  • 1. Good interior design can transform your space from mundane to magnificent. Try revamping your home by incorporating some of these popular trends from todays top interior designers: More info on:

2. Many interior designers start with a simple, neutral color palette for the base of the room. Then, to add visual interest, they add accessories in bright, saturated colors. More info on: 3. There are countless different ways to try this trend in your own home. Look for home decor elements that are made from natural materials such as woven grass rugs, seashell encrusted mirrors or lamps made from tree branches. More info on: 4. Glass is everywhere in today's bathrooms. From transparent glass shower doors to colorful glass tile, modern bathrooms are all about sparkle and shine. More info on: 5. Taking cues from today's leading interior designers is a great way to give your home a fresh, modern look. If you are ready to update your home's interior, try incorporating bright pops of color, unique elements from nature and plenty of glass in your bathroom. More info on:
