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  • 8/7/2019 The White Beast 2


    A slow motion image of a forest whizzing past entered Kyles mind. Then his eyes opened and he

    saw the ceiling of a very white place. For a dreadful moment he thought he was back at the place

    they had taken him, but then he realized that he was in a bed with sheets. And not nude. He tried

    to sit up, but there were wires all around him holding him down. He panicked a little, not sure

    how to take in the situation, but then he heard a familiar voice.

    Hey, youre awake. Emmas face was suddenly above his and he smiled weakly at her.I guess. How long was I out?

    Almost 2 days. Do you remember what happened? Kyle racked his brain. The last thing he

    remembered was seeing a picture of Emmas mother and then he was on the floor in pain.

    Vaguely. He said at last. But then it suddenly hit him, Ive been out for two days! Are you


    Perfectly. Ive been visiting you every day afterschool for the past 2 days. I remember because

    the doctors told me the dates each day, and it has been 2 days since you entered this hospital.

    Kyle was suddenly filled with panic. A lot could happen in two days, particularly when it came to

    vampires. He pulled all the leads out from their sockets and tried to stand up but Emma stood in

    his way.

    I cant stay here. He said, growling with each word. His temper was rising, angry with himselffor being so careless. Plus the smell was driving him insane. The stench of death.

    You bloody well will stay here until told otherwise. Emma didnt notice his anger until he

    grabbed her by the shoulders, hard and shook her a little.

    I really cant stay here. He said again, lower and more threatening. She didnt move. She just

    looked at him, putting on a brave face, but her eyes were filled with fear. Kyle hardly saw it. He

    moved her to one side, and slowly made his way over to the wardrobe. He pulled out his clothes

    and headed over to the bathroom. But Emma stood in his way again.

    You cant stop me. Kyle said again.

    I know. But at least I can slow you down. Kyle sighed.

    I cant stay here.Why not?

    Because Kyle couldnt find the words to say it. He couldnt tell her.

    Why not? she asked more sternly. Frustrated and annoyed he turned his arm over and showed

    her a long scar he had picked up over the years.

    A few years ago I was in a car crash. My best mate was killed and I walked away with just this. I

    cant stay here because I remember too much. Of course it was utter nonsense and he got it

    when he had a tumble with another wolf, but Emma brought the story. She stepped to one side,

    embarrassed. Kyle changed quickly, but when he came out she was gone. He kept his head down

    and left the hospital before anyone knew he was even up.

    His apartment seemed dull compared to school life. It was quiet and dark, with no life or love.

    The window he climbed through most of the time was in his bedroom, a tiny room with mold on

    the ceiling, cracked and splintering floorboards and a single light that was broken. His bathroom

    was out of order, and reeking of rust and bleach. The tiles were dirty and stained red with

    something Kyle hope was nothing more than blood of something. The living room looked better

    than the rest of the house, with a wide open space where he kept nothing more than his fathers

    reading chair, which was tattered and torn with age, and a few bookcases with a small but useful

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    coffee table. He kept a small radio for music when he wanted, but kept always turned his

    attention back to the flames in the sooty fireplace. He loved to watch as they curled up and

    around the air. And the sounds it made. He loved the sounds. Always had, ever since he was a

    little boy. He went to his fridge, which was no bigger than a microwave oven and no cleaner than

    a rubbish bin, and pulled out a beer. He was, after all, entitled to one, seeing as he was centuries

    past the age limit. There was nothing really on the telly, so Kyle just relaxed with a book his fatherhad given him. The spine was worn away and peeling off the pages, which were stained with age

    and the cover falling off, but it still gave him joy to read it over and over again. His front door bell

    rang and with stiff legs he got up to answer it. But as he drew closer he could smell something. A

    dead thing. He whipped the door open but no one was there. And yet the smell was closer than

    ever. He looked down and almost reeled back in shock. On his door step was a dead, rotting dog.

    Flies covered it and it still had soil in some mangy bits. Its discoloured tongue was flopping out

    the side of its open toothless mouth. Its soulless eyes were open and white, gazing at nothing

    and everything at the same time. A note was attached to the collar of it. Kyle picked up the

    mangy thing and took it inside. He read the note carefully, and then burnt it. It meant nothing to

    him. Just another threat from some of Bens mates. The dog was harder to dispose of. But he

    placed it on the fireplace and set it alight; even if i t was boiling hot outside, the fire would get ridof most of the dog. The rest would turn to ash soon enough. He settled down into his armchair

    again and picked up where he left off. Just as he got into the swing of the book again, the

    doorbell rang out again. He sighed and rose once more to answer the door. He expected more

    threats, but as he drew closer he smelt that irresistible smell that he smelt the first day he

    arrived. He smiled and opened the door. Emma didnt smile at him though. She was frowning and

    said nothing as she handed him a few pieces of paper.

    Homework assignments. She muttered before turning and walked away. Kyle ran after her.

    Whats wrong? What have I done? she didnt look at him. She pushed past him and tried to

    leave, but again Kyle stopped her. She shook him off and just stared at him.

    You have the nerve to ask what you have done wrong. You have no idea what it was like, howyou looked, what you did when you collapsed.

    Then enlighten me. Tell me what I did that made you hate me for leaving. She looked away and

    Kyle saw pain in her eyes.

    You had a seizure. Your heart stopped beating. You stopped breathing. They announced you

    were brain dead. And you just got up and walked away. Kyle just stared at her. Nothing was

    making any sense. Nothing like that had ever happened to him before. He had never passed out

    after remembering something before. Emma looked at her watch.

    Ive got to go. If Im home after 10 my dad will kill me. Kyle suddenly felt sick to his stomach. He

    let Emma leave but didnt follow her. She didnt need to or want to have him around. The

    vampires were on high alert already. There was no need to draw attention to her. He just stood

    there on the steps and wondered how things could have been different if he was normal, if hewas human.

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    The boy smiled as another body dropped to his feet. Blood was smeared all around his mouth

    and he gulped the last of it down, licking it off his fingers and some shreds of his clothes. He

    saw her, the key to his masters success. The girl known as Emma. This girl was a close

    friend. That would help. And then he saw him. Kyle. The boy grew angry, seeing how close

    the target and Kyle were growing. It would be a problem. But he didnt think about that. Hechanged his looks to match the dead girls and then stripped her of her clothes and put them

    on. It was a strange feeling that he had grown used to when he changed genders, particularly

    when they were older. The differences were so drastic. But he had done it so many times; he

    was used to that feeling. He put on the last of the clothes and again walked out into the busy

    streets. He walked along, waving at everyone that waved at him. It was fun being the popular

    kid for once. It meant he could live out loud. And soon he came across her. The key; his

    target. She was walking alone. For one thing, it was terribly foolish of Kyle to leave her

    alone. For another, it was foolish of her to go out alone. But of course, she didnt know that.

    She was totally unaware of the danger she was in as she greeted him as she usually did to the

    person he was portraying. He smiled inside. This is all too easy he sniggered to himself.

    Kyle had no reason to follow Emma as she left. He quickly ran back inside his dingy flat and

    locking the door, proceeded to get out the candles and various sands he would need. Creating a

    small circle on the floor surrounded by candles, he sat in the center and chanted a spell that he

    often used for protecting people. It allowed him to look through their eyes, smell what the

    smelled, and hear what was being said. It could even allow him to spot or smell any danger or

    vampire near her. It was a useful little trick of the trade he had picked up when he first entered

    the demon business. The only trouble was that it had terrible side effects, and he would feel

    weak for days. But his gut was telling him that something was going on, and so as he sat in the

    circle chanting, he saw what she saw. She was walking home, muttering. He couldnt quite makeout what she was saying and he smiled. He had missed her. But then he smelt it. The danger, the

    fear, the death. Emma stopped and turned towards one of her friends, and the smell got strong.

    Kyle opened his eyes and sprinted outside. He had to catch up. He had to protect her.

    Kyle dodged all sorts of people as he rushed on to find Emma. The streets were busier than usual

    and he had to shove a few people out the way. He turned the corner and breathed a sigh of

    relief. She was still there, standing on the curb, talking to her friend. And the smell was even

    stronger. It almost suffocated him. This was a creature of pure evil. And Emma had no idea. Kyle

    took a moment to gather his breath, and then walked casually up to Emma, and made it seem like

    there was nothing wrong.

    Hey, he said, as if nothing was going on, What you up to? Emma looked at first shocked and

    then disgusted.

    Nothing to concern you, Kyle. Lets go, Claire. Kyle could have sworn that he saw a little twitch

    of a smile from Claire. She knew what she wanted. Kyle grabbed Emmas arm.

    Be safe. He muttered into her ear, and gave her a quick peak on the cheek. Her skin felt

    smooth and warm on his lips and he could feel her blush. Then he pulled her in for a hug. With

    Emmas back to Claire, Kyle sneered at her. Claire turned up her nose, disgusted at the wet dog

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    smell he was rubbing off on her. When Kyle pulled back, Emmas face was still shocked. Kyle

    smiled, whereas Claire scowled. She wasnt getting her way. And Kyle liked it.

    You um, want to come with, Kyle? Emma stuttered. Kyle smiled at her again.

    Yeah, sure. But dont start stuttering. I dont think I could take that. Claires face filled with

    panic and she looked worried.

    You two go ahead. I shouldnt intrude on you love birds. She didnt smile as she brushed past.The vampire scent was unbearable to Kyle. He just wanted to rip her apart. They were getting

    closer and now they got one of her friends, it was going to be hard to keep an eye on them

    without seeming stalker-ish. Emma called after Claire, but she didnt stop. That is one dedicated

    vamp, Kyle thought to himself. Emma looked hurt, and Kyle put his arm around her shoulders,

    glancing back at Claire who was returning his cold stare. Kyle returned his attention to Emma,

    who was looking confused.

    What is going on with you? Why are you acting this way? Kyle shrugged.

    Just the re-bound of a near death situation. Living in the moment type of thing. Im sure itll

    wear off soon. Emmas face showed a flash of disappointment, almost like she liked the

    attention. But it was only a moment, but Kyle saw it. He squeezed her shoulder a little and pulled

    her in closer to her. Or I could do it all the time if you wanted. Emma smiled.Maybe. If I choose. It was Kyles turn to smile. He really did like her. He just hoped she liked him

    back. Im still concerned about Claire. Shes never done that before.

    Im sure shes fine. Maybe she had some homework to do. Emma looked doubtful.

    On a Friday? Who does homework on a Friday?

    I dont know. Lets not worry about her though. What you do want to do tonight? Emma


    Dont really care. Why dont we go to the movies, see whats on. Kyle got a little excited. Hed

    never been to the cinema and had wanted to ever since he arrived. But he held his face, trying

    not to let it show.

    Alright. Just nothing with too much blood flying. Bit of a thing I have.I know what you mean. Emma muttered.

    On the way to the cinema, they didnt stop talking. Kyle was asking all sorts of questions about

    the modern day and about Emma, and Emma was curious to know about Kyle. He had to

    exaggerate the truth in some places, but he did alright. She didnt seem to notice. But Kyle was

    more focused on the journey. The roads were clear, no one around. It seemed like they were the

    only two sols there. The darkness of the night seemed to swallow everything up, illuminating the

    stars in the sky. And the moon, with its threatening size looming over, staring down at him,

    taunting him almost with its gaze, that it would be full the next day. Kyle looked away. He didnt

    like to be reminded about it. He hated it when he became the animal. He just wanted to stay a

    man. Emma was still talking, and Kyle became fixated on her. She was so beautiful to him. Theway her hair fell around her shoulders, the perfection of her skin, the colour and strength of her

    eyes that seemed to pierce into his. And her voice. Her hypnotic voice that soothed him and drew

    him in closer to her. But there was one thing that meant he could never be close to her. Her

    scent. Her blood was intoxicating, almost killing him. He had to use every bit of strength and

    willpower he had just to stop himself from draining her. He knew he could do it. He knew he

    couldnt stop if he started. He knew that if that happened he would have to add another tally to

    his ever growing list.

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    When they reached to cinema, and got their tickets and food, it was just starting to fill up and

    soon it became a crowded. People all around, chatting, laughing, giggling, shouting, jumping,

    talking. Kyle started to sweat. His breathing became harsher and louder. Thats when Emma

    noticed. She held his sweaty hand is hers and rubbed his arm.

    Not a fan of crowds? Kyle couldnt speak. He just shook his head. Someone knocked into him

    and gave him the finger. Kyles instinct was to wipe that smirk off his face, but Emma squeezedhis hand tighter, recovering him. They found their seats and settled down, able to chat some

    more before the picture started. Everyone laughed when it was funny and cried when it was sad.

    But in the middle was a non-stop trail of noises that were driving Kyle nuts. But the thing that

    kept him sane was the fact that Emma was still leaning on his shoulder, snuggling up to him at

    the romantic bits that made all of the men boo. After a while though, she started to rub her arms

    and shiver.

    You cold? Kyle whispered.

    Just a little. She joked. Kyle took off his jacket and placed it gently over her shoulders and left

    his arm on her shoulders. She snuggled in closer, breathing in his own scent. They watched to

    rest of the movie in silence.

    When they got out, the night was still young, and so Kyle took her through the park, taking the

    well-known route so that she didnt get any ideas. They strolled along, just listening to the dull

    hums of the cars on the roads and the light footsteps of other people.

    You know, you have hardly said a word about who you really are, Kyle. Kyle shrugged.

    Not much to tell. Nothing interesting anyway.

    Not anything? Emma pushed eagerly.

    Nope. Kyle said bluntly. Emma looked annoyed but when Kyle smiled at her, her anger faded

    away and she chuckled.

    Ok. she said finally. Then she traced a scar that ran from the front of his head to the back on

    one side in three lines. Lets start with this. Kyle stopped walking. A sand dune, an Arab onhorseback, a wielding sword, him running for his life, his fathers body on his back. His head filled

    with pain and he groaned a little. Emma rushed him to a bench, forcing him to sit down. It helped

    a little, but the pain of the memory was still there.

    There was a mugger he uh, killed my father and hurt me Kyle shook his head, fighting

    back tears. Emma was rubbing his back and pulled him in, cradling his head in her arms. He

    couldnt stop. More sand, soldiers falling, people yelling, blood everywhere, him shooting at

    everyone, anyone. His whimpering, trying to make it stop. He didnt want to relive it. He wanted

    to forget it. Emma started to rock him back and forth, stroking his hair while he sobbed like a

    baby. He suddenly sat up, wiping away the tears and sniffling under his breath. Two men were

    walking past, and laughing, obviously drunk. When they had gone the two came out of their

    bubble of silence.Sorry. I didnt know. Kyle snorted. Then started to laugh. Whats so funny? Emma asked,

    starting to chuckle herself.

    We both know what its like to lose family, and yet were sorry for each other.

    I still fail to see how that is funny.

    So do I, thats why its funny. He stopped laughing but was still grinning like a school boy. The

    bell tower suddenly rang out and it was time to leave. Kyle was happy. He was finally opening up

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    to someone. After all these years running away, he should have run towards it. It would have

    saved many sleepless nights.

    When they reached to front of Emmas house, the darkness had taken hold of everything around


    Well, this is my stop. Emma said. Kyle nodded but didnt look at her. He shuffled his feet, notwanting that night to end. Emma stiffly turned and got half way up the driveway before Kyle

    called after her.

    Did that count as a first date? he didnt know where that came from. He just wanted to,

    something inside of him was burning to ask her. She turned around and smiled at him.

    If you like. But she didnt turn to go back into the house. Instead she walked back towards him

    and stood in front of him again. Well then I should apologize for this. She suddenly leaned up

    and let her soft lips touch his rough ones. Kyles senses were spinning as she drew back. But

    neither of them moved. He ran his fingers over her cheek and pulled her in closer to him. She

    didnt protest and wrapped her arms around his neck, running her own fingers through his hair.

    They kissed again, and his hands were running around her waist and back, with her hands

    searching through his hair and over his chest. Their bodies were touching and close, with noteven a slither of light passing between them. But then he could smell it. Her blood was pumping,

    and it was suddenly present in the air. He broke the contact and stiffened, pushing her back a

    little. The sound of their hard breathing was the only thing to be heard.

    You should go inside. Your dad will start to worry soon. He couldnt look at her. Her blood was

    too tempting to do that. She looked hurt and confused.

    Sorry. She said before turning and walking inside. As soon as the door shut Kyle literally hit

    himself. He couldnt believe what he had just done. Not just the fact that they kissed but just at

    the way he had treated her. How she must hate him. He trudged home, cursing himself the entire

    way home.

    When Emma shut the door to her house she leaned against it and put her head in her hand.

    She couldnt believe what she had done. It was all happening too fast; way too fast. Her

    mind flashed back to the kiss. It was so magical, so intense and then it ended so abruptly.

    She couldnt figure him out. One moment he was fine, happy and the next he was angry and

    sweating, stressed and looking like he wanted to murder someone. She lightly touched her

    lips. She was still in shock at what she had done. He was the first boy she had ever had any

    feelings for, the first boy she had actually wanted to kiss. And then he just pushed her away.

    Hello, sweetie. How was your day? Her fathers voice interrupted her thoughts and she

    jumped a little.

    Fine. She said. She could hear the TV blaring in the background and followed her father

    into the living room, stopping to give her mothers picture a greeting glance. She always did

    that when she past her mothers picture. Gosh how she missed her. How much she wanted

    to talk to her, about everything. About Kyle. She couldnt forget about him. She couldnt

    forget that kiss. Her father returned to his usual seat that he hardly left when he got home,

    and returned his attention to the television set. The news was playing but Emma paid no

    attention. She hated the news, too much sadness in such a dull way. But today something

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    caught her eye. A face that she knew. She rushed to her fathers side and turned up the


    Earlier today, Benjamin Bullock, a student at Sunnydale High School, was found today in the

    back passages of the nightclub. He was tossed in the dumpsters, stripped of his clothes and missing a

    lot of blood. Police are puzzled by this mysterious murder of the 17 year old, and are doing everything

    they can to try and solve this murder. Medical examiners suggest that the boy has been dead no morethan 3 days. To everyone out there, if anyone has any information on this killing, please notify the

    authorities. This is Sarah Michelle, broadcasting to you live from Emma felt sick. It couldnt be

    right. Ben had been alive for the past 2 days. She had seen him at school. Sure he was quieter

    than he used to be, but she didnt really notice. She had just noticed that he had been there.

    But she had just seen his body there, on the news being loaded into a body bag. It was

    without a doubt Ben. Her father, upon seeing her expression, suddenly held her hand in his.

    She jumped at the feel of his hand but she soon relaxed. For a quiet man, her father sure

    could say a lot with so little. Emma smiled at him, before pecking him on the forehead and

    muttering a good night.

    But she did not rest easy that night. Not even after she did the one thing that sent her

    straight to sleep; reading the twilight series. It felt wrong to be asleep. And yet after it was

    about 6 the next morning she was wide awake. Her mind was muddled and cluttered by too

    many thoughts, all trying to be solved at once. Once it was 7 and the light was streaming in

    through the crack in her curtain, forcing her to stay awake, she gave up and went

    downstairs for an early breakfast. To her disbelief, her father was already up and ready to


    Morning. Howd you sleep? Emma was speechless. 1. Her father was up and moving. 2.

    He was dressed on Saturday. 3. He looked happy. 4. He wasnt stuttering.

    Not bad. Emma lied. She eyed her father suspiciously as she grabbed a slice of bread and

    plopped it into the toaster. 5. Her father was reading the morning paper.Thats good. Her father replied. Ive got to go out today, so youll have the house to


    Um ok. Emma was shocked. Her father never left her alone and certainly not when he

    wasnt going to work. Dad, are you feeling alright?

    Perfectly. He looked at his watch. Got to go. Love you. Be back around 7.

    As in 7 tonight?

    Yeah. But you can go out and whatever. Just call if youre staying at someones house ok.

    Just before he reached the door Emma called after him.

    Hey you, what you done with my real dad, huh? her father laugh ed.

    Good one Emma. Have a nice day. He slammed the door shut and Emma was left alone.She had no clue on whether to be overjoyed that her father was normal again, or freaked out

    of her mind.

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    Its a curse, its a curse! the man imitated and then laughed. You havent changed a bit have

    you squirt? the man ruffled Kyles hair. Instinctively, Kyle batted the hand away.

    Dont call me that. Kyle growled.

    Oh look at that. I made big brother angry. What should I do? What should I do?

    You are no longer my brother.

    Denial much.My brother died a long time ago. This is another one of your victims.

    No. I am your brother. I just dont run away from what I have.

    Well maybe you should.

    Maybe. Or maybe I could do what my sire wants, grab the girl and bring humanity to hell. That

    sounds like a plan too. Kyle growled again. He could feel the animal in hi m rising.

    Youll have to go through me first.

    Suits me. Both boys growled and with ease and precision the boy launched himself straight at

    Kyle. But it was slow and Kyle slid out of the way. Then he gave off a roar as he changed. He

    could feel each bone shatter and recast itself to fit his new shape. He felt his skin stretch and tear

    against his growing muscles. He could feel his stature growing and he roared in pain as his ears

    moved. He could feel each hair on his body grow, covering his whole body. Then, like a disease,he felt it spread up his legs and arms, leaving behind nothing but fur and claws. The pain grew as

    it did and soon he was roaring in pain as his face moved, shifted, broke and mended to fit his new

    teeth. Then he turned to the boy and charged. The animal within him took over and he let it. He

    wanted this thing to die, related or not. The boy turned quickly, and looked at Kyle transforming.

    Then his fangs grew and he jumped onto Kyles back. Kyle roared again and twisted and turned

    to try and shake him off. But nothing was working. Kyle slammed his back into the wall, finally

    able to shake off the load. The boy was dazed and hissed at him in disgust. Kyle growled and

    pounced pinning the boy under him. The boy wriggled like a snake to get free but Kyle sank his

    teeth into the boys neck. The warm blood poured out of him as he screamed in pain. Kyle tore

    and pulled at the flesh, the instinct to kill overtaking his moral conscience. Soon the boys legsstopped kicking and Kyle tucked in to a well-deserved meal.

    Emma was excited about her new found freedom. She wondered around town, stopping by

    friends houses. She thought that it would take her mind off things. But it didnt. All her

    friends wanted to talk about was that new mysterious boy named Kyle. Emma became

    frustrated. No one really understood him. They just thought he was like every other guy:

    pretend to like you, pretend to care for you, screw you, and then forget you. But he wasnt,

    and Emma knew it. More than anyone would believe. In the end, she just walked along the

    path in the park where they had. She had never gone near it before. She had just never

    thought about it. But now it meant something, she kind of had to. She sat on the bench next

    to an elderly gentleman and sighed. She had all this freedom and nothing to do with it. The

    gentleman looked at her.

    Arent you Earl Blackwoods daughter? he asked in a gruff voice.

    Yes, I am. The man nodded.

    I thought as much. You have his ears.

    Should I be offended by that? she was joking of course, but the man took her literally.

    No, of course not. I knew your father well when he was in the force. As in not a detective, I


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    I get what you mean Emma interrupted, Hes changed a bit since then.

    Yes, Im sure he has. Particularly since your mother he paused.

    I know. Emma sighed again, remembering the father she used to know. She looked up in

    the sky, and watched as a flock of birds flew by overhead. She listened to their chirps and

    screeches as they flapped around in an arrow head.

    So whats a nice girl like you doing out all alone?Im waiting for someone. Emma lied. The man nodded.

    I wont keep you. Just tell your father I said hello. Havent seen him for a while now. You

    will tell him you saw me wont you? Emma nodded although she had no idea who this

    man was. The man stood up, and plodded off, limping a little on one foot. And Emma was

    left alone with her own thoughts again. She just let the wind whip through her hair and

    relaxed so much that she felt her eyes grow heavy in the afternoon sun.

    It wasnt until the drizzle of rain hit her cheeks that she opened her eyes again. The sky

    overhead was pitch black and threatened its rage down onto her. She blinked a few times

    and then stood up to go. Just at that moment, the rain came in waves and she ran to cover.

    The closest thing was the covered walkway leading to the subway. Normally she would

    have steered clear of it, but she had no other choice.

    As she entered the entrance, the rain grew stronger, forcing her down into the mouth of the

    train station. It was almost empty and every footstep echoed off the walls and made a noise

    that wasnt comforting to Emma. Rifling through her pockets, she found she only had

    enough change to go to downtown. She smiled. The station was right next to Kyles flat. She

    brought her ticket and waited patiently for the train to arrive. In the distance she could hear

    the soft dripping from the leaky ceiling, and the screeching of wheels against the railings.

    The light that was flickering out of the corner was bothering her and so she moved to try

    and get away from it, but it didnt help. Then the familiar sound of a train approachingsounded and Emma stared down the tracks hoping it would be her train. And as the

    headlight light up the tunnel, it screeched around the corner and came to a sudden halt in

    front of her. But something wasnt right. It was too quiet. Way too quiet for a Saturday

    night. A light tapping on her shoulder almost made her jump out of her skin as she was

    about to step onto the train. But as soon as she saw the uniform, she relaxed a little.

    Are you Emma Blackwood?

    Yes I am. What do you want?

    We can speak on the train. He said, his moustache wiggling with each word. The train

    doors closed just as they stepped in. as the train pulled away it all felt wrong to Emma.

    There was nothing right. Everything felt out of place.You heading home? the officer asked.

    No, I only have enough change for a friends house, and I dont want to walk home in this


    Of course not. There was an awkward silence that followed as they both swayed

    motionlessly to the movement of the train, listening to the dull sound a train makes on the

    tracks that is so unique to the train tracks. It suddenly came to a halt and even though it

    wasnt her stop, she still got off. She wanted to get away from the emptiness of the stations.

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    Look, she finally said, What can I do for you, Officer? she turned to the officer, only to

    find him a lot closer then she had realized.

    Well at that moment, his face shifted and morphed slightly, his eyebrows arching and

    folding over his eyes a little, jaw expanded a fraction and his eyes shone blue, You could

    help by not screaming. He sneered at her and she turned and ran. She was a surprising fast

    running and wearing trainers helped. She shot towards the stairs and rushed up them takingtwo at a time, not looking back until she reached the top. He was right behind her, growling,

    showing off his fangs that were gleaming at her. She burst through the barrier, jumping over

    the bar and continued running. The man just barged through it, breaking it like it was paper.

    More stairs blocked her path and she sprinted up them, her lungs burning for ai r, her legs

    numb with pain and her mind racing with panic. Something caught her leg and she fell, but

    scrambled up fast and kept on running. The rain hit her hard but she didnt stop. She

    couldnt stop. Emma turned sharply around a corner and allowed herself to stop, panting

    with panic and pain. She brushed her dripping hair out of her face and peeked around the

    corner. The man seemed confused and ran the other way. Emma breathed a sigh of relief

    and closed her eyes for a second. When she opened them she got a feel of her surroundings

    and double checking the man wasnt around she jogged off towards Kyles house.

    The area was quiet again and now Emma was on high alert. The rain was still falling, but

    softer now but that made no difference to her. She was still soaked to the skin and was

    starting to feel the cold. When she reached his door but there was no answer when she rang

    the doorbell, but when she knocked on the door, it swung open, revealing what was hidden

    inside. Cautiously she placed a foot inside an d called out. Her adrenaline was raging as she

    moved inside and she jumped as the door slammed shut behind her. She switched the light

    on for comfort and moved around the small dingy apartment that made her cringe at every

    turn. Except for one thing. The bookcase. Filled with ancient looking books, all with tattered

    spines and yellow pages. She picked one up at random and read the title.Vampire in Assyria,The East and some Ancient Countries. She flicked through it quickly, sitting in the only seat

    available. But soon, sleep overpowered her again and she slept peacefully, hardly moving

    when Kyle slipped in through the bedroom window.

    Kyle didnt have enough time to calm down enough to change back into a human and then make

    his way to the cabin to phase for the full moon, so he just stayed there the entire day. But when

    he changed back, he had a bit of a dilemma. He normally kept spare clothes in his backpack just in

    case. And he had left that at his house. So now, he had no way of getting home, without being

    arrested at least. He sat by the door, and waited. Then a boy about his age turned the corner andlike a snake, Kyle sprang out and knocked him unconscious before stripping him to the boys

    underwear and slipped on the clothes.

    Its your problem now mate. Kyle muttered to the unconscious boy. Then he left, and moved

    swiftly through the streets. Then the rain came again and he pushed through it, almost sprinting

    back. He wasnt a cat, but he still hated getting wet. He used to be constantly teased about it

    when he was younger. But Kyle scrubbed that out of his mind as he jogged home in through the

    pouring rain. He had no idea how far he had followed that man for, but he didnt recognize the

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    area. Not even the smell was the same. But then he smelt it. The smell of buttered popcorn and

    he instantly drew a map in his head and followed it to a Tee. He just wanted to get home fast and

    curl up in bed and pretend that night never happened.

    For some reason, which he could not understand, he used his bedroom window to get into the

    house. At the time, it seemed like a good idea, but as he got closer to his secret entrance, hecould already sense that something was wrong. There was someone in his house. He didnt know

    where and he didnt know who. He just knew there was someone there. Silently, he slipped in

    through the window, but knocked it with his back and it came crashing down on his bad leg. He

    yelped and fell backwards and heard a familiar gasp. Then he could smell her scent. He breathed

    a sigh of relief. He closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them he saw Emma

    standing over him, grasping a book in her shaking hands.

    Whoa, easy Emma. Its just me. Kyle said, defending himself with his hands. Emma lowered the

    book and breathed heavily.

    For Gods sake Kyle, go through the door like a normal person. Geez, I think you gave me a heart

    attack. Kyle scrambled up and gingerly took the book off her, pretending to make it look heavy

    to him. Then he eyed her carefully.Why are you here? Emma looked away.

    Sheltering from the rain. Kyle stared into her eyes forcefully. She was hiding something, he

    could tell.

    Then why were you going to hit me with a book? he flipped it over and read the cover,

    different question, why are you reading this book? Emma shrugged.

    Because it looked interesting. She finally said. Kyle pretended to believe her, but there was

    something else behind it. Fear was driving her. Nothing but fear. He brushed past her and

    replaced the book where it normally sat and picked up the phone.

    You should let your dad know youre here. Then Ill order food. Chinese good? Emma nodded

    and took the phone off him, moving into the next room. Kyle rushed to the wardrobe and pulledout some old clothes, placing them on the chair and pulled out some for himself. Then he spotted

    something which he hoped she didnt. A red patch was forming around his chest and he ducked

    into the pathetic excuse for a guest bedroom, and inspected the wound. Wasnt deep and was

    healing fast, but not fast enough. He heard a creak and poked his head around the door. Emma

    replaced the phone on its stand, looking confused.

    You reach your dad? Kyle yelled out.

    No. Left a message though. They both stayed silent for a second.

    Oh, hey uh got you some spare clothes to change into. You shouldnt stay in your wet things

    or youll catch a chill.

    Catch a chill? Thats old language. Emma mocked.

    You know what I mean. Emma laughed.Hey, promise not to look, I dont fancy another trip to that bathroom of yours. Kyle chuckled.

    Im a gentleman. Emma smiled. Kyle turned away and took off his own wet clothes and put on

    the new ones, grateful to be dry again. But it was still a hot night, so he put on the tank top and

    waited patiently for the all clear from Emma before he could come out from around the corner.

    He looked down at his dog tags, which for some reason always stayed with him, even when he

    phased. It was a werewolf thing. How to tell who the fallen were. Suddenly a throat cleared and

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    Kyle swiftly turned on his heels and turned the corner to find Emma picking up the phone again in

    his baggy t-shirt and jeans.

    Sorry, she said, Had to borrow a belt. Trousers a little on the la rge side. Kyle couldnt speak

    or move, but only form a few vowel sounds before letting off a nervous chuckle.

    Thats alright who are you calling?

    Food, remember?Oh, right, yeah food. For some reason that word left a stale taste in his mouth. As Emma

    talked into the phone, Kyle gazed out the window at the rain. He gazed up at the sky and

    wondered what it would be like if he was different. If maybe, just maybe, he was human again.

    And he could grow old with someone he cared about, and not worry about what goes bump in

    the night or having to constantly worry for his life. Or whether on each full moon he would tear a

    family apart.

    Alright, foods on its way. Emma said, interrupting his thoughts. He nodded in acknowledgment

    but still said nothing. She moved over closer to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Hey

    dont get all soppy on me again please. Kyle smiled.

    Deal. But you have to tell me what really happened to you tonight.

    I cant and how did you know?Um yes you can, and youre a terrible liar.

    Am I really that bad?

    Your eyes give too much away. He placed his hand gently on her cheek and rubbed it with his


    I cant tell you what happened because youll think Im mad or something.

    Possible. But did you know that all of the best people are mad?

    Oh please dont quote Disney, please.

    Ok, ok, Ill stop. Emma paused and sighed.

    I met a man on the subway and his face was different.

    Demented almost? Kyle interrupted.Yeah, exactly. And he had fangs and yellow eyes and Id never seen a man move like that. So

    animalistic. Thats why I was reading that book. To try and find out what it was. And I think it

    was she paused and looked around a little before whispering, a vampire. Kyle frowned.

    The evil Spirit, the evil Demon, the evil Ghost, the evil Devil, From the earth have come forth. From

    the Underworld unto the land they have come forth; In heaven they are unknown, On earth they are

    not understood, They neither stand nor sit, Nor eat nor drink

    Wow, how many times have you read that book.

    A few. Kyle joked. Of course he had read it more times than he could count but he couldnt tell

    her that.

    So you know a lot about mythical creatures then? Emma asked. Kyle didnt quite know how to

    answer that question.I know a little, but wouldnt consider myself an expert. Why? Emma shrugged.

    Just curious.

    Isnt that what killed the cat? Kyle joked. At least it made Emma laugh. The first person in

    hundreds of years. The doorbell rang and Kyle left her standing by the window and returned with

    food that smelled delicious.

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    They both tucked into their new breakfast and talked again, not mentioning the conversation

    they had just had. Emma began to ask new questions about Kyles family and Kyle asked more

    about Emmas mother. He wanted to know more about the woman he had murdered. And she

    seemed only too happy to answer them. But Kyle was reluctant to reveal too much about himself

    in case he let something slip. But she didnt seem to care. She was just happy to be with someone

    it seemed, just happy to finally be able to be open and truthful about something. When they werenearing the end of their meals, the morning light was struggling to get through the overhanging

    clouds of everlasting darkness. Kyle stood up and packed the boxes away before throwing them

    away. When he came back, he saw Emma eyeing the phone again.

    You worried about your dad? he asked. It was killing him inside, killing him that he couldnt tell

    her the truth, killing him that he had to wait until she heard the news for herself.

    Yeah. He doesnt stay out all night, or not call me when Im staying out late. Its not in his

    nature. Kyle shrugged.

    Im sure hell call. He place himself on the edge of his seat and squeezed her hand, just enough.

    She sighed.

    I know. I justhate waiting. Kyle squeezed her hand some more and smiled at her. When she

    smiled back, Kyle felt nothing. The rest of the world faded away and it was just them, together.And it scared him. Emma looked at the time and stood up.

    I should really go. She said, in a quiet, almost regretful voice. Kyle nodded and stood up as well.

    If you think so.

    Thanks for the breakfast. It was interesting.

    It sure as hell was. They both chuckled slightly but the moment died fast. Kyle followed her to

    the door and held it open for her. But before she turned to go she asked him one more thing.

    Would you consider this as a second date? Kyle smiled.

    If it meant I get to kiss you again, then yes, I would.

    Then by all means kiss away. Kyle smiled again, and leaned in, pulling her body into his and

    thrust his lips onto hers. She moved with him, and held him in close to her. Their hands ran wildas before and before long, Kyle could smell Emmas blood pumping again. But this time he didnt

    stop. He didnt want to. He wanted this moment to last forever. The moment of when he was

    kissing the only girl he would even consider caring for in his whole life. And then it ended just as

    naturally as it had started. And then she was gone and Kyle couldnt help but feel lonely. He

    missed her already. But he had other things to worry about. He put on a coat and went down to

    the local pub to watch the news and see when Emma would know about her fathers death.

    It wasnt long before it was all over the news. People around Kyle started to remove their caps

    and say silent prays for him. He was well liked in this town, and Kyle felt sick to his stomach. After

    all, he was an unholy thing. He didnt believe in God, and didnt feel right saying a pray for a manthat couldnt hear him. He was a science-y guy. Then he shot out of the bar, as soon as Emma

    came on. She was far away, out of shot, but Kyle could still see the tears rolling down her cheeks.

    He sprinted as fast as he could to her house, passing several police cars on the way, when he

    drew up closer, he could smell her fear, her sadness and it made him run faster. He turned too

    sharply and skidded on the wet concrete but found his feet again and was suddenly stopped by a

    massive police man, who had his arms folded and looking ready to snap his neck like a twig.

    No unauthorized entry. The officer bellowed at him.

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    Im a friend of Emmas alright the man cut him off midsentence by throwing his head back

    and laughing.

    Isnt everyone?

    I need to see her. The officer looked him up and down, before turning around and giving out a

    short sharp whistle. The detective looked up and the officer jerked a thumb in Kyles direction.

    Emma at this point turned and ran towards him. Kyle ducked under the tape and caught her in hisarms. Then it was her turn to sob in his arms while he rocked her gently. They didnt say a word to

    each other, but they knew what the other was thinking. Particularly Kyle. Hed seen so much grief

    it wasnt hard to imagine what she was going through. A certain amount of time had passed

    before Emmas grip on his shoulders began to loosen. Then she turned around, but wouldnt let

    go of Kyles hand as she answered the remaining questions the inspector still had.

    Youll need a place to stay. Will a friend mind if you stay over for a few nights? the inspector

    asked finally.

    She can stay at my place. Kyle said, bringing himself into the picture. The inspector eyed him

    suspiciously. Obviously the leather jacket, dog tags and scared face put him off the idea.

    You should really stay with someone that doesnt live in the dodgy part of town. Is there

    someone else you can stay with? Emma looked at Kyle.Ive stayed at his house before. Ill be alright. The inspector sighed.

    Alright. Heres my card. Call me anytime. And with that he walked away, adjusting his glasses

    as he did. Kyle smiled and turned to go, picking up her bag she had prepared earlier. But Emma

    did not follow for a while. She was just staring at the house, taking in one last look. Then she

    turned and walked with her head down, straight past Kyle and kept walking down the road. Kyle

    paused before following. He kept his distance, but always stayed the same distance. She didnt

    look back to see if he was there, never lifted her head to look where she was going once. But

    Kyle didnt mind. She needed her space right now. And he just needed her to be safe.

    Emma was quiet the entire evening. She just watched the flames dance in front of her,

    completely oblivious to the world around her. Kyle cooked up dinner but she didnt touch it. She

    hardly moved since they got in. Kyle was patient. He just sat back and read his fathers book

    again. They sat in silence as the room slowly got darker around them.

    Do you mind if I turn the light on? Kyle said, suddenly breaking the silence. Emma turned her

    head and it was the first time she had looked at him all day.

    What? she asked weakly.

    Can I turn the light on? Cant read in this light?

    Oh sure yeah go ahead. Emma said, sitting up straight. Kyle hid his smile and stood up to

    move to the switch, but he stopped. He heard something, could sense something was wrong. He

    moved to the door and quickly pulled it open. Emma screamed as someone fell inside. A verydead someone. Kyle bent down to see if it was anyone they knew when suddenly it grabbed his

    shirt and growled. Kyle shook it off and stood up straight, his heart pounding and his mind racing.

    The body started to laugh and rolled over, looking up at Kyle.

    Every time, I swear it gets you every time. It said while trying to gasp for air.

    Do I know you? Kyle asked suspiciously.

    Well, duh yeah you know me. Bruce Manning remember, we used to hang out together and

    get into all kinds of jams and such. Kyle laughed. Oh course it was Bruce. Another werewolf that

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    he ran into from time to time. Brilliant to have on your side in a fight. Not so good if you were on

    the other side of the battlefield.

    Of course I remember you Bruce. What are you doing here?

    Just running through town, and saw you walking along, decided to follow you and then played

    dead at your door.

    Yeah that wasnt very funny.Was from where I was standing. A throat suddenly cleared and they both saw Emma standing

    there looking confused and terrified.

    Im sorry, but am I missing something? Who is this guy?

    Oh this is an old mate, Bruce. Bruce this is Emma Bruce nudged Kyles arm, the way guys do.

    Kyle smiled but then hit him hard on the arm. Bruce laughed meekly and then rubbed his arm.

    What you really doing here, Bruce?

    Is there somewhere we can talk? Kyle eyed Emma who picked up on the hint.

    Ill put some of my stuff away. Emma said before walking into his bedroom.

    Whats up? Kyle asked. Bruce looked deadly serious.

    You know shes the key right?

    No really? I never would have guessed.How close have they gotten?

    They managed to turn her dad but I took care of it. They wont get near her.

    Theyd better not. I just thought Id give you the heads up. They are on their way and they wont

    take you alive. And if you get in their way, youre going down.

    Ok, so what do you expect me to do? Run and hide like usual?

    Wouldnt be a bad idea. Just for a few weeks until they miss their deadline. They you can come


    And what excuse could I use. Her father just died and their holding a funeral soon. I cant leave


    Well at the moment their still tracking her, so that gives you a week tops. Then say youregoing on a vacation somewhere. Take her to the lake country. Even if they discover youre there

    they wouldnt dare go near it.

    Not bad. You should probably go now. I dont want her asking more questions than usual.

    Alright. But get out of here fast. Theres no stopping them once theyre on their way. Bruce

    slammed the door behind him and Emma came out of the bedroom.

    Did he leave already? she asked. Kyle nodded.

    Yeah. He doesnt like to stay in one place too long.

    So what did you two talk about?

    Just stuff he keeps tabs on things and he was giving me the heads up in the racing business.

    You gamble? Emma seemed surprised.

    I used too. Well actually, my father used to. I used to give him tips that Bruce would give me.Good. I could never like a gambler.

    Does that make you like me better or worse?

    Better. Much better. She gave him a quick peak and wiped off the lip gloss left behind.

    Lets go away somewhere. Kyle suddenly blurted out.

    What? Emma asked, half laughing, half in shock.

    We should go somewhere, get out of town for a few weeks. Take your mind off things.

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    Kyle, my fathers funeral is on Monday, school has only just started, Im part of a murder

    investigation and you want me to go on a vacation with you?


    You want me to just dump everything and go with you to god know where?


    Why? Give me one good reason why.Because I just feel too cramped at the moment. I need to get away. I know this cabin far in

    the mountains, completely cut off from everyone. I just need to get away from all this death and

    crowds. And you need some time to focus. You just lost your father. Dont you think theyll

    understand if you take off to relax for a few days? Emma turned away and put the rest of her

    clothes away.

    And when we come back, what then? We just go back to the way things were? Ill be a loner and

    youll be the new guy? And imagine what people would say. I mean at our age, its only natural to

    assume these things are going on. I cant deal with that. Can you? Kyle looked down. He was

    running out of things to say. He didnt know how to do this. He didnt know how he could get her

    to go with him without revealing the truth.

    No. But they wouldnt know we had left together. No one knows I exist and you could bevisiting an uncle. I could pick you up somewhere and then we could go together. Then on the way

    back, I could do the same thing. I just need to get out of here, now.

    Then why dont you go alone?

    Because I want to go with you. Because never in my life have I ever wanted to do something so

    badly that I would kill to do it. Because because I love you too much to leave you alone. The

    apartment fell into a deep silence. Emma slowly came back into the living room.

    What did you just say? she asked.

    I said I love you too much to be without you.

    Yeah, thats what I thought you said. She moved closer to him and looked into his eyes.

    Youre not just saying that are you? Did you really mean that?Yes, I really did. Kyle replied, taking her hands in his. Emma grinned and hugged Kyle.

    I think I love you too. When she pulled back she was still smiling, Fine, Ill go on this stupid

    road trip with you. But I just unpacked my things.

    No problem. I will pack again for you. You just relax and I shall do your packing as well as my

    own. Kyle couldnt help but feel ecstatic. He was so happy he was speechless. But then the

    annoying words of the Doctor buzzed back into his head. Youre just there to protect her, That is

    all. Not anymore, Kyle thought, today I broke the barrier.
