
Thurdays 8th January 2015

• Please organise your books, copies and Pens

Learning Outcomes

• To describe the differences between Catholic and Protestant churches

• To explain Catholic and Protestant religious ideas

What do we know already?

Christianity grows…Jesus has been crucified, resurrected and gone to Heaven. Leaving 12 Disciples to spread the word

of Christianity

After many years these disciples die, and are replaced by other people.

A Second Split…….

• In the 16th century a new division split the Christian Church in the West. It was the Protestant Reformation.

•The people who began the movement did not want the Church to split but to reform.

•They where protesting about the beliefs and practices which they believe where not in line with the teachings of the New Testament.

In particular they where protesting about the amount of money and wealth the Church had accumulated. Many Church leaders had grown lazy and corrupt.

•The Church had got their money from

selling pardons. People would buy forgiveness

not only for their own sins but for the sins of their dead relatives.


Illness, bad harvests = punishment from God.To get to heaven = had to go to churchShorten time in purgatory = go on pilgrimage, buy relics or


By 1500 the Printing Press had helped make 1000s of books and spread new ideas.

Even though they were banned in England, it was possible to get an English bible to read.

People could read for themselves instead of relying on what the priest told them.

People began to think deeply about the church and wonder if everything they were told was really true.

One such person was Martin Luther.

Illness, bad harvests = punishment from God.To get to heaven = had to go to churchShorten time in purgatory = go on pilgrimage, buy relics or


By 1500 the Printing Press had helped make 1000s of books and spread new ideas.

Even though they were banned in England, it was possible to get an English bible to read.

People could read for themselves instead of relying on what the priest told them.

People began to think deeply about the church and wonder if everything they were told was really true.

One such person was Martin Luther.

Corruption in the RC church 1


The church was too rich.

It owned 1/3 of all the land in England

It took 10% of everyone’s harvest every year. (tithe)

Corruption in the RC church 2Priests didn’t lead “HOLY” lives.

Some had more than 1 job and so didn’t look after their parishioners or churches.

Some had affairs and illegitimate children. (Pope Alexander VI – Rodrigo Borgia was one!)

Some couldn’t read and write!

Corruption in the RC church 3

?? ?

The Bible was written in Latin.

Church services were in Latin.

People couldn’t understand what was going on!

Corruption in the RC church 4

Poor people couldn’t afford to buy INDULGENCES.

This meant an evil rich person would get to heaven quicker than a good peasant.

This was unfair.

Not paid? Go away!

The Reformation began when a German Priest named Martin Luther questioned the power and practices of the Catholic Church. In 1517 he listed 95 problem she had about the Catholic Church and nailed them to the door of the church in Wittenburg.

So Who was Martin Luther?

Martin Luther• Martin Luther was a German

monk.• He could read Latin, Greek and

Hebrew.• Whilst comparing the Latin

Catholic Bible with the original Greek & Hebrew he found that certain parts were incorrectly translated.

• Luther hung his list of 95 complaints on the local Church door in Wittenburg in 1517.

What did Martin Luther say?

Luther protested that the church needed reforming and began the protestant reformation.

He did not intend to start a new religion but to change the existing one

What did Martin Luther say?



FAITH in God saves people – not good works.The Catholic church said you could only get salvation by following the church.

ULTIMATE AUTHORITY IS THE BIBLEThe Catholic Church said the Pope was the most important person

NOBODY IS MORE IMPORTANT IN GOD’S EYES.Everyone is equal. The Catholic church had an idea where the Pope was most important.

What did the Catholic church do?



The Diet of Worms was a Council Meeting not a dodgy dinner menu!

Luther was put on trial in front of the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V at the Diet of Worms. He refused toback down.


Kicked out of the church. Nobody was allowed to

talked to you or help you. When you died your body could not be buried in a graveyard and your soul was condemned to hell!

The Pope ordered Luther to give up his beliefs.

Luther burned the order.

Luther was excommunicated!

He went into hiding and translated the Bible into German to spreadhis beliefs further.


All: In your copies

Choose one task to complete


Create a spider diagram with

information about what you

have learnt today. Include

keywords and pictures.

2.Write down in bullet points what Martin Luther wanted to change about the Roman Catholic Church and how did he go about doing this.

3.Imagine you could send a letter back in time. Write a letter to Emperor Constantine explaining the changes

to Christianity from his time to the Reformation. Include how Christianity split up into different



• Design your own Martin Luther Poster.

• Include five or more of Martin Luther’s protests against the Catholic Church.

• Remember only 3% of the population can read so you must get your message across in pictures too!
