Page 1: Theories for Whats my Name by Rihanna


Page 2: Theories for Whats my Name by Rihanna

GENREJason Mittel believes that “the industry use genre to sell products to audiences. Media producers use familiar codes and

conventions that very often make references to their audience knowledge of society and other media texts”. – In the music

video I am analysing, I believe that this is true because the video is relatable to anyone, as it is about two people and love.

Rihanna’s dancing is also an example to this as it is something that audience are familiar with. The costume Rihanna is also

wearing, represents the genre as well as this theory, as she is wearing bright clothes. This represents the genre as RnB is

about the rhythm and the beats and how it has that tempo. It is an example of the theory because of how fashionable bright

colours are at the moment.

Christian Metz believed that “genres go through typical cycle changes during their life time.” – The video I am comparing to

are What’s My Name by Rihanna ft. Drake and Dilemma by Nelly ft Kelly Rowland. I believe that this theory is true but also

false because there are several similarities as well as differences in both videos. The video is similar as it shows what each

video is about and its genre which is love RnB, through their actions to each other, as well as the fact that they still use cars

and houses as props. One of the props that has never changed and will always be used in this genre would be “blings”, and

you can see that on both videos. However, there are also differences such as the fact that 10 years ago videos had more

narrative in it, than how it is now.

Page 3: Theories for Whats my Name by Rihanna


It was very hard for me to establish what theory was used in the narrative of Rihanna’s music video What’s My Name.

None of the narrative theories really cover the narrative of the music video I am analysing, however I think that Todorov’s is

the closest one.

Todorov’s narrative states there would be an equilibrium or normality, then a disruption of the equilibrium happens through a

significant action or event, there is then an attempt to repair the disruption and the equilibrium is restored.

Only some parts of Todorovs theory appear on the music video and they are: when there is an equilibrium. This happens

when Drake saw Rihanna in the supermarket, there is an equilibrium because they fell in love with each other. However, this

could also be stated as a disruption. The second part which is: disruption is then repaired and the equilibrium is stored, are

shown in the music video when we found out that Drake and Rihanna now lives on the same apartment and they are happy

together. This could be a disruption repaired, as the first bit could be a disruption because of how they fell in love with each

other, but this is repaired by living together and getting to know each other. This could also be an equilibrium restored as they

are living together, which means they must be happy with one another.

Page 4: Theories for Whats my Name by Rihanna


Laura Mulvey argues that “the dominant point of view is masculine.

The female body is displayed for the male gaze in order to provide

erotic pleasure for the male. Women are therefore objectified by the

camera lens and whatever gender the spectator/audience is positioned

to accept the masculine point of view”. - I believe that this theory is

true for the music video because of how Rihanna is dressed. She is

wearing tight short shots, which is revealing. In the video this is also

shown, when a shot of Drake looking at Rihanna from behind was

shown, as this shows Drake was probably looking at Rihanna’s bum.