  • 7/29/2019 Theatre Thursday - The Shadow Effect


    Jacksonville Law of Attraction Meetup Group : Valarie Johnson, Organizer

    The Jacksonville Law of Attraction

    Theatre Thursdays Presents!

    The Shadow Effect

    May 27th 2010Be uplifted by the power that is hidden beneath the surface of your conscious mind.

    Take this emotionally gripping, visually compelling journey into your mysteriousshadow self the hiding place for your most disliked thoughts, emotions, and impulses

    and discover how by embracing your worst fears, you can step into your greatest self. Be

    transformed by Debbie Ford, the #1 New York Times best-selling author andinternationally acclaimed expert on the human shadow, as well as some of the mostbrilliant and evolutionary thinkers of the 21st century. Be inspired to uncover the

    wisdom in your wounds, the blessings in your misfortunes, and the gifts that are waitingto be claimed where you may least expect them . . . in the dark. If shadows could talk,

    they would tell you that there is gold to be mined in every experience.

  • 7/29/2019 Theatre Thursday - The Shadow Effect


    Jacksonville Law of Attraction Meetup Group : Valarie Johnson, Organizer

    When you begin to understandLaw of Attraction, and you understand that which is like unto

    itself is drawn, then it is easier and easier to understand that you are offering a signal, and the

    entire Universe responds. And when you finally get that, and you begin to exercise somedeliberate control about the signal that you offer, then it really begins to be fun, because then you

    recognize that nothing happens outside of your creative control. There are no things that happen

    by chance or by circumstance. There is nothing that is happening because of something you

    vibrated a long time ago or in a past life. It is not about what you were born into. It is only aboutwhat you are, right now, in this red hot fresh moment emitting. --- AbrahamExcerpted from the workshop in Seattle, WA on Saturday, June 20th, 1998

    Thank you for attending this meeting today!I invite you to learn, to open yourself to

    possibilities, grow, explore and share!

    The following pages contain quotes from The Shadow Effect Movie

  • 7/29/2019 Theatre Thursday - The Shadow Effect


    Jacksonville Law of Attraction Meetup Group : Valarie Johnson, Organizer

    It is only when we have the courage to face things exactly as they are without any self-deception or illusion that a light will develop out of events by which the path to successmay be recognized

    When will you face the truth?

    What will be possible when you do?

    There is something that you have to know about

    The Shadow is everything that we dont want others to see

    The only time you dont have a shadow is when youre standing in darkness

    The Shadow shows up in many different ways

    The Shadow is made up of the thoughts, emotions and impulses we find too painful toaccept

    All of us are being affected by the collective shadow

    The Collective Shadow manifest as evil, as war, terrorism, social injustice etc

    Each and every one of us is the CAPTAIN

    Dont be the captain who just goes downstairs to sleep

    If you havent met yourself (the inside), youre going to be in a lot of trouble

    The birth of our shadow occurs when we are very young

    When we suppress, we are living in denial of all of who we are. We try with all our might

    to pretend that we are not that which we hate

    The wounded ego hides all that we believe is unacceptable about ourselves

    We create personas so that we belong

    Many of us have a private and a public life

    Our mask takes many forms. Our mask become our prison

  • 7/29/2019 Theatre Thursday - The Shadow Effect


    Jacksonville Law of Attraction Meetup Group : Valarie Johnson, Organizer

    When we deny ourselves a safe outlet to express our darkside, it builds up and becomesa powerful force, capable of destroying our lives as well as the lives of others

    Everything we reject, we keep beneath our consciousness

    When you dont deal with the shadow, that part comes out, creeping up in theworkplace, at home, in relationships..etc

    The more we try to repress, the more it intensifies, and finds interesting andmischievous ways to show up

    Things have to come out in order to be released

    Either youre going to use it or its going to use you

    All experience is a result of contrast, light and dark, pleasure and pain, up and downinorder to have manifestation you have to have opposing energy

    To have a shadow is normal

    We are the microcosm and the macrocosm

    Every quality that we can see in another exists within us

    Active or dormant, we possess every conceivable human emotion, conscious orsubconscious

    We are everything

    How could we know courage if we have never known fear

    Afraid of our unworthiness, while simultaneously afraid of our own greatness, weunconsciously transfer these qualities to another instead of owning them ourselves

    Those we project our own pieces of our unclaimed darkness as well as pieces of ourunclaimed light

    What we cant be with wont let us be

    When we are pointing, there are 3 fingers pointing back at you

    What we judge in others is a disowned part of ourselves

    Projecting creates a vicious circle

    The ego is all about survival - reactive and mechanical, wanting to defend and react

    When you react to a projection, you become the projection

  • 7/29/2019 Theatre Thursday - The Shadow Effect


    Jacksonville Law of Attraction Meetup Group : Valarie Johnson, Organizer

    Express and let it go

    The shadow is the person wed rather not be

    We must deal with the shadow

    What you resist persist

    If you dont deal with your shadow, it will deal with you

    The cost of ignoring a destructive pattern is self destruction

    Recognize and express any kind of pain- without expressing it stays with us, causing usto react

    Unresolved issues have a direct correlation with our physical bodies, health, wealth andwellness

    Be mindful with every thought, every single day

    We are the source of everything within us

    Be grateful for whoever comes because each has been sent as a guide from beyond

    Pretty soon, we run out of places to hide

    Man should discover his own reality

    If we reject our own reality, the self will war against us

    Repressing our shadows can lead to destructive behavior

    We have to resolve undigested stress

    The light of Awareness begins the transformation process

    We all go through trauma

    There is gold to be mined in every experience

    Experiences help us to be who we are

    What doesnt kill us makes us stronger

    At a certain point in our lives we must decide, what am I going to do with myexperiences

    The gold we seek is hidden within the dark

  • 7/29/2019 Theatre Thursday - The Shadow Effect


    Jacksonville Law of Attraction Meetup Group : Valarie Johnson, Organizer

    The Guest House

    This being human is a guest house.Every morning a new arrival.

    A joy, a depression, a meanness,

    some momentary awareness comes

    as an unexpected visitor.

    Welcome and entertain them all!

    Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,

    who violently sweep your house

    empty of its furniture,

    still, treat each guest honorably.He may be clearing you out

    for some new delight.

    The dark thought, the shame, the malice,

    meet them at the door laughing,

    and invite them in.

    Be grateful for whoever comes,

    because each has been sent

    as a guide from beyond.

    ~ Rumi ~

  • 7/29/2019 Theatre Thursday - The Shadow Effect


    Jacksonville Law of Attraction Meetup Group : Valarie Johnson, Organizer

    We all have a divine recipe, whats yours?

    Address issues so you can get to your true authentic self

    The Spirit never dies

    If I survive today, then tomorrow Ill be free

    Embrace who you are authentically, not being ashamedtheres nothing to be ashamed

    When we embrace our totality, we experience freedom

    We are here to give and to receive LOVE

    If you dont embrace your darkness, you cant embrace your light

    As we move through our shadows, we can reclaim our light

    Our outer shell protects us from the world, our real treasure is hidden within

    We unconsciously hide our inner gold and to uncover our gold we need to have thecourage to chip away at our outer shellpiece by piece

    You cant fight darkness with darkness. You can always switch on the light

    I forgive myself. You are forgiven

    Use the pain or your past to be the greatest expression of who you are today

    Shame can devastate our sense of self

    The greatest gift of forgiveness is that we free ourselves

    Forgiveness doesnt happen in your head until it happens in your heart

    Work full time on self forgiveness

    Forgiveness is the hallway between the past and the future

    Accept the energy of love

    We are the total being of love

    Everything in life is an opportunity for growth

    If you want authentic piece of mind, then understand your shadow and be ok with it

    We are as precious as 1,000,000 pounds of gold

  • 7/29/2019 Theatre Thursday - The Shadow Effect


    Jacksonville Law of Attraction Meetup Group : Valarie Johnson, Organizer

    Our brightest light can shine only when weve accepted our darkness

    There is wisdom in every wound

    There is a greater future waiting for you

    Life is a magical journey of making peace with humanity and divinity

    I matter

    We are more than we ever dreamed possible

    There is no one in the world like you

    What if you knew that in every cell of your body, you were living a divine plan soimportant, so vital for the evolution of humankind

    Everything that is happening right now, that doesnt fit your ego ideas, ishappening to support you in stepping out of the smallness of your darkestthoughts and into the brilliance of your biggest dreams

  • 7/29/2019 Theatre Thursday - The Shadow Effect


    Jacksonville Law of Attraction Meetup Group : Valarie Johnson, Organizer

    Our Deepest Fear

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

    Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

    It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

    We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented,fabulous?Actually, who are you not to be?

    You are a child of God.

    Your playing small does not serve the world.There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that

    other people won't feel insecure around you.We are all meant to shine, as children do.

    We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

    And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously

    give other people permission to do the same.As we are liberated from our own fear,

    our presence automatically liberates others.

    ~Marianne Williamson

  • 7/29/2019 Theatre Thursday - The Shadow Effect


    Jacksonville Law of Attraction Meetup Group : Valarie Johnson, Organizer




































