Page 1: TIDE Overview and Context TIDE Workshop Stuttgart, 12-13 November 2013 Karen Vancluysen, Polis

TIDE Overview and Context

TIDE WorkshopStuttgart, 12-13 November 2013

Karen Vancluysen, Polis

Page 2: TIDE Overview and Context TIDE Workshop Stuttgart, 12-13 November 2013 Karen Vancluysen, Polis

TIDE Mission Statement

• Make a range of new and feasible solutions easily accessible to address key challenges of urban transport such as energy efficiency, decarbonisation, demographic change, safety, access for all, and new economic and financial conditions

• Enhance the broad take-up of 15 innovative urban transport and mobility measures throughout Europe to establish them as mainstream measures

• Create a more favourable climate for innovation

• Address challenges in a collaborative and integrated way and shorten the implementation path towardsthe deployment of innovation

Page 3: TIDE Overview and Context TIDE Workshop Stuttgart, 12-13 November 2013 Karen Vancluysen, Polis

Understanding Innovation

• ‘Idea, practice or object that is perceived as new by an individual or other unit of adoption’ (Rogers) and that provides a better solution to existing challenges than traditional measures in urban transport and mobility• higher potential to effectively respond to current challenges than already well-

established measures

• TIDE: • Pragmatic perspective: mainstream in some countries versus new in other parts

of Europe• Comparably new to large parts of Europe

Innovators – Early adopters – Early majority – Late majority – Laggards

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Scope of activities

• Create networking opportunities to bring together a wide range of stakeholders for exchange on urban transport innovation

• Spread knowledge and provide guidance

• Apply a wide range of tools and products to encourage and enable stakeholders to work towards the take-up of urban transport innovations

• Focus on ‘real life’ by providing practical showcases

• Work with cities to demonstrate how the actual implementation of selected innovative concepts can be successfully prepared

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Effective Outreach

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Leading and Champion Cities

Page 7: TIDE Overview and Context TIDE Workshop Stuttgart, 12-13 November 2013 Karen Vancluysen, Polis

Working Steps

1. Selection of innovative measures and cities

2. Transferability analysis and guidelines for implementers• Success factors and barriers

3. Implementation scenarios and preparation of take-up• Partner cities and champion cities

4. Training and exchange

5. Analysis of added value and recommendations• CBA, impact analysis, research & policy recommendations

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Training and exchange

• Train 50 European cities via dedicated events on the successful implementation of the innovative measures covered in TIDE

• Ensure an intense exchange between the TIDE cities within each thematic cluster• Offer webinars and e-learning to reach an even wider circle of cities• Encourage discussion on SUMPs and highly innovative cutting-edge solutions

among the most advanced cities

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Cluster 1: New pricing measuresMilan – WSP Sweden

Cluster 2: Non-motorised transport San Sebastian – Rupprecht consult

Cluster 3: Advanced network & traffic management to support traveller informationReading – Transporty Research Group University of Southampton

Cluster 4: Electric vehicles Rotterdam – Fraunhofer Institute

Cluster 5: Public transport organisation BKK Budapest – University of Gdansk

Project coordinator: PolisTechnical coordinator: Rupprecht Consult

Cost-benefit analysis: Wuppertal InstitutDissemination support: Eurocities

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Cluster 1: New pricing measures

• Measure 1.1 Road user charging in urban areas

• Measure 1.2 Parking charge policies

• Measure 1.3 Efficient and convenient pricing and charging for multimodal trips

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Cluster 2: Non-motorised transport

• Measure 2.1 Innovative bicycle parking schemes

• Measure 2.2 Creating people friendly streets and public spaces

• Measure 2.3 Fast cycling lanes

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Cluster 3: Advanced network and traffic management to support traveller information

• Measure 3.1 Open data server for applications-based traveller information

• Measure 3.2 User friendly HMI for traveller information

• Measure 3.3 Improving bus punctuality using bus priority

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Cluster 4: Electric Mobility

• Measure 4.1 Clean city logistics

• Measure 4.2 Financing schemes for charging stations

• Measure 4.3 Inductive charging for public transport

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Cluster 5: Public Transport Organisation

• Measure 5.1 Creation of public transport management bodies for metropolitan areas

• Measure 5.2 Contracting of services focused on improvement of passenger satisfaction and efficiency

• Measure 5.3 Marketing research as optimisation tool in public transport

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PolisKaren Vancluysen - [email protected] - +32 2 5005675Ivo Cré - [email protected] - +32 2 5005676

Website: Twitter: @TIDE_Innovation

LinkedIn Group: Transport Innovation Deployment for Europe
