Annual Report 2014 of the European Youth Parliament

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2 Annual Report 2014

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10 Sessions 18 Capacity Building 22 Developing 26 The EYP Network


The European Youth Parliament (EYP) is a unique educational programme which brings young people from all over Europe together to discuss current topics in a parliamentary setting. Its mission is to support the develop-ment of young people into politically aware and responsible citizens by involving them in European political thinking and promoting intercultural understanding.The EYP is a non-partisan and independent programme. Its methods are based on non-formal education and peer-to-peer learn-ing. Thereby the programme facilitates the

learning of crucial social and professional skills; and encourages independent thinking and socio-political initiative. The EYP is a pan-European organisation which does not limit itself to the current political borders of the European Union. As a network of independent associations, EYP is currently present in 39 European countries, enabling contacts across borders and beyond frontiers. The EYP thus offers a platform for intercultural meetings, fosters mutual understanding and makes a vital contribution towards the uniting of Europe.

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likes total participants65 000 28 294

493 events

39 countries

783 days of EYP

144decision makers

present at our events


2412active volunteers

1407schools involved




outreach eventsin Europe

191days of training

3898European Youth Poll


Euro-African Youth Parliament

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likes total participants65 000 28 294

493 events

39 countries

783 days of EYP

144decision makers

present at our events


2412active volunteers

1407schools involved




outreach eventsin Europe

191days of training

3898European Youth Poll


Euro-African Youth Parliament

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There is a great need for all European citizens – especially our youth –

to be heard in the political sphere, to exchange views on current European affairs and to share their ideas and

vision for tomorrow's Europe. As President of the European Parliament, I am looking forward to pursue a

fruitful cooperation with the European Youth Parliament.

Martin SchulzPresident of the European Parliament


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Dear reader, One of the most important aims of the European Youth Parliament, and of the Schwarzkopf Foundation as its umbrella organisation, is to offer young people from all parts of Europe opportunities to learn and experience what it means to be European.

I am proud that our work continuously strives to help young people to understand Europe’s diversity and to appreciate it as part of our common cultural and political heritage. The experience of intercultural cooperation and dialogue, which our young participants expe-rience through our activities, is unique and valuable. I am convinced that we need active citizens, like the young participants at the European Youth Parliament, to actively shape the future of their continent, like they did again during 2014.

Our Think Tank series during spring 2014 focused on youth unemployment, and high-lighted the importance of involving young people as stakeholders in the decision-making structures that concern themselves. During the European Parliament elections, we also mobilised young voters and raised their awareness of the role they can play in forming today’s Europe.

In autumn 2014, we hosted an International Forum on international security in Kyiv, gather-ing 150 young participants for a week, and highlighting also the political events in Ukraine throughout the year. Empowering our young participants this way is important for us, and I am proud that we could support the democratic education of young people by strength-ening the civil society sector in Ukraine and elsewhere.

Having had the possibility to gather over 28.000 participants from 39 European countries during the year, I also want to sincerely thank all our partners for their encouragement and financial support in the past year, which has made our work possible.


André Schmitz-SchwarzkopfChairman of the BoardSchwarzkopf Foundation

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Dear reader,Another successful and exciting year for the European Youth Parliament has been concluded. In 2014, the work of the EYP network continued to expand; our activities became more profes-sional; and young people from all over Europe were offered even more possibilities for partici-pation.

With an ever growing network and expanding activities, our work in 2014 focused on strength-ening and streamlining some of our core principles and structures. Capacity building projects and training events became more important and a tool for us to develop our organisation, next to discussing Europe.

Through our involvement in the Understanding Europe project, we were able to create closer synergies with another programme of the Schwarzkopf Foundation, offering EU-introduction courses and interactive seminars with a peer-to-peer focus to high-schools in a number of different countries. Our cooperation with the German Federal Foreign Office aimed at strength-ening civil society in Ukraine, Georgia and Belarus, enabled us to focus on the structural development of our National Committees and gave our volunteers more opportunities to participate in events.

Our work all over Europe is based on the voluntary commitment of our members. It is thanks to these silent heroes that we are able to organise all of our activities and continue to have a sustainable impact on so many young Europeans. I want to thank the hundreds of volunteers, who we work with, for their initiatives, ideas and energy to push our organisation further and for contributing to the success of the organisation as a whole.


Krista SimbergExecutive DirectorInternational Office of the European Youth Parliament

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{1} Delegate at the International Session in Riga, Latvia, defending his resolution during General Assembly

{2} Young member of the chairs team at the Agora on Security in Kyiv

{3} Delegates during Teambuiling{4} Brainstorming and structuring ideas

during Committee Work





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1 Sessions

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The European Youth Parliament’s main events are parliamentary simulation sessions, ranging from one-day local events to 10-day interna-tional sessions.

TeambuildingDuring Teambuilding, experienced-based pedagogy is used by performing outdoor and indoor activities in order to form international teams and establish princi-ples of cooperation.

Committee WorkThe established common ground then enables the young people to come up with their own suggestions and ideas for Europe’s most pressing challenges dur-ing the Committee Work. The results of the different committees are compiled into the form of unanimous resolutions.

Cultural ProgrammeThroughout the whole session, a Cultural Programme gives the participants the possibility to get acquainted with each other’s cultures and traditions. This results in increased cultural awareness, self-confidence and mutual understanding, while at the same time tackling xenophobia and prejudices.

General AssemblyThe committees come together to debate all of the resolutions during the General Assembly, following a standard parliamentary procedure.




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286 young people 32 European countries

PartnersThe German Federal Foreign Office, German Savings Banks Association, European Savings Banks Group, Sapinda, Educa-tion First, Stiftung Merca-tor, the Hertie Founda-tion, Deutsche Telekom, Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung, Rigas Dome, Riga Business School, Royal Embassy of Belgium in Riga, Live Riga

Cultural DiversityAs the European Capital of Culture 2014, Riga successfully hosted 286 young people from 32 countries between 15th and 22nd of March 2014 for the 75th International Session of the European Youth Parliament.The young participants were confronted with diverse views and opinions on Europe and analysed current and future challenges with a special focus on cultural diversity. The delegates were to come up with solutions for current European challenges, taking into account social, environmental and economic factors as well as global perspectives.The Vice-President of the European Parliament Mr. Miguel Angel Martinez Martinez addressed the delegates with an inspirational speech at the start of the General Assembly, bringing a historical perspective to many of the topics the young delegates were dis-cussing during the event.

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278 young people 35 European countries

PartnersEuropean Savings Banks Group, German Savings Banks Association, Stiftung Mercator, Sapinda, Hertie Foundation, Deutsche Telekom, Youth in Action, Obra Social “la Caixa”, Abertis, Saba, BMW, FCC, Pa-dilla Fire Doors, Almirall, Vilars Rurals, SEHRS, Torre Belles-guard, Colonia Güell, Recinte Modernista Sant Pau, Zig Zag Zug, Artyplan, ALS, Carlota Pintó, Avant Grup, Noel, Aigua de Ribes, Cafès Novell, Dori Dori, BIC and Pepsico

Walking towards a common European spiritAt the Opening Ceremony of the 76th International Session of the EYP in Barcelona, the President of the Parliamentary Assem-bly of the Council of Europe, Ms Anne Brasseur, reminded 278 young participants to stand up against intolerance and not take democracy for granted. The response from representatives of 35 European countries was clear: her speech received a standing ovation.The International Session took place from the 25th of July until the 3rd of August 2014 under the theme of ‘Walking towards a common European spirit’. With venues like Antoni Gaudí ’s Torre Belleguard and the Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau – a UNESCO World Heritage site – Barcelona was the perfect host for our sum-mer International Session.The event presented the delegates with the challenge to come up with comprehensive resolutions on contentious topics, such as the dangers of over-dependence on imported energy highlighted by the situation in Ukraine; questions of national self-determina-tion and autonomy in the context of Scotland and Catalonia; and improving sustainable urban transport.




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150 young people 28 European countries

PartnersGerman Federal Foreign Office, Charity Foundation “Open Hearts of Ukraine”, Ministry for Youth and Sports of Ukraine, German Savings Banks Association, European Savings Banks Group, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Future Leaders Exchange Programme (FLEX), Stiftung Mercator, Hertie-Stiftung, Sapinda, Deutsche Telekom and the Council of Europe

Re:think Security Hack Old ParadigmsFrom 2nd to 9th of November 2014, Kyiv hosted the International Forum of the European Youth Parliament “Agora on Security Kyiv”, which brought together 150 young people from 28 different countries to build a common vision of security policy in Europe.Particularly in the light of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the Interna-tional Forum was one of the most important events of the European Youth Parliament in 2014. By bringing together participants from different parts of Ukraine as well as other countries, the event was focused on fostering dialogue and an exchange of values on common European issues. The German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier addressed the participants with a video message at the Opening Ceremony and encouraged them “to not only overcome physical borders, but to also break down walls in people's heads and minds.”

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Our aims: Our impact:

Raise awareness of European issues, encour-age active European citizenship and motivate young people to get involved in European politics.

More than 80% of the delegates show higher interest for Europe after our events. EYP shows youth that it has a voice in Europe and trains them to become responsible citizens.

Promote international understanding, intercultural dialogue and diversity of ideas and practices.

More than 95% of the participants claim that the participation in an EYP event has helped them to get to know better the point of view and situation of youngsters in other European countries and allows them to explore Europe’s cultural diversity.

Contribute to the personal skills development of European youth.

Close to 80% of the youngsters claim to have acquired important skills for their future, through experiencing active democratic decision-making in the EYP.

Provide a forum in which young people of Europe can express their own opinions, without reverting to role play.

More than 85% of our participants claim that taking part in EYP events helped them to become aware of the active role they can play in European society.


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Alumni-Gathering & Planning Meeting

Outreach & Short Event

Training Event

International Forum

National Selection Process

International Session

Barcelona 76th International Session25th July – 3rd August 2014

Alumni Gathering and Planning MeetingRhône-Alpes Regional Committee members meeting, 25th May 2014

Outreach & Short eventEYP@school - Debate training19th – 21st November 2014

National Selection Process33rd National Selection Conference of EYP Italy 28th – 1st April 2014

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Kyiv International Forum - Agora on Security 2nd – 9th November 2014

Riga 75th International Session15th March – 22th March 2014

Training events International Training on Outreach

7th – 10th March 2014

International Forum5th International Forum of EYP Georgia12th – 18th November 2014

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2 Capacity Building

2 Capacity Building

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By taking part in the European Youth Parliament’s activities, young participants improve their participation skills and engage in active European citizenship. To support the person-al development of these young volunteers, and further their skills development to take up various roles within the organisation, the EYP organises capacity building training courses focused on a diverse set of skills, such as facilitation, leadership, communication, fundrais-ing, organising, project management, inclusion, outreach, and intercultural dialogue.

EYP thereby prepares these young European citizens to not only take an active role in our network, but to also use these skills to the benefit of society as a whole. In 2014, the EYP organised 89 training events, spanning over 191 training days, involving almost 1900 participants.





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Project managementAs a network for young people by young people, thousands of volun-teers are involved as project man-agers, organising the hundreds of annual events in their spare time. Youngsters learn by being part of a team of dedicated volunteers and receiving hands-on education in the build-up to their event. While much of the learning about event manage-ment happens through this learning-by-doing principle, our National Committees offer many different workshops and separate training courses to prepare our volunteers for these tasks. Key components of these trainings are modules on the plan-ning, implementation and evaluation of a project as well as human resources management and the basics of communications.

Group FacilitationAt every EYP session a group of young moderators work with the different committees, to prepare topical mate-rials, run teambuilding, facilitate discussions and chair the parlia-mentary assembly. EYP moderators therefore take part in group facilita-tion trainings before every event and are guided by experienced trainers throughout the events. Separate training weekends on these topics are also organised, with the highlights being the annual facilitation trainings in Berlin, which bring together the moderators of our flagship Interna-tional Sessions.

Outreach and InclusionThe EYP long-term strategy explicitly identifies "Strengthening our human resources to develop Outreach and Inclusivity methods" as a strategic

goal of EYP. For this, the national committee in Greece hosted a group of sixteen youngsters from all over Europe in Athens for a dedicated training weekend in March. During the weekend, participants learned more about existing inclusivity and outreach methods, but also shared best practices and developed new ways of involving people from all backgrounds.

PR & CommunicationYoung volunteers in EYP are eager to tell others about their work and the EYP. Using for example social media, online campaigning tools and press work, our volunteers are actively com-municating about our aims, projects and mission. In order to develop their communication in a coherent manner and to share knowledge about new techniques and channels to commu-nicate, trainings on PR & communica-tion are a substantial part of the EYP

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training courses. In 2014 a key part of this was the PR & Communication training organised by EYP Austria in Vienna in March, where 28 young Europeans gathered for a weekend of training and best practice sharing.

Organisational Management and DevelopmentAs a constantly growing network of volunteers, EYP has an increasing need for developing its capacities in NGO management and develop-ment. To this end, EYP Czech Republic organised a "National Committee Management and Development Training" in Břežany in July 2014. Bringing together 20 young people currently running a national commit-tee, the weekend focused on knowl-edge management in NGOs, human resources management, networking and fundraising.

FundraisingAs a network of independent organi-sations, EYP raises funds to support its many activities from many dif-ferent actors and partners. As most fundraising is done by our National Committees, we support our volun-teers in building the case for EYP and forming a diverse range of partner-ships with institutions, the private sector and other NGOs. To this aim, EYP organised its annual Fundraising Summit in Berlin in November 2014, bringing together 28 volunteers from 23 National Committees.

Training for TrainersTo train all these volunteers, EYP also needs more and more trainers with relevant experience and skills, who can enable knowledge transfer and best practice sharing in interac-tive ways. Since 2010, EYP organises an annual Training for EYP Trainers

where more experienced members of the network are taught innovative, interactive ways to enable the skills development of young volunteers. In 2014, our annual training brought together 23 young Europeans for a week-long event in Käsmu, Estonia.

Understanding EuropeAt the events organised in the EYP network, young people are encour-aged to debate about current topics in European politics. In order to enhance the basis for a better knowledge of the political framework and general development of the European Union, the EYP network offers a basic four-hour EU Crash Course in schools and to their active members. These train-ings are offered by an international team of volunteers which are meeting twice a year in Berlin for an intensive training to work on the methods and update the content of the courses.





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The European Youth Parliament is an educational programme driven by innovation and does not limit itself to its existing structures or formats. In order to constantly bring new impulses to the network and to expand its scope, the EYP runs several projects that focus on both the regional and the structural development of the network as a whole.By running projects like the European Youth Polls and a Think Thank, the EYP emphasises the political opinions of young Europeans towards the general public. The results – policy papers and surveys on pressing European issues – are provided to the media and political decision-makers. In addition, project partnerships with the Federal Foreign Office in Germany and the Youth Bridge Foundation allowed the EYP to both strengthen its network in Eastern countries and foster new partnerships beyond European borders in 2014.



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The Euro African Youth ParliamentThe EYP is proud to reach beyond the borders of our con-tinent. Since 2013, we have a continuous partnership with the Youthbridge Foundation from Accra, Ghana. After an EYP delegation visited Ghana in 2013, the First Euro African Youth Parliament was held in Berlin in Spring 2014, bring-ing together over 100 young people from both Europe and Africa. The session tackled major questions of Euro-African relations like the role of corporate social responsibility programmes, the humanitarian situation of African mi-grants to Europe and the issue of inclusive and sustainable industrial development.

Strengthening civil society in Ukraine, Belarus and GeorgiaThe situation in Ukraine was at the very top of the Foreign Policy agenda in Europe 2014. It also draws renewed atten-tion to other countries in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region. With this project, the European Youth Parliament involved young people from Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia, but also from all over Europe – including Russian young-sters - into the Foreign and Security Policy debate. During the project, the attention of both young people and deci-sion makers was focused on the conflicts by developing fresh ideas for new solutions. The biggest events of the pro-gram were a trilogy of International Forums in Kyiv, Batumi and Lviv, gathering 450 youngsters between 16 and 25.

First Euro-African Youth Parliament, Berlin27th March – 4th April 2014

International Forum Kyiv2nd – 9th November 2014

International Forum in Batumi14th – 17th November 2014

International Summit Lviv9th – 12th October 2014

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Think Tank on Youth UnemploymentThe 8th Think Tank of the European Youth Parliament gathered 19 young people from 16 different European coun-tries from the 10th to 13th of April 2014 in Berlin. These experienced alumni, often outstanding students or young professionals in politics, business or academia, discussed sustainable solutions for youth unemployment. The Think Tank was supported by the Vodafone Stiftung Deutschland. The Think Tanks are annually organized events to strength-en the dialogue between young people and European decision-makers and to give concrete policy recommen-dations to top political decision-makers. The policy paper of this year’s Think Thank on youth unemployment was presented in Brussels to the President of the European Commission, Mr. José Manuel Barroso and the Euro-pean Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion, Mr. László Andor.

The European Youth PollsThe European Youth Polls, established in cooperation with Stiftung Mercator, are a unique project to give young Euro-peans the chance to have a say on current European issues. With easily accessible online opinion surveys, the voices of thousands of young people all over Europe are collected in order to make them visible to politicians and the media. The EYP thereby aims to facilitate the dialogue between young people and decision-makers. In the past year, almost 4000 young people from over 40 European countries answered the polls on Youth Unemployment, the European Parlia-ment elections and the EU's Asylum and Immigration Policy.

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4 Network

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Board of National Committees


EYP charter and policies

elect send representatives


§Governing Body




International Office of the EYP

Active Members

apply towork in



Excecution Resource Center

Strategy Assembly

National Committees

Regional Committees


Regional Committees Regional Committees


Coordination & Cooperation




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I became a member of the voluntary Board of EYP Spain two years after attend-ing my first national session in 2010.

This growing involvement allowed me to discover new places, cultures and above all, a group of talented people who are now part of my life. Being a member of the Board of EYP Spain taught me how much impact our active participants can have and how satisfying it is to make something beneficial for a group of people from a personal contribution.

2014 has been the culmination of many projects and also the beginning of new personal challenges, from being part of the organising team of the first International Session organised by EYP Spain in Barcelona to taking part in a new session concept in Umeå. The past year has given me a whole new spectrum of events. I attended a training to become an EYP Trainer and have understood this organisation in a broader perspective. In September, I joined the Training and Alumni Development Council and got the chance to discuss strategic developments in this field.

Thinking about these years with EYP I can only thank the day I decided to join the EYP. I can’t wait to discover what 2015 holds.

David, 21 from Spaincurrently studies Civil Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia

2014 has been the culmina-tion of many projects and also the beginning of new personal challenges.


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2014 gave me a chance to experience one of the most thrilling and amazing events I have ever been to – my very first Interna-tional Session of the EYP in Riga. These two weeks have drastically changed my life. Being a member of the EYP means much more than just extracurricular activity, since it becomes something you cannot live without when experienced once. The feeling when you first raise your voice at the GA and express your point of view in front of hundreds of international delegates makes you believe that you can change the society for the best.

We all come from different back-grounds in the EYP but the thing that unites us is a thirst for action. And we do act. During my very first session I felt that there were no borders between delegates, no obstacles to communicate. And it was just the beginning! In summer 2014 I was honored to represent my delegation in another International Session of the EYP in Barcelona. I am sure that the more you are involved in EYP the better you dis-cover yourself and expand your personal limits. 2015 will lead me to another stage of participation in the network, as I will be a chairperson at a Regional Session in Hamburg. The only thing I still want to add is that no matter what you are doing now, becoming a part of the EYP is something that will enrich your life with many new colors and feelings as well as absolutely incredible people!

We all come from different backgrounds in the EYP but the thing that unites us is a thirst for action.


Solomiia, 21 from Ukraine currently studies at the Vienna University

of Economics and Business




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Eva PaunovaEva Paunova, 29, from Bulgaria was a delegate at the Interna-tional Session of the European Youth Parliament in Berlin in 2004. 10 years after her first EYP session, she was elected to the real European Parliament and is a member of the Commit-tee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection and the Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China.

Being part of the European Youth Parliament gave me a real insight into the dynamics of political debate, intercultural dialogue and decision- making – key elements of my work today as a Member of the European Parliament. Already 10 years ago I had a chance to become part of a unique exercise: to stand up not only for my inter-ests and those of my country, but to act as a repre-sentative of all EU citizens. To not only think as an individual or a Bulgarian, but also as a European.

Eva Paunova, BulgariaMember of the European Parliament

This time 10 years ago, I was in Berlin for my first European Youth Parliament session with the guys from St Colman's, giving (sometimes ill-informed) opinions on topical European issues. 10 years later, I am working on the issues for real in the European Parliament. I’m realising how much EYP shaped my life. Without it, there's no way I would be doing what I am today.

Chris Mackin, United KingdomParliamentary Assistant at the European Parliament

By providing opportunities to young multipliers all over Europe, the European Youth Parliament is effectively shaping Europe’s future leadership. More and more alumni of the EYP are taking up key leadership positions in all of society, in poli-tics, civil society, the private sector and the academic world.

Chris MackinOriginally from Northern Ireland, Chris Mackin was part of a delegation at the EYP United Kingdom National Session in 2004 and took part in his first International Session in 2004. He attended six further International Sessions as a dele-gate, journalist, organiser and moderator. Chris graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 2009. He is now working as a Parliamentary Assistant to Petr Jezek, a Member of the European Parliament from Czech Republic.

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The National Committees are at the heart of the EYP as they organise a tremendous amount of events in schools and on the regional and national level. An important part of their work is to select the delegations that will represent their country at the International Sessions of the EYP. To this end, most National Committees organise a selection process, often includ-ing regional and national conferences, a resolution/essay-writing competition, and an interview process, all judged by an independent jury. Apart from the national selections, several committees also organise other activities within the EYP framework, often in-cluding short one day EYP events, with the aim of reaching out to the widest possible range of students and teachers. All those involved in the running of the National Committees do so voluntarily, with EYP alumni, teachers, and other interested people working without recompensation to give a new generation the chance to discover what the European Youth Parlia-ment is all about.

Albania3 events290 participantsMain event: 4th International Forum

[email protected] ­ facebook.com/pages/Euro-


Armenia14 events1830 participantsMain event: International EYP Forum in Armenia (IEFA)

¾ www.eyparmenia.org � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/EYPArmenia

Austria33 events1047 participantsMain development: Increased the number of regional events

¾ www.eypaustria.org � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/eypaustria

Azerbaijan9 events500 participantsMain event: 1st International Forum

[email protected] ­ facebook.com/EYP.Azerbaijan

Belarus1 event75 participantsMain event: National Session in Lviv, Ukraine

¾ eypby.org � [email protected]

Belgium10 events636 participantsMain event: 20th anniversary in 2014

¾ www.eyp-europolis.be � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/eypeuropolisbe

Bosnia & HerzegovinaFocus on setting up a stable NC

¾ www.eyp.ba � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/eypbih

Croatia3 events170 participantsMain event: National Selection Conference

[email protected] ­ facebook.com/EYP.Croatia

Cyprus7 events525 participantsMain event: 1st Youth Summit

¾ www.eypcyprus.com � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/eyp.cyprus

Czech Republic43 events1709 participantsMain event: International training on National Committee Management and Development

¾ www.eyp.cz � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/eypcz

Estonia16 events687 participantsMain event: Training for EYP Trainers

¾ www.ten.ee � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/tegusad

Finland12 events1496 participantsMain development: Focus on out-reach and the involvment of more schools

¾ www.eypfinland.org � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/eypfinland

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France61 events2484 participantsMain event: International Forum on the Commemoration of the D-Day

¾ www.pejfrance.org � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/pejfrance

FYROM7 events160 participantsMain development: Set-up of permanent office and reorganization

¾ www.eyp-europolis.be � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/eyp.macedonia

Georgia7 events630 participantsMain event: International Forum in Batumi

¾ www.eyp.org.ge � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/eypgeorgia

Germany16 events1576 participantsMain event: Academic Summer Forum in Marburg

¾ www.eyp.de � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/eypde

Greece18 events880 participantsMain event: International Forum in Thessaloniki

¾ www.eypgreece.org � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/eypgr

HungaryFocus on structural development and reorganisation of the NC

¾ www.eyp.pillar-europe.eu � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/eyp.hungary

Ireland6 events765 participantsMain event: 1st International Forum in Cork

¾ www.eyp.ie � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/EypIreland

Italy10 events689 participantsMain development: More than 600 participants per year

¾ www.eypitaly.org � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/eypitaly

KosovoFocus on structural development and reorganisation of the NC

¾ www.eyp-ks.org � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/eypkosovo

Latvia9 events525 participantsMain event: 75th International Ses-sion of the EYP in Riga

¾ www.tellus.lv � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/EYPLatvia

Lithuania3 events153 participantsMain event: Participation at the Eu-ropean Youth Event in Strasbourg

[email protected] ­ facebook.com/EJPLietuvoje

Luxembourg4 events183 participantsMain event: National Selection Conference

¾ www.eyp.de � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/EYPLuxembourg

The Netherlands12 events1077 participantsMain development: Focus on ex-tending a network in the civil society landscape in the Netherlands

¾ www.eyp.nl � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/EYPNL

Norway11 events802 participantsMain development: Reorganisa-tion of regional structure and local activities

¾ www.eyp.no � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/pages/EYP-Nor-way/396571547099929

Poland12 events1013 participantsMain development: Focus on out-reach and the involvement of more young people

¾ www.eyppoland.com � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/EYPPoland

Portugal8 events601 participantsMain event: 25th anniversary in 2014

¾ www.pejportugal.com � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/EYPPortugal

Romania9 events853 participantsMain development: Organising six regional events per year

¾ www.eypromania.eu

[email protected]

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Russia4 events275 participantsMain event: National Selection Con-ference in Kazan

¾ www.eyp-russia.org � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/EYP.Russia

Serbia11 events600 participantsMain event: International Danube Youth Forum

¾ www.eyp.rs � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/european.youth.parliament.serbia

Slovakia2 events55 participantsFocus on setting up a stable NC

¾ www.eyp.sk � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/pages/EYP-Slova-kia/111135499001479

Slovenia3 events74 participantsFocus on setting up a stable NC

¾ www.eypslovenia.org � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/eypslovenia

Spain11 events1033 participantsMain event: 76th International Ses-sion of the EYP in Barcelona

¾ www.eype.es � [email protected]

­ www.facebook.com/pages/European-Youth-Parliament-Espa%C3%B1a-EYPE/142959899081409?fref=ts

Sweden40 events1374 participantsMain development: Focus on inclu-sion of and reaching out to more schools, and extending their net-work in the civil society landscape

¾ www.eup.se � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/eupsverige

Switzerland16 events641 participantsMain development: Focus on reach-ing out to more schools and expand-ing their network

¾ www.eyp.ch � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/eypswitzerland

Turkey9 events959 participantsMain development: Reached for the first time almost 1000 participants

¾ www.eypturkey.org � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/eyptr

United Kingdom20 events1553 participantsMain event: Focus on reaching out to more schools and extending their network

¾ www.eypuk.co.uk � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/eypuk

Ukraine18 events1553 participantsMain event: Kyiv International Forum

¾ www.eyp-ua.org � [email protected]

­ facebook.com/eyp.ukraine

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Permanent PatronThorbjørn JaglandSecretary General of the Council of Europe

Comité d'HonneurIn 2014, the members of the Comité d'Honneur were:Martin SchulzPresident of the European Parliament

José Manuel BarrosoPresident of the European Commission

Maroš ŠefcovicVice-President of the European Commission

Neelie KroesVice-President of the European Commission

Jari Marjelund (FI)Zahra Runderkamp (NL)Magnus Hall (SE)Anna Suprunenko (UA)Hans Maes (BE)Sophie Hall (CH)

Chairman / Director Schwarzkopf-Foundation:

André Schmitz-Schwarzkopf (DE)Anne Rolvering (DE)

The International Office of the European Youth Parliament The International Office of the European Youth Par-liament is run by an Executive Director, who is sup-ported by three Project Managers and two interns. It is part of the office of the Berlin-based Schwarzkopf Foundation, the international umbrella organisation of the European Youth Parliament.

Anne Rolvering (DE) Director Schwarzkopf-Foundation

Krista Simberg (FI) Executive Director

Mandy Buschina (DE) Project Manager

Kerstin Eckart (DE) Project Manager

Katrina Suvajeva (LV) HR Manager

Stefan Vandenhende (BE) Project Manager

Heiko Seiser (DE) Assistant

Interns in 2014Beáta Veisová, Mathilde Pascale, Johanna Fürst, Oona Kiiskinen, Janne Vanhemmens

From left to right: Kerstin Eckart, Sophie Hall, Zahra Runderkamp, Hans Maes, Anne Rolvering, Jari Marjelund, Stefan Vandenhende, Krista Sim-berg, Magnus Hall, Anna Suprunenko. Not in the picture: Mandy Buschina, Katrina Suvajeva, Heiko Seiser.


Governing Body The Governing Body (GB) represents the interests of the EYP as a whole. It is responsible for the strategic development of the EYP.

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Published byEuropean Youth Parliament

c/o Schwarzkopf-Stiftung Junges Europa

Sophienstraße 28/2910178 Berlin, Germany

[email protected]@eyp.org

Responsible according to the press law

Krista Simberg, Mandy Buschina

Editorial OfficeMandy Buschina, Kerstin Eckart,

Nora Heising, Joanna Lickiewicz, Krista Simberg, Stefan Vandenhende,

Janne Vanhemmens

LayoutJonas Pruditsch

Picture EditorsJanne Vanhemmens, Kerstin Eckart

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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