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The Hardy Family Chronicles

A Tale of Several SimsA New Beginning – Part 3

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But when she had arrived in the sunny Sim town where the woman lived, she found to her horror she was little more than a slave.

She could hardly go to the police when she wasn’t meant to be in the country at all!

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She did everything for her mistress, cooking, cleaning, shopping...the lot.

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But when she saw the handsome Jake in the park, she saw her ticket out of slavery.

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While Jake worked hard to impress his boss and work his way up the career ladder, Heidi studied the new culture she had found herself in.

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It was with a nervous flutter in her stomach that she made her way to Jake’s house to introduce herself, her plan to ask to borrow a cup of sugar. An opening gambit her books had shown her.

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She had read in her magazines that men liked ditzy blondes who wore lots of make-up and wore very little. It seemed to be a strategy that worked with Jake. She didn’t realise that he was just overwhelmed by her, never having had a girl interested in him before.

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As such, it didn’t take Heidi long to get Jake exactly where she wanted him. He was rich, with a good career ahead of him. He could save her from slavery.

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Jake was utterly infatuated. He asked his best friend Erin from work to dinner to show off his new girlfriend.

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Erin tried to make him see that Heidi was just a gold digger, but he refused to listen to her.

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Instead, he got the other most important woman in his life to meet Heidi; his little sister Hannah. She came with an open mind, glad her brother had finally met someone, but was astonished at how fake Heidi was.

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The two did not get on. Heidi saw Hannah as a threat, someone who might get between her and her freedom. Hannah saw Heidi as a shallow barbie.

Hannah tried to explain to Jake, but he wasn’t interested in negatives.

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As time went on, Jake was promoted several times and was more in love with Heidi than ever. She was so supportive of him in his chosen career.

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Soon, Heidi was at Jake’s side very night. But she still hadn’t told him where she was all day, and why she was always so tired.

Heidi had almost moved in. But she couldn’t officially until they were married according to the regulations of the R.A.F base. She needed to get a ring on her finger to find freedom.

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One night she casually mentioned in her halting Simlish that one day she’d love to settle down.

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That very weekend, Jake proposed. With the biggest diamond she’d ever seen. This was a dream come true, she could finally escape her life of back-breaking hard work and cruelty!

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Jake tricked his family into meeting him at the beach for the wedding. Hannah couldn’t believe her ears, she never thought it would come to this. She had imagined her clever big brother would come to senses eventually, not marry her!

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Despite not approving, she still stood between Jake and her dad when Lee became angry at never having been introduced to his future daughter-in-law.

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The party split up whilst waiting for Heidi to arrive, with Erin filling in Lee on the addition to his family.

When Heidi finally arrived, she was met with a wall of stony faces, bar one.

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Lee of course, was happier than he’d ever been. They exchanged vows and the deed was done.

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Heidi went home that night Heidi Hardy, mistress of her own household. She swore she’d never be a slave again.

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Hannah couldn’t settle that night, so went for a drive to clear her head.

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She sat down in the park to think about what had befallen her brother. Perhaps if she’d known what Heidi was running from, she would have felt a little more kindly towards her.

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As it was, she felt only resentment towards the older woman who was messing with her brother.

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She was discontented with Ben Hargrove as well, not that she let anyone see it. They were the neighbourhoods hottest couple, everyone was in total awe of them.

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At her birthday party, Hannah allowed herself to wonder whether she should have stayed with Jesse after all.

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The two boys ticked different boxes. Ben was daring, hot-headed and passionate, but also jealous, with hint of danger about him. Certainly heady stuff. Jesse was steadier, calmer. He challenged her to be better and was always there if she needed a friend.

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Hannah was tired of being the girl all the guys wanted. She had no real girl friends.

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She blew out her candles, her wish being that as a young adult she might work out exactly what it was she wanted.

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Hannah was a little scared, but ready to grow up.