  • e Wish-Fulfilling Tree: e Life-Story of the Master of Uddiyna as found inPadmasambhavas Sevenfold Cycle of Profundity

    revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa

    Chapter One

    Emaho. How marvelous!

    I, Padma, shall here relate the story of my life

    How I mastered the sacred Dharma of the three vehicles,

    How my deeds for beings became a constant flow,

    And how I spun the Wheel of Dharma unceasingly throughout the three times.

    Each and every sentient being of the six classes1

    Strays incessantly through samsara due to confused unknowing.

    This is especially so in the Age of Strife, the dregs of time,

    When, steeped in the five poisons, acting in all errant ways,



  • Beings are so hard to change. Therefore, so as to inspire them,

    The dharmakya buddhas directed their intention;

    The sambhogakya buddhas asserted their command;

    And the nirmakya buddhas in conference all agreed

    That I, the Lotus Master, should appear in this world.

    And so, perceived by some, I magically appeared in Uiynas land

    Upon the pistils of a lotus flower in Dhanakoa lake.

    Perceived by others, I was the son of Uiynas king.

    Perceived by others still, I descended like a thunderbolt

    Upon the peak of Mount Meteoric Iron.

    In any case, it was four and twenty years after kyamunis passing,

    That Amitbha, in his bodhisattva form


  • As the Great Compassionate One,2 manifested me, Padma,

    From his heart center as the letter HR.

    I appeared throughout all the worlds,

    Like raindrops falling in billions onto countless places.

    Since the deeds of the Conquerors surpass the reach of thought,

    Who could place a measure on this, or limits?

    Nevertheless, this is the tale of how I magically appeared in this world,

    Taking on the destiny of the son of Uiynas king;

    How I reigned over the kingdom, turning the Greater Vehicles Dharma Wheel,

    So that everyone together realized true awakening;

    How I journeyed through the lands of India

    And learned to perfection the fivefold fields of knowledge.3



  • This was the first chapter in Padmas Wish-Fulfilling Tree, the story of my life, on how I came into this world andtrained in the fields of knowledge.

    Chapter Two

    In India, I then raised questions on the stras with nanda,

    Buddha kyamunis close disciple.

    In Prabhahastis presence I became a monk renunciant,

    And studied all the teachings of the triple yogas.

    Then I went before the master Prahevajra4

    And requested every doctrine on the Heart Essence of the Great Perfection.5

    And at the feet of master Buddhaguhya

    I learned in hundredfold the Secret Essence, Web of Illusion.6

    At r Sihas feet I then bowed down,



  • Receiving all the tantras of the Most Supreme Heruka.7

    I went before the master Majurmitra

    And received without exception all the tantras of Majur, Yamas Slayer.8

    Then I went to Ngrjuna, the great master,

    Requesting the tantras and sdhans of Lotus Speech.9

    I visited the master Hungchenkara,

    And received all the tantras and sdhans for the Mind of Perfect Purity. 10

    In the presence of the master Vimalamitra I requested,

    And received the tantras and sdhans of Nectar Qualities.11

    I went before the master Dhanasaskta

    And requested the tantras and sdhans of Klaya Activity.12



  • Once again, I journeyed back to Prabhahasti,

    And received from him the hundred thousand verses of the Sublime Knowledge ofKlaya.13

    At the feet of ntigarbha, the great master,

    I received the tantras and sdhans for the Offerings and Praises14 and the FierceMantras.15

    Moreover, from accomplished masters in great number

    I received countless empowerments, explanations, and instructions

    On an abundance of tantras, edicts, and sdhans

    From both the Tripiaka16 and the outer and inner traditions of Secret Mantra.

    This was the second chapter in Padmas Wish-Fulfilling Tree, the story of my life, on how I requested keyinstructions from all the masters and resolved all uncertainty.

    Chapter Three

    Then I sought to reach perfection in my practice



  • In Indias eight major charnel grounds and sacred places.

    There, with incredible siddhi signs I overcame the hordes of mras.

    Above all, when the Vajra Throne17 of India was under attack

    By evil-minded teachers preaching extreme beliefs,

    I settled the matter with logic, defeating them with my powers,

    And the assembly of five hundred paitas then placed me on the throne.

    As the Buddhas regent, I thus preserved the doctrine for a hundred years

    And appointed Vimalamitra, the great paita, as my successor.

    I, the Uiyna master, went to the land of Zahor,

    Where the sovereign, in his ignorance, had me burned alive.

    I displayed the miracle of transforming the pyre into a lake,

    Establishing everyone in the kingdom onto the Dharma path



  • And upholding the Buddhas teachings there for two hundred years.

    When I went to accomplish immortality in Mratika,

    Amityus, the protector, appeared before my eyes,

    And bestowed upon me one hundred and eight sdhans on longevity.

    I then proceeded to the densely-arrayed buddhafield of Akania,

    And to the pure realms of the five buddha families.

    There I requested tantras from all the sugatas

    And I conversed with all the nirmakya buddhas, who declared:

    Apart from this, your mind, there is no other buddha.

    In the upper practice cave of Yanglesh,

    In order to attain the siddhi of the Great Seal,18

    I performed the practice of the Most Supreme Heruka.



  • Hindrances occurred, inflicting pain upon India and Nepal,

    And so I asked my masters to send me teaching methods to repel them.

    The messengers carried back the Sublime Knowledge of Klaya.

    By its mere arrival in Nepal, all hindrances were quelled

    And I achieved the highest siddhi of the Great Seal.

    While I was practicing at Upper Slate Mountain,

    Extremist philosophers once again challenged the Vajra Throne.

    kins now appeared before the five hundred Buddhist scholars gathered there,

    Telling them to send a message to Srya Siha, the Indian king,

    And to his priests, to call me to hasten back to the Vajra Throne.

    There, I once again defeated all extremist teachers.

    Together with eight great masters,19I made my way to Cool Grove cemetery,



  • And for seven days we remained in meditation there.

    The final night, while meditating at the Enchanting Mound Great Stpa,

    We all beheld the stpa

    Glowing with light and shimmering sparks.

    The kins gave us each a casket of Treasure teachings.

    I personally received the instructions for the Assembly of Sugatas,

    And each of the masters then received a mandate of their own.

    For a long time we thus preserved the Dharma at the Vajra Throne.

    This was the third chapter in Padmas Wish-Fulfilling Tree, the story of my life, on how I upheld the teachings inthe land of India and established every country in the Dharma.

    Chapter Four

    Then, through the force of aspirations in the past,

    Trisong Deutsen, who was a Dharma-holding king,


  • Gave rise to deep-felt wishes that a temple should be built,

    And invited ntarakita, the great paita, to pacify the site.

    But, while the land was tamed without a problem,

    ntarakita pretended it was not, for my arrival had been pre-ordained.

    Three emissaries were dispatched with gold to extend an invitation.

    I requested permission from the Indian king and his priests,

    Who discussed whether I should be allowed to come.

    Even though the Indian lands were under threat from extremist teachers,

    The predicted time had come for the spread of Dharma in Tibet,

    So they decided that I should indeed take the journey.

    They signed the letter and sent messengers ahead.

    That was when I traveled up from India.


  • As I reached the central part of Nepal,

    The gods and demons of Tibet contorted with fear.

    Later on, along the trail, five other messengers appeared

    And met with me in Mang. These five were then the first Tibetans

    To have faith in my miraculous abilities.

    In Tibet, on the shore of Sun Rim Lake,

    I bound the malicious yakas and rkasas under oath.

    On the heights of the Khala Pass I bound the Twelve Guardian Sisters,20

    In White Glacier the Fleshless Lady,21 in the northern lake of Mendong the GoddessTinglomen22

    And all the northern Local Guardians;23

    In Tsang at Oyug, on the dreadful pass of Shang

    I subdued Dorj Lekpa,24 and in Yeru and Ynru



  • The malicious mountain spirits Osham and Tanglha.25 All thus were bound to oath.

    On sacred Mount Kailash I subdued the Constellation Gods,26

    And on Targos Snowy Range I bound the Planetary Demons27 to oath.

    At Rich Ladys Sky Lake I subdued and bound the Medicine Lady,28

    And at Azure Gape Lake I placed the Nga Goddess29 under oath.

    At Dentig Cliff I subdued and bound the Magyel Mountain god,30

    And at Black Rotam likewise the Mother of Plagues.31

    In Father Gorge I bound the Bewitching Spirits,32

    And at Fire Valley Rock the Genyen deities33 under oath.

    At Red Rainbow I bound the Warrior De
