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Tim and the Volcano

By: Hannah BurgessPeriod two

(work cited list last page)

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One day Tim was walking through the desert and heard someone crying.

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Tim saw the volcano and asked “Why are you crying?” So the volcano said “ I am crying because I am always misunderstood. People think I am bad when I can not help it!”

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“ I do not understand, please explain to me why you are misunderstood?” asked Tim. “ Alright” said the volcano “ it all started very deep under the ground …”

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“ when I was just lava underneath the earth,waiting for my big chance to show mother nature I was ready to become a volcano.”said the volcano. Then Tim imagined everything.

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Tim imagined what that day was like for the volcano. “Today is my big day,” said the lava. “Mother nature is coming today! I hope she will let me become a volcano.”said the lava.

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“ Oh my, Mother Nature hello!!!!” said the excited lava. “Hello lava, how are you,”said mother nature.

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“Your cycle called convection is almost over.” “You mean…” said lava. “ Yes it is your turn to become a volcano,” said mother nature. “Oh thank you” said lava.

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So much lava has built up under ground. The pressure will cause the lava to erupt onto the Earth’s surface

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Mother nature explained “This opening will splatter you so that you will cool and turn into a volcano.” This will relieve the pressure.

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“It is happening! I am hardening! Why does this feel so … weird?” said the new volcano.

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The lava that flowed over the edges of the volcano, eventually hardened causing new crust or Earth.

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He could not control where his lava was flowing. He feltsad.

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All the people ran in fear. He had destroyed their town.

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“So you see,” said the volcano to Tim, “I don’t mean to hurt anyone.”

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Tim said, “Maybe if people understood you more they wouldNot be afraid of you. I think you are an amazing land form.”

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“I will try and tell others about you,” said Tim. “Is there anything else I should know?”

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“I have relatives on the bottom of the ocean. When they erupt, it actually helps people. They cause extra space. It is called sea floor spreading.”

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The volcano continued to tell Tim all about the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Ring of Fire. These are two places where sea floor spreading takes place.

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Tim left the volcano understanding better how he worked. He knew that the volcano could not help himself and never meant to hurt anyone. Tim thought the more people knew about volcanoes the better they cold protect themselves. So, Tim grew up to be a geologist.

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