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  • This presentation was created as a part of magic gnomes letters that my son loves to get occasionally. This letter is not only to enhance his reading skills and knowledge, but also for fun! Find out more here: educational-fairy-tales. I prefer to print these letters out, but feel free to modify/use it the way it works best for you. If you would like to share your updates, please email them to [email protected] educational-fairy-tales [email protected]
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  • Hello, my dear friend! I am a very happy little magical gnome. I live in an Enchanted Forest in a small house.
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  • On gnomes street there are many magical houses. Pick the one where your friend lives
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  • or draw it yourself:
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  • My friends often visit me in my small sweet home. They like to sit by the fireplace, drink tea with yummy cookies and tell me about some magical stories.
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  • Draw what friend is visiting the magic dwarf.
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  • My friends who came to visit me last Sunday, told me an especially amazing story. But first things first
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  • On that Sunday the Spring was finally here in our Enchanted Forest. It was a beautiful and warm day. Robins just returned from the south and were running back and forth. Snow drop flowers were sprouting through the melting snow.
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  • Paint or draw a Spring day in an Enchanted Forest.
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  • Then somebody knocked on my door. Imagine my surprise, when I saw three completely frozen creatures! They had icicles on their noses, snow on their shoulders and even their shoes were covered with ice!
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  • Use cotton balls to glue portraits of three really frozen creatures.
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  • I invited them into the house. They sat down by the fireplace, sipped some berry tea and finally warmed up. All ice and snow melted down and I saw that my guests were real robots! The whole robot family came to visit me: Daddy-Robot, Mommy-Robot, and their son, child-Robot.
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  • Draw a robot family and what each of them can do.
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  • How did you manage to freeze like that on a such a sunny day? I asked. We just returned from the Southern Pole, from Antarctica, replied the robots proudly.
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  • The following two slides can be used at this point of the book, or in the end. Usually I let my son find his surprise after he read the whole book, but this book turned out so long, that I was worried well be reading it over the next few days and his patience would be truly tested. I prepared some books and objects that have to do with Arctic/Antarctic regions. I wanted to start using the objects right away in our learning exercises, so it made sense for me to give it out early. Do whatever works for you. To clarify the text: my son did some gifts for the gnome after his last letter, some drawings, so the gnome refers to it in his letter. If you wish, you can say that the gnome just magically saw the drawings that your child usually makes my himself.
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  • My dear friend, I showed robots your wonderful drawings. They liked your drawings so much, that they prepared a little surprise for you. This gift will help you imagine the Robots story very well. You can find this surprise under your bed.
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  • And here is the story that the robots told me on that day. When a child-Robot had his winter break in school, the robots decided to go travelling. Not just any travelling, but travelling to the South Pole of the Earth, in Antarctic!
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  • Robots boarded a big ice-breaker ship and sailed all around the Antarctic. Robots liked that ice-breaker very much: there were many great robots who worked there. One of them was warming up the ship. Another was making food. There was even a robot who made ice-cream out of icebergs!
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  • Robots were passing by very beautiful icebergs. Robots were watching them from the window. They also liked penguins a lot and they were throwing them fresh fish every time they met some new of these fun birds!
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  • Once they even met a huge blue whale! The whale was bigger then the robots, it was bigger then their ice-breaker ship, even bigger then their house back at home! Robots really wanted to become friends with the whales. They offered him some fresh fish, but whale politely replied: No, thank you. I eat only tiniest krill. The whale happily squirted a fountain of water into the air and disappeared in the waves.
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  • The next morning robots woke up because of an enormous screeching sound. They ran outside and saw that their ship was stuck on an iceberg! This iceberg was so huge, so tall, so cold Ice-breaker ship just couldnt cut through it.
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  • All the passengers of the ship were in a great danger: how would they go home? But our robots were not afraid! They immediately offered their help: got down on an iceberg and started to push the ship forward. Then back. Even up! But they couldnt get the ship to move even a little bit.
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  • Then robots said: We are very brave and strong. We can go and find help to save everyone. Other passengers were very worried and even the captain of the ship was afraid for them. But robots mind was set: they came down from the ship and started walking towards the South Pole.
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  • Draw robots on this iceberg.
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  • There was a real polar summer in an Antarctic: cold, frosty, with a very short night and a really long day. Our robots had sun batteries, so they liked having a really long day: they could walk as long as the sun was shining. They didnt need a rest, or sleep.
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  • But cold the robots didnt like at all. The computers in their heads started freezing and werent working very well. Snow was getting stuck on their tracks and it was hard for the robots to walk. Large icicles grew on their noses and ears.
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  • But robots continued their journey. They were walking over the mountains, they were floating on ice from coast to coast. On a third day of their trip their computers started to malfunction. Robots got scared: they were lost, they didnt know where to go!
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  • Suddenly, their friends penguins came to the rescue! Penguins quickly jumped out of the water and back inside. Penguins knew where in Antarctica there are scientists who could help robots. Penguins quickly swam right to the scientific station and told the explorers that brave robots were in trouble.
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  • Scientists immediately sent a real expedition to save the robots: dog- sleds and snowmobiles! Mommy- robot and Daddy-robot were loaded into the dog sleds, but boy-robot was happy to ride on a snow mobile. All robots safely arrived to the scientific station.
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  • Scientists were very impressed how brave and kind the robots were. They asked them to stay at the station, but robots were worried about the ice-breaker ship stuck at the iceberg. Robots had no time for rest. Scientists who work at that station didnt have neither ships, nor helicopters, so they couldnt help robots any more. They wanted to send a radio signal, but the snow storm started and there was no signal.
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  • To save everyone on that ship, well need helicopters, decided the brave robots and suggested to go the largest station in Antarctic, where most of the scientists lived. This station is very far. The fastest way to get there is to swim, but we dont have a ship, sadly replied the scientists.
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  • Robots came outside. They were very sad: the water was very cold and they couldnt swim all by themselves. How can they help their ship?
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  • At that moment a familiar fountain of water rose up high into the air. Then a huge wet back appeared over the water surface and finally there was a powerful flip of a huge tail! The Gigantic Blue Whale came to help the robots cross the Antarctic sea. Climb on my back, said the whale, - Ill take you right to the big station!
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  • Robots were very happy to climb on whales back. The whale was speeding across the waves like a wind! Very soon the robots reached the big Antarctic scientific station. There, the scientists quickly sent out helicopters to help the stuck ice- breaker. Aboard the helicopter, robots were showing the way.
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  • At that time, another trouble happened at the icebreaker: the cat Fluffy accidentally knocked a vase on the robot-ship-heater and it broke down. Everyone on a ship were in great danger: they could just freeze and turn into an iceberg themselves by the time the help would arrive
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  • Suddenly the big helicopters appeared in the sky above the ship! Common, everyone, lets board the helicopters! shouted the brave robots. Everyone on the ship was so happy to see them back, they started clapping their hands! Robots helped people to move from the ship into the helicopters. They havent forgotten anybody on the ship, including robot-heater and the cat Fluffy.
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  • Draw how robots are saving people from the ship.
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  • Everyone on the ship was very grateful to our robots. The captain even gave each of them a big shiny medal. Scientists wrote an article to a newspaper about their heroism. The biggest helicopter was set out to fly the robots home.
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  • On the way home the robots were still very cold. Passing over our Enchanted Forest, they asked to let them land near my house. I was very happy to share some tea. I enjoyed listening to their story. I liked their beautiful medals.
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  • Draw the part of the picture that you liked the most.
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  • My dear friend, I showed robots your wonderful drawings. They liked your drawings so much, that they prepared a little surprise for you. This gift will help you imagine the Robots story very well. You can find this surprise under your bed.
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