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Page 1: Three artists

The header is in bold lettering ion capitals and has a border to make it stand out from its originally red background. It also lines up well with the red strip given g the magazine front cover different dimensions

The photo is a medium close up that really highlights the face which is most probably the main selling point of the magazine as lily Allen is a very recognisable face and so therefore they use this to their advantage to be able to sell the magazine. Also the words only cover her body and hair leaving her face to be seen. The angle is high as well so its looking down on her face giving you an even more prominent look at who the star is

The use of a completely different font and style of font for the artists subheading highlights how she may be different from the normal c9onventions. The subheading very successfully reflects the artist

The tagline at the bottom is able to clearly show the entire content of the magazine without ruining the actual content of the magazine but still selling it well

The smaller headings are highlighted very well with a different use of bright bold yellows to separate them from the yellow theme. They also change the different colours dependant on the theme of the article

Page 2: Three artists

The header is very prominent due to its size being the largest font on the front cover making it the most important. It also crosses over the artists face showing its importance but it is kept in the corner to allow more space for other sub headings. Its fancy simplicity of only using one letter is very effective in making a recognisable brand

The main photo is very clever as it shows the main artists head but the concentration is almost on the rest of there band. The close up headshot that then using sunglasses to reflect medium longshots of the rest of the band clearly shows the whole band bu8t also who is the lead to the band and how perhaps he is reflected to the other members of the band

The main heading is very formal as it links to the colour format of the rest of the magazine with the white and red colours. Also the highlight of the lead singers name rather than the band gives a true idea of who the star of the band is

The sub heading are suitable for this magazine as they fit around the main photo highlighting the main photos importance but while still maintaining the subheadings

Highlighting the subheadings with circles gives them more importance than the other heading therefore cleverly almost highlighting a substitute heading

Page 3: Three artists

The header is a very unique font giving it immediate recognition to being the rolling stones magazine. The plain white background really highlights the magazine itself

The main photo is a medium shot where the artist is closed up showing off more of him but clearly to highlight his tattoos to give him a bad boy look. He is obviously the main concentration of the magazine because his head takes over the heading of the magazine itself

The heading being the Billie joe section is very much favourable to only one of the members of green day. It is a great selling point as he is the most recognisable face of the band

The subheadings highlight which arte more covered than the others for example they have taken priority over the David bowie return rather in line with others as he is a very famous singer, They are able to make it clearer by adding a red background unlike any of the others

Page 4: Three artists

The dark red background is very representative of the magazine showing it in a violent nature. This then contrasts the darker shade of red that is the logo

The word contents is split up into 3 lines so that it is made bigger to look more important but to also be different which is suitable for the target audience

The main photo spreads across the entire page and almost shrinks then writing to highlight the importance of the photo. The photo itself shows a huge amount of bling to show richness yet it says goon on it to suggest he perhaps wasn’t always so rich

The subheadings are kept very small so that they are still there to read and specify on articles but allows the main concentration from the reader to be set on the main photo

Page 5: Three artists

The header is able to cleverly combine both the logo and name of the brand with the header itself which gives both brand recognition and the ease of knowing what page the reader is on

The largest photo is a side angle of a man wearing sunglasses which does somewhat cover his face. This is perhaps to keep with the mystery of who the lead singer is. This is very clearly seen when compared to the other photos which are all medium longshots of a group of people showing clearly who they are instead of hiding the face because maybe they are so recognisable or even to just keep mystery being the artist.

The subheadings are all cleanly formatted and are followed in lines. |However the number of the page is highlighted along with the artist who is involved within the article. This is to allow the reader the quickest access to perhaps their favorited artists

Page 6: Three artists

The heading MOJO is clear, decisive and shows recognition for the magazine itself. Having it in the centre makes it seem much more important as well

The full body shot at a high angle masks the artist seem rather small and almost child like. The reason nor this is to reflect this quirky artist but to also allow the audience to be able to have an entire view of him without taking up too much space

The use of the yellow writing really highlights against the numbers for the pages but other key parts on the contents page

The subheadings give a very good explanation but highlighting the artist to give a good idea for who they are and allowing the reader too jump straight to the page

Page 7: Three artists

The split between the page makes it very clear that the focus of this article is the artist Jay z. The use of colour on his main photo gives him an almost light side dark side contrast. A very symmetrical photo that is only changed by his facial expressions

The only use of text on the photo side is a quote making then article seem a lot more personal to the artist

The block writing is all fitted into one side to allow space for the photo. This way only the people that are interested in the article would actually read it. The capital letters add to the style of the magazine and the header gives a brief description

The use of a large J really reflects the artist again as his name is jay Z as an artistic

Page 8: Three artists

The page layout is done so that everything is split up into quarters. Everything except the band name as to make sure that it can stand out

The band are set in a line of three using a birds eye angle. You can assume that the gentleman in the middle is the lead of the band as he is the most central. Also the use of many different posters is reflective of their name as they are in what looks like a teenage room

Using the last quarter of the page for other articles allows them to add more content to their magazine. Also the way t6hat they separate this last box with colours makes it a lot clearer

The brand recognition of RADAR is kept in the top left hand corner and which also keeps in tones with the colours that have been used through the double page spread

Page 9: Three artists

Again the double page spread has been split into two halves. One half being writing and the other half being the artists face in a headshot. This is used to really highlight who the artist is and to get a more personal understanding of them

The page with writing on is then also split into half. Half being the article itself and the other half being quotation marks from the artist. However the way that it is formatted is to reflect the style of the artist as perhaps being a bit whacky

Finally the article is compressed into the bottom quarter of the page to give the concise information and the physical article itself.

The light grey background is used to give it an old fashioned look. This gives the impression that the magazine is almost a vintage magazine or just individual from other mags
