrt~~>ft who ,.,.,,...,wei ~ \\ 1• l.ip.<nMbJr.; •nd f.\MJh\'t Ot.n C.O Od(•m. Ptrbnttcln

OiutLUt L ki':IJ.:\'

Good Writing

Workshop Stresses It

...... ..ut.h ,. • •ppt cw c, .. J GIIOC' C...._,. Ct .. tt\t \\ nt...,.. \\w .. •bop u1 Jun• at P~rbfttttlel ("amp• aunc:c('(l fe(to«< ~tUcipllhonand Itt • high for N!\ut('npc.a •ubmitlfod '*'" than •llO """' 'u" .... pornw udpt"A<....t .... ,.... 'TJw-WCJthho-p.d~t.,.Mn. ~d

H~ndtonon lftl>tNCtor ol P.t.rct·• at Vtt lrintt4>1\, rirtw ,.."• (rom •m• q( the fiv• prufc-iona1 wnlfr ~ul· "A• l()(d • uy;• • tht •••Y 1ht- W"-ct.y ...,._, ...,. d..-mbfd. P«"-P' ,, .• lht ·cou.auy- .,,.... ln-· u.,al'NnJ'Ptt~• \trt..U.e

d•l'10ft 'PK\IIfl&4d The Worltdloop I• IlNde 5»-Ub'­throuah ltl4 ~rttt.ion of Lh• M-. Nta.ippi Art.C<ommi,.:ioo and th• Na ~p-s. .. ~~f01thtAN.•Ctd . ..~.......,


P.:w~o~C~~_.~ ...... ~~ .... r-......,_IW... . ..._.W ~-'-t•W•~-,..,~ ........ ,._e..-.., ... ~......,. .. ~·,._.,am .. ._,._,....,....,._ .t"""" ... .

Page 63: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,

Football, Baseball Teams: Two First­Time Seconds

Gulf C6aot't foocl»U aod ~t.ll tt.-luldt .. M'UI•Icor•llokOI'Idbel.t 1ft ~'lOth 0!\aaiOO pl.t)'. Both WOQDd. yp lhftt llr.6-7'; ~- NllllltN up, m tp•tf t:l CWO olllw ~t oo.yraJl r'f«><t

C.owh Kf'N" .. ~ ram.· ua~ t•~• •t•t•-ch..sptoMhip bauball .tnnc •• .-pptd wtwo Hltllh d.. f•ud 0... &lldart lnd wiptd 001. (~ ff.t- .~u.lh cncl at U. (1\'Yr.u 01~ n. d~ foaed .... ~.hOAtO\MttotOrd.,t.ft :ut \( .-....ppi wrth 30 •u:Mo and &at -In foothllt. c.c.M ~ Sorkul"t ~bddu.MC!Oild~tioDt. htlldarch-nn.IPNrlRi>.'f'r h.,.U,. nrM we.'" s,o,r. ~ .,....,., CUHr ...

Pe-rl.uu.ton thn bu. IHtWI f-.i:lotd to ra.c. f'in.t and •dtl • pa.yMr beAh.. Ttlertoeordtt~·.mc~ ..... »J

Basketball: Teams Shoot For Championships

At ~•rbut·~ d.Ndltll• lilflt '" fAt))' february, Cot~,h Uob WHthtr't 19'1'6-77 bet\tt~tl t••"' ••• ,.,nUd fi,..l in ~"1th Div•it•n play aft~~ the WUIIWft ._.,,. thatd ln lhfo (llof'l(f"llq

n.. ll'ln'l Bulldtop. a1-3 U'traU atld ODly OM C'OOi~trtO<f' b. (il.lbd .........,, lhr-. ..cLtd QIIW addot.loaal ,~ s.o t. ..dtd r~Pt , .. s..~lh DhU.onp&.,dt' ..

c-h s.. ac-. ·-=-...... ...,.. l~ll .. TI.U (ll-4 lft tJw S.Qtll) .... thud ~1\-l..IDcola. ... Jlft"JMd bope: llw u... •..W. ....... up'" Shtpndidoedl'L~t..•~ 09• f()f tlw So:lutb om.ioa u,-.

Page 64: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,


Cinder Streakers Settle For A Wet Second In State Run-Off

(;~o~Jf(""'**'•l11;6·at•a·k•!f't'd oh<.t k• • rlnt In tht s. .. ,th Ill" • '" ~~~• l••tahe.t1"tf.11~•,.•'•1•f'-l...,.m .. t ~··t\•p.shl.t~tollillftllfl~' ••th4.'J~otfl~t<o tN,..,,.,.f'•'•t

l~t lht> '""'' " w ...... ,.. ('4l.ln '"hl•.-111\.t oiiiiiC't• ... nlnlf)fni. tll'lttllll'lt"-lli•O'fltJHW•IthfPtrl·•r ~.-.t .... caUth.rutl"•"'

tktt lll• R·~llcl1;1. taat'htd by Cto•ll• Wlivl. h-4 tii\C' Nfllltt tlwlt copped ' roo.p .. fJl nn. piM• lle ·~ Dwiabt O"SMI. 'lOtio 91't>n tbe 100· .ftd 200· y1RI d .. t- Wllb tif'l* ol 9,9 and 13.1


No.3 In '76

lo Golf, \lit- MGC.Jl" ta111 ~ tldnlinlhtlt16.utlet<M.Ime""nt.

Caacbe. lkAAly Gar'otft fJKkMVI Counltl •nd Ch.arllot CooPfr Cl'tt k1n11'-0f'l C1mpu1) Mid dwir pll"'" ('Oftlpotttd ln nlrtoe M'MOfl tt.a~l<:bf!' and in IDOil t'-"\e6 N'(.'Otld, thltd ~fourl.h

'J"h. &aro '"', S.Mfl 11'1 "*' mauh-. t)." «*.l'ooel ukl

Men Netlers First In State; Women Finish Third 1'~ •n'l ..-n11u. '""' 11 MCCJC Qpil'llrtd U. 1976 .cat•tltt. will! :11 poo.w Mid U..~ lllfl • UrtUfllottnlh•td • rthllpoeiiU.

C".41NIIr.R,...,.H.c.d...,~~at,t .. bly~ot'U..ft11Xlf'd . ..... dw...._ .. r.,.....o..-a.t...,,,. •• ~~e~-:. li•IOflf•rt.,.play lad-...t('-l.lw-..,_2.& .-..... ,.. ...... ""'14d• ... ...,.. l .. \ht;M41If,a.).Ar.,.J1(" ... ......... ..,...,...

t)t(~tfd ,,... •• a.rt-' l"t- s- .,... R-a \Uiorr ~-·· ....._); Clilolltu Lt., !'• ".....,.,._. ..... .._,IWI......,_\WtloA.(B.-r­....,., aa.a _,. ._.,.. IAidl ......... •· u. _, .... '4--. _. J. ..._ Prr-..k.

oo-.-..a.n., Urtot ... - Rio"'~ .......... (" ....... L,_ Ia.-· ........ '1:: lUI) "" Yo'tdlllloH. fA • ._.... ........ t.d Oo.,i. 0.... lA-............ ).,. ..... ~~ -..... .......... ~ ..... ... "''

Page 65: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,


B a n d


p e r k e t t e s

Page 66: Tlw - · Because They Do These Things With A Tear Or With A Smile Not Looking Back In The Past But Forward Into The Future Grasping For New Ways To Care,