Page 1: Tipp Tatler Issue 209 Jan 2014

TATLERNo. 209, Jan, 2014 Tel: 0504-51945 email: [email protected] Tipp Tatler, Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipperary


Aidan & Larry Burke Dental SurgeonsCathedral St., Thurles 0504-21262Bank St., Templemore 0504-32541

Evening, Weekend & Early Morning AppointmentsAvailable Open Through Lunchtime by Appointments [email protected]

Teeth Whitening & CleaningOnly €150

Joey O’Dwyer Family ButchersBorrisoleigh 0504 51629

Celebrating 21 Years in Business

Check out our Facebook page for our weekly in store offers

10 chicken fillets for € 10.006 premium chicken burgers only € 5.00

3 peppered steaks only €4.99

20% off allCrown & Bridgework

Dominics Ct. Dental PracticeCashel

Ph: 062 63349

The Mall Dental Practice Thurles

Ph: 0504 21418Friary Dental Centre

ThurlesPh: 0504 21523

Special Offer January & February

Beat the recession blues and get a new-look, magazine-cover kitchen at approximately 25% of the cost of replacing

your existing kitchen?

We can also provide you with additional touches such as new tiling,worktops, door handles, soft close hinges, cabinets, wicker baskets,storage bins, wine racks, spice racks, corners and pelmets. The list

goes on, and can be worked out to fit into your budget.

Turn thisinto this

We can give your kitchen a newlook with a traditional hand-

painted finish in a colour andfinish of your choice.

, Contact Declan / PatrickTelephone: 085 7288945 Email: [email protected]

See more examples of our work visit

Hand-PaintedKitchens & Furniture

Contact the office forbest price in Tipperaryand Surrounding Area

Home Heating OilMotor DieselAgriculture Diesel

Thurles Office:

0504- 45554Cashel Office

& Filling Station:

062-27400• Join our Easy Payment Plan

• Gift Vouchers available• Now also Stocking Solid Fuel

Page 2: Tipp Tatler Issue 209 Jan 2014

Tipp Tatler

Underfloor Heating Heat PumpsGeothermal Heating Time & Temperature controlSystem Solar Hot water Condensing Oil Gas boiler

Water Pumps & SoftenersThomas MaherTel:087 8378791 / 0504 45310E: [email protected] Cloncleigh, Fax: 0504 34911

Two Mile Borris, Co. Tipperary

Heating For The FutureHot Water24/7

JokesThe guy approached a beautiful look-ing woman in a mall and asked, "Youknow, I've lost my wife here in themall. Can you talk to me for a coupleof minutes?""Why?" she asks."Because every time I talk to a beauti-ful woman, my wife appears out ofnowhere."

The day after a verdict had been en-tered against his client, the lawyerrushed to the judge's chambers, de-

manding that the case be reopened,the lawyer argued: "I have new evi-dence that makes a huge difference inmy client's defense."Judge: "What new evidence could youhave?"Lawyer: "My client has an extra€10,000 and I just found out about it!"

Seven year old Johnny had finishedhis summer holidays and gone back toschool.

Two days later his teacher phoned hismother to tell her that John was mis-behaving."Wait a minute," she said. "I hadJohnny here for two months and Inever called you once when he misbe-haved."

Wanting to earn some money, Cletusdecided to hire himself out as a hand-yman-type and started canvassing awealthy neighbourhood. He went tothe front door of the first house andasked the owner if he had any jobs."Well, you can paint my porch. Howmuch will you charge?"Cletus said, "How about 50 dollars?"The man agreed and told him that thepaint and ladders that he might needwere in the garage. The man's wife,inside the house, heard the conversa-tion and said to her husband, "Does herealize that the porch goes all the wayaround the house?"The man replied, "He should. He wasstanding on the porch."A short time later, Cletus came to thedoor to collect his money. "You'refinished already?" the man asked."Yes," Cletus answered, "and I hadpaint left over, so I gave it two coats."Impressed, the man reached in hispocket for the $50. "And by the way,"Cletus added, "that's not a Porch, it's aFerrari."

A dietician was once addressing alarge audience in Chicago. "The mate-rial we put into our stomachs isenough to have killed most of us sit-ting here, years ago. Red meat is aw-ful. Vegetables can be disastrous, andnone of us realizes the germs in ourdrinking water."But there is one thing that is the mostdangerous of all and we all of us eatit. Can anyone here tell me what lethalproduct I'm referring to? You, sir, inthe first row, please give us youridea."The man lowered his head and said,"Wedding cake."

While proudly showing off his newapartment to friends late one night,the drunk led the way to his bedroomwhere there was a big brass gong."What's that big brass gong for?" oneof the guests asked."Why, that's the talking clock" theman replied. "Watch", the man said,giving the gong an ear-shatteringpound with a hammer.Suddenly, someone on the other sideof the wall screamed, "F'gosh sakes,you idiot, it's 2am in the morning!"

Premier BlindsDoor Canopies

• RollerBlinds 20% off• Wooden Venetian blinds up to 25% off• New fabrics now in stock• Free Quotations

KomandorSliding Wardrobes

Free QuotationsWalk in and Sliding WardrobesUnderstairs storage units up to 20% off

Cathedral Street., Thurles (0504) 22221Springfort Retail Park, Nenagh (067) 42913

[email protected]

Suppliedand fitted

from €199

Joe O Connell


Motor Factors& Agri Parts

• Plant Spares• Filters• Bearing

Hollyford, Co. TipperaryTel: 062-77100Fax: 062-77070

ThurlesCar &Tractor


Kilinan, Thurles,Co. Tipperary

Tel: 0504-90001

Kenneth Wall Dip Hort.

Roscrea, Co. Tipperary

Phone: 087 9794863Fax: 087 59794863

Full Insurance - C2 Reg - Reg. Vat. No. IE7143822F.

KW Landscaping and Tree Care• Complete landscape and tree care service.• Design construction and maintenance.• Fully insured with unlimited height restrictions and tax compliant

Page 3: Tipp Tatler Issue 209 Jan 2014

Tipp Tatler


ClassesComputers for Beginners Introduction to Ladies and GentsCutting CourseInternet and Email for Improvers Personal Safety & Breakaway Skills for LadiesECDL Cardiac First ResponderItalian for Beginners Career Planning (FETAC 4)Basic Sewing Machine Skills Word Processing (FETAC 4)Introduction To Beauty Therapy Web Design (FETAC 5)Sean Nos Dancing for Beginners Care Support (FETAC 5)Sean Nos Dancing for Improvers Communications (FETAC 5)Guitar Lessons for Beginners Early Care and Education Practice

(FETAC 5)Country Cottage Sewing Class Care of the Older Person (FETAC 5)

Yoga Payroll Computerised and Manual (FETAC 5)Pilates Occupational First Aid (FETAC 5)Introduction to Reflexology Occupational First Aid Recertification Course (FETAC 5)

Contact Details:Tel: 0504 31007Email [email protected]

Website: tcfe.ieetbBoird Oideachais & OiliunaTiobraid Arann

Education & Training BoardTipperary

Looking to Up Skill in the Business Area.Templemore College of Further Education is offering

an afternoon BTEI course from Jan to May 2014. This course will run4 afternoons a week from 3 pm to 6 pm


This course is made up of the following Modules

ECDLThis programme includes Spreadsheets, Databases, Word Processing,

Powerpoint, Internet/Email, Image Editing and IT Theory

WORK EXPERIENCEThis programme module aims to provide a Learner with the personal

knowledge, skills and capacity to participate in a suitable workplacement under supervision for a limited time

For further information contact 0504 31007 or email [email protected]"Investing in your future"THIS PROJECT IS CO-FUNDED BY THE IRISHGOVERNEMENT AND THE EUROPEAN UNION UNDER THEEUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND

Pop Up Office in TemplemoreCollege of Further Education

How does a College combine theteaching of the practical skills with thetheoretical knowledge of a course suchas Administration? This was the ques-tion posed for the teachers of this Lev-el 6 FETAC/QQI award inTemplemore College of Further Edu-cation (formerly St. Sheelan’s Col-lege) last August.

Work experience with a local businessorganisation seemed to be the obviousanswer. However, what business isgoing to allow a student to implementchange in some of their systems andfigure out what worked well or badly.Local business organisations are veryobliging and helpful when taking stu-dents for work experience but whatwas required was a step too far.

The solution was to set up an office inthe college. The students named thisthe “Pop Up” office and its function isto provide secretarial and administra-tive services for staff in TemplemoreCollege. What a success in terms of

training for the students. They havecomplete control of this office and theservices it provides. They hold meet-ings with their teachers to discussprogress and any issues that arise.They can implement the theory theyare learning in class.

Many of the students in this coursehave worked previously but foundthemselves unemployed in recentyears. They find this approach toteaching has greatly improved theirlearning experience and their self con-fidence. They are currently organis-ing a trip for their own class as well asthe Sports and Recreation and Tour-ism with Business and Heritagecourses. We will let you know aboutthis trip in future articles. If you liketo learn more about this course orcourses on offer at Templemore Col-lege please check out our

The Level 6 Business Administration students at Templemore College withtheir tutors Jane Quinlan and Therese Purcell in their 'Pop Up Office'

The sports and recreation studentsfrom Templemore College of FurtherEducation (formerly St. Sheelan’sCollege) recently visited The Univer-sity Arena Sport located in thegrounds of the University of Limer-ick. They met with Neasa Fahy O’Donnell, Senior Executive SportsManager who brought them aroundthe facility and answered their ques-tions on the running of such a state ofthe art complex. On their tour theysaw Munster icons such as Paul O’Connell, Keith Earles and ConnorMurray. Students also viewed the setup involved with theupcoming River-dance show as part ofthe City of Culture.On leaving the ULSports Arena theywent to the home ofMunster Rugby –Thomond Park. The

famous grounds notorious for the AllBlacks victory; who now have a mu-seum and tours available. Studentstook part in a tour of the stadium,which involved looking at the typicaldiet of a rugby player, undertaking areaction test and attempting throwinga line out. They also got to step ontothe field of play even though theweather was not favourable!

Students returned to Templemoreweary from their excursion but de-lighted with the knowledge and expe-riences gained from the day!

Sports & Recreation Students fromTemplemore College visit Sporting Limerick City

Page 4: Tipp Tatler Issue 209 Jan 2014

Tipp Tatler

Moynihan & RyanCommercial Spares Ltd

The Mall, ThurlesCo. Tipperary

Tel: 0504-20885 Fax: 0504-20884Email:[email protected]

Network North Tipperary, branch ofNetwork Ireland hosted their AnnualChristmas Dinner this year inKennedys Pub & Restaurant Upper-church Village. The Network re-ceived a warm welcome from thehosts Siobhan & Kevin Kennedy &staff on the night, who prepared abeautiful festive Christmas menuthat was enjoyed by all in the fabu-lous traditional surroundings withopen fire, mulled wine reception andCait Ryan playing the Harp by thefire.

It was a celebration to an end of afantastic year for the members. Withnew members of the Network in-creasing with each year. This yearthe Network branch took two of thecoveted National Awards hosted inFoto Resort Cork, going to FionaConnolly Lyons of Nenagh & Lim-erick winning Employee of the Yearcategory and New Emerging Busi-ness Category going to Sarah Bakerof Cloughjordan House & CookerySchool. Members of the Networkwould like to thank Rita GuinanCEO and all the staff of TNCEB for

their continued support throughoutthe year as without this support itwould be difficult to achieve such asuccessful Network. Also, this yearwe would like to thank the AIB fortheir sponsorship through NetworkIreland. Every successful organisa-tion needs the hard work and dedica-tion of a strong committee and avery big thank you goes to this yearscommittee members, Louisa CondonPresident, Mary Ryan Murray Treas-urer / VP, Joan McGowan Secretary,Fiona Connolly Ex-Officio.

Finally, we wish the incoming com-mittee every success for the comingyear. Mary Ryan Murray President,Joan McGowan Secretary /VP, SarahBaker Treasurer, Camelia ShanahanPRO, Siobhan Kennedy New Mem-bers, Fiona Connolly Events officer.If you are interested in becoming amember of Network North Tipper-ary please contact us [email protected] [email protected] or onour Facebook page Network NorthTipperary.

Network North TipperaryI was shocked, confused, bewil-dered,As I entered Heaven's door,Not by the beauty of it all,Nor the lights or its decor.But it was the folks in HeavenWho made me sputter and gasp-- The thieves, the liars, the sinners,the alcoholics and the trash.There stood the kid from secondyear,Who swiped my lunch money twice.Next to him was my old neighbour,Who never said anything nice.

Bob, who I always thoughtWas rotting away in hell,Was sitting pretty on cloud nine,Looking incredibly well.I nudged Jesus, 'What's the deal?I would love to hear Your take.How'd all these sinners get up here?God must've made a mistake.'And why is everyone so quiet,So somber - give me a clue.''Hush, child,' He said,'they're all in shock.No one thought they'd be seeingyou.'

Poem from Heaven’s Door

Decadent Theatre presentA Skull in ConnemaraWritten by Martin McDonagh. Di-rected by Andrew Flynn.

Hot on the heels of its very success-ful run so far in The Gaiety Theatre,A Skull in Connemara comes toThurles!

This dark dark comedy is the middleplay from Martin McDonagh’s Leen-ane Trilogy and it follows the storyof Mick Dowd, a local man who eachyear takes on the task to disinter thebones from graves over seven yearslaid to rest to make way for new ar-rivals. This task is much to the dis-comfort of Mick’s neighbours andrumours are plenty regarding what hedoes with the bones and skulls oncedisturbed from their resting place.The play opens on the days leadingup to yet another removal. Howeverthis year Mick has the task of dig-ging up his own late wife Oona. Thissparks further controversy given thefact that his late wife died in verysuspicious circumstances. Add intothis mix, nosy neighbours, trouble-some teenagers and an ambitiousGuard and it provides a rollercoasterride through McDonagh’s blackcomic world, this play is hystericallyfunny. You will find yourself laugh-ing at the most inappropriate of jokesand identifying with Mick, the bellig-erent alcoholic.

Decadent Theatre Company has beennominated for the Judges SpecialAward in the 2013 Irish Times Thea-tre Awards. "For its enduring anddynamic commitment to creating the-atre for touring nationally." OwenMacCarthaigh has also been nomi-nated for Best Set for last year's pro-duction of A Skull in Connemara.Well known stars of the Irish stageand screen, Garrett Keogh, MariaMcDermottroe, Patrick Ryan andJarlath Tivnan make up a stellar castfor this gripping and dark tale. It willleave the hairs standing on the backof your neck! Not to be missed.

Why not make a night of it? Ring theSource Café and enquire about theirspecial two course pre-theatre meals.The Source Bar opens at 7pm.

Friday 07 and Saturday 08 February,8pm. Tickets €20/18 concession

For all bookings ring the Box Officeon 0504 90204 or go

A Skull in Connemaraat The Source, Thurles

The BothyCraft & Tearooms

Main St., BorrisoleighA place for the community,

run by the community.A meeting place for all

to enjoy the high-qualityand distinctive products

handmade in BorrisoleighOpen:- Wed - Sat


Colaiste dun Iascaigh, Cahir who claimed the Senior A Munster Post PrimaryCompetition by defeating Loreto Fermoy 2-10 to 3-5. Cahir will now play theConnacht winners in the All-Ireland semi-final.

Page 5: Tipp Tatler Issue 209 Jan 2014

• Batteries • Copper • Stainless • Motors• Cars • Aluminium

Top Prices Paid at our Yard in TemplemoreCollection Service Available

Phone Kevin 087-680 7983

Tipp Tatler

For Sale atHennessy Metal Recycling Yardin Killea, Templemore

Phone Kevin 087-680 7983

Peat Briquettes€2.50 per baleWhile stocks last

Upper Limits, the newest sports fa-cility in Tipperary, is now officiallyopen. The facility boasts an amazingclimbing wall and bouldering walland is situated beside the communityhall in Upperchurch village. The fa-cility is suitable for 6 years plus andonly costs €7 per person for a climb-ing session lasting up to 2.5 hours. Itis open every Wednesday andThursday evening from 7pm to9.30pm and on Saturday morningsfrom 10 to 12.30pm. Bookings areadvisable as numbers per session arelimited. Contact 087 391 9190 tobook a session. All equipment isprovided - just bring runners, com-fortable clothes and a sense of ad-venture!

No experience is needed and all fit-ness levels are welcomed. It's a greatway to challenge yourself, your

friends and family in 2014. Theteam in Upper Limits are lookingforward to meeting you in 2014!

Pictured are the newly trained volunteer safety instructors of Upper LimitsGed Kelleher, Eileen Ryan, Dave Gaughran (who trained the team), JoanQuinn, Una Ryan, Adam Challen and Michael Barry

Upper Limits climbing wall inUpperchurch open for business

Need a Website?

3 Page Websiteonly €190

Special Offer

IncludesFREE Domain Name RegistrationFREE Website HostingFREE Email AddressesFREE Directory Listing with

Phone Tipp Tatler 0504-51945 for more details

Tipperary Combined Eventers who took part in the Woodie’s DIY NationalIndoor Combined Events Championships in AIT Arena, Athlone on Saturday11th January. L to R Jack Ryan (12th Boys U/14), Daniel Ryan (1st BoysU/16), David Ryan, (1st Boys U/15) Moycarkey Coolcroo A.C. & Sean Car-olan, Nenagh Olympic A.C. (2nd Boys U/14).

Nenagh Macra recently held a huge-ly successful Creative Writing com-petition as part of their first annualLiterary Festival in conjunction withNenagh library. There was great in-terest in the competition and manyexcellent entries were re-ceived. On Saturday after-noon the winners of thecompetition were present-ed with their prizes. Firstplace prize of €100 went toCon McGrath. Secondprize of €60 went to LisaMeade and third prize of€40 went to Jason Gib-bons. Nenagh Macra wantto congratulate the winnersand thank everyone whosupported or entered thecompetition. It has been a

huge success. A special thank yougoes out to Margaret Ryan and all atNenagh Library for their help andsupport. It has been very much ap-preciated.

Margaret Ryan (Judge), Michael Kirwan (Chair-man), Con McGrath (1st place in Creative Writ-ing Competition) and Nora Ryan (Secretary)

Nenagh Macra

Page 6: Tipp Tatler Issue 209 Jan 2014

Grannies Home Remedy: Over 100 years old.

“The Rub”The herbal remedy traditionally used for arthritic pain, back,neck and muscular pain, trapped nerves,inflammation, gout,

sciatica, tennis elbow and burns.


Ingredients : Herbs. Oils and Salts: All Natural.

Dorrie Killeen, 0909-683616 [email protected]

Available in Pharmacies and Health Shops in Nenagh, Killaloe, Durrow,Scariff, Roscrea, Tipp Town, Thurles, Cahir, Cashel, Limerick, Clara,

Castletroy, Portlaoise and moreAsk if your local Pharmacy or Health Shop stocks “The Rub”

Hi Dorrie, My husband was diag-nosed with Rheumatoid Arthritisand had to come off the medicationdue to a reaction. He has been usingthe rub and is delighted with the re-sult. His pain has almost completelygone and it is very easy to applywith no side effects. Its a fantasticnatural product and he is delightedto have found something that helpshis condition.Mary Wall, Limerick

I hope other players find The Rub asgood as my son found it. I am going

to try it on more players who havepersistent injuries. Thank you Dor-rie.Michael, Coach, Cork

Dear Mrs Killeen — Thank you foryour letter and herbal remedy, whichwas passed on to me by Sir Alex.Thanks for your interest in Man-chester United and Roy in particular.Roy is now back to full fitness withno pain. I will keep your remedy forthe future.Rob Swire, Head PhysiotherapistManchester United

What others say about ‘The Rub’

Tipp Tatler

Hogan Contracting ServicesNew Builds, Extensions & Renovations

Carpentry, Groundwork, Chimney Re-Lining, etc.

Michael Tel: 067-42604 Mob: 086-8570352Email: [email protected]


There really is nothing like taking aholiday in Australia. Across thecountry you’ll enjoy a warm wel-come from the friendly locals, meetweird and wonderful wildlife andget to experience a truly laidbacklifestyle.

In the mythical outback, vibrant cit-ies and on sun-kissed beaches you’llfind yourself trying new things andenjoying new adventures. Travellingbetween places is half the fun withgreat drives, iconic train journeys,coastal cruises and walking tourstaking in some of Australia’s moststunning landscapes.

South Australia has a real Mediterra-nean twist, enjoying beautiful longsummers and mild winters. Thecountry’s seafood and wine capital,you can sample the café culture inthe 700 or so restaurants in the statecapital Adelaide, and head out onwine tasting tours into the Barossaand Clare Valley vineyards. Loseyourself in Adelaide’s sprawlinggreen parklands and visit the pictur-esque German village of Hahndorfin the Adelaide Hills.

Boasting over 3800kms of coastline,there’s plenty of ocean adventures tobe had too from fishing to boating tosurfing. Make the most of thebreathtaking beaches and swim inclear, turquoise waters which blendbrilliantly with dramatic seascapes,where giant southern white whalesappear out of the blue. Speaking ofwater, Australia’s mightiest river,the Murray River, meanders throughthe landscape, so why not mix lazy

days on a houseboat holiday withthe rush of high-energy water sports.

There’s wildlife encounters aplentyon the aptly named Kangaroo Island,dubbed a zoo without walls whereyou can spot sea lions, migratingwhales, penguins, wallabies and ko-alas to name but a few; and kanga-roos of course! And if you’re afteroutback experiences, the region doesnot disappoint either. The FlindersRange boasts dramatic gorges, tow-ering canyons and Aboriginal cavesthat can be discovered on exhilarat-ing bush walks and 4X4 adventures.From historic buildings to pristineislands, it’s safe to say you’ll loveSouth Australia’s rich heritage andspectacular natural attractions.

Visit Western Australia and feed theDolphins at Monkey Mia, viewsharks from Eagles Bluff, snorkelthe Ningaloo Reef at Coral Bay andswim with whale sharks from Marchto June.

If you’re dreaming of Australiansurf culture, you’ll find it here inNew South Wales. From BondiBeach to Byron Bay, there’s almosttoo many landmark Australianbeaches here to choose from. Hometo 30 national parks, there’s plentyto do in the hinterland too. HunterValley is a must for wine enthusi-asts, and the Blue Mountains, aWorld Heritage area, boasts a wealthof endemic flora and fauna. There’shustle and bustle too, of course inSydney arguably one of the mostcosmopolitan cities in the world.

By Catherine Maguireyour Local Travel Agent


Premier County Physiotherapy is theonly clinic in Tipperary and one of on-ly three clinics in Munster offeringShockwave to its patients. CharteredPhysiotherapists Therese Ryan, EmmaCallanan and Eibhlis Cooney are nowfully trained to administer this highlyinnovative, dynamic and forwardthinking treatment. The results ofShockwave are evidence based andgroundbreaking in the field of injuryrehabilitation. So What Is Shock-wave? Shockwave has been defined asa significant breakthrough in painmanagement. It is a proven technolo-gy with clinical studies reliably report-ing a success rate above 75% in manychronic pain cases. Shockwave is anon-invasive solution for patients whomay have exhausted all other avenuesfor their problem and offers in somecases a unique option to avoid surgery.

Shockwave sends pulses into the bodywhich are generated by compressed aircausing acoustic energy to illicit thedesired effect within the body.

To date, our results clinically are con-sistent with the published medical lit-erature, with particular success inpatients who have had a long-standingproblem. Shockwave seems to be

kick-starting and accelerating the heal-ing process by breaking the chronicpain cycle shortening standard healingperiods and reducing long-term debili-tation. These results will be hugelyadvantageous for injured patients whoup until now had no access to shock-wave locally.

Conditions treated

Dupytrens ContracturePlantar fasciitisAchilles tendinopathyPatellar tendonipathyTennis and Golfers elbow (medial andlateral epicondylalgia)Biceps tendinopathySupraspinatus tendinopathyTrochanteric bursitisFrozen shoulderCervical and lumbar spine myofascialpainPelvic and hip pain

If you feel you would benefit fromShockwave, please contact Jackie orMaggie and make an appointment tosee any of our Chartered Physiothera-py Team, Therese, Emma or Eibhlis.Wishing all our patients a Happy andHealthy 2014.

Shockwave for Injuries

There is a 5 k charity run taking placein Moyne on Sun Jan 26th starting at1pm at Moyne athletic track. The pro-ceeds from this event are going to Pie-ta House, Roscrea and SpecialOlympics Ormond and Templemore.It's open to all ages and abilities. En-

try fee is €10, it’s AAI permitted andrefreshments will be served after-wards.

For more information, please contactMary Doherty on 086-8586359.

5 k charity run in Moyne

Visit www.tipptatler.ieBusiness Directory for Tipperary

Page 7: Tipp Tatler Issue 209 Jan 2014


Windows & DoorsRepairs & Service

Parts also supplied

BorrisoleighTel: 0504-51710 Mbl: 087-2454073

Top Quality Windows, Doors& Conservatories Made to Order

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KEROSENE 20 Ltrs. Per drum €22.00POLISH COAL 40kg per bag €17.50SMOKELESS COAL 40kg per bag €18.50WELL SEASONED FIREWOOD (Hardwood) per bag €4.008x4 TRAILER OF TIMBER €150.006X4 TRAILER OF TIMBER €90.00BLACK STONE TURF per bag €4.00(Also available in trailer loads)BORD NA MONA BRIQUETTES €4.00

Discounts Available on Large Orders

Call or Text to order: 089 2091056

“Zina’s Kitchen” opened in Patrick st, Templemoreon Tuesday 26th November. It is a fabulous shop thatspecialises in birthday and wedding cakes; we also doTea, Coffee and hot foods such as curries and soupincluding fat free alternatives.

Telephone: 085-1510475E-mail: [email protected]

Patrick St, Templemore


Big Bags300 Kilo Approx.€39 ex yardDelivery extra

Tom [email protected]

Tom 086-2735135 Fax: (0504) 53333Location: Templetuohy / RathdowneyEmail: [email protected] Web:

Belle MixersBelle Parts

New & Second Hand





Ph: 0505 22476087 7974142 / 085 2355679

C.A.V. Bosch Hino Diesel Kiki Zetor

Diesel pump, injector or engine trouble?Come to Roscrea Diesel Injection.We recondition all makes of diesel pumpsand injectors including Bosch, Delphi, Sie-mens and denso for trucks, vans, cars andagri-machinery.• Latest test equipment for common rail sys-tems• Wide range of diagnostic equipment in ourgarage• We carry out all our garage work ourselveswith our qualified technicians on the floor.Call us today for a very competitive price,. We also offer a call out service to removeany seized or tight injectors from the car orvan

Roscrea Diesel Injection,Old Bacon Factory, Railway View, Roscrea

Ph: 0505 22476mbl: 087 7974142, 085 2355679

Email: [email protected]


WJ Carroll, Rossmore,Cashel, Co. TipperaryTel: 0504 42230

Cattle &Bale

TrailersBuilt to customers’ requirements

Single or Twin AxleTipping Trailers 10x6 upwards

New Dealers Required


Holycross GAA Complex


12 Months6 Months3 Months











Session 1: Mon 6th Jan-Fri 14th Feb - 6 weeksSession 2: Mon 24th Feb - Fri 11th April - 7 weeksSession 3: Mon 28th April - Fri 30th May - 5 weeks

Time: Mon & Wed = 7pm - 8pm & Fri = 6pm to 8pm (unsupervised)

Cost: Complete 1 session = €50 Complete 2 sessions = €50 + €40 Complete 3 sessions = €50 + €40 + €30

[email protected]

John Butler087 1484264


Page 8: Tipp Tatler Issue 209 Jan 2014

Mari Mina Pharmacy

Main St., ToomevaraCo. Tipperary

Phone: 067-26344Fax: 067 26971

Monday - Friday:9.30am to 6.00pmSaturday:10.00am to 4.30pm

Available at our Pharmacy• Blood Pressure Testing • Drug and Alcohol Testing

• “New” Celebrity Slim diet Program (including weekly weigh ins)• “New” Salcura Natural Skin Thereapy (psoriasis, eczema, itchy dry skin)

• Special weekly offers ranging from jewellery, perfumes, sets….etc

Are you having trouble taking your daily medication?Ask a member of our team for an easier methodthat will suit you.

Tipp Tatler

Our very own Martina Finnerty wasinvited as guest speaker to the Mind,Body, Spirit Conference in the RDS,Dublin this autumn. Martina’s mes-sage is clear: You can be the PersonYou Want to Be, You can Create theChange you Need in your Life, andthis is true no matter what your lifeexperience so far and no matter howyou were reared. Full of facts givenin such an interesting and entertain-ing manner, that the time just fliesby, Martina presents proof of thePower Within via Video footagefrom key scientific lectures, practicaldemonstrations of Biofeedback andHypnosis and lots of fun. Over 600people have attended her courseshere in Tipperary and their feedbackis fantastic. We decided to ask Mar-tina, why?

“I remember one lovely lady fromThurles telling me some months af-ter attending a course, ““Now that Iknow I can; I do. I am now lookingforward to the rest of my life””. Inher late 50’s, with her childrenreared, she had being feeling stuckand deflated. Like so many others,her feedback shows that once wetruly understand our mind and real-ise that there is an inherent gift with-in each and every one of us, whichhas the power to help us heal andovercome, then we rise up and begin

to experience the change we desirefor ourselves. People from all agegroups (16 to 80 yrs) attend mycourses, each with their own person-al needs and their feedback is almostalways the same; ““I never knewthat was possible”, “No-one evertaught me this””. People are leavinginformed and empowered, and thissupports real and lasting positivechange.”

Why not come along and witnessfirst hand as Martina takes you on ajourney through what we have neverbeen taught before? THAT WE ALLHAVE WHAT IT TAKES TOREACH OUR MAXIMUM PO-TENTIAL RIGHT HERE WITHINUS!!

Next Course begins on Wed 5th Febin the Portroe Healing Centre. Formore information or call087 6639188.

“Would recommend this course toanyone regardless of what is goingon in their life”. Mary Caroll,Thurles.

Enlightening, reinforcing, positive,fun, refreshing and a whole lotmore. Many thanks to you ”. John P,Clonmel

Access The Power Within &Make 2014 Your Best Year Yet!!

No-one ever sets out on a journeywithout checking their route,train/plane times, so why would younot spend time finding out who youare, before starting out on your careersearch. While we all know some as-pects of ourselves in terms of ourstrengths/weaknesses, we do needhelp in identifying the more hiddenaspects of our personalities. Whilethe same career may suit two differ-ent personalities it will be differentaspects of that career that suit bothtypes.If you do not know what to do withyour life two things can happen, youdo nothing about it, keep worryingand giving out or you do somethingabout it and move off the startingpoint. The right career enhances yourlife .It is personally fulfilling becauseit nourishes the most important as-pects of your personality. It suits theway you like to do things and reflectswho you are. It lets you use your in-nate strengths in ways that come nat-urally to you and it does not forceyou to do things that you do not do

well(at least not often). The secret ofcareer satisfaction lies in doing whatyou enjoy most. Some are lucky todiscover this early in life, but a lot ofus are caught in a kind of psychologi-cal wrestling match, torn betweenwhat we think we can do, what oth-ers feel we ought to do, and what wethink we want to do. In short it is al-ways better to concentrate instead onWho You Are and the rest should fallin to place.The conventional approach to careerdirection looks at your abilities , yourinterests, and values .All these arevery important but your personalityhas additional dimensions that needto be recognised. The more aspectsof your personality you match toyour career search the more satisfiedyou will be in your chosen career. Inother words you should always tryand do What You Are.

Marguerite Costello,B.A.H..D.E.,Dip.Humanistic Counselling,Career Coach.See advert in local services.

Your Career DirectionBy Marguerite Costello, MBC Careers

A recent study carried out by theHEA (Higher Education Authority)highlights the high employabilityrate among computing graduates inIreland . “The Class of 2012” surveywhich will continue to monitor com-puting graduates’ employability sta-tus over a five-year period, revealsthat 52% of level eight graduates-found suitable employment in Ire-land while an 72% of level 9/10(Master’s / Ph.D level) graduateshad found work here. An impressive90% of level eight graduates foundtheir courses relevant in terms ofgaining employment. These figures augur well for thefuture and show promising resultsfor those who may be studying , orinterested in studying, computing inIreland at present. The high employ-ability rates go some way towardsrefuting the claim that there has beena massive brain-drain among sciencegraduates from Ireland in recenttimes .With the imminent deadline forCAOapplications looming , it maybe time to think about choosing to

study computing at third level. Thehigh rate of employability in thissector testifies to the increasingdemand for computing graduates inthe workplace.

Seamus Hoyne, Head of Departmentat the Department of Technology atLIT Thurles noted “ This studyshould give confidence to studentsconsidering applying for a comput-ing programme through the CAO.There are good job prospects andthis is confirmed by a recent ForFásreport which indicated that therewould be over 44,000 positionsavailable within the computing in-dustry between now and 2018. AtLIT Thurles campus we offer pro-grammes in Computing, SoftwareDevelopment, Games Design andDevelopment and Computer ServicesManagement. Interested studentsshould come along to our informa-tion evenings on the 14th and 15thJanuary to find out more about theprogrammes.”E-mail: [email protected]/tipperaryTel: 0504-28180

Computing Industry Continuesto Offer Great Job Opportunities

by Sarah Butler.

Borrisoleigh Student awarded Stryker ScholarshipAt a recent awards ceremonyat the University of Limerick,Michael Ryan, Glenarisk,Borrisoleigh was the sole re-cipient of the STRYKERscholarship (valued at over€10,000). This scholarshipwas awarded to Michaelbased on his outstandingLeaving Certificate resultsachieved at St Joseph’s Col-lege, Borrisoleigh.

Photographed above are Jane Michelle, Stryker International, Michael Ryan,Prof. Paul McCutcheon, U.L. and Alice Regan, Deputy Principal, St Joseph’sCollege, Borrisoleigh.

Phone today for great advertising deals0504-51945

Page 9: Tipp Tatler Issue 209 Jan 2014

Contact the officefor best price in Tipperary

and Surrounding Area

Home Heating OilMotor DieselAgriculture Diesel

Thurles Office:

0504- 45554Cashel Office & Filling Station:


• Join our Easy Payment Plan• Gift Vouchers available

• Now also Stocking Solid Fuel

LC LUBE OILAgri Spares

Hydraulic Hoses

0504 58593

Solid FuelCoal, Briquettes & Gas

Oils and Greases

086 2512818Turtulla, Thurles, Co. Tipperary

Specialising inSales, Services & Repairs



Specialising in Cars new and oldSpecialising in Body WorkInsurance Work Handled


Enda Conway Cars

[email protected]

Bridge Road, Portumna, Co. Galway




0504 - 56606 & 086 - 8162929

(Old Rubber Factory) Templemore

Hours of Business:Mon-Fri 8.30 - 6.00

Sat: 8.30 - 4.00

New Row, Templemore, Co. TipperaryPresented by: Michael Coonan




• Security barriers and gates• Ornamental gates & railings• Automatic gates & barriers• Fire escape stairs (decorative & functional)• Construction steel fabrication• Balconies• Clothes lines• Lamp posts

All products are manufactured and finished to the higheststandards which can involve galvanising and powder-coatingof iron/steel to meet customer's requirements.

Old Birr Rd,Nenagh

Ph :067 32529 Mbl : 087 2663677e.mail : [email protected]

Specialist in double glazing existingTeak/Aluminium single glazed panes

to double glazed units.

AB Glazing, Birr, Co. Offaly05791 31277 087 2608895

ABEstablished 15 yearsSuppliers of

Careys EliteGlass withU-Value of 1.1

Draft proofing service available,Supply and fit of new windows and doors,PVC/Teak

Dooley ConcreteCloonagh, Roscrea


Sills, Septic Tanks, Panel Fencing,

Lintels, Wall Capping, Pier Capping,

Patio Slabs, Balustrades, Pillars,

Cattle Troughs, Garden Ornaments,

Kerbs, Pipes, Sand, Chippings

Neuromuscular & Physical TherapyPhysical Therapy is a hands-on, drug free healthcare, providinga client-centred approach in the field of musculoskeletal health.Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) is a physical or manual therapyspecialising in the treatment of soft tissue pain and injury (including changein sensation). A therapist trained in NMT is educated in the physiology ofthe nervous system and its effect on the muscular and skeletal systems.Sports and Remedial Massage is a form of massage regularly used amongathletes before, during and after exercise. Nowadays, however, it is usedamong any individual who exercises on a weekly basis or uses their body forheavy-duty activity. It is well know in the prevention of injury and is acompliment to any workout.Deep Tissue Massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses onrealigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It is especiallyhelpful for chronically tense and contracted areas such as stiff necks, lowerback tightness and sore shoulders.Cryotherapy: Cryronic Medical is a drug free non invasive treatment forpain and inflamation. This painless treatment can speed up your recoveryprocess following injuries.

• Frozen Shoulder • Poor Circulation • Muscular Pain/Cramping• Leg and Foot Pain • Fibromyaglia • Carpel Tunnel Syndrome• Rotator Cuff • Scar Tissue • Neck and Shoulder Pain• Sciatica • Shin Splints • Arthritis • Tendonitis • Tennis Elbow

Conditions Treated Include:

www.helenkryan.com083 1477864

Keeping You Warm This Winter

Cubic Meter Bag€60

Drive-Thru Trailer ServicesStarting from €60

Logs can be cut to size

Curraghanuddy, Ballinaclough, NenaghPamela Hayes 085-8031008 Georgina Hogan 085-8031007

Tel: 067 37007


Page 10: Tipp Tatler Issue 209 Jan 2014

Richard Power & SonsGreen Roads, Ballybrophy, Portlaoise, Co Laois

Specialists inHardwood Fitted Kitchens,Household furniture,& Stair Case

Tel: 0505-41167Fax:[email protected]

Septic Tank Cleaning ServiceSeptic Tanks EmptiedDrain, Pipe & Sewer

CleaningLong Distance HosesNo Damage to Lawns

or Driveways 24 Hour Service

087-265 0852 087-779 8691

Doyles Funeral DirectorsDungar, Roscrea

0505-21722 087-2546113Established 30 years since 1983

Funeral HomeFacilities

SMYTH’SSand & Gravel Ltd.

Suppliers of Readymix ConcreteConcrete Blocks

Water Troughs 150/200 Gallon,Aggregates, Crushed Stone, Clause 804,

Land Drainage StoneBirr, Co. Offaly. Tel: 057-9120156 Fax: 057-9120164Email: [email protected]


0504 26090

• Joint, Back, Muscle & Sport Injuries• Deep Dry Needling For Chronic Pain



Premier CountyChartered

Physiotherapy ClinicsThurles & Templemore

Therese Ryan, Emma Callanan,Eibhlish Cooney

• VHI, Quin, Aviva, H.S.F. Med 1

J QUIGLEY TYRESTyre sales & repairsCar, van, lorry, tractor

Callout serviceAlloy wheel repairsBalancing & trackingJamie 085-7189378John 087-8109168Call anytime

DB EngineeringFarm Buildings(Kit Form or Erected)Gates & PenningPanel FenceGarden Shedsto Client Spec

Suppliers of Box Profile &Corrugated Sheets (incl. non-drip)RSJ, Timber, Gutters & Paints

Tel: 0504-32186Mob: 086-6009990


NAYLOR TARMACADAMDerry, Rathcabbin, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary

Groundworks / LandscapesTarmacadam/Roadways/Paths/Car Parks/Tar and Chip/Paving

All work fullyguaranteed

Naylor TarmacadamPhone 05791399020872939107

PREMIER WELL DRILLING0505-44224087-8836640087-2608158


Nationwide Service Pumps Installed

Tel:086-8211 007Martin Mockler, Rathmanna,


Painting &Decorating

Fully Insured

All work carried out tothe Highest Standard

Painting & DecoratingInternal & ExternalPower Washing &Spray Painting

CoSteel Garden Sheds & GaragesAll sizes made to order

087-796 4298 / 0505-47943

For Garden Sheds& Garages

BorrisoleighMonumental Works& Funeral DirectorThurles Rd., Borrisoleigh

Contact: Tom Stapleton0504-51736087-6805878

Friars Court ( Unit 7 )Nenagh. Co. Tipp

We offer everything you need froma quick trim to fullhead colours,highlights, stylish cuts, wedding

cuts and styling, beard trims. Weuse AMERICAN CREW, WELLA

and REVLON products.

EVO barbershop

TUE - FRI 10.00AM - 6.00PM

SATURDAY 9.30AM - 5.30PM


Phone: 06737212Mobile: 0857170251

Catherine Maguire, Travel CounsellorTel: 0504-33333, Mbl: 087-2239471

E: [email protected]:

This company is Licensedand Bonded with the commissionfor Aviation Regulation, Ireland.Travel Agent Licence No. 621

Flight to Brisbane from €889with Malaysia Airlines

*also great fares to otherAustralian destinations

BallygibbonNenaghCo. Tipperary

T: (067) 29182M: (087) 6332243

OpenMonday toSaturday



MixersPower Washer

To A




e 05



Page 11: Tipp Tatler Issue 209 Jan 2014



Uniforms on the Move

for Nurses, Beauticians,Hairdressers, Chefs etc.Full Stock available at

Ph. Eileen for Appointment086-0668826 0504-32229

Mortgages & Investments LtdEamonn Walsh QFA 15 Bank St.,

Templemore,Co. Tipperary

Free Independent Financial Review

Diploma in Wealth Management & Mortgage Practice

Phone/Text Eamonn 086-0471147 Email: [email protected]

Eamonn Walsh Mortgages Ltd is regulated by the Financial Regulatoras an authorised advisor and a mortgage and investment intermediary

Do you want to reduce monthly payments andfree up some of your hard earned cash?



TEL: 062 52109 / 087 8233513


- Blocked Drains - Sinks- Septic Tanks emptied- CCTV Surveys - Drain Repairs - Lining- Grease Traps Supplied and Cleaned- Smoke Testing for rodent entry/smells- Nationwide Waste Permit NWCPO-12-11051-01

Do You Have a Grease Trap?Would you like to save up to 25%

on your grease collection? If so call 1850 333 666

Tel: (0504) 21725 (087) 6689343 (086) 8107277

Distributors of Heating Oil,Tractor & Road Diesel,

Lubricating Oil,Oil Storage Tanks ex stock. Diesel Ex Yard


Equestrian ShopHorse & Rider Essentials

0504 90402Mill Road, Thurles

One Stop Shop• Bedding • Haylage• Feed • Tack

• Health Care& Supplements

Boomerang Have It - Call Today

Open All Day

Contact your local representative forcompetitive rates in the Thurles Area

Bansha, Co. TipperaryTel: 062 54011 / 54018 Fax: 062 54009

Shreelawn Oil

Mob: 086 1716100Enda Everard

Bohernanave, Thurles,0504-23022 087-292 0138

All Makes of Bikesarriving daily!!!


Open: 10 - 5 - Mon - Sat. Closed Wed.

Go Karts

We don’t sell cheap bikes - We sell bikes cheap!


Tipperary Tyres

Tel: Eamon Fogarty 087 6387425Mobile Breakdown Service Available

All Types • Cars • Vans

• Jeeps • Trucks • Tractors • Agri


(052) 9156423 (086) 2550144

Pipes, Drains & SewersUnblocked & CleanedHigh Pressure Water JettingIndustrial & domesticPipe Relining


High Pressure CleaningTube DescalingCCTV Pipe InspectionSand Blasting etc.Pipe Grouting

ShanahansCentra -


Check out ourGreat OffersEvery Week

Full Bar Menu - 7 Days a Week

The Ragg, Thurles, Co. Tipperary0504 51376

Large Car Park with Easy Access

Bar, Restaurant, Function Room

Social Dancinglast Thursdayevery month

9am-5pm & Evening Food by arrangementCatering Service Available

Page 12: Tipp Tatler Issue 209 Jan 2014


NRG Benefit Services

Servicing Repair Install Commission

Oil & Gas BoilersReduce CO2 Emissions & Heat Bills

Computer Read-out Efficiency TestingOil Cookers & Ranges

Power Flush Your Heating SystemSolar Panel Service and Installation

Tel: 087 929 [email protected]

- Soot Free Clean- Brush & Vacuum System- Stove Maintenance- Chimney Maintenance- Friendly, Helpful & Reliable Service- Fully Insured on all Work

ContactJohn Hennessy

(087) 2681915Email: [email protected]

Pristine Clean Chimney SweepStove FitterFully Qualified

Tel:0504-42497Email:[email protected]


[email protected]


Philip Quirke086-2799838

Secure your Premises withAutomatic Gates

A closed gate is a great deterrent to keepunwanted intruders away

• Gates Supplied & Automated• GSM Gate Openers• DIY Gate Kits• CCTV Systems


Tim RyanMonumental Sculptor

HEADSTONESLimestone, Marble & GraniteIrish Celtic CrossesStone Cleaning & Inscriptions

Templederry, NenaghTel: (087) 270 3615Email: [email protected]

Dungar, RoscreaTel / Fax: (0505) 21534

Kitchen WorktopsCustom Made Stove

Hearths in granite


Croke St., Thurles086 408 4014IPhone Repairs

Buying and Selling LaptopsUnlocking Phones ( any network ) from €10

Repairing iphone screens from €40

Best Prices paid for your Gold and Silver

Professional Hair & Beauty ProductsHair Accessories & Electrical ProductsHair Extensions, Hair Pieces & WigsNails & Make-upTanning Products

Friar St., ThurlesTel: (0504) 20872

We areOpen topublic

Pearse St., Nenagh Tel: 067-32022

Great Offers!Laptops, Tablets, TV & Hi Fi

Marie B. Kelly & Associates

MountheatonRoscreaCo. TipperaryTel: 0505 22023Mobile: 086 3989 551E-Mail: [email protected]

Marie B. Kelly A.C.M.A.Chartered Management Accountant

Are you paying too much for your accounts?

Providing a High Quality Accounting & Professional Service

Wedding Flowers byLaura & Adda

No job too big or too smallIdeas welcomed but not essential

085 1651767 / 086 8468901

We treat all weddings as if they’re our own!!

087-799 0558

Mark Gleeson

24/7 Recovery

• Alarms - Wired & Wire-Free • C.C.T.V.• Home Automation: Save Oil & Electricity• Access Control - Audio & Video Intercoms• Automatic Gates - With G.S.M./Text Remote Control• Medical Alarms - Calls Neighbours in Emergency

Sean McSherry 087-2433 033061-379000or [email protected]

Future Security Ltd.Over 15 Years Protecting Tipperary

U3, Enterprise Centre,Heron house, Greenhills, Birdhill, Co. Tipperary

P.S.A. Licence no. 00290

Cow Fertility &Pregnancy Scanning

Ultrasound Imagingfor Animal Husbandry

Jim O’Dea, Clonmeen, ErrillMobile: 087 9625456


Wood, Roller Venetian, Etc. Curtain MakingNew Samples of Roller BlindsAll Samples Reduced

Made to Measure &Ready made Curtains

• We Cover All Areas• Keenest Prices • FREE Call Out & Quotation

P.J. & Breda Jones

Phone: 0505-45287 / 087-2717465 / 087-2593111

Off All Wood Blinds until end Jan 2014SALE NOW ON on all Roller Blinds20%

Curtain Poles Supplied & Fitted

Career Direction?MBC Careers

Marguerite Costello, B.A. H. Dip EducationHumanistic Counsellor, Life Coach

• Subject Choice• Psychometric Testing• Career Decisions

Ph: 087-6409277Kickham St.,

Moycarkey Coolcroo A.C. athletes who competed at the Munster Juvenile Indoor Combined EventChampionships in Nenagh Indoor Stadium recently. L to R – Dillon Ryan (6th Boys U/12), Declan Ry-an (4th Boys U/16), Anna Ryan (6th Girls U/13), Daniel Ryan (1st Boys U/16), Jack Ryan (3rd BoysU/14), David Ryan (1st Boys U/15), Jack Fallon (2nd Boys U/15) & Adam O’Dwyer (Boys U/13).

Network North Tipperary new committee. MaryRyan Murray President (seated right), JoanMcGowan Secretary /VP, Sarah Baker Treasurer,Camelia Shanahan PRO, Siobhan Kennedy NewMembers, Fiona Connolly Events officer (seatedleft).

Page 13: Tipp Tatler Issue 209 Jan 2014

Have your carbs and enjoy life too!Want to lose weight, reduce bloating, have more energy,

Be more confident and feel great?Trust REAL LIVE NUTRITION to get you there!

For a short time only phone foryour free phone consultation on 087 7733551

Consultations @ Wilton Medical Centre, Nenagh


087 794 6254087 224 1504

ROSCREA DIESEL INJECTIONSmoke Testing Injectors & Pumps Engine Diagnostics

All Diesel Spares Common Rail Systems Sales & Service

Old Bacon Factory, Railway View, Roscrea, Co. Tipp

Tel: 0505-22476 Mob: 087 7974142 / 085 1019843Email: [email protected]




John Healy LawnmowerQuads, Sales& Service

Sales, Servicing and Repairsof Lawnmowers.

We are Main Dealers for Honda,Suzuki, Craftsman, Castlegarden,

Stiga, Oleo mac & Kubota.We now service Suzuki,

Yamaha & Honda QuadsCollection & Delivery canbe arranged

0504 44300 or 087 2456493Main St., Littleton, Thurles,

Co. Tipperary

Main Dealer for Suzuki Quads

O’Dwyer Steel, Dundrum, Co. TipperaryTel: 062 71102 email: [email protected]

Fabricators and Erectors ofStructural Steel and

Cladding for the Industrial,Commercial, Agricultural,

Equine and Leisure Sectors

Local Representative in North TipperaryMartin Morris 086-2886839

Phone: 0504-54054Mobile: 086-8159285


Kennedy Well Drilling

For Details Contact:Jim KennedyThurles

Government Grants Available

We also doGeo Thermal Heating

More efficient than conventional heating

D.B.S. Templemore

Horse TackSaddles


Thomas / Carmel085-1336333086-1956366

Joe / Liam085-1104221087-9453190

Varta BatteriesBeaconsLed LightCommercial Spares


New Builds • Extensions • Renovations(Prop: James Wixted) Templemore, Co. Tipperary.

Maintenance ContractorsC2 Reg, Fully Insured - FREE QUOTATIONS

086 - 3958 694

Domestic - Commercial - IndustrialDomestic Appliance Repair

Dishwasher - Washing Machine - Tumble Dryers etc.

PAT - Portable Appliance Testing Engineer

- Fireplace Manufacturers -

Anitque Fireplace Restoration Service a SpecialityDunkerrin Rd., Templemore, Co. Tipperary

Tel: (0504) 31901 - Open 7 Days

Handcarved - Marble, Tile, Timber and Cast Iron Fireplaces


Slievenamon Road, ThurlesTel: 0504-58110

Eamon 087 202 7419 Steve 086 029 9837

Larry BourkeTemplemore

Tel: 0504-31254Tel & Fax: 0504-31658

TV ~ Satellite & LaptopsPanasonic ~ Free to Air


Full range of roller doors for home & businessContact Ger Maher 086 1201844

Roller Shutter Door Service

Shinrone Agri ServicesIndustrial Estate, Shinrone, Co. Offaly

New Fuel Depot Now Open

20kg / 40kg bag of coalFire logs & Turf

Delivery Every FridayP:0505-47643 M:087-6897766

• Machinery & Tractor Repairs, Services & Sales• Puncture Repairs• Welding & Fabrication• Hydraulic Hose Repair & Fitting• Sand Blasting & Spray Painting

Ph: 085 1695908

Special Opening Offerfor 1 week only

10 Bales of Briquettes+ 40kg Bag of Coal ONLY €50

MAHER Haulage and Plant HireSEAN

Grange, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary Tel: 0505 22211 Mob: 087798231Email: [email protected] Tipper Hire

Low Loader HireWaste Collection Permit

Licensed LandfillSite ClearanceSand & Gravel

AggregatesCrushed Stone

Top SoilJCB &Track Machine Hire

LandscapingLand Drainage and Reclamation

Farm RoadwaysDriveways

GroundworkPipe Laying

All Site Work

Certified Agricultural Lime Now AvailableExcellent Rates - DeliveredSeptic Tank InstallationNew Percolations for Existing SystemsCall for all your Septic Tank ProblemsStone Yard located at Grange, RoscreaSupplying all quantities of crushed stone,Sand and gravelFully Licensed, Insured and C2 Registered

Call Sean Today on: 0877982391

086 162 2554Fax: 0504 33745

Free Quotation

John Ryan Tarmacadam

Driveways, Car Parks, Designer CurbingMattcrete, Patios, Ground Preparation

Phone Ned 087 - 8505361

Borrisoleigh BikesSales & Repairs


RENT A CARTel: 0504-52222 FREE PHONE: 1800 252525

Web: www.donalryanrentacar.comEmail: [email protected]

Shannon Nenagh






St. Sheelan’s Childcare Centre Quality Childcare in a warm, caring environment.• Qualified and experienced staff • HSE Approved.• Home cooked nutritious meals • Free pre-school (ECCE),lower rates for lower income families • Caters from 4 monthsto school age • Broad play-based curriculum.Open Mon-Fri 8.00-6.00. For enquiries call Marie Websteror Maria Campbell on 0504 56600 or [email protected]

Funded by the Irish Government under the National Childcare Investment Programme 2006-2010


For treatment of foot related problemsContact Mary on (086)3519416Mobile clinic available on request

MARY MURPHY M.IPCO.I, M.ACH.I, M.I.R.I.L.Registered Member of the Irish Chiropodists/Podiatrists Organisation Ltd

Take your first steps to healthy feetClinics at: - Roscrea Centre Pharmacy 0505-22718

- Ray Walsh Pharmacy,Pearse St.,Nenagh 067-31249

Evening & weekendcalls available

External Wall Insulation

C2 registered, Insurance


Leugh, Thurles, Co. [email protected] -

0 8 6 - 6 0 5 4 4 7 7seai Grants Available

SEAI Approved Installer No. 11133NSAI Approved Installer

Chartered Physiotherapy &Sports Injury Clinic

Rita Self, MISCP,Chartered Physiotherapist

086-1973548Patrick St., Templemore

[email protected]

• Back & Neck Pain • Exercise Prescription• Deep Dry Needling • Medico Legal Reports

• Sports Injuries • Pilates • Sports Taping• Post-op Rehabilitation

Page 14: Tipp Tatler Issue 209 Jan 2014

Situations Vacant

Situations WantedReliable active woman with sev-eral years experience in retail andcustomer service, seeks retail orreception position, part/full time,flexible, (early/late hours) within20 mile radius Nenagh, computerliterate and car owner.Tel: 085 868 1803

BabysittingReliable 17 year old babysitteravailable Borrisoleigh area. 087-6476278

ChildminderChildminder available. The Raggarea, full-time, part-time & after-school care. Registered & In-sured. Phone 087-8634357

CounsellingJim O'Shea B.A., Ph.D., H.D.E.,Dip. Coun., MIACP.Jim O'Shea is a professional, ac-credited counsellor offering confi-dentialcounselling. He deals with be-reavement, suicide bereavement,

stress, depression, abuse, child-hood issues, self-esteem, anxiety,relationship difficulties and cou-ple counselling. He is accreditedby the Irish Association of Coun-selling and Psychotherapy. If youwish to contact Jimat Furze, Thurles, Co. Tipperary,please ring 0878211009 or emailat [email protected]. Websiteat leavein

Going through a difficult time?Maybe we can help. For allfamily/relationship problems,couples or individuals, Accord,Cathedral St., Thurles. Tel: 0504-22279 or 1850-303202 email:[email protected] for all relationships

For Sale2 Petrol Lawnmowers1 Electric Lawnmower,Qualcast lawnmower with rollerattached, suitable for golf greens,tennis courts etc. Phone 087-6856868

1 Chainsaw, Jonsered, 1x18” bar.Phone 087-6856868

Brand new Brother Printer, neverused. Also second hand scanner,Ph 087-6856868

14” Panasonic Portable TV, asnew. Power washer, suctionwasher, Lavor Phone 087-6856868

Ladies Raleigh bicycle, 21 gears,perfect condition. Man’s Moun-tain Bike, front suspension and 4

kids bikesPhone 087-6856868

Cot bed, perfect condition.Phone 087-6856868

HealthOver 55? Regain strength andflexibility! Pilates for Active Re-tired or Rehabilitation. Gentlechair Pilates. Many benefits!Lovely venue in Cashel, Wednes-day mornings.Call 086 8184218 Eimear(STOTT PILATES certified)

HolidaysAlgarve - Portugal, Albuferia. 1Bedroom luxury apartment forrent. Sky TV, Shared Pool,long/short term. Tel Sean 087-2371716 or 087-2856636 iss200call dont end adSame algarve man

Peurto Del Carmen, Lanzarote,luxurious 2 bedroom house to letin gated complex with pool, front-line position across from thebeach and San Antonio Hotel,€300 per week, contact 087-6897553

Music LessonsGuitar lessons for beginners, eve-nings and weekends, Borrisoleigh.087-6476278Property to letMain Street, Templemore. 1and 2 bedroom flats to let, reason-able rent, fully furnished andheated. Tel: 086-0668826 iss192

Office/Shop to let on MainStreet, Templemore. Prime Lo-cation, fully heated. Tel: 086-0668826 iss192

Spacious room available inMain Street, Templemore, primelocation. Available to rent onnightly basis. Suitable for meet-ings, classes, courses, etc. Fullyheated. Tel:086-0668826

Septic TanksSeptic tanks emptied, long hoses,keen rates. Call anytime. Phone087-6229777 iss212

Septic Tank Cleaning Service:Septic tanks emptied; drainpipe and sewer cleaning; longdistance hoses; no damage tolawns or driveways.; 24 hourservice. Call 087-2650852 or087-7798691

Turf/WoodTrailer /Truck/Lorry loads of2013 new crop turf. Free deliv-ery. Call 087-1173288

Firewood for Sale. Thurles andSurrounding Area. Call Padraigon 087-2779332.Lift WantedLift required for two childrenfrom Currahbaha Cross to schoolin Nenagh every morning andevening. Willing to car pool orcover costs. Call Margaret 0863640463ss203

Tipp Tatler

Classified AdsARMY SURPLUS

Clothing & AccessoriesHuge Range now in stock -at

AnyOldThingLower Main St. MoneygallTel: 087 2043967

Open 7 Daysor shop online at

(For up to 25 words. Over 25 words add .25c per wordHighlight your classified ad with a colour background €10

Place a box around your ad and include photo €20

€7.50 per issue for Classified Ads (line adverts)

To place a classified ad post ad withpayment to:

Tipp Tatler, Curraghgraigue,Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipperary

The Tipp Tatler is distributed throughout NorthTipperary and parts of South Tipperary coveringNenagh, Borrisokane, Roscrea, Templemore,Thurles, Borrisoleigh, Cashel, Cahir, TipperaryTown and the villages around and between thesetowns. No other local publication offers such alarge area for advertisers. Phone 0504-51945

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Page 15: Tipp Tatler Issue 209 Jan 2014

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By Jim O’SheaAnxiety (continued from previous issue)


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Series 4, no. 17. Anxiety. Laughter,family support, valuable workbookson alleviating anxiety, stress diary.Any lighthearted activity helps to re-lieve anxiety. Being with witty peopleor watching comedies is a great help tosoothing our anxiety. We know thatlaughter relaxes the whole body, re-lieving physical tension and stress,leaving your muscles relaxed for up to45 minutes. It boosts the immune sys-tem, decreasing stress hormones andincreasing immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies. Laughter triggersthe release of endorphins, the body’snatural feel-good chemicals. Endor-phins promote an overall sense of well-being. It improves the function ofblood vessels and increases blood flow,the very opposite of what stress andanxiety do. But, the severity of theanxiety is an important considerationalso. If a person is almost paralysed byanxiety, looking at comedies will nothave much of an effect. That type ofanxiety must first be eased by othermeans first.Family help is also important. There-fore, it is vital for family members tounderstand what anxiety is, and howdebilitating it can become. It is difficultto be around anxious family members,but patience and understanding is es-sential. Telling an anxious person to‘cop on’ or ‘it’s only in your mind’increases the anxiety, and makes thesufferer feel misunderstood at the veryleast.The two workbooks by Martha Davisand Edmund Bourne (Anxiety &PhobiaWorkbook and The Relaxation andStress Reduction Workbook (New Har-binger Self-Help Workbook, respec-tively) also contain some effectivetechniques to ease anxiety and stress.Davis suggests that we draw up aschedule of recent experience. Thisexercise will help to identify stressorsand see a pattern perhaps. It showstechniques for dealing with them. Oneexercise looks at stress and anxietyarising from life changing events. Youare invited to write these events down.They might include problems at workwith your boss, changes in your sleep-ing, eating problems, personal prob-lems, and recreation habits. Perhapsyou are having trouble with your in-laws, sexual difficulties, illness or inju-ry, loss, change in residence, marriage,divorce, separation, retirement, changein working hours, and so on. You com-pile your own sources of anxiety andyou can compile a score that shows justhow stressful your life is. Followingthis, you can use the information youhave written to counteract the possibleanxiety and stress that may arise. Forexample, remind yourself of theamount of change you have experiencein the last year. Think about how it has

affected you, and how you can adjust.Do all of this slowly and carefully, andalso look at your successes. Be empath-ic to yourself, and acknowledge whatyou can change and what you cannot.Next draw up a list of how you copewith anxiety and stress. Some of thesemay be beneficial and others destruc-tive. So you might use the followingcoping strategies - getting support offriends (beneficial), overeating (de-structive), drinking too much (destruc-tive), smoking (destructive),withdrawing (destructive), getting ahobby (beneficial), having a healthydiet (beneficial), and so on. By doingthis you will see whether your copingstrategies are positive or damaging,and you will be able to eliminate thedamaging ones, and find other helpfulones.A stress/anxiety awareness diary is avery good idea. You have five head-ings for this record, and an entry mightbe as followsDay MondayDate 15th SeptemberTime 9.30Stressful event Customer RudeSymptom anger/stomach churning.

This will show a pattern of behaviourand reactions to stressful events. It willalso show you where you store it inyour body. Your awareness will in-crease and you will be able to releasethe anxiety through relaxation exercis-es, such as walking, swimming, listen-ing to soft music. Self- hypnosis seemsto be an effective way to ease anxiety.I suppose that we may be frightened ofhypnosis because it seems that we haveno control. I would have no fear ofself-hypnosis as explained by MarthaDavis. She outlines how you mightmaster and practise it on pages 83 to97. It does not take long to master it.

Jim O’Shea works as a counsellor fromFurze, Thurles. Jim O’Shea’s book‘When a child dies. Footsteps of aGrieving Family’ is published by Ver-itas. The royalties from this book willgo the the Children’s Hospital inCrumlin Jim O’Shea’s new book calledAbuse, about domestic violence, work-place and school bullying is now avail-able on Amazon, published by CorkUniversity Press and in Bookshops.

(Continued in next issue)

The Miraculous PrayerDear Heart of Jesus, in the past I’veasked for many favours. This time I askYou this very special one (mention fa-vour). Take it Dear Heart of Jesus andplace it within Your own broken heartwhere Your Father sees it. Then in Hismerciful eyes it will become Your favour,not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3days, promise publication and favour willbe granted. Never know to fail. M.O.D.

The Miraculous PrayerDear Heart of Jesus, in the past I’veasked for many favours. This time I askYou this very special one (mention fa-vour). Take it Dear Heart of Jesus andplace it within Your own broken heartwhere Your Father sees it. Then in Hismerciful eyes it will become Your favour,not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3days, promise publication and favour willbe granted. Never know to fail. A.C.

The Miraculous PrayerDear Heart of Jesus, in the past I’veasked for many favours. This time I askYou this very special one (mention fa-vour). Take it Dear Heart of Jesus andplace it within Your own broken heartwhere Your Father sees it. Then in Hismerciful eyes it will become Your favour,not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3days, promise publication and favour willbe granted. Never know to fail. M.M.

The Miraculous PrayerDear Heart of Jesus, in the past I’veasked for many favours. This time I askYou this very special one (mention fa-vour). Take it Dear Heart of Jesus andplace it within Your own broken heartwhere Your Father sees it. Then in Hismerciful eyes it will become Your favour,not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3days, promise publication and favour willbe granted. Never know to fail. A.M.

The Miraculous PrayerDear Heart of Jesus, in the past I’veasked for many favours. This time I askYou this very special one (mention fa-vour). Take it Dear Heart of Jesus andplace it within Your own broken heartwhere Your Father sees it. Then in Hismerciful eyes it will become Your favour,not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3days, promise publication and favour willbe granted. Never know to fail. L.C.

The Miraculous PrayerDear Heart of Jesus, in the past I’veasked for many favours. This time I askYou this very special one (mention fa-vour). Take it Dear Heart of Jesus andplace it within Your own broken heartwhere Your Father sees it. Then in Hismerciful eyes it will become Your favour,not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3days, promise publication and favour willbe granted. Never know to fail. T.D.The Miraculous PrayerDear Heart of Jesus, in the past I’veasked for many favours. This time I askYou this very special one (mention fa-vour). Take it Dear Heart of Jesus andplace it within Your own broken heartwhere Your Father sees it. Then in Hismerciful eyes it will become Your favour,not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3days, promise publication and favour willbe granted. Never know to fail. M.P.The Miraculous PrayerDear Heart of Jesus, in the past I’veasked for many favours. This time I askYou this very special one (mention fa-vour). Take it Dear Heart of Jesus andplace it within Your own broken heartwhere Your Father sees it. Then in Hismerciful eyes it will become Your favour,not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3days, promise publication and favour willbe granted. Never know to fail. M.G.

The Miraculous PrayerDear Heart of Jesus, in the past I’veasked for many favours. This time I askYou this very special one (mention fa-vour). Take it Dear Heart of Jesus andplace it within Your own broken heartwhere Your Father sees it. Then in Hismerciful eyes it will become Your favour,not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3days, promise publication and favour willbe granted. Never know to fail. D.O.D.The Miraculous PrayerDear Heart of Jesus, in the past I’veasked for many favours. This time I askYou this very special one (mention fa-vour). Take it Dear Heart of Jesus andplace it within Your own broken heartwhere Your Father sees it. Then in Hismerciful eyes it will become Your favour,not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3days, promise publication and favour willbe granted. Never know to fail. T.S.

Page 16: Tipp Tatler Issue 209 Jan 2014

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