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Page 1: The youth parliament

The Youth Parliament 2011 15-16th Sep

u The Youth Parliament of India INTRODUCTION ........


u GOSSIP GIRL……………..


u KNOW YOUR OC……………………


Youth in POLITICS Youth in politics has been frequently touted as the perfect pill to cure all the ills that plague the Indian politician system. A number of debates, especially if they involve the 'younger' and 'urbanized' crowd, will frequently propose the youth in politics as the perfect antidote to everything that is wrong with the Indian politics. The Youth Parliament helps in developing innovative ventures by young minds, facilitating leadership skills and thinking power and increasing awareness on issues of global importance amongst young people. It aims to educate participants about the civic, current events, effective communication and multilateral diplomacy. Participants research about their constituency, take on roles as members of parliament and investigate the national issues. This event was an opportunity for the students to interact with each other as well as understand that today our mother India faces grave and complex challenges which can best be resolved when all the people come together and work for the better India. The National Press

Disclaimer….. As if !!! To Whomsoever It May Concern: Any person feeling offended and/or insulted by our newsletter may take note that the national press sincerely doesn't give a damn. Any resemblance to any person dead or living is completely intended, and usually hilarious. However, if you feel the need to complaint, fell free to mail us at [email protected]. All complaints received will be dully laughed at, and discarded. You may discover hidden wonders. Go ahead, turn the pages. You know you want to.

Page 2: The youth parliament

Two days of parliamentary simulation and heated debate... A leader of opposition who would always stand up to protect the integrity of her party… A finance minister who is passionate and believes in his party’s ideology… The Youth Parliament at JIIT Sector 128 was to say the least, a successful endeavor and played the role of an ice breaker between the first years and their seniors. Being given the position of the Speaker was a huge responsibility and an absolute honor. When you are sitting up there on the Dias, you see the chaos and the disagreement from an entirely different perspective. You see the agenda of the discussion, like clay shaping up into a well-defined entity. But, I had no time to give some feedback to them. I would love to use this platform and give you some quick tips: · Be very well researched. · Religiously follow the rules of procedure. · Quality is preferred over quantity –

Speak only when you think you have a solid point.

· Take a long breathe when you’re angry and irritated. A hyper and loud participant is the last thing anyone needs in a council.

· Before the session starts, ask the members on the dais, what reports will they be accepting as proof.

· Attend a mock session before the actual simulation.

· And not to forget, have a constructive debate and contribute to it significantly. That’s the only thing which gives you satisfaction. J

There’s been too much lecturing, I think. I would just like to end by saying that all of you have been awesome Ministers and have made this first session of the YP, a success... Kudos to one and All!!

Decorum! Hon’ble Ministers Raunaq Kalia

LT 6 – the venue for the first ever Youth Parliament in JIIT-128 was fortunate enough to witness the opening of Pandora’s box on the 15th and 16th of September. When the forbidden box was opened, out came several evils (Members of Parliament) some energetic, some nervous and most of them clueless. The personalities of these MPs were just like the recipe for a perfect dish – the right amount of variety, colour, presentation and to top it up, a little bit of salt (to taste). In short a complete treat for the taste buds of this news and gossip hungry domestic press.There was passing of chits – some flirty and some hilarious with the MP from Kolkata asking the MP from Shirdi “ Have you ever been to Shirdi !! Baba ?? and the MP from Hisar being asked “ Do you love Mother Teresa?” by the MP from Ludhiana. To which the MP lovingly replied “ No Beta”. The session began like any other session in the Parliament with utter chaos. The Prime Minister trying to do a last minute revision of her speech, various members of Parliament desperately trying to locate their seats and some desperately trying not to locate them, the Speaker and Deputy Speaker trying to tell the members to maintain decorum and the members doing a good job at ignoring their requests. Finally at 2:17 the session began with the singing of the National Anthem, followed by the President’s speech (the press is really hurt * snot snot ….* with the criticism of the media by the President who said that “ the attitude of the media today is that bad publicity is better than no publicity “. Sir, we are just doing our job *widening their eyes with innocence and disbelief *). This was followed by the Parliamentary oath during which MPs of Shimonga and Muzzafarpur were busy gossiping! And right behind the reporter too!! The roll call was the most comical of all as it witnessed the Deputy Speaker waking most of the members of Parliament from a deep slumber…. one in which they had to be called out multiple times and finally stared at by the Deputy Speaker who looked like he was trying very hard to keep his calm and the MP from Dausa jumping from his seat and pointing towards his placard urging the logistics to do something about the fact that he was too busy for petty things like the roll call * rolling eyes * in a place as important as the Parliament. Next there was a ‘question hour’ in which the members were supposed to write their questions on a piece of paper and address to the speaker. The question hour was great fun because most of the members seemed more interested in what was cooking with whom and the domestic press had the opportunity flirty fake chits freely (not that we used that opportunity – what do you take us for – indecent, scandalous dirty rats?!!! …..). The ‘discussion on the agenda' was pretty much the exact opposite of everything the title:'the Indian Parliament as an accountability' suggests. All the NDA along with the 3rd and 4th fronts wanted to do was play the ‘blame game’ and the UPA did what they are best at doing – dodging all allegations against their members like a Tibetan mastif. MP from Mohanlalgani, MP from Muzzafarpur, finance minister and numerous of the other opposition members who may not know what issue/point was being discussed but had the uncanny ability to detect when they should start banging tables,from the opposition. The press wishes them all the very best for the future parliaments. Happy Banging tables

Youth Parliament Dairies Surabhi Seth

Design Copyright Shrey | Ajachi

Page 3: The youth parliament

The Mocking Bird!! hola fellas, greetings from the core of India! After the Jaypee MUN a little tear escaped the corner of my eye as I felt that the gossip was now dead. Saying goodbye to that was harder than I thought. But then the universal truth remains- 'gossip can go for a little vacation but can never leave the nation'. A few days back I went to a place to brush up my hindi skills for the Jaypee youth parliament. So that the pool of gossip waiting to be published is not missed. If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody sit next to me IN LOVE WITH THE P.M. So for starters we have the blossoming love of the prime minister and the finance minister. During the session a chit was passed by the NDA alliance that read “the prime minister is useless (i'd like to keep my comments on that to myself) and should resign” this chit wouldn't have been the highlight if it hadn't broken our finance minister's sensitive heart. He immediately asked the speaker to make the NDA leader apologize as apparently according to him the party was deeply hurt by what was said against the prime minister. But when the speaker asked our beloved PM if she had any issues regarding the chit passed she remained unaffected. So dear finance minister falling for the PM huh?! A nice stepping stone to success I must say.

NIGHTINGALE OR DRAMA QUEEN? The singer in the parliament felt that she was good in her work was unable to steal the show. I'm referring to the lovely MP from Araku(don't take the adjectives before the name seriously) with her singing and melodramatic voice and the mother teresa attitude I came down to only one conclusion – you have frequency issues darling. Get your larnyx checked. There was an interesting turn of events as the nightingale took a turn. With all the dramatic talk and the wavy notes of her voice something just didn't seem right about the whole act. She was like a drama queen with extra ordinarily....bad singing skills..

GO RAINBOW GO! another naughty detail of the session was MP from Agra and MP from Morena seemed to be totally in love. Oh!! those lovely smile and sweet whispers into each others ears... and of course the classic blush* which made me say “aww”! They were mostly involved in a serious chit chat miles away in their own world and rest of the time they utilised in sleeping. I must say these guys are taking the 377 act way too seriously! Go rainbow! EXCUSED the lady who was excused and never seen again... the MP of Shirdi excused herself out of the room and forgot to return. Giving up too soon dearie..u made it to my article in one day maybe after a few more you could have been the headline but say bye bye to that now... PG? There were PG issues too and just for the record it means post graduate, so all the finance ministers out there please make a note of it. Actually the MP of

muzzaffarpur, surprised us all with the unexpectedly good hindi and threw some strong hindi words at us and honestly I couldn't catch most of them. The drama was caused when he used the word PG and the finance minister said"PG?". To that the dabangg boy said "minister sahab aap kya desh chalaoge jise khud ko hi PG ka matlab nahi pat”. After that poor finance minister was tortured through out the session for being illiterate. I must say the members of NDA gave the members of UPA a really hard time. THE GHOST And if we are talking of the ladies lets not forget to mention the former miss fresher who was honored with the ghost award. She was like the flickering bulb..on and off. Sometimes there sometimes not. Her voice ringed in our ears only once and that too it didn't last long...shy...confidence issues...bored..could be many reasons for the ghostly presence. Too bad no one cares what it really was. OOPS.. The MP from Mohanlalgani and the MP of Vidisha seemed to have a magnetic force between them and they just couldn't bear to stay away from each other(except for the times when the MP from Mohanlalgani would go up to the speaker's table to put forward his points which was actually very funny..i mean whats wrong with standing where you are dude?) they consulted each other for everything and always ready to answer for each other. But this force was deeply resented by the dear friend who seemed to be present in the room (mind you she wasn't the part of the parliament) not for the pleasure of watching her fellow Jiitians debate as ministers but to keep an eye on the magneto boy. Rumour has it that the MP of Vidisha is also really good friends with our darling photographer. Be careful MPs I hear breaking hearts.

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Page 4: The youth parliament

UNDER MY UMBRELLA! on the other hand were least interested in attending the parliament. The two never showed up in the room and were spotted outside the college hanging around with their umbrella! No doubt our poor India is suffering so much! Rumour has it that both the members were very angry with the organizers for they thought they were not given the deserving roles in parliament and so the two birdies preferred going on a date rather than sitting in the fourth front. Well I just have one question who's umbrella is that!

MIC TESTING something so lame as a fight over who will speak on the mic, took place during the session. The esteemed speaker and the little less esteemed deputy speaker got into a fight over who was going to speak on the mic. Grow up guys this ain't kindergarten anymore. THE MASS TOILET BUNK The mass toilet bunk was hilariously stupid. After the MP from Araku raised the point of privilege in the house followed by the finance minister, the MP from Sikar and almost all the other UPA members seemed to have got a loo issue all together at the same time. Though it was suspicious the speaker granted them the permission to relieve themselves! I WANNA BE IN THE PRESS! The MP of Hisar and Madha and a few other freshers caused laughter with their accent and acted as if they were the only charming guys in the room. Infact the MP from Chatra was so inspired by the press that while the session she actually asked the procedure to get into the press. lolz!! You are new here kids, let me tell you one important rule that wasn't mentioned in the constitution, if you have it flaunt it but if you don't have it, don't even try...

however the best of all were the MPs from Arunachal East, Churu, Raiganj,Kolkatta Uttar, Mumbai North who did everything but be the part of the meeting maybe they were too much inspired by Mr. Manmohan Singh. They looked blissful completely carefree following the policy of silent treatment. Looks like someone forgot to google their topics! Maybe this is the reason the MP from() couldn't keep her fingers of the keyboard. But all's well that ends well and the youth parliament session ended on a positive note, but all that ends well leaves marks that don't really take us all to happy road. I'm referring to my gossip sweethearts..this is gonna cause hue and cry! Looking forward to that...Till then no matter how much you hide i'll always seek. xoxo

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Page 5: The youth parliament

THE PRESS AWARDS While the speaker and the deputy speaker were busy choosing their favourites the press gave a few chocolate awards... "Dabangg Award": mann balwaan, laage chattan, rahe maidan mein aage, hud hud dabangg dabangg dabangg.. this award goes to the most fearless member of the parliament. The one who left everybody surprised with his shudhh hindi! Bravo work done the MP from Muzzaffarpur. “Dancing queen Award”: It seemed that our Finance Minister had eaten an electron out from a cyclotron in his lunch as he was super excited in the sessions. Apart from heated up arguments with the opposition party he even highlighted as many point of orders, replies and even personal privileges making his placard dance and dance. “Ghost of the parliament Award”: the sudden voice of this MP from Chevella scared us when she spoke in her shrilly voice as she was not really present through out the sessions. It seemed like there was a ghost in the house who came for a little while took her chocolate and went away! *shivers “Tabalchee Award”: the MP of Morena supported his alliance by banging his table and... well and nothing else hence this special award goes to him. “Sleeping beauties Award”: sleeping with their eyes open is a talent not everyone can do it, but the MP from Agra and the MP from Inner Manipur had mastered in this skill. I wonder how many parliaments they have been to, hats off to you guys! “Desi girl Award”: As the name suggests this goes to the MP of Kaira who was in the indian attire through out the sessions of the parliament. Apart from being well prepared on the topic, this confident young lady represented the indian women of today! “Chacha Chaudhari Award ”: it is said that chacha chaudhary ka dimaag computer se bhi tez chalta hai, and similarly the MP from Mohanlalgani had the quad core processor in his brain working non stop. During the sessioins he was always ready with the facts and proofs against the ruling party and definitely had his saboo* supporting him! “Sonia Gandhi Award”: well this award goes to the Prime Minister. She was the one who was quiet through out the two days session but the mastermind and the planning done by the UPA alliance was under her guidance. “Mother Teresa Award”: the MP from araku clearly emphasized on not blaming each other and working together to find a solution to the problem. So we awarded her this for being so selfless. Watch out UPA she might change parties if you keep cheating the public. “Amir Khan Award”: as the name suggests this was the Miss perfectionist award, the one who was ready to answer all the questions raised against her, she was eager to ask questions and was argumentative enough to prove herself right no matter what allegations were put on her. And the award goes to the *MP from Vidisha. Speacial appreciation award to the MP from Sikar and the MP from Khadoor Sahib. And finally the favourite of the speaker Best Parliamentarian: MP of Vidisha Higher Commendation: MP of Araku Special Mention : MP of Muzzaffarpur :MP of Jangipur :MP of Mohanlalgani

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Page 6: The youth parliament

Getting Candid with the OC…

The organizing committee of the first ever youth parliament at JIIT ,128 is a perfect family. Read on to find out more about Kanishk,Harshit,Sumegha and Shrey. Q. This being the first youth parliament in our collage with many first time parliamentarians, how well did the participants live upto your expectations? Kanishk:The expectations were pretty low,because this was mostly everyone’s first parliamentary session but they (participants)far surpassed them Sumegha:yes! Except for a few chit passers and ‘tabalchis’ I think we had some very good speakers Shrey:I completely agree! The participants were very well rehearsed and spontaneous.We are extremely happy with the response. Harshit:I did’nt expect the first years to be so well prepared.There were times when I got to learn from Q What was your most embarrassing in the two days extravaganza ? Kanishk: When I was caught fighting with the speaker, over who would get the mike. Sumegha: Oh! This has to be that time when I was gagged for my own rules. I was caught using the wi-fi and I did’nt even realize that I was sitting at the corner of my row , visible to all prying eyes. Harshit: I will not satisfy the reporter by saying what she wishes to hear. Not knowing the full form of P.G(Post Graduate) is a common mistake and NOT embarrassing at all ! Shrey: I was embarrassed every ten minutes when I was scolded by the Speaker for not knowing the points of order…. Q If you had to choose one cartoon character ( or Superhero) who you can relate to very closely who would it be and why ? Kanishk: It has to be Barbapapa , who was very lazy and used to point to everyone around “ Move,Move… do some work !!!!” Sumegha: Tweety Bird , because she is restless, keeps hopping around and keeps herself busy always. Harshit: Picachoo….It’s the first character that came to my mind when I heard the question . Shrey: Dexter, because he is my favorite cartoon character, and we are similar in so many ways…. Q Lastly, if given the liberty to break any one law in the parliament (as opposed to making it ) which one would it be and why? Kanishk (took his sweet time to think) : Aah!! I know, the drinking age limit should be brought down to 16. Sumegha: We should be allowed to kill the opposition when they start getting on our nerves… and skirts should not be banned in schools…and the one that Kanishk said too!!...and [at this point the reporter had to tell Sumegha that any one law was to be broken and not ALL!] Harshit:The fate of those terrorists who are caught should not rely on the parliament or the President but on the common citizens of the country!! Shrey:I am a law abiding citizen and don’t want to break any laws(by which this reporter has deciphered that he is plain and simple BORING!!)

as told to Surabhi Seth

Surabhi Seth Reporter She loves food and she is always hungry. Surabhi never misses a chance to eat even if she is in the middle of the parliament session. Apart from 'rajma chawal', she loves to write and her second priority after food has brought her here. She seems very sweet and will impress you with her way too diplomatic answers, being her first time as a reporter she found it so difficult to be sarcastic, so anything nice written about you just say thank you to her. Shray Gupta Design Head and Photographer One the first look it seems as if it is his first experience as a photographer as he keeps hopping from one place to another in the room but those who know him also know that it is the great multi-tasker in him who is at work. He would do anything to get that perfect scandalous picture of yours but because of his puppy face and that innocent smile you will always forgive him at the end. He is always there when you need him. A typist, a writer ready with his creative ideas he even casts a spell with his camera(D-90* I am supposed to mention that). And when it comes to designing hes even better. He hates being told when to speak and when to shut up, but most of the times he listens to me;)

Always happy he makes you keep laughing at his jokes. All rounder, reliable, dependable Shray certainly personifies the administration side of the press. Nitish Parikh Cartoonist The lean specticled boy in the corner of the room(not referring to harry potter). Our cartoonist Nitish maybe soft spoken but people don't know that he does the talking with a pencil and the paper. Our esteemed ministers watch out your every blunder is being visualized. Ajachi Anthwal Editor Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the witty(est) of 'em all..? with a flair for writing impeccable satire, the drama queen, always blushing and in love with the colour pink, Ajachi may look sweet but she spins a web of words that can make your head spin with a fit of hyst erics.. the pen is mightier than the sword? You bet. Especially when it's in the hands of a person who can crack you up. You better behave in the sessions or you might be the target of this ruthless ripper.


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