


Things You Need to Stop Doing to Your Hair Every Day

"Confidence is a habit that can be developed by acting as if you already had the confidence you desire to have”


Manhandling Wet Hair

Your strands are at their most delicate when wet and are more prone to breakage.

Brushing your locks and aggressive towel-drying after a shower can really wreak havoc on them and will definitely lead to hair shedding.

Save Your Hair Use a wide-tooth comb to de-tangle your freshly washed mane

and not a brush. Start from the ends and work your way up. Use your towel to gently blot or dab instead of forcefully

rubbing your poor strands.

Scratching That Itch

It’s tempting to scratch an itchy scalp, but all that itching can seriously damage your hair cuticles and follicles, especially if you have long nails.

It’s smart to keep those talons away from your scalp.

Save Your Hair Itchiness can happen when you’ve skipped a hair wash and

simply need to cleanse your scalp. If it’s dandruff you’re dealing with, then use a good shampoo

with zinc pyrithione, like Head & Shoulders, or tea-tree oil.

Bad Brushing Habits

Tearing through your hair with a brush, especially when you’re in a hurry, can damage your locks and pull them out by the roots or break mid-length.

Another hair mistake is using a dirty brush. Sweat, oil and all your styling products can collect on your brush, so it’s important to clean it as well as remove the strands of hair stuck in the bristles.

Save Your Hair Be extra gentle when running a brush through your hair and stay

clear of over-brushing, which can cause breakage. Also, don’t forget to clean your brushes with shampoo once a


Using Too Much Heat

If you’re someone who constantly uses blow dryers or irons to style her mane, then you could be causing permanent damage to your hair.

Too much heat can dry out your tresses and leave them brittle and weak.

Save Your Hair Take a break from plugging in your heat tools every now and then. Skip a blow dry sometimes and embrace your natural waves instead. Also, try lowering the heat settings on your appliance.

Washing Your Hair Daily

Yes, we all love that fresh feeling after a hair wash, but shampooing your mane every day is actually causing more damage than you know.

Over-washing strips your strands of moisture, leaving them dry and undernourished.

Save Your Hair Washing your hair every other day is the best way to

keep your locks clean and healthy. If you have oily hair, then it’s time you made dry

shampoo your best friend.

Spending Time In The Sun

Just like our skin, our hair is prone to sun damage as well.

Our locks are the most exposed to the UV-rays, which weaken and cause breakage of our precious strands.

Save Your Hair  It’s important to sun-proof your mane. Wear a hat on a day when you’ll be soaking up the

sun and look out for hair products with UV protection.

Pulling It Back Too Tight

If you prefer keeping your hair pulled back and off your face with a tight ponytail, bun or braid, you could actually be weakening your strands.

Your favourite hairstyle can cause extra tension at the roots, aside from giving a headache! Very tight elastics and hair-ties are also a bad idea.

Save Your Hair  Let your hair hang loose sometimes. And if you really must pull it back, make sure to tie it

in a loose, more relaxed style.

Crash Dieting

You may be trying to lose weight, but starving yourself can make you lose hair as well.

Hair is primarily made of protein, so a diet that cuts back on it will definitely affect your locks since you’re not getting enough of it.

Weak and dull hair can be a result of too many crash diets.

Save Your Hair A well-balanced diet is essential for your overall health as

well as for your hair. Proteins, zinc and iron are important for strong, healthy and shiny hair.

Delaying That Trim

We all know that split ends are a bad sign. And skipping those regular trims can cause those damaged

ends to split further and up the length of the strands, which leads to breakage and thinning.

Save Your Hair Book yourself for a trim every other month to get rid of

those dry, damaged ends. Even if you’re trying to grow out your locks, those dead

ends aren’t going to add to your length. So make sure to get them snipped off.


Body Language Expert

International Etiquette Expert

Business Protocol

Communication Expert

Personal Branding Expert

Devoted to inspiring people to be their best version, Sheena Agarwaal founded Urbanista Image Consulting LLP in 2010.

Sheena attended Mayo College in Ajmer, Rajasthan. Christ College, Bangalore, where she graduated in Human Resource, She has done her Post Graduation from Mudra Institute of

Communications, Ahmedabad and specializes in Digital Media and Brand Management.

Trained by master trainers Carla Mathis, Christina Ong and Lynne Marks, along with the unparalleled background in the arena of Image Consultancy,

she is a Neuro Linguistic Practitioner and one of India’s first Reach Certified Personal Brand Strategist.

• Director Urbanista Image Consulting LLP, REACH Personal Brand Strategist



• Finance Analyst with Goldman Sachs

• Worked with Big Cinemas, Apollo Munich Life Insurance, Shoppers Stop, IIT Chennai, TiE, Ranjan Narula Associates, Beetle, Bharti Foundation, Vodafone and GE.

About Sheena Agarwal


Established in the year 2010, Urbanista Image Consulting LLP is the renowned Image Consultancy firm based out of New Delhi, India and was founded by Sheena Agarwal one of India’s first certified Image Consultant and Reach Personal Brand Strategist.

With the vision to enable people to express their core competence and brand values effectively, Urbanista Image Consulting works on three broad aspects of Powerful Presence: Appearance, Behaviour and Communication.

We are committed to positively impacting lives, which in turn leads one to securing better opportunities and higher recognition and delivering noticeable results for clients - both at an Individual and Corporate level.

An innovator in Image Management, we conduct consultations and workshops for individuals or groups respectively, on matters related to Executive Presence, Communication Skills, Body Language, Business Protocol, International Etiquette, Storytelling and Personal Branding.

With a desire to bring internationally acclaimed Master Trainer from across domains to Indian Shores, in April 2014 we hosted Master Trainer Carla Mathis from United States of America in New Delhi, India to train aspiring Image Consultants and look forward to host many such trainers from across the spectrum in the near future.

We creatively use the theory of evolution on all our clients that involve not just superficial verbal consultation but a total involvement and a sensitive approach.

We encourage you to contact us and discuss how to enhance your personal and professional presence. +91 852 797 8886 Building No 845, Ist Floor, Ghittorni, New Delhi - 110030

“Image is not about beautification. Its about projection

of your purpose, goal and objective, in life. We help you

create a brand that speaks for itself, day on day!”

~Sheena Agarwal~