Page 1: time | movement | space maselli... · of movement and time. While the act of bathing had hygienic and ritualistic purposes, it was mainly a public space which encouraged social interaction

time | movement | space

diandra maselli |25.09.09

Page 2: time | movement | space maselli... · of movement and time. While the act of bathing had hygienic and ritualistic purposes, it was mainly a public space which encouraged social interaction

public space map

When observing the Nordelec and the surrounding area of Point St.Charles, one can see that the public spac-

es are sparsly distributed and undesirable to the nearby residents. The public areas adjacent to the canal

benefit from continuous pedestrian and cyclist traffic. These active areas are more welcoming to the commu-

nity, in comparison to the parks further south, which are desolate and unfrequented. Many of the parks high-

lighted on the map have been abandoned and have become places for misdemeanors and public mischief.

Due to the industrial characteristics of the area, it still lacks pedestrian friendly amenities such as continuous

sidewalks and sufficient cross walks, especially along St.Patrick street. The Nordelec building, which pres-

ently sits on its own city block, offers an enormous potential and opportunity to re-integrate public space into

the community.

Page 3: time | movement | space maselli... · of movement and time. While the act of bathing had hygienic and ritualistic purposes, it was mainly a public space which encouraged social interaction

public space

400 m 200 m600 m800 m1 km


scale 1:5000


Page 4: time | movement | space maselli... · of movement and time. While the act of bathing had hygienic and ritualistic purposes, it was mainly a public space which encouraged social interaction

site section analysis

The North-South section through the Nordelec is a good indication of the massive scale of the complex and

its relation to the neighboring buildings. In the area adjacent to the canal, there are many other industrial

buildings which have been transformed into residential lofts or commercial spaces, such as the old Redpath

sugar refinery and the Belding Corticelli silk factory. Prior to the construction of the Northern Electric factory,

Priest’s Basin extended into the site and supplied the surrounding industries with access to the water. While

the water has long been drained from the site, its former presence is quite significant in history. The water

essentially fed all of the surrounding industries and created an interdependence among companies, forming

one of the most diversified industrial sectors in Montreal.

Page 5: time | movement | space maselli... · of movement and time. While the act of bathing had hygienic and ritualistic purposes, it was mainly a public space which encouraged social interaction






Priest basin 1848

0 5 10 20m

Lachine Canal 2009

Page 6: time | movement | space maselli... · of movement and time. While the act of bathing had hygienic and ritualistic purposes, it was mainly a public space which encouraged social interaction


0 5 10 20 m

Central hallTepidarium

FrigidariumMarble court


section AA

Roman bath complex at Sardis

The bath-gymnasium complex at Sardis, located in Turkey, was used for approximately 500 years by the Ro-

mans . The complex is a prime example of the ancient bath house spaces, that were designed as a function

of movement and time. While the act of bathing had hygienic and ritualistic purposes, it was mainly a public

space which encouraged social interaction and was open to everyone, from the very rich emperors to the


Moving along the East-West axis, one would pass through many different rooms, varying greatly in tempera-

ture and size. There was a great appreciation for transitional spaces such as the Tepidarium which was situ-

ated inbetween the cold Frigidarium and the very hot Caldarium. There was also an emphasis put on greater

ceiling heights for rooms that were meant for social gathering spaces and relaxation. The Roman baths were

places where movement through the complex was encouraged and time was forgotten.

Page 7: time | movement | space maselli... · of movement and time. While the act of bathing had hygienic and ritualistic purposes, it was mainly a public space which encouraged social interaction


0 5 10 20 m

Central hallTepidarium

FrigidariumMarble court


section AA

LEVEL 7radio broadcast &


LEVEL 6waterproofing

LEVEL 5switchboard room

LEVEL 4rubber insulating

LEVEL 4rubber insulating & lunch room

LEVEL 5melting & plating

LEVEL 6waterproofing & insulating

LEVEL 7braiding, insulating,magnet

& switchboard

LEVEL 3paper insulating

LEVEL 2wire stranding

LEVEL 1rubber mill

LEVEL 3paper stranding &


LEVEL 2container storage

LEVEL 1drying oven & paper cable

LEVEL 1testing &shipping

LEVEL 1wire drawing

LEVEL 1wire drawing

LEVEL 2storage of finishing

LEVEL 2storage of finishing

LEVEL 3wood, metal patterns, & machine

shop & tool room

LEVEL 4rubber insulating

LEVEL 2packing & storage

rubber wire

LEVEL 3storage & repairing cable reels

& lunch room

LEVEL 4rubber insulating

LEVEL 8offices

LEVEL 8offices

0 5 10 20 m

public space

section BB

Northern Electric building in 1940

The Northern Electric building, constructed in 1913, was designed to produce cable, wiring and electric

switch gear. As seen in the section below the building was organized in such a way to facilitate production

and to increase efficiency. The complex was organized in a horizontal manner to accommodate the fabrica-

tion of very long wire and cable. Northern Electric functioned like a giant machine and appears in section like

five separate buildings. There was one of every function in each building, including lunch rooms which were

the only social gathering spaces. Unlike the Roman baths, movement was limited to repetitive motion and

time was of the essence.

Page 8: time | movement | space maselli... · of movement and time. While the act of bathing had hygienic and ritualistic purposes, it was mainly a public space which encouraged social interaction

0 5 10 20 m




4. APODYTERIA (changing room/lounge)


7. MEETING HALL (unheated)







1 2







8 9 10


13 13 13




4 4




4 4



social gathering space

transitory movement

Roman bath complex at Sardis

Page 9: time | movement | space maselli... · of movement and time. While the act of bathing had hygienic and ritualistic purposes, it was mainly a public space which encouraged social interaction

0 5 10 20 m



social gathering space

work space

movement of goods

movement of people

main floor plan

2nd floor plan

Nordelec building

Page 10: time | movement | space maselli... · of movement and time. While the act of bathing had hygienic and ritualistic purposes, it was mainly a public space which encouraged social interaction


0 5 10 20 m

social gathering space

transitory movement

location of baths

Movement through the Roman bath complex at Sardis

Page 11: time | movement | space maselli... · of movement and time. While the act of bathing had hygienic and ritualistic purposes, it was mainly a public space which encouraged social interaction

0 5 10 20 B


location of priest basin in 1848

location of old boiler room where water was heated

social gathering space

work space

movement of goods

movement of people

main floor plan

2nd floor plan

Movement through the Nordelec building

Page 12: time | movement | space maselli... · of movement and time. While the act of bathing had hygienic and ritualistic purposes, it was mainly a public space which encouraged social interaction

When asked by a foreigner why he bathed once a day, a Roman emperor is said to have replied, “Because I do not have the time to bathe twice a day.“

Ancient Roman bath culture

Page 13: time | movement | space maselli... · of movement and time. While the act of bathing had hygienic and ritualistic purposes, it was mainly a public space which encouraged social interaction

At one point in time, Northern Electric had its own in-house photography department that publicized photos that advertised efficiency and good working conditions.

male activities....

female activities....

Northern Electric production activities

Page 14: time | movement | space maselli... · of movement and time. While the act of bathing had hygienic and ritualistic purposes, it was mainly a public space which encouraged social interaction

site analysis

The connection of the Lachine Canal to that of the Nordelec building is something that should be exploited

and addressed in the redevelopment of the building. The water, as a symbolic link in the community, should

extend into the building, tying the Nordelec permanently into the surrounding landscape.

The St.Patrick facade of the building needs to be opened up and to become the main point of arrival to the

Nordelec. Learning from the Roman baths, circulation should be organized around nodes which offer places

to gather and interact socially. Multiple links in the diverse program spaces need to be made, in order for the

building to function as one entity rather than five separate buildings.

Page 15: time | movement | space maselli... · of movement and time. While the act of bathing had hygienic and ritualistic purposes, it was mainly a public space which encouraged social interaction

Lachine Canal

Priest’s Basin

vertical circulation grouped around gathering spaces

memory of Priest’s Basin- linking the building and the

community through water

establishing St.Patrick street as the main point of arrival

re-establishing a symbolic link to the Lachine canal

introducing nodes of social space within

circulation paths

Page 16: time | movement | space maselli... · of movement and time. While the act of bathing had hygienic and ritualistic purposes, it was mainly a public space which encouraged social interaction
